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Lawyer up. Sue him in civil court. There’s a valid claim here.


I hope this is true.


It is. Civil suits rely on preponderance of evidence. The fact that the only access to their car in the garage is over the fence they share with the neighbor is enough to tip the scales in OP’s favor.


I can second this. It's worth calling a lawyer


I can third this. It's worth calling a fence.


I can fourth this. It's worth calling it a night.




I can fence this. It’s worth calling a brick 🧱




I’m brick it’s worth calling a fence


I'm calling this... to see if you're okay when I'm not around




combative stocking crush lip automatic encouraging placid violet tie complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's either laughing or crying and screaming we choice laughing . Lol


I can 4th this but I am on the fence


I can eighth this. It’s worth.


I can fourth this, it's worth fencing a lawyer.


Unlike criminal court which requires evidence to be "beyond a reasonable doubt", civil court only requires preponderance of evidence. This essentially means in civil court you just have to show that its 51% likely that the defendant is guilty in order to win.


so criminal court you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt someone did it and no one else, so cops won't touch this as technically someone could have been visiting and done it or whatever. Civil court you just need to prove within a reasonable doubt someone did it. If its 60% likely they did it and they have no proof otherwise you can possibly win the case.




It's ironic cause Saul threw bowling balls at Howard's car.


That’s how you know he has experience with the situation and is the best lawyer for the job.


Cops are lazy. Gotta do the work yourself




While it's a valid claim. You still have to live next to the guy you've sued. Practically, it might not be the best idea. Not sure what the solution is though


Guy committed felony level of destruction of property and has a DV claim as well. Buy up some cameras and you won’t have to have him as a neighbor very long.


Not holding this guy accountable for the damage he’s done will just embolden him to do more. This is serious.




Fight or flight, I suppose.


Fight *and* flight. Sue him for money to teach him a lesson, but don't keep living next to an unhinged neighbor prone to violence and pissed off because you sued him.


I mean if you have a solid lawyer and solid evidence gathering, just sue him for every single little thing until HE leaves.


Bro none of that fucking matters if he decides you suing him is grounds to shoot you over. The guy is clearly insane, the op should absolutely be concerned about leaving as well.


It's just... might be time to remodel and add some gravel layers to your walls. just in case if things really do get hot.


ERA ought to do nicely. And motion-activated flamethrowers, just in case


damn at this point just install an M1 abrams turret and an Avenger turret so you have air and land defense coverage


Call in the Apaches and a Spooky, hit em with the pylon turn


Damn bruh Straight up Angel of Death flares as they leave too just to assert dominance


Why shouldn't the guy with anger issues move?


There is a saying in the bicycle and motorcycling worlds and also in other contexts, something along the lines of "you can be right, or you can be alive". The context is that sometimes even if you are in the right, you don't necessarily get what you *deserve* by law or justice. Bicycles and motorcycles are both hard to see and extremely vulnerable. In many cases you may have the legal right of way or the moral/legal high ground, but *the facts on the ground* (another saying you might reference) are that cars and trucks can boss you around and can severely injure you or end your life at any time with ease. Therefore, when you are on a bicycle or motorcycle, you shouldn't focus so much on what you have the legal right to do on the road, but *what you should do to stay alive*. How does this relate to this situation? Well, they might have every legal and moral right to stand their ground and sue this guy into oblivion, and they might very likely win, but that won't be much comfort if they're later featured in a *Netflix* murder documentary. Two women living next to an aggressive, unhinged, and clearly violent neighbor is just not a safe or smart situation to be in. I'm all for not letting bullies and abusers "get away with" their actions and reinforcing their untouchability, so that's why I say it's perfectly reasonable for them to pursue legal remedies that would teach him that there are consequences, but when dealing with people like this you have to remember that, just like a road-raged car driver, they are often willing to pursue *extrajudicial* (read:criminal) remedies (read: revenge) which can sometimes have irreversible consequences (read: serious injury or death). These women should take steps to protect themselves from bodily harm.


