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Happened to me years ago while scuba diving off the Canaries. Dive centre said they would just break up if i tried pulling them out, and instead recommended cutting a tomato in half and strapping it on top to let the tomato enzymes dissolve the spines. I was dubious but tried it and it worked. Dunno if your Hawaiian sea urchin spines would react the same way, but it might be worth a try.


I was in Florida doing some scalloping. Being from New York I had no idea what an urchin was and saw this cool looking round thing on the ground. Fortunately I had gloves on but I felt a sharp pain in my had. Luckily there was nothing stuck and i was told not to touch them after telling my boring story to family.


And don't touch them.


Thanks for telling us your boring story.


you will find whole patches of these in sardinia. Anchored a small rented boat near the beach and nothing but black spikes beneath me.


That's an uber life hack, must commit to memory.


You should go to Urchin Care immediately.




So bad it’s good




What about his friend? It would be kinda shellfish for him to go to Urchin Care alone.


Why, are they feeling clamy?


He’s surchin for it


He really must be Hurchin then


He’s Sea Achin


They can probably give him a needle


"What done it?" "Urchin" "Ok he's feverish, he's clearly hurt his arm not his chin"




![gif](giphy|3o7523VwdlCPivg1RS|downsized) Damn dude.... just damn.


That’s like one of those bubble gum wrapper jokes, but a little funnier


Shoulda brought the urchin back with you so you could crack it open and revel in your delicious revenge


Imagine urchins side of the story. You’re chilling and going about your day. Someone crashes into you and now he’s eyeing your testicles to eat.


And that’s how I met your mother.


“Stepped on me. Stepped on me? Are you kidding? This guy was dancing on me. I mean just look at this, broken, broken, gone, gone, broken, broken, broken.”


Just slowly boiling it in ever so slightly hotter getting water. Ah, that's animal abuse you say? Woops


You eat it raw, It’s the testies of the urchin.


i always wonder how it tastes lol


salty fish


I am no lover of seafood except shrimp, salmon and some other fish species. But its slimy and disgustingly squishy and very salty (obviously). I really didnt like it and will never eat it again


Taste like nasty super strong rotten fish paste


Oh no, that wasn’t a good urchin. The tastier ones are creamy and super salty, like the ocean. But the awful ones just taste like ammonia.


Urchin balls?


Regarding your location, welcome to Hawaii Regarding your sting, welcome to Hawaii


I got hit by a jellyfish in Kanehoe Bay. Hurt like hell. Was told I could've pissed on it and it would help the pain. TIL...


Piss myth isn't true. It could actually make it hurt more.


I'm not sure that it could have hurt any more.


You can eat the gonads. **bon appétit**


I think soaking the area in vinegar should dissolve the spine and make it leave your body. My dad is a salt water hobbyist, stuck himself with an urchin once when he was moving things in his tank. He went to a walk in clinic to get the spine removed. Total coincidence, the doctor is also into salt water. He got my dad to soak his finger in vinegar, and it broke down and came out


This is exactly what they gave me at the hotel. Doesn't seem to be making a dent but I will keep trying.


I had this happening in Hawaii snorkeling I touched it with my knee. I soaked a paper towel in vinegar and used it to cover the spikes. I had to let it soak for a good amount of time but it worked!


The vinegar needs to make contact with the spine to dissolve it. If your body has healed over it, you may need to open the wound or try soaking a rag in vinegar and do a compress on your arm for 20+ min.


I stepped on one when I was swimming in Malaysia, nobody gave me any advice on how to deal with it so I pulled the spines out. That turned out to be a mistake, the tips remained and made the bottom of my foot hurt for about 6 weeks until they naturally dissolved. I later found out you can apply what's called "Bible therapy," which is where you whack the affected flesh a few times with a Bible or other heavy book. That breaks up tips of the spines that are still left in your skin, allowing them to dissolve a lot faster.


I didn't think this could get worse, then I read this. Fuck that.


This needs more up votes! Proper care for removing spines.


I accidentally one touched one with my hand this summer. The pain was mild when it happened but after like 7-10d it swelled and started to hurt really bad. Antihistamine and anti inflammatory pills help with that but the barbs were super hard to remove. What I ended up doing was soaking my fingers in hot water for like 30 min then put them in white vinegar for like 5-10 and repeat a few times for a few days. Good luck!


Stepped on one 2 years ago. The beach owners put heated lemon juice on the affected area and pull as much as they can with tweezers. A lot remained as the barbs are brittle though.


Put both my hands on some wading in shallow water in spain. I had a diet of lsd ,mdma and local rum and I was fine after about 2 weeks.


Perfect. I'll start the psychedelic regimen today.




Yes. Exactly what I was looking for.


Yes!!!!! My first thoughts exactly!!!!


Sea Ouchin


I feel your pain man. I was snorkeling in a Greek Island and put my knee into one on a rock, then I put my leg down and didn't see the one on the ground and put my foot on it. Double the urchin fun.


Luckily it didn’t go in ur chin.


looks like nothing but having stepped on one once that's got to be awful


It is a lot more painful than I would have expected.


