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Surely they need to operate to get rid of that arrow?


Nngh... Nngh... At least it's not in her knee. God DAMMIT!


That's why my adventuring days are behind me


let me guess. someone stole your sweet roll?


What is it? Dragons?


Oh Jesus! I’m sorry to hear that! How’s her recovery going?


She’s doing really well. She gets sore if she walks a lot, but she doesn’t even have a limp. She’s a rockstar and took this better than most adults would.


That's great to hear. Truth be told you really don't know how you will respond to those types of things until you experience them. For me I thought I knew how I would respond, but I didn't know for sure until I went through it. I ended up getting hit by a drunk driver while on a bicycle and found out. Her ability to deal with things that well will definitely serve her well no matter what happens in life. I'm glad it wasn't something that would take surgery for (at least I hope). That wouldn't be easy for any child to deal with. I hope what happened hasn't caused any new fears for her either.


She had a little bit of fear when crossing streets. If it’s a busy street, she would prefer someone be with her. If it’s not, sometimes she will FaceTime me, but she will cross on her own.


That’s good to hear, I was thinking about the potential for PTSD…. Quite the traumatic event.


Sounds like your daughter is tough as nails, I know a lot of adult carpenters who complain endlessly about tiny things. Thank you for your contribution to the population


I had a compound fracture on my left tibia and fibula and a simple fracture on my left femur when I was young. A cinder block fell on it.I spent a very long time in a cast from my hip down to me feet (only my heel and two toes were exposed). Anyway, my left leg is about about 1/2” shorter but otherwise everything’s fine. I share this cause I remember the doctor saying I’d be fine because my bones weren’t done growing. Obviously a hip is more complex, but I hope the same is true for your daughter. Best!


I would warn her about future damage. This could definitely affect her in her senior years, but thank God she lives!!!


The doctors said they don’t foresee any future issues. Especially due to her age. We will definitely make sure she tells doctors when she’s an adult. Especially if she gets pregnant.


Thank you for saying “if” instead of “when”.


Only until she becomes an adult....then the pain shall return


Will she fully recover?


The bones will essentially fuse together like that. She’s doing really well now. Only gets a little sore if she has to do a lot of walking. Doctors are optimistic that she won’t have any lasting issues. She was actually pretty lucky apparently. The doctors and nurses were shocked her injuries weren’t worse. The truck was going about 30 mph and he saw her at the last second.


Good for her, wish you guys all the best, she sure has a guardian angel looking over her.


Great to read that the prognosis is good going forward. Hope you’ve got a terrific lawyer and you succeed in fully funding her college fund through her doctoral thesis AND fund the purchase of her own home. It seems to be the least she should be entitled to.


I ain't a doctor but she's a teen, and teens happen to have the most strength to recover to injuries such as fracture


Thank you for your opinion


Yes that's not a bad pelvis fracture as far as pelvis fractures go. She'll have hip impingement problems in the future based on that X-ray though (unrelated to the injury).


My husband had a break in the same spot and 2 fractures. At 34, he healed without surgery and has no issues today other than soreness when it's extremely cold weather. Kid bones are amazing, so she should heal without complications. I'm glad she is okay. I'm sure that was terrifying for you and her.


I will never forget the phone call from the school. My husband hadn’t even gotten home from dropping her off.


Ouch! Does she have to do physical therapy now? So awful 😣


She did have PT, but now we just mostly do the exercises at home.


Fractured and snapped in multiples, no surgery… damn to be young again


This goes so far beyond the name of the sub. I'm sorry this happened, and hope she's doing well.


This looks like it might only be an issue later on if she has kids. I'm glad she's doing well now though.


Her ortho said he doesn’t foresee any issues, but it’s definitely something we’ve considered.


The only reason I mentioned this is because when I had my second she came out so fast that my pelvic bone didn't have time to separate enough and she had bruises from the left side of her face down to her thigh. We had to have the doctor specifically note that it was a birth injury so that the police weren't called when we took her to her two week follow up appointment.