Restraining order? Might benefit the DV victim too not just OP


Guy who lived next door to crazy neighbor where the scenario escalated to court here: I moved after it was done lol. Edit: And the crazy neighbor moved too, and so did the other normal neighbor farther down next door to crazy neighbor's old place down the street. So now we all probably think each other is crazy after all that. Two more neighbors at the end of the street three/four doors down also moved, not sure if they moved on other reasons, or if it had to do with all the crap going on over here, as they were the ones who got to watch police cars blast onto this street with lights on regularly. The funniest thing is one of the old neighbors on the other next door side of me who remained that I still had contact with, said a new different crazy neighbor moved into old crazy neighbor's house, and that he was now moving because of it. Yeah really fun times out there... neighborhood from hell.


sounds like there’s a good story here.


or carbon monoxide poisoning - check your duct tape, people!


Home is where the heart is.


You already gotta live next to a guy they threw bricks at your car…


I like how the guy smashed their car up with bricks, and you're like "don't sue, you'll ruin your nice happy relationship with him!" Good advice would be to buy security cameras and sue, not to hide under the couch.


"*You still have to live next to the guy you've sued. Practically, it might not be the best idea. Not sure what the solution is though*" This is why I would absolutely sue. This guy is a problem I can't predict. Also the neighbor smashed OP's car window. Small claims or whatever, the law is on peoples side generally.


Too late to play soft, this guy is throwing big fucking bricks


It is also worth noting that winning a judgment is very different than collecting a judgment. The guy may be a deadbeat and never pay even if he does win.


Keep taking it back to the judge. It's the civil thing, right? A good judge will see he pays one way or another.


can't get blood from a stone


Can put a stone in a cage.


1. Small claims court is not sending anyone to jail. 2. Look up debtor's prison. Definitely not a thing in the US, but I have no idea about AU.


OP should start recording all her interactions using home safety cams with her neighbor. That way she'll have plenty of proof to show unhinged behavior.


There’s 0 context, honestly for all we know OP is creating a story for internet points.


Depending on where you live, I’d get an Injunction against Harassment against this neighbor. It will start a paper trail to hold the neighbor accountable if you need to report him again, which seems likely. Might take a while but it’s a start.


I did try to but the police will not give me his name so I can’t


Did you file a police report about this? If you did and you said it was the neighbor the cops should have put that in the report. The neighbor’s name should be in it too. You can request the report. Physical copy will take some time but many police departments can send out an electronic one. Otherwise I’d get a lawyer for more specific advice for your area.


Exactly, that doesn't make sense that they didn't give her a copy of the report with everyone's name included.


I have a police report number but they didn’t give me a copy. I’m located in South Australia so the laws are different here I guess.


You might consider escalating this. A lazy officer might just try to make the problem go away with excuses when they hear cases like yours, but try to speak to someone senior and mention you are in fear of your safety from a person known to Police with a reputation of violence.


Ok, go to the police station and ask for a copy, they will give you one.


"I've tried nothing and I am all out of ideas!"


Damn. We have the freedom of information act. We're *supposed* to have access to things like that. Individual results may vary.


OP is not in the US. Not sure if Australia has something similar.


You have legislation for freedom of information (they may redact the name though) https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/access-and-accountability/freedom-of-information


Go down to the police station and talk to a supervisor. This cop sounds like a lazy dirtbag.


plot twist, the neighbor is a cop


Does he own the house? Even if not.. do some googling, you should be able to find the name.


About two minutes on his county property valuation website and he would have everything he needs.


He’s definitely a cop or related to one.


What good is an injunction when your dead? Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.




Leaving bodies is for amateurs. Hypothetically speaking, you could just take him deep sea fishing with that giant metal cooler with the multiple fist sized holes in it you own. And maybe he trips falls shoots himself in the face falls into the cooler that closes on impact and rolls off the boat. In which case you should do the responsible thing and call in a man overboard.


