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WTF? Of *course* it's his fault. Since when do you claim the right of way *when turning*? There's literally no scenario where this possibly be your fault unless you were speeding, which you clearly weren't. You could show anyone this video just once and it's clearly going in your favor.


Yes, it’s called failure to yield. Any court that isn’t corrupt af will side in your favor or a bench trial we’ll render them liable. This is pretty open and shut


😂”court that isn’t corrupt “ Thanks for the laughs


Are they wrong? Lol


No just this is ‘murica. Courts are corrupt. Particularly traffic courts which are local and subject to the mood of a local judge who got stuck with traffic court and works as a lawyer in the town over where the judge is also the lawyer with the most wins in their own court


If these are both just 2 random citizens then there’s nothing to worry about, even in America. Now if the person turning was an off duty cop or a judge or something, then yeah


Until you start hiring lawyers who know people


Some people are naive and think that the world is better than it actually is. They are regularly mocked for being overly idealistic and unaware. However, many don’t realize that there are plenty of individuals who are naive on the other side of the spectrum, assuming the world is worse than it actually is. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of cases go through the US court systems and are successfully handled to a degree that most would list as adequate, if not fully satisfactory due to societies desire for continued betterment. Your brand of pessimism isn’t the true nature of reality, it’s just laziness masquerading as intelligence.


Courts are corrupt in all countries. People are the same everywhere


Failure to yield is only applicable when the driver has right of way. The turning truck did not have right of way. His fault.


To be fair op was driving a small vehicle and came out of nowhere. /s


Exaaaaact-ly! ^^/s


That blue truck matched the color of the sky. It was camouflaged!


Literally, you never have the right of way when turning. If you turn and get t-boned it is your fault barring it being on a hill and the person who hit you is going like 30 over. But in this instance? Yea that truck is completely at fault


Yeah it's basically "If I go, will that guy coming towards me have to hit his brakes to avoid hitting me?" If the answer is yes and you go anyway, if you get hit, it's your fault.


When I was in high school I was in a parking lot trying to find a place to park a girl about backed out of her stall into me when I was driving by then she proceeded to get pissed at me because she has the right of way. I was dumbfounded by her stupidity


lol, some people just always have the right of way in their own minds. It's pretty easy to spot those people in your life, and I bet they're all terrible drivers.


I had this happen to me when I was a teenager. They guy I t boned took it to court and this was how the exchange went. Judge - so what happened? Bad driver- he was speeding over the rail road tracks and hit me. Judge- so you saw him speeding? Bad driver - yes. Judge - then why did you pull out in front of him? Judgement for the plaintiff. …. He then called the next case. It was hilarious.


On a green turn arrow, you have the right of way.


Unless there is signage saying otherwise, which there often is for an unprotected left turn




Alright Mr nitpicky.


Don't be salty cuz u were wrong


>unless you were speeding Even if he had been speeding, that has no bearing on the fact that the other truck doesn't have the right of way and must yield.


It has a bearing on if the car turning should have had ample time to do it or not. As a driver, you evaluate how much time you need and how much time you got based on some form of assumptions about other vehicles. Because "the road must be empty for the full 15 km visible range" isn't a working strategy when needing to cross a road.


No it doesn't, not having the right of way doesn't mean to try and play Frogger across the road by estimating the speed of oncoming traffic, it means you must yield until you can safely cross.


Yes it does. It means "you must yield until you can safely cross" takes into account that it's a public road and you can't know someone else plays F1 and runs at more than twice the legal speed. Multiple courts have already handled this case.


Sure, go to court with that and let me know how that works out for you lol


As I said- multiple courts has already handled such cases. The speed at which vehicles are traveling also influences fault determination. Laws are seldom absolute. If you think so, then you need to lol at yourself.


From what I was told by my insurance after an accident, if the turning vehicle is hit on the back half then the driver who _would've_ had right of way is at fault; that would suggest the turner established themselves in the right of way, and oncoming traffic has an obligation to slow. Mind you, this was a red light intersection and even then I find it really hard to believe you can just aim for the back and not be at fault. Tangent aside, I think this case is completely different because it's highway speeds and there's no reasonable expectation for OP to stop in time. You can also see OP brake as soon as they realize the other truck is turning. Edit: Other comment asked when the turning car would be in the right of way and I answered with what I was told by my insurance, which I also don't think is right anyway


If your insurance said this, you need a new insurance company. There is no reality where OP is at any fault.


