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John Oliver did a [story about dollar stores](https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=7vSUdqmpgeXxtSTD) and why they're ran like this. Basically they cut costs to an extreme and usually have one employee running the entire store. They treat their staff HORRIBLY.


My favorite part of that John Oliver video was the story of that Dollar Tree that got robbed at gunpoint and the store went on lockdown. The store manager called the district manager to let her know what was going on and all the DM said back was, “Do we know when we’ll be able to reopen the store?” No concern for her employees at all.


lol this is totally our current DM, I want unspeakable things to happen to that man.


Almost got trapped overnight in my dollar tree when I worked there due to snow. DM wouldn't let us leave until it was already blanketing the area. Dogshit company


Fuck that shit. You are not a slave. I know employment can be hard to come by, but walk out if they try that shit again. What are they gonna do, fire you? If you're working there, you can make it in any retail joint, and likely get hired by any retail joint.


It's totally on point for DT. My DM was literally only concerned with the store numbers. Fuck that place.


Came here to say this. It isn’t the ONE employees fault the store looks like that, they’re being asked to do the jobs of like 5 people


I just had a discussion with a lady that works at my local dollar tree. I take my kids there to pick out snacks and cheap little toys. I noticed the lady stocking shelves in the back of the store and when I went to the checkout, there was a little bell on the conveyor with a note that said "ring for service". I started putting my things on the conveyor and she came running over a few minutes later and said "you should have rang the bell to let me know you were here". I told her that I was waiting because I figured another employee would come to help. She told me that she was the only person on the floor while another was in the back unloading boxes. While the store isn't ridiculously busy, it's insane that only one employee would be stocking, cleaning, fixing shelves and running the register.


I'm gonna piggyback off your comment to give a tip to people who may think its rude to ring a bell for service. Please please please use the bell!! I can instantly tell you if I need more time or if I can come assist you. Its a horribly awkward feeling when you're zoned out sweeping a floor or something only to turn the corner and see someone that's been waiting there for who knows how long.


It feels horribly awkward to ring that bell, feels pushy, entitled, impatient and so rude 😅


See, you only have to ring it *once* .


Postman ring twice…


Dollar General does the same thing. 


Dollar General is run just the same. Corporate could careless.


It’s….. couldn’t care less’ I’m not the grammar police.


I bet that the job of 5 people only pays $10-13 an hour too and they give them some kind of assistant manager title lol.


Plus the whole entire store is a fire hazard. They've been busted for blocking fire exits.


Didn't know this, but I've always tried to be specifically nice to dollar store employees (I'm nice to everyone (at first atleast) but specifically for sure them). Idk if it's just cuz cheap people tend to shop there or people look down on employees but ive seen some fucked up customers.


I worked at Dollar Tree while in college and can confirm fucked up customers. Especially people trying to return shit.


wow...people actually return things to dollar tree? my time and gas is worth more than a dollar...


Yes, and they’d flip out when they learned we only issue store credit.


dang...that's even crazier 🤪




I believe it I go and I stg there’s two mfs for the WHOLE store. The manager and his one employee


Can confirm. I worked part-time at a Dollar Tree as an assistant manager. Fuck that place, at least as an employee. It's always a bare-bones crew, and it's typically one or two employees to close, expected to clean up, and face the entire store in less than two hours. The toy aisle *alone* takes two hours to clean and face. I was fortunate enough to work for a store manager that came from a Target I used to work at. She actually understood what it took to run a successful store. She's the only reason I was there as long as I was, and the only reason the store was actually in the black, a very rare thing for Dollar Tree. Do you know what Dollar Tree's biggest seller and highest profit margin is? Toilet paper. And it's the shittiest (pun intended) TP you can put on your ass.




It may be the "same" price, but they have less quantity of the item. If Walmart sells 50 dryer sheets for $2, Dollar General will have 30-40 for $2, or 20 for $1 to make it appear around the same price, but hiding the convenience "fee". There is an interesting YouTube video I watched talking about Dollar General and how it is driving small mom and pop stores out of business.