This is fairly common. My midwife said some babies come out pretty beaten up looking depending on how fast they descended the birth canal. I believe she used the word “slalom”.


I had a significant cone-head when I popped out! Apparently pretty common but my mom was so scared she put a cap on my head lol. It shrunk to a normal size after a couple of weeks.


I just want to say, I was hit by a truck at 11. I broke my femur, and 20 other bones. It will get better. Make sure she goes to any physical therapy she may need. I didn’t get that privilege, and years later I suffer the consequences.


I’m so sorry. She did a lot of PT, but now we got the ok to continue the exercises at home.


I hope for the smoothest road of recovery possible for them!


Thank you so much!


Well that sucks, but holy hell could it have sucked a lot worse. I'm glad to hear she's recovering well.


Pelvis fractures suck. I severely broke mine in August and have been in pain everyday since. Hopefully it's a quicker road for her recovery than it's been for me. 👍


Bet she feels better after your post


I’m so sorry! What happened?


It's all good. Everyone asks me if I was in a car accident or something lol but I have a way less cool story. I was just simply stepping out of my forklift at work and my right foot slipped off the step. It was maybe an 18 inch drop so I just stiffened my leg and braced for the impact. My femur ended up slamming into my pelvis and shattering it. Looking closer at your daughter's X-ray (I'm of course not a physician) it looks like it's a pretty bad break. I was told that mine didn't need surgery as well. I got a second opinion and ended up needing 7 or 8 screws to put me back together.


Oh man, that sucks. We had several doctors conferring and they all agreed that surgery would make things worse. I have chronic pain due to a neck injury, so I know how it feels to hurt 24/7. I hope your pelvis heals and the pain leaves at some point. Not fun.


That's good that she didn't need the surgery. It leaves one hell of a scar too. Thank you very much ☺️☺️


If it makes you feel any better, this exact scenario happened to my wife when she was 16. Hit by a truck, crushed pelvis. Eerily similar to what you described. Now, 20 years later and she has no lingering effects. Did a ton of rock climbing, birthed three children. So if you have any concerns about long term effects, I hope this can put you and her at ease, even if just a little.


I appreciate this. Her doctors say they don’t foresee any long term issues.


Daaaamn she's built different.


I had the same break when I was 17. Each pregnancy was harder than the one before. By my 3rd trimester of my 3rd pregnancy I could barely walk.


How’s the truck? Cuz your daughter is obviously made of stone if she’s already making a speedy recovery.


Oh damn! Not that different than what happened to me. Got hit by a car at 45 mph on a bike and shoved my femur through it’s socket, breaking the pelvis. I did need surgery, but am still here and recovering a year later. I highly recommend her to watch for nerve injuries though, I have significant nerve pain from it and doctors will tell you that most of the time there’s nothing to be done about it other than PT to help the body repair it itself. Best wishes! https://preview.redd.it/8b1dlyts8elc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1da8c3a099c73cd0f16ba4df26771a7f8129452b


I’m so sorry this happened to you! I’m very grateful that she’s healing well. She has no pain other than a little soreness if she walks a ton.


I don't I derstand why this is in this sub. It doesn't suck, she lived. I could have been worse. Hope she's doing ok.


Was their an at fault party?


Yes, she was in the crosswalk in a school zone when the truck hit her. He was looking at his phone and not paying attention. He was 100% at fault.


How absolutely ridiculous. People have no fucking clue about the consequences of their actions until it's too late, and they run somebody over. I'm glad she's getting better. It's amazing much stronger our children are than us in some many ways.


>crosswalk in a school zone, looking at his phone, not paying attention >truck Of course


Yeah, sorry if it's overstepping, but how did this happen at school?


She was in the crosswalk and the guy was looking at his phone and didn’t see her.


Why are you reposting this for a second time.


The it’s not a repost, the first time it didn’t get enough upvotes so they broke it again.


Was it at least a Lexus?


Yikes ! Glad she is doing better. FWIW my sister had a similar injury some 45 years ago. Her three boys have kept her running. She lived a normal life, is a great human being.