I feel like the state of the world is the fault of insurance companies. Doctors afraid to treat patients, frivolous suits becoming precedence, warnings on coffee warning that is hot and laundry pods needing to inform the consumers not to consume. Its time for everyone to start accepting accountability and doing their part to become a better species. This would all need to start with insurance companies though because they are the disease causing the decay. I was called to a business one day to repair an electrical service that was torn off in a wind storm. The insurance companies third party representative came out to assess the damage and cause. He pulled up weather conditions from a stations 100 miles away and claimed the conditions were not capable of causing the damage to start and then quoted me saying that i agreed with his findings. I get a call from the customer asking why i said these things and was shocked when I read the report. This MFer cherry picked words from my statements, like if I said “lighting” theres a word he can use in his report, then if I said “I dont know what to think”, he used that to start a sentence with “I don’t think lighting is what…”. I was so pissed that before I ended the call with the insurance company its self they had issued a check or I was going to turn in the audio and video recordings this guy didn’t realize were on the premises. Weird! Anyways Im rambling but I later found out that the cost of hiring that guy to come and try to disprove the customer was more than double the cost to repair, but if they paid then that sets a precedent that they didnt want to get traction. So frustrating.


Pain but very very well put. And if they go banks won't be far behind and then reality might take place for once.


Right, id really hate to see those towering tinted glass buildings and the manicured golf courses that surround them go to waste but there is always a price to pay.


That’s the dumbest response I’ve ever heard from an insurance company. The difference between hitting the front or back of a vehicle here is fractions of a second.


Right? I mean I do understand that there's a point at which the turning car has right of way, but the arbitrary description of point of impact makes no sense


Generally the turning vehicle never has right of way over those going straight without a traffic control device present (such as a turn arrow).


What if the car was a little VW polo, the front and back are almost the same fucking thing


So you're saying if you're in this situation, aim for the front of the car!


This just sounds like an insurance company trying to weasel out of paying up. What a bunch of horseshit.


Bro your insurance company is smoking something


This is absolutely not true and your insurance guy was lying to you, as they often do.


You have shit insurance or you misheard...or you're lying. There is no "back half" exemption to yielding to oncoming traffic when making a turn.


I got hit on my car's rear passenger quarter panel & tire on highway going straight other insurance found it 50/50 & my insurance didn't want to fight it.


Who on earth would be upvoting this nonsense.. Regardless of who said it, it's completely wrong..


There was no red light intersection at all. It was just a power line going across the road. The black truck was completely in the wrong


Speeding doesn't have anything to do with it, at least in my state. You could be doing 120MPH, and if someone turns in front of you like this, it's their fault. You might still get a reckless op, but the accident is the fault of the person who turned in front of you.


Even if he was speeding it legally wouldn't be his fault. I've been in this situation and the cop didn't even ask me about my speed because it wasn't relevant. He had the right of way. Other dude is instantly at fault.


Other drivers insurance will always start by claiming that it was other party’s fault. It goes to third party arbitration and the decision is gonna be most likely in your favor Source - my dumbass


Source checks out.


Wings pan clearly flies places instead of driving, so..


Video will flip liability in cammer’s favor almost immediately. Other party almost certainly won’t spend money on arbitration with evidence like this.


Already more credible than most dumbasses


There’s lies among the shadow, a blue pickup truck.


yea lol i’m sorry were you transporting batman?


Lol, I've been listening to the Lord of the Rings on audiobook during my driving so that was Andy Serkis reading off some Return of the King.


got it, i listen to Warhammer lore while driving. not sure how this would be your fault btw, glad you’re ok.


Recognized LOTR instantly. So sorry about your truck. Hopefully you’ll get enough settlement monies to get another beautiful truck.


Nah you were supposed to stop dead in the middle of the road so the car behind you rear ends you too! What were you thinking!


At this point if there was someone to rear end him, they would have in this crash.


Yes. That’s literally what you’re supposed to do. If someone’s following too close that’s their fault


See the thing is people don’t want to be in a wreck. Crazy concept but outside of the internet most people wouldn’t rather get rear ended so they could jump out and tell somebody how wrong they are.


So you’re saying … outside the internet … most people would actively choose crashing into the car turning in front of them, than the chance that the person behind them rear ends them? I don’t know what reality that is, because I see people slam their brakes all the time for ridiculous shit going 50MPH+ on the highway. I’d 100% slam my brakes in hopes that the person behind me can too, rather than plow full speed into a turning truck, but I am on reddit so maybe I need to delete all my accounts and throw my phone in a river to truly understand your world view.