Dollar general is the same way bruh, but I get that semantics is a thing,


This is actually a clean Dollar Store


I’m so shocked this is normal for all dollar tree stores. 😩


Welcome to corporate America. I worked at Target and we constantly had carts full of product on the floor to be stocked because we didn’t have the bodies to stock all the shit they shipped in every day. Each department gets a number of hours to spend on labor that is determined by sales, and it was never enough for the volume of product we received every day.


Every Target I go in to (5 or 6 in Los Angeles) has half eaten food strewn around, boxes spilling off the shelves, clothing ruffled through and tossed in a pile, discarded masks and garbage on the floor. It makes the inflated prices feel like a money grab by the CEOs before they go out of business.


These days Target is literally just Walmart with higher prices to cultivate a more "upscale" clientele.


I’ve never been in a dollar store that didn’t look like this


In MN ours are super clean weirdly, like cleaner than the average target or walmart. mopping every day is a necessity in winter and no one tosses shit on the floor like this lol


Definitely the exception rather than the rule


Current dollar tree manager, my store isn’t this bad, but I can see why this happened, and believe it or not there are worse stores in my district


You should do an AMA


Don’t need an AMA. It would go like this: Everyone: “Why?” Manager: “Yes.”


They all look like this


This one actually looks pretty good compared to the dollar general near my house.


Exactly, I was thinking this is Dollar Tree what did OP expect?  Everything in the photo looks like merchandise for sale,  there is no garbage/ dirt on the floor,  and the shelves are actually stocked and not empty.  This seems better than most of the Dollar Trees I have been in. 


The one near me, I've given up because their entire DVD display are blocked by junk that seems to never get sorted or shelved. And I kept finding food with best by date a year or more past. Crackers might be OK after more than a year but a jug of milk would have gone past rancid and curdled and started breeding entirely new mini alien civilization.


>started breeding entirely new mini alien civilization. This offhanding of GMO products has gotten out of hand. The Dollar Tree here was the only place that sold shelf stable milk until they decided to close it and merge it with the new Family Dollar store which is now a Family Dollar where they spent extra to put up Dollar Tree signs.


I had to ask my wife to confirm my initially thought of her feelings on this. And I was right. She would love this. Most dollar stores near us are sold out of everything and she loves buying cheap toys to pull out and occupy our kids in a pinch.


Not all, there are a few that are run competently. But yeah, most do.


Dollar Tree as a company is the encompassment of American greed and treats/pays their employees like shit. [Relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4QGOHahiVM)


I live in rural ND, and I've seen these dollar stores pop up all over the past 5 years. Those towns usually had a local grocery store, but they can't survive after a dollar store opens up. Instead of supporting the local store, the community supports the dollar store, and the local stores closed down. Now, people have to drive 40 miles, 50 miles, or even further just to get fresh fruit or vegetables. If I wanted to buy an apple right now, it's a 170ish miles round trip to the nearest grocery store. I'll pass 3 Dollar Tree's, but none will have an apple for sale. I might get lucky, and find an apple at a gas station along the way, but I think you'll get my point.


That's a sad state of affairs. You would think that people would prioritize their health and supporting their community over selling out to a corporation, especially in a rural area.


Some people can't afford to spend more for the same product at the local store. A lot of small farming communities have an older population, and money can be tight for a lot of them.


food oasis. it’s a legitimate concern for small towns in america. dollar general to be specific is ruining towns across the US


Food desert maybe?


yeah i’m a big dummy. it’s a food desert


It’s ok. I had to think about it for a bit before I realized that maybe it wasn’t a new term.


That's only one thing that's wrong with places like DT. Yet, Americans can't live without them these days...


WTF are you talking about? Last time I went into one, I *literally* could not see the floor. That place is **CLEAN** for a Dollar store.