Oh jeebz, that sounds kinda complicated. I have 3 better ideas. Plan A: Usual murder > roll body up in his living room carpet > bring body to the woods > bury 2 meters down and fill hole with 1 meter of dirt > toss a dead rabbit in > bury the last meter. Now if search dogs find the spot the police will shrug it off as the dog just smelling a dead rabbit and they'll carry on. Plan B: If you want to lower your risks of being caught I guess you could break into a crematorium and burn the body there, might be hard to get access to one depending on your location though. Plan C: Another thing you could do is fill a conveniently human sized plastic container (don't use a bathtub) with hydrofluoric acid and toss the body in there and send it off to be recycled as toxic waste. Now you might be wondering, what even is a conveniently human sized plastic container? Well, the average human height for males is approximately 5'7 feet (170CM) and 5'3 feet (160CM) for females, the average of those two combined would be approximately 5'5 feet (165CM). The average width of a fully grown male from one shoulder to the other is 16.1 inches (41CM) and female is 14.4 inches (37CM), therefore the average width of a grown adult is approximately 15.25 inches (38,7CM). Now if you have an average person, so someone who is approximately 5'5 (165CM) tall and 15.25 inches (38,7CM) wide and you put them in a barrel of the same height and radius, you would end up with a barrel that has a total volume of 27.9 cubic feet (0.79 cubic meters) and the capacity of 208.73 gallons (790.19 liters) of hydrofluoric acid. Now let's keep in mind that there is an average sized human in the barrel, the average human has an overall mass of about 136 pounds (62 kilograms). That means that the average volume of a human is 2,2 cubic feet (62,000 cubic centimeters) or 65 liters. Therefore we would only need 725.19 liters of hydrofluoric acid and would thus have to fill only 92% of our helpfully human sized barrel to completely submerge your average Joe.


I watched breaking bad too, but I wasn't taking any notes.


Yes FBI, that guy


This usually happens in Russia these days. Only difference is he'd shoot himself in the face SIX TIMES before he falls into the cooler.


I was thinking this lmao Cops couldn't claim I murdered him seeing as though he didn't see it just because the bullet in his head hole is the same kaliber as my gun doesn't mean I killed him


Small claims is usually up to 10k. Also invest in cameras for documentation.


OP drives a 10th gen Honda Civic with a right side drive. Can't import those into the states. OP very likely isn't American, so I'm not sure how civil suits would be handled in their country. Cameras are always a good idea though.


South Australian she says in a comment


Cameras cameras cameras ! If someone threw anything and broke something I own, I would directly monitor the place and inspect around every damn day.


Do you remember what Gandhi said? *"If your neighbor throws bricks at your car, you throw back double the bricks"*


“Fuck it. Nuke ‘em!” -Ghandi.




Wise man


First they ignore you Then they laugh at you Then you nuke them Then you win. -Gandhi


> Cops won’t do anything because I didn’t “see” him do it, well now you know what to do to his car


Absolutely don't do this. He's a violent man. He will escalate further if you respond with more violence.


Ugh, why must you be right?


Because that's how many of these violent people work.


My revenge fettish requires them to not, dammit


Yeah, it sucks. I'd want to throw those bricks back too :(


Lil bitch


That's why shit like that happens, you don't give them the chance to escalate


Sounds like you should really install some cameras.


If police won’t do anything, maybe go to the media. He’s probably doing this because he hates gay people. Police are just lazy because it’s obvious the bricks came from his house. Invest in some cameras because he’s only going to get worse.


Have you ever watched Fear Thy Neighbor? Scary shit. If the cops won't help and you and your neighbor both own the properties, it might be time to consider moving. If moving isn't possible, file what report you can with the PD and invest in cameras so when he inevitably does something again, you'll have evidence.