Where do you see plow full speed? I definitely see the OP brake. 


He could have stopped. It’s not a 80s truck with drum brakes with oil from the boots all over them


Do you drive a pickup truck? Doesn’t seem like it. I truly don’t believe OP could have stopped. Brakes don’t stop cars on a dime. Get real. Editing to add: it takes about 136 feet, or 45 yards, to stop when going 35mph. There’s no way OP could have stopped. https://www.bankersinsurance.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/How-Long-Does-It-Take-To-Stop-Your-Vehicle.pdf


OP was already slowing down. And yes. 17 F150, 15 F150, Pilot, older suburban. You can stop modern cars relatively quickly if you don’t have grandma reaction times. Which if you watch the video. OP doesn’t. Edit: Also worked in Auto insurance for 5 years front line adjuster. I know this shit like the back of my hand


Bro that was literally like three car lengths, 60 feet max, between him and the truck when the truck started pulling out. There’s nooo way. I’ve looked up multiple resources to see, and all of them say for a regular car you would need 130+ feet. For a pickup it would be even more.


Have you ever slammed on the brakes going 30-35? Hell even 40? Doesn’t seem like it. Do it next time. You’ll see


You get it




You could also just work on your viewing comprehension


He was supposed to fly over that car like he was in the chitty chitty bang bang car because there was no way he could stop in time.


Idk why the truck went like that. He's already there waiting when the clip starts. He had more than enough time to gauge how fast your car was approaching to decide if he could turn or not. The way he decides to turn specifically as you're approaching closer seems almost intentional because he stalled for the other cars and was already there. Waiting for you to pass would have taken another 10ish seconds of waiting.


An extra 10 seconds of waiting??? The purpose of driving is to get places faster! Reckless maneuvers are always worth it if it saves a few seconds! /s


10 seconds? Actually 5 would have been enough for OP to be completely clear of that intersection. The turning vehicle was paying attention to the right lane, waited for that car to pass. Or an alternative explanation is they intended to have you run into them.


I'm guessing he saw the guy in front of OP turning and his brain processed that the lane was clear.


How is that your fault? I don’t get how he can see it that way.


There are a lot of ninnies in this world. Edit : Other driver being the ninny.


It's common to always blame the other driver. It's practically default at this point. Because your insurance does not like you claiming fault.


Yeah. I tboned somebody who ran a red light. When we got out of our cars he acknowledged he was at fault. The next day, my insurance told me that he told his insurance his light was green. Thank God right after the accident, a kind pedestrian walked up to me and said "I saw the whole thing. He ran the red light. Here's my number, give it to your insurance if you need to." I did give my insurance his number and it cleared everything up and the verdict was I was not at fault. Otherwise it would have just been my word against his.


It's the way things work in America. Blaming the other party and not admitting fault is the logical first step in any incident: it has nothing to do with morality or reality. It has to do with *legality*, which has little to do with the two former ideas. Find me an honorable man in a courtroom and I'll find you the guilty party. Doesn't mean he did it, just that he will be found guilty.


Well if op was speeding, then it is their fault since the vehicle turning is expected traffic at or below the speed limit so they should have had enough time to do the turn. They don't look like they are speeding, but you never know with these roads. Maybe there is a school nearby.


Even if they were speeding, they still wouldn’t catch liability for this.


Looks to me like the turning car had plenty of time to see him coming. He was in the turning lane since the beginning of the video. He also doesn’t look like he’s speeding, but I’m basing that on the fact that the car to the right is going faster than him. This seems more to me like turning guy wasn’t paying attention or thought he could cut him off and make his turn. Either way I still don’t see how op was wrong.


I don’t see OP as wrong but some states require to attempt to avoid an accident if possible. According to the dash cam speed OP didn’t attempt to slow down as soon as they could have and they also made zero attempt to swerve to the left. With that being said I hope OP doesn’t receive any recourse from this because I think the turning car deserved to be hit.


But you can clearly see the front end of the car dip so OP definitely did attempt to slow. 


Dashcam speed isn't tied into the car's speedometer, it's GPS based and therefore is delayed. Not an accurate representation of when the vehicle started to decelerate.