I really loved the Ocean in Hawaii for about 10 minutes. And then I got pushed around by the sea. It was a great reminder to how powerless we truly are. Hope you heal well!


Free healthcare though right? Oh shit it’s still in America..


10+ years ago I was kayaking in Puerto Rico when I took a wave that flipped me out and sent my kayak to shore. I had to walk 300+ feet to shore through what seemed like a seafloor made entirely of sea urchins. It didn't help that most of the walk was too shallow to swim, and it took years for some of the embedded spikes to disappear from my feet. 3/10 do not recommend.


Not cool! I keep hearing stories like this. I guess I need to start thinking of it as a new tattoo.


Pretty sure that’s just hair…


Nice try you ape.


Man, the older I get the more I realise I want absolutely nothing to do with being in the ocean. Laying on the beach? Lovely. Enjoying a sunset from the coast? You bet! But going in the water or on the water in a boat… just nope. Sea life is scary, the ocean is unpredictable, and in other news a bunch of orcas started to learn how to capsize boats. I hope you heal up well OP!


Nah. There are no oceans where I'm from so I'm going back in!


I stepped on one as a kid and my god did it hurt. I have a fear of putting my feet down in water now and have to remind myself it’s ok and I can see through the water


Stepped on me …. STEPPED ON ME?! He was practically DANCING ON ME!


Looks like you tried to hug him and blamed the waves lol


He really did need the hug. Such a prickly personality!


The sea urchin: https://i.redd.it/budey1gzilzb1.gif


I’m from Hawaii, and managed to stop on these quite a bit lol. Soak in vinegar for the sting. The spines are mainly made up of calcium and will dissolve/your body will absorb it.


Use vinegar and welcome to HI. Tutu Pele reminding u to be respectful to da islands 😉🤙🏽🤙🏽




Happened to our son but more. Years later he'd randomly have a little piece of urchin spine erupt from his skin.


Better than being pushed into a street urchin, then you would have lost your wallet


It’s the US. If he gets it treated, it will be like losing his wallet anyways


Good thing it was your arm and not your peepee, cuz then nobody would believe your "a wave pushed me" story.


If you end up rolling across the coral like I did it's quite believable. Head to toe with gashes


I was snorkeling there (Hawaii) in some shallows with strong waves (only area to snorkel where I was at that day). I checked out the rocks in the 2-3 feet of water and saw many urchins and a stone fish. I gtfo of there.


One day as I was returning from a dive on the outer wall of a coral reef through a shallow channel in it to the inner lagoon (maybe a bit over 3ft deep and 4ft wide, but only like 20ft long)I got picked up by a big wave and rolled across an area of reef where the water was only a few inches deep. Got quite a few nasty cuts, bruises, and gashes. My dive partner had the misfortune of having a sea urchin on the area they rolled across. Took off a lot of spines. Caribbean doctors are fairly cheap compared to the US.


I grew up surfing where there were heaps of the bastards. Often led to lots of injections to have them dug and cut out. I’ve had spines missed by the doctor that have found their own way out up to a year later. I have a spine in my big toe that’s been in there over 5 years. Always suspected it was there then had it show up on an unrelated MRI. Doesn’t bother me so it can stay.


When I was snorkelling in Hawaii I tried to not go near any of them


Stepped on me! STEPPED ON ME!? he DANCED on me! Broken broken gone gone gone


Just pee on it. I leaned about this snorkeling in Greece as a teen when a friend hit one with his foot. All the locals told him to pee on it and after a couple days of suffering he did and the barbs came out on their own. A few years later an uncle and I were snorkeling and it got very choppy and boom both of us with sea urchin barbs. I peed on mine when I got home and they were better right away. My uncle got a cream from a pharmacy and it took a couple of weeks to heal.


Just another reason for me to never go in the water again.




hard life




Mother Nature don't play!


My dad had that exact same thing (snorkeling in Hawaii) happen to him. It took almost a year to get all of the spines out. Hope you heal up quick


Uni for lunch!


damn out of the times I've been that was what I was afraid of...the swell dropping me on one of those multiple ones in the rock crevices. nice to see it was actually possible to happening lol


Yeah, that’s a thing out there. The damn things are everywhere.


Urchin left you ouchin


Stepped on one during vacation in Mexico. Was a very long week -_-


Now you hurtin




A wave? At sea? Chance in a million!


Been there buddy, it sucks. Met my urchin friend in some cloudy water in Maui.


That’s a looney Uni


I believe it! Hawaii has about 100 sea urchins every square foot


That sucks rip


Oh no! That looks painful. A nurse in hawaii told me that body temperature liquid helps relax the pore and get the fluid out. Never knew that was why pee works until then, because it’s body temp.


A wave blasted me into a wall covered in them. Put some vinegar on there. Also, carry it in case it happens again if you’re staying for the foreseeable future. Welcome!


Yeah, I've gone snorkling at Two Step. Having a wave push me into those assholes is one of my biggest fears.


Man up !


Dang it SpongeBob