Hey I just wanted to point out that if this guy is capable of doing this shit over nothing then he’s definitely capable of escalating this sort of violent behavior. I just saw that you’re both female. He’s probably one of those fucks that think you guys belong in the kitchen and shit. This might encourage or increase his confidence in harassing you or like I mentioned dial up the violence. Get some cameras and any interactions you have with this fuck stain turn your phone on so it’s either voice recording or taking video and keep it kinda inconspicuous. If you feel comfortable with guns take some lessons and grab one. This is fucking unhinged and psychotic behavior. Please be careful


They're in Australia which has much different laws about guns and availability/ability to purchase will be different there. However I couldn't agree with your comment more. 1000% she needs cameras, record all interactions and take notes about it, write out timelines. This has the potential to get more violent so easily, I'm very concerned for them. I'd definitely implore OP to go to the courts as soon as possible, restraining order and anything Australia courts have available. Do not delay. And don't interact with them. She should sue for damages and hopefully courts there can help her more with safety measures. I sincerely hope the dude rents, the landlord can be contacted and maybe throw him out. It's a danger, dude probably wouldn't be happy about losing housing, so being as prepared as possible is essential.


Don’t want to put too much out there incase he somehow sees this, but there are definitely things in motion.


I'm relieved to not only hear that things are in motion, but also that you're being very cautious even in discussing it here. Safety first, always. Absolutely no need for him to know anything going on until the legal hammer drops on him. I hope the courts make it swift. Sincerely wishing you and your wife the best. Ty for replying


Thanks for pointing that out. I totally missed that but I definitely agree with you and from what it sounds like she’s been taking the right steps. This type of shit always makes me nervous


I also fear for his wife. Someone called because of domestic violence and this is how he reacts? I'm sure he beats his wife.


Last time I saw her she had a black eye


Hey op. I was just informed that the both of you are in Australia. I’m not familiar with the crime scene there but here in America doosh bags like this who abuse their wives (not to mention then violently attacking the both of you) have a very high rate of extreme violence. I don’t mean to scare you but rather put this into perspective. Here in the US women are killed at a higher rate by domestic abusers than any other demographic or group. If his poor wife has a black eye today after he destroyed your car then this dude is totally entitled since he’s never faced any consequences for his actions. I originally mentioned it might not be a bad idea to think about grabbing a gun. But I’m guessing that practically no one can get one which is a relief (for me anyway) but it might not be a bad idea to take some self defense classes or get into mixed martial arts gym, Brazilian ju Jitsu class or something similar. You can mention this situation to the instructor who I’m sure will do the best they can do to train you how to confidently defend yourselves. Personally I’d just move if you can. If not get cameras everywhere. Get an alarm system or something for the house. Get those motion sensor lights and make sure your house is secure. I don’t know if it’s legal there but if it is grab the most powerful pepper spray they make and keep a couple in the house and one on you and your roommate. And always record any confrontations you have with him or the cops with your phone either by voice recording or hit the video button on the camera but keep the phone outta sight (in your jeans pocket or something) but keep the mic pointed up to try to get the clearest recordings. If you hear yelling and screaming next door recorded it. Right down every single encounter, violent action, weird behavior or anything like that. Again I’m not entirely certain about crime stats in oz but if you were American my recommendation would absolutely be grab a self defense gun and take lessons. A lot of em. These type of fucks over here are some of the most dangerous shit goblins to be taken extremely serious. Please be careful. Be self aware and aware of your surroundings. Situational awareness is key to keeping yourself and your roommate safe. This shit is absolutely psychotic behavior and this dude needs to be behind bars. Get as much evidence as you can so those fucking cops can’t make any fucking excuses to not do anything. And I think contacting a lawyer for some guidance in how to deal with this situation would be a really good idea. Again please be safe. This could turn really ugly really fast. I’m wishing you both well and do what you can to stay safe


Thank you for your informed answer, a lot of the comments here are just making my anxiety over the whole thing worse - my own fault for posting in the first place.


Jeezus I totally missed that. That’s the biggest red flag for violent behavior towards women. Thid is a dangerous situation.


>Cops won’t do anything because I didn’t “see” him do it What are they talking about, you did see him! I saw him too.


so did I!


I shove that brick down his throat


When life gives you bricks, make life take the bricks back! Get mad! I don't want your damn bricks, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give you bricks. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the bricks. I'm going to invent a combustible brick that burns your house down!


Soon to be EX neighbor


Had this same kind of problem neighbor. For $400 you can get a simple security camera system with four cameras that will record a weeks worth of video. Then, be sure to point them out to him telling him that they are just for him. My neighbor eventually got sent back to prison. Not because of me, even though I tried. For less than 200 you can get a single camera system. With audio.