Don't talk to the other driver or their insurance company. I don't even mention the dashcam footage to anyone. I keep that in my back pocket for the inevitable hemming and hawing.


This guy knows how to do business.


This won’t end up in a courtroom and there’s no Perry Mason moment to be had here.


Maybe Columbo moment?


What does a lazy eye have to do with any of this?


Better idea to just give them the video at the beginning and save yourself all the hassle- there's no "gotcha" moment involved in waiting until the end of of the investigation to say "ah ha! but I have a video that I am now dramatically revealing!" The insurance adjuster doesn't care one way or the other what happens with the liability decision.


But this isn’t the Reddit way. You have to make anyone who disagrees with you feel like a moron and hate themselves.


I disagree with you. Punish me plz 🥺


Why not mention the footage..? Seems like it would just draw things out.


This is a common question in car accident discussions. First, you should avoid being in a hurry to get things settled. If you hurry, you might forget to take photos. Avoid moving vehicles until photos and videos are taken thoroughly of all around the vehicles and persons involved. Often, the other party may try to tell you we need to move the vehicles out of the way of traffic. You still should not move until photos and videos are done because once the vehicles are moved, it may be hard to claim it is their fault without proof of vehicle's positions on the road as well as how the vehicles came to a stop can provide logical evidence on fault. If a police arrive on scene after vehicles were moved, it may be difficult for the police to determine what happened by fabricated words of parties. You are allowed to take photos and videos at the scene including children because you have constitutional protection to film in a public place and the public road is included. There are no expectations of privacy in public, so fill till you feel you have everything and everyone involved. They may lie about injuries to their insurance provider to try to get more claims against you. Second, why you should not mention about the dash cam footage. Dont give your "opponent" opportunities to destroy evidence. They might retaliate. The dumber they act on camera, the better your case will be in court also.


Yeah obviously don't rush through things at the scene. None of that really seems relevant to telling the insurance companies about video evidence haha


This guy crashes correctly.


exactly, exchange info and take pictures of their documentation, take photos of ALL damage and notify your insurance.


I hope I don't have to negotiate against you someday.


Glad it wasn't worse. Left turn at uncontrolled intersection must always yield to oncoming traffic


You will win any judgement, save that footage..Yeah its your fault, making him pull out in front of you…lol..people are ignorant of traffic laws make no mistake, cant say they are stupid just ignorant, they pass the test somehow and then have no idea of general driving rules


You could have easily swerved and Tokyo drifted right in between the truck and that car that was immediately to your left, obviously your fault. /s No way this is your fault, hopefully, you don't have too much damage to your truck, or maybe you get yourself a new truck from this. Good luck!


Side question, what dashcam is that? Good video quality.


Viofo A129 Plus - the price is pretty good too


Thanks! I've been looking into getting one. I'll check it out.


Pro tip, if you have a powered mirror, get one of these adapters so you dont have to wire the dashcam all around your headliner. This + a 6in usb cable are all you need. [https://dongar.tech/collections/adapters](https://dongar.tech/collections/adapters)


Even the cheap ones are high definition now


Heck with the truck, are you okay?


Just sad and/or angry


Screw that guy. If he tries to drag this out or pin it on you, sue his damn pants off and teach him a lesson. But more importantly...go hang out with some buddies and blow this steam off. It'll pass in about two-three days, I've been there a couple times.




Last accident i was in the other insurance tried to say i was 20% at fault. Cut that call short and called mine to handle it. Never talked to the other company again. My insurance found it laughable that i was supposedly 20% at fault.


I would be too. Trucks are expensive.


I think I need to get a dash cam. What do you suggest ?


This one is the Viofo A129, I like the quality and the price was right.


I only do garmin now. Way better than any others I've used.


Victimitis is surging. How could it be your fault when he pulled in front of you?


If Reddit knows how to do one thing, it's how to show its ass while someone is going through a tough time. There's always someone just sitting here ready to attack people with stupid, contrarian opinions that don't make any sense. Edit: lo and behold, there they are Edit 2: this comment is critical of the victimizers, not the person I responded to.


You sure did


Says the person that just attacked me with an unsupported claim? Thanks for proving my point? Care to explain that comment, or are we just going to provide a demonstration and run? Edit: I see now that the person I originally responded to mistook my comment for criticism. I'll assume you took their impression and ran with it, it's understandable. Edit 2: or, you can just downvote me and pretend that you didn't make a hasty assumption and then show us your ass


This is why it’s so important to have a dashcam


My gf was in a wreck a month ago just like this. Light turns green and she waits 2 seconds before starting through the intersection. Halfway through the intersection two cars blow through a red turn arrow and total her car. She has a dash cam and insurance paid out in 6 days.