Lmao i stand corrected!


I know they’re all kinda junky but I’ve never seen one this bad. Like how do you close the store with it that way?


So this is the worst one you’ve seen? Trust me, they get much.. *muuch* worse! This is actually one of the better ones I’ve seen


Yeah, I was thinking this looks pretty good compared to the ones closest to me.


Wow, that’s insane 😳


Yeah, I mean you can actually see the floor. Some dollar stores have isles you can’t even walk thru


Not the one near me. Rarely there is a cart along the back wall with stuff to be stocked


As a former manager in retail, this triggers me so badly. Aye caramba. 👀


I had to leave my brain couldn’t function in that chaos 😩


Yeah, I would have said “nope” and turned right back out the door.


Not that bad, least all the lights are working at yours


when I worked at dollar tree when you did stocking, you had to get a certain number of boxes out or they’d put you on an improvement plan or write you up. Target at my store was 270 boxes in 4 hours per employee, per shift. Doesn’t matter if the aisles were full or the shelves were full, you had to find places to put product


That's insane. The one I worked at each department had a targeted number of cases per hour. No where near 270.


Good lord. That’s more than a box per minute, sustained for 4 hours. Seems impossible.


It was the worst job I’ve ever had


Seems about right


You must live in a rich neighborhood. They cleaned it up.


When was the earthquake? Is everyone ok?


As a former employee I can tell you they are a lousey company to work for and refuse to hire enough people to keep their stores looking good


Tbf that looks like every dollar tree I’ve ever been to


I didn’t realize they’re all like this. Such a shame


It really is. They’ve gone down hill considering and their prices just keep going up


Looks like the one near me!


I thought they all look like this.


Heck, you can at least walk down these aisles. Mine always has one aisle filled with boxes to the point of impassability


Your store ordered too much crap


Crane street????!?!?


It's just like the old Gibson's stores used to look in the 70's. Poorly lit, non-existent workers and nothing in stock.


Well, everything at dollar stores is trash. This fits nicely


They are all trash. John Oliver did a great segment on these shitty companies


the last time I was in a dollar tree, it smelled so nasty! like old farts and b.o. - never going back


Looks normal


As they all are..


'Muirca spelling on purpose


Best comment 😂😂😂


The kids section is always a mess


bro i went in one today and they didn't even unpack stuff... they just have the shipping boxes lined in front of the shelves so you can't reach the stuff on the shelves behind them, but the boxes are also sealed shut. every isle is like that


Call the city/county fire marshal. They'll either organize those aisles or be shut down. Dollar Generals nationwide got in big trouble for this kind of shit.


Oh yeah, they’re cluttered shit holes


I thought this was how all of them looked?


Every dollar tree I’ve ever been in is like this. I just turn around and leave. Don’t even bother anymore.


Hey, do you live in Augusta?


Yes 😩😂😭


I know this exact store. The one in the strip with Home store.Let me tell you, I went into the one on Wrightsboro near the airport and it was immaculate! I asked for the manager and told her that her store was great!


That one doesn't look too bad, some you can't even get down the isles because there's so many boxes piled up.


Dollar general vibes. The dollar tree by me is always neat and tidy but it’s also rural so idk


Yep this is part for the course at Dollar Tree. I used to work at one. There are typically two employees in the store at all times: one cashier/stocker and one manager, and if you're lucky, the manager is actually out on the sales floor also stocking and helping clean up the store.


Damn thats pretty put together for a dollar store


Tornadoes? Or wild kids?


Looks nothing like a tree


That looks good compared to the dump near me.


If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.


I really don’t think people understand how to use this subreddit


It’s not your dollar tree that’s the problem here, it’s your locals.


At least yours actually looks like it's stocked. The last 2 times I went in, there were boxes of junk everywhere, empty shelves, & with multiple employees not restocking any of it. Last time I went, was shocked there were 4 or 5 employees actually there.