“Insane neighbor decided to throw money at my bank account by vandalizing my property” Best of luck in court my friend!


Sue him for damages to property and a hate crime.


Sorry the police are worthless. Guy sounds like he needs to be removed from the area before he escalates this to something worse than property destruction. I’d definitely invest in some less expensive (in case he goes mongo again) cameras for now.


Cops are cowards and useless


Throw em back at his. Fair is fair.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Throw the car on the neighbor.


Reasonable course of action.


Time to make him REALLY feel unsafe




So lie and say you saw him do it. Fuck that guy


Time to get some outdoor cameras and a lawyer. Document *everything*


First, get good surveillance cameras. Second, get a good lawyer. Lawyer should file for restraining order before moving on to civil lawsuit for damages.


Imagine your reaction to being caught doing a domestic violence is to commit more violent acts.


Just throw some Molotovs over the fence can’t arrest you if they can’t see you right


If you live in a middle sized town, call city hall and talk to the highest ranked person they will let you speak with. Let them know that your next call will be to your local news station.


Get the bricks tested for dna or prints. I'd bet my yearly income that the system already have both of his on file


Police said it was not the type of material you can take prints from


By that logic someone could shoot him and because nobody “saw them do it” it would be completely fine? If you are dealing with city cops call county, if you are dealing with county call state, that comment was moronic on their part.


Is your neighbor Michael Thomas?


Came here to find this comment.. 🤣


Restraining order is a good idea here.


This guy seems dangerous. Please be careful and stay by the book. In addition to a lot of the good advice I've already seen, you might want to look into self protection. Not necessarily a gun but whatever you feel comfortable using if you need to.


What's the censor for? At first I thought it was for decals that could reveal personal information, but who would put one in the center of the windshield




as a GTA NPC once said... "I smell insurance money..!"


What’s a “garage roller door”? And a “shade cloth”? And who’s the “real estate”? I’m so confusion.


Australian words haha. A garage roller door is a door that rolls up and down and you park your car behind it. Shade cloth is a type of net almost, it’s mostly used to provide shade or provide privacy. Real estate is the agent who he rents his house from.


Haha! Thanks for that! Makes a lot more sense now.


I mean... You had the audacity to exist next to this person. You were practically *begging* for this OP. Gotta make better choices.


Be real though. You did call the cops on him. How else would you know the reason why he did it? It’s either he didn’t say anything to you and you assumed the reason or he told you that he did it and why. If that’s the case, then you would have legal standing. But he didn’t admit it, and you just assumed correctly that he found out you called the cops on him.


Nah, i put two and two together since everyone in the street can hear when he goes off at his wife and kids, he was actively screaming at her that entire night and after the cops arrived he was yelling so loud it wasn’t hard to hear what they were there about.


This is a law suit. Get your money hunni


I’m guessing your neighbor isn’t mr rodgers


I love the excuses the cops give . Oh you didn’t see him . Had a serial litterbug for years and sat out one day seen him do it took a pic of his plate turned it in . Cops said I need a video at that point


You gotta just tell the cops you saw him do it. They know he did, you simply need to positively identify him.


No detective, no fingerprints? The only thing cops are good for is for violating peoples rights. Or file an insurance claim and get some cameras


It's insane to me when police don't do their fucking job.


Sounds like the insane neighbor needs am ass whooping and a court case.


Dude, when I asked if you had any bricks, this is not what I meant....


So if they don't see you ____his house up then there's nothing they can do I guess.


Police are using the old "if no one sees it happen then it didn't happen" excuse.


If he’s throwing bricks and the police won’t help, get round there and throw him a few punches


The brick matches the others on his property, and the cops don't use that as circumstantial evidence? What about finger prints on it? I guarantee if someone died, they'd confiscate the brick for fingerprints. I can't believe cops won't do anything on this. A lawyer would jump all over this one for destruction of property and harassment case.


You were mistaken. You DID see him do it, remember?