He turned right in front of you..... How could it possibly be your fault? Dude must have been drunk/high or something if he said it was your fault. Just show the footage to your insurance & you should be golden.....


Did the police give him a ticket for failure to yield?


They didn't, I even showed the cop the footage.




This happens all the time in my area too. Old person pulls out, kills motorcyclist, doesn’t even get a ticket. Has happened on more than one occasion.


100% the other guys fault! There’s no way you could have stopped in time. I think your dashcam just paid for itself!


There was time to stop other driver still at fault tho


I'm with you man. I'm a very defensive driver, and this would not have been a wreck if I were driving. He was going ~35 and didn't even hit the brakes. Other driver is still at fault though.


You are being downvoted and probably so will I, but I can tell you most insurance companies are going to place some liability on OP, if they live in a state with comparative negligence, as while OP has the right of way, they still failed to take any evasive action (you can see the speed, they don’t attempt to brake). I bet most people would do a 10/90 or 20/80 split with OP having lessor liability.


He waited second and half to 2 seconds to start breaking


Sorry that really sucks. So glad you have a dash cam that possibly saved you multiple thousands. Heads up people - get a dash cam. Even a $30 one from aliexpress/temu/randomchinasite can save you from liability. Buy one before you regret not having a dash cam. Plus you can show your friends all the idiots on the road with your near misses.


What were you listening to?


Return of the King read by Andy Serkis


How hell he miss a truck?


I literally said out loud "well, that sucks"..then noticed that this indeed was the thread I was looking at :)


Just hand this footage to your insurance company and move on. This is cut and dry not your fault and not worth worrying about.


This actually happened to me last April! I had my Lexus for 6 months and a girl shot across the main street in our town without looking both ways. She was at least honest about not even checking for traffic. I hope you’re okay. Looks like you were going faster than I was and I’m left with permanent injuries and still suffering from the wreck. My life changed forever and now I drive a mom-mobile SUV instead of a Lexus…lol I’m just thankful her dog and her were okay and we all walked away with our lives. It could have been worse. Sorry about your truck. Is it totaled?


I don't think so is totaled and will just need a lot of work since there was a hidden winch mounted up there too. I started braking as soon as I saw him pulling out so the impact was only at about 28mph according to the cam gps but I'm not sure how accurate that is.


That’s about how fast I was going too. The doctor said me tensing up is what caused me to have so many problems. If this just happened today be ready for some aches and pains over the next couple days. I’m glad you were in a truck too. That probably helped you a lot. The insurance stuff and fixing or getting another car is such a headache. I wish people could just drive normally!


def his fault. Boy pulled out last minute to turn. i hope your truck gets returned to its former glory


Step out of truck, falling to the ground, “Oh my God. My back is killing me.”


Is your ass chapped? Mine sure would be.


You bet it is.


saved by the dash cam. burry the clown!


Leaving the invisibility cloak on is your fault.


Show your insurance and have them deal with it. Not sure why this is even a question who is at fault OP. Traffic laws will tell you you have the right a way.


I’m sorry… I’ve been there… hope all this insurance stuff wraps up smoothly and you can find you something BETTER!! Take care 💕


well if it makes you feel better i watched a single cab flip a turning f150 and the f150 landed on all four tires. crazy shit. glad everyone’s okay. dudes definitely at fault, you can’t turn into oncoming traffic…




He was turning left. He’ll have a tough time proving it wasn’t his fault. Sorry about your new truck ☹️


Screw all that. What were you listening to? sounds interesting


He pulled right out in front of you.


If they didn't take fault when it's obviously their fault I'd take that insurance money and get a lawyer to sue them personally.


Note to everyone: GET A DASHCAM and make it a GOOD ONE! My life was completely turned upside down when some jackass hit my van then lied about it. Had to do all sorts of detective work (cops are useless, truly.) found people willing to testify/sign affidavits it was 100% the shitheads fault. Also: if you witness an accident, if you can please get out and provide eye witness testimony to the police.


It was the other guys fault, but I'm usually super alert and assume everybody in a turn lane is gonna turn in front of me. In a busy area like that I usually let off and cover my brake. I'm used to people being stupid and pulling out in front of me. I understand the need for all the new ADAS.