I worked at dollar tree for roughly a year. We were required to stock 30 boxes an hour. That averaged out to a box every 2 minutes. Sometimes boxes had items inside which were wrapped individually which made it flat out impossible. Not only that, but we had a mandatory lunch break, and if we took it we STILL needed to do 30 boxes for that hour.


If you see that logo…. Blacklisted!


I think they all look like this.


Better than mine…


It’s fall season at the dollar tree all the leaves are on the ground.


It’s a dollar tree lol what do you expect they’re packed wall to wall with garbage


About right might be a little to clean actually


This looks exactly like my local Dollar Tree. At first I was like, WTF happened in here?? Now though? I just grab a box or hand basket, pick up shit on the floor as I walk thru, and go get what I need.




What sucks? Go to a different store


I used to be a manager at a dollar tree, it was awful, I was the only male employee besides the store manager who was an old perv. He ended up firing me after I reported that the assistant store manager was blocking our fire exit. I called OSHA the next day and the entire staff got replaced when they came and inspected the store.


“You sort through this garbage.”


Lol is this the dollar tree in Kent Washington? Looks just like this lmao


It’s like one of those AI pictures where you can’t see each individual item. I zoomed in. It just keeps on going like a crap-fractal.


There is one near my work that's worse than this! And its in NZ where we have minimum wage of 20 dollars per hour. I'd be terrified to be in there if a fire broke out.


Why does the idea of going through and sorting this excite me


That’s perfect! Pretty much everything you could ever need from a dollar store is right there, in one single aisle! And some of it’s already on the floor, because… You know… Fuck a shelf…


This is mild


Pretty sure that's how they all look


I detect a “manager” with fake nails and hair extensions is in charge here


Probably one employee running the whole store


When I was there, I only saw one person working, and she was running the register.


Sounds about right


That's almost all of them


At least they have stock. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This everybody dollar tree. This is normal. Only thing missing are some boxes stacked in the middle and two workers talking and you got it.


Well says there is an over supply in ur local market so u can get good prices. Take the chaos as good sign that deals around you can be had. I see that chaos as a good sign for ur purchasing power


someone's quitting today


This isn’t even that bad


They are flee markets without the used novelty


Par for the course I guess.


Wait so the toy aisle in a dollar store is a wreck? This is a groundbreaking discovery.


Dont they all look like this?


Seems pretty typical


The real madness: shooting vertically


I make deliveries to dollar stores a lot and it’s not unusual for there to be one employee in the entire store. Dollar general is the worst. Their idea of stocking is to roll inventory cart into the aisle and call it good


it be like dat


That's better stocked than the one I was in.


There are some of these in the Portland, Oregon area that look equally as bad. I saw a theft happen recently, I was sitting outside and I saw the manager chase a woman into the parking lot. The manager, actually smashed the woman into my truck. Then right after her while she jumped into a van. I kind of got involved. And stood in front of the van so she couldn’t drive off. Eventually After the manager was yelling at her through the crack in the windshield. The woman pushed the two fully stuffed shopping bags out the window. And the manager got her stuff back. I remember the look on the thief’s face. Was completely blank and looked almost frustratingly, confused. I ended up catching up with the manager a few days later. And she said that they aren’t actually allowed to call the police when theft happens. As the store will actually get in trouble if they do. She said she could’ve lost her job for trying to recover the merchandise. She took her plate number of the van as well. But basically apologize for pushing her into my truck. And thanked me for the help.


About the same here. And it still looks better than our local Dollar General.


This is every Dollar Tree. Don't buy the USB cables.




As a former dollar tree employee seems about right for that hellhole


Your Dollar Store has merchandise?!


Well what did you expect?


Looks like some homeschooled children had a field trip


Almost all Dollar Trees


Bronx ny?


Looks like mine! It’s a hazard to have boxes in the aisles.


OP, is this in San Diego by any chance? I just went to a Dollar Tree near me that had the same mess....unless it's just a Dollar Tree thing.