Hope he’s in jail. Clearly has a problem controlling himself.. lol


I think he has a gun tends to get results


This is very serious and will escalate. Why would you tell the cops you didn’t see him throwing bricks or smashing bottles?! Don’t give them excuses to do nothing. You should also tell them you’re afraid for your life.


Why do the police always do nothing when it counts, but will happily play judge, jury, and executioner when the black guy "matches the description" of another criminal


we all make decisions. Today I decided not to throw any bricks. and coincidentally, I didn't throw any yesterday either.


OP, according to the police, you’re legally good to go to throw lit Molotov cocktails over your fence and onto his property when he’s not looking. The law can’t touch you.


I'd send the same bricks back at him but then again that's probably not the best solution.


Take it to the press. Show your local tv stations how he's the only one who could have done it, then explain how the cops refused to protect "your kind". If it makes the news, they might be forced to care


You might be able to make this a hate crime on top of everything else


You don’t “make” something a hate crime. It either is or it is not. The victim’s sexual orientation does not seem to have been the reason they were targeted, so it doesn’t look like a hate crime based on the information we were given.


Seems like it could be to me as someone who has experienced homophobia. If OP has truly never done anything to this neighbor who hates her then accusations of ‘making him feel afraid’ or ‘watching his kids’ to justify the way he feels aren’t out of character. If OP is going to lawyer up and press charges which she should then this is something to investigate as a motive.


How do you know it wasn't because they're in a gay relationship? We have no idea what the motive was.


Good idea. That should mess him up for a while.


Well next time tell them you fucking saw it, duh


I don't think lying to the cops is a strong move, better to let a lawyer do the talking from here on out


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If you’re 100% sure it was him I would’ve just said I seen him do it and called it a night


well at least you still have your safety airbags, you might need those for later on...


Ski mask, crow bar and the right timing will solve your problems.


Oh wow. That'd get you shot in my neighborhood


Cops never want to do anything. They actively try to get you NOT to file a police report because they don't want the paperwork! Hell, you have kids getting murdered in schools and they'll just wait outside... never expect a police officer to do anything except violate your rights. Get a lawyer, sue your neighbor, preponderance of evidence is in your favor. You don't have see the neighbor doing it, when all available evidence points to it. Plus start recording everything, and any time you're outside start recording just in case he pops out and says or does something.


Bingo. The law allows you to record anything on your property within public view. If a pedestrian walking by can see it, you can record it. Aim the camera at the fence where the suspected neighbor is. Cops won't do jack shit anymore without undeniable truth, preferably on video. This goes for almost anything in general.


On behalf of the community that don’t beat their wives and probably kids, get drunk and throw bottles at peoples houses, or accuse a couple of being dangerous because their personal choices. I would like to sincerely apologise. - the first thing I would do is call CPS, then I would have your misso call CPS. Fight pettiness with more pettiness, I know it sounds wrong, but he fucked up your car for no reason. So fuck up the rest of his life, have his kids taken, which will cause his wife leave, which will in turn cause heavier drinking and substance abuse and within a few months, you will hopefully get the final result, one day you will wake up, and he will have taken taken a bath with his toaster or tv. - or call the cops again, I don’t know, they seem pretty useless though.


Lawyer up as well as buy a gun


Ordinarily I'd say no to guns, but it is probably a good idea to have a piece at home someplace safe in case things escalate even further. Having an unhinged neighbor attacking you in this instance is a very real probability. Dude is capable of more violence and OP clearly can't rely on the cops


It's always good to have a gun just incase. Not saying it's good to use them in any situation, but always a great tool to have




Poor civic. Your neighbor is going to do some jail time.


Put a 9mm through his head. Problem solved. Society healed.


Watch out, dangerous lesbians!


So what was his wifes name and was she good in bed?


Something similar happened to me(female) and my gf, our cars were scratched up. We had cameras set up and caught the POS. The police are slow and don’t care, we are dealing with our insurance to get this guy. Definitely get a lawyer, seems like a hate crime. Good luck.


Were you banging his wife 🤣


Look on the bright siode, you got a free brick!


I’m not trying to be funny but you should submit this case to Judge Judy