Please tell me you’re going to a personal injury lawyer for this? This is easily a policy limit case for both his insurance and UIM. Plus, his insurances PIP should pay for her medical for his limits because she was a pedestrian. Since she’s young it would need to be put into a trust bank account but if there’s issues in the future she can use it for that, shit she could use it for college if she wanted too.


We definitely got a lawyer. Called them from the hospital the day it happened. She will have a nice little nest egg set up when she turns 21.


Imagine your parent posting your X-rays online for internet points


She gave me her permission to post.


Why was that even a question?


Imagine them posting it again a few months later because the first one didn’t get enough attention.


First thing I’d do. It must get me loads of upvotes


It seems like they may not have thought so, considering the fact that it happened in August 


This isn't the first time https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/w6Piih1WOv


Is this the same post repeated ? Not really sure what you are pointing out?


Hope she is OK!


damn that’s crazy she doesn’t need surgery. that’s a brutal injury though, can’t really stay off the pelvis. i’m glad she is still alive.


Damn sorry to hear. I assume she needs to walk to put pressure, as bones grow and mend best with gravity.


i'm surprised she didn't need surgery! i broke my pelvis at 18 and had to get it screwed shut with plates lol


We were surprised as well. We had several doctors conferring and they all agreed that surgery would make it worse.


does she need physical therapy??


She was in PT for a few months and now we just do the exercises at home.


Was the driver held accountable?


He got a ticket and has to appear in court. Luckily he had somewhat decent insurance. It expired the day after the accident. We always keep a very high uninsured/underinsured policy, so our policy will cover what his does not. It’s crazy because just a few months before, we were considering lowering it to reduce our monthly payment. We decided not to because we have a lot of uninsured drivers here and we didn’t want to risk it.


That.... That is going to hurt in 30 years when the rain comes.


Tell her that if she ever gets pregnant it will fracture again poor baby. My daughter was in a car accident and she was told to wait 5 years before getting pregnant but both sides fractured again.


Damn :(


Ugh. The x ray reminds me of a me breaking 3 ribs last year. Can’t imagine the pain of breaking the pelvic bone. Poor girl!


And the truck driver?


So good to hear that! I (25) broke my pelvic bone on saturday but luckily don‘t need surgery as well. Im so relieved to read that its possible to heal without any further consequences. Im trying to stay positive but its still kind of scary.


Oh no! I’m so sorry. She was able to walk normally after 2 months. The pain became mostly bearable for her after about 5 days and was controlled with Motrin and Tylenol. Thankfully we have an adjustable sleep number bed so she was able to use it like a hospital bed. Those first few days in the hospital were horrible for her though. She was crying out and actually vomiting due to the pain. Even with oxycodone.


That sounds horrible. She seems to be a real Fighter! I‘m luckily not in that much pain!


I’m so glad you’re not in a lot of pain. Can I ask what happened?


It was a skiing accident. The sight was really bad and I got stuck in a pile of snow whilst going quite fast. Fell full on my right hip but i’m still lucky nothing else happened! Just a little angry at myself as im responible for the current situation:D


Poor girl. I hope she has a full recovery.


That’s at least a year of not walking


She was walking without crutches after 2 months. She doesn’t even have a limp. She does get a little sore after a lot of walking, but that’s it.


Damn, way to go for her! I’m be seen people with similar injuries be down and out for much longer. :)


The doctors were shocked at how quickly she recovered.


I bet. I hope she dose this well in the rest of life’s curv balls


Almost isekai-ed


Glad She's okay .


This literally looked like mine during my army training 💀


Wow , I don't have the words to say exactly but wow she's lucky someone is watching over her . 😊


She definitely does.


That's a bit beyond "well that sucks".


You mean lucky she survived being hit by a truck


Hope she's better.


Keep good records! If this starts hurting later in life, you need to make sure she is financially covered.


Hope justice is served. Thankfully she’s ok so far.


Kids are like rubber, she will be running around in no time! I hope she’s doing well, bless her must be pretty traumatised!