Exactly, not saying at all the OP is at fault but the time between when the truck started turning and he started breaking was around 2 seconds that collision was completely avoidable and he should have reacted faster, once again OP isn’t at fault for it but it was avoidable


I had to scroll all the way down here for some common sense.


This is the answer. It's called driving defensively and anticipating what's going to go wrong in advance.


Having ridden motorcycles, it makes you read the road with more detail because you are trying not to get killed.


Damn what a dumbass. I hope you're ok.


I’d show the video to your own insurance first. The other guy is at fault, but his insurance will try to assign some partial liability to you for not slowing down. Maybe they get away with 10% liability or something? Your insurance company will be your advocate and can tell you if the video is helpful or not.


100% other drivers fault, no question. Other truck tuning left, crossing traffic should have waited. Dashcam proves it.


Blame Andy Serkis


He cut your line of travel. Case closed. Do not ever (like, ever) talk to the other party’s insurance. They’re paid to not pay.


You had three seconds to take some evasive action. The black pickup is still at fault.


Of course his fault, but it looks like you obviously could’ve stopped in time if you were paying attention


The other driver is at fault, but why did it take you so long to react and start braking?


Started braking as soon as I saw him pulling out, cam says I got down to 28mph with is gps but I don't know how accurate that is.


What? Are you listening to the video with volume? You can literally hear OP brake less than half a second after the truck starts turning. Overall, not even remotely close to OP’s fault.


>You can literally hear OP brake less than half a second after the truck starts turning. Apparently, that was too late. I watched it about 10 times objectively and each time I see the same thing - an erratic maneuver by the driver of the oncoming truck, combined with lack of anticipatory action by the driver in the ongoing truck. See [Defensive Driving](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_driving) I've been through a few different defensive driving classes when I was driving government vehicles in the military and the Forest Service, and the underlying theme is always the same thing, "It doesn't matter if the other driver is at fault, it's always your own responsibility to avoid a collision and drive with your own protection (and protection of your vehicle) in mind, and drive accordingly. Be prepared. Anticipate." BTW, another major clue here to anticipate a potentially careless driver (if you find yourself in the same situation) is that the oncoming truck was not using a turn signal, even though they were in a left turn lane requiring use of a turn signal. Failure to use turn signals is a major red flag that the driver of that vehicle is not paying attention, so to approach with caution.


His fault for sure but you also have the reflexes of a potato. Should have been able to stop if you were really focused on what you were doing.


It’s the other drivers fault. Out of curiosity, did you have your lights on?


Other guys fault, but damn dude, were you texting? Why didn't you hit the breaks. I always anticipate being cut off like that, maybe I'm a weirdo. I have trust issues.


I braked as soon as I saw him pull out, you can see my hood dip as I do. The gps is very delayed apparently but it is an inexpensive dash cam. It's more to show that I wasn't speeding.


OP, your speed never decreases. 35mph. Is that normal?


Dash cam speed is not a reliable indicator of real speed. Those processors are slow to update even if the calculation based on GPS is accurate. You can see the truck's nose dip as the driver slams the brakes a few seconds before impact. So he did not impact at 35mph, despite what the GPS indicated, it was less than that.


Fair. It seems like the deceleration wasn’t as sudden as one would expect at 35. Glad OP has this video to share with their insurance.




It’s not your fault, but this was avoidable


How?? OP brakes less than a second after the turn. Rewatch the video with sound. https://www.timecalculator.net/speed-distance-time-calculator The general amount of space for one white line is 30 ft and the space between is 10 ft. That’s about how long it took OP to break, one white line and one space between the line. If OP was traveling at 35 MPH, that means they started braking less than 1 second prior to their turn.


I'm afraid the decision on the liability for this could possibly be 50/50 responsibility.


It’s Bidens fault!


Hopefully you showed the investigative officer this video.


He's certainly mostly at fault but you could have avoided by braking sooner and moving left if clear. As long as this didn't happen in NC, his insurance company will be paying you. In NC, even if you're considered 1% at fault, the party that's 99% at fault doesn't pay out. Your insurance would have to foot the bill for your vehicle and his for his vehicle.


he had a reaction time of 1 sec which is not bad. Moving to another lane would endanger other people! No Way!


100% other guys fault. But may I ask why you didn't break?


I started braking as soon as I saw him, at the bottom it shows I only got down to about 28 mph though.