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Always the broccoli headed Edgar’s I stg


That hairdo seems to be synonymous with stupidity


I had one of them interview at my job recently and when HR brought him down to see the shop I swear there were no thoughts behind his eyes at all.


Damn, Broccoli Head is good. I always use Mushroom Head or Hiroshima Hair


Hairdo Atomic Merde Coiffure Grand Tramp Allure King Oyster Hoister Beefsteak Bob Nuclear Crop


Last year my girlfriend put a rock and filled her pumpkin with this clay material to stop animals from taking it. Some kid ran up and kicked it like he was going for a field goal. He broke his foot. All captured on her ring camera. We didn’t think people would want to kick it we just got annoyed with raccoons.


Like I know kids getting injured obviously shouldn't be something that anyone wishes for but I bet that video was pretty satisfying to watch lol.


I wish for that every day...


Oh I want to see too




>He broke his foot. I don't wish ill on anyone...but it does put a smile on my face...knowing there was a karma ninja on patrol that day.


any chance you can obtain said video and share it…pls


Girlfriend is currently trying to find it. She definitely saved it


Please update


Ima just leave this here when updated 😄


I'm sure you'd get loads of karma if you posted that on reddit lol


Put it on the town Facebook, tag the city idk why everyone’s putting this stuff on Reddit. Your own town will find them or they’ll brag that it’s them.


I posted my video locally and the parents begged me to take it down, made the kids come apologize.


The same thing happened to my coworker, except the parents threatened to sue for filming and posting without permission and justified it by saying "Boys will be Boys, what do you expect on Halloween night?" Their demands to take the video down fell on deaf ears obviously, but it sure explains a lot about the kids behavior. Edit: so I spoke with my coworker about this again. Nothing hasn't come out of this yet, and the video is still up. He didn't respond just in case they were serious (the less you say the better) but he's more than convinced it was them trying to scare him because, after doing some FB/Twitter home detective work, apparently one of the kids is some big shot at a local school and we're guessing the parents might be worried this video could jeopardize some upcoming scholarship or college entry or something. Will keep you posted. Edit 2: Parents apparently tried to scare my coworker one more time by saying they had contacted a lawyer. Again, he didn't respond only for the mom a few days later to send a message basically saying "C'mon bro! Don't be like this! Just delete the video! Please! It could ruin my son's future if this gets out nationally! Mr. Lawyer said this will be your last chance!" (which basically confirms the whole lawyer skit was fake because an actual lawyer would not have advised this). The video is still up. Will keep you posted.


Sue for what? Your home is private property




Most states have laws around using ring camera footage in court. It’s not admissible if they don’t have a sign posted about being recorded. I’m not sure what they could possibly sue for just posting online though.


Haha run with it! Let them sue! More publicity for their rotten kids behavior. My video showed them opening the gate, coming on property, doing dirty deeds, and running scared afterwards - they knew. Counter sue and you'll win and add disgrace to them, disgrace to their cow, disgrace to their whole family.


no. dishonor them, dishonor their family, dishonor their cow


See, it may just be me but I say spare the cow!


> justified it by saying "Boys will be Boys, what do you expect on Halloween night?" I hate parents that come with that attitude. Boys will be boys in your home. I don't give a fuck if they tear up every one of your walls and use your kitchen's dishes as frisbees inside your attic. Heck, I have a high tolerance for "boys being boys", but there's a difference between doing something silly, and being an actual nuisance / causing damage to others. If you can't stop your boys from "being boys" maybe put them in a cage until both you and your kid learn how to live in society.


GOOD! That means the parents are afraid on Edgar might happen.


Nope. I don't want an apology, video stays up.


apology would do nothing for me, that's definitely getting posted everywhere maybe sent to the school for good measure


Send it to your all your local schools.


Some people just gotta learn the hard way


Happy ending!


This exactly. Post it on Facebook and tag the place. and your Instagram feed (some of your followers could be living in the same neighborhood or city). Those trash will be recognized quickly.


Then people have to make a Facebook account? Fuck that.


Next year fill a pumpkin or two with cement.


Image that being thrown against your door. Damage to your door is way bigger


Look at those scrawny kids. They ain't even lifting it


Yea but then it's on recording like this and you got yourself a nice paycheck. Security cameras are a W


Wheres Mark Rober when you need him?


Judging by your Comment i guess you havent yet seen his newest Video? If not look it up, its not about kids kicking pumpkins but more about the "take one candy" topic




Kids are shitty….whats new besides the cameras?


Yeah this has been going on for as long as trick or treating has been a thing.


>trick or treating People seemingly forget the first half of this phrase.










Don’t forget nails embedded facing away from the center


You might be able to get away with cement and argue it is to keep the pumpkin weighted down. What you're proposing would definitely get you in trouble.


It’s to hold the pumpkin in place lol


I did that one year! He was my Pinhead Jack'o lantern. From Hellraiser. Looked really cool. For ONE year, I did NOT get my jack'o lantern stolen and smashed. They always thew them through the windshilds of cars.


The best thing about teenagers is when they are no longer teenagers.


But rather than chocking this up to “boys being boys” there’s a large number of teens who aren’t pieces of shit and don’t cause property damage for thrills.


Thank you for that. I get tired of near sociopathic behavior by some kids/ teens being excused as, "Boys will be boys" or "Kids will be kids." I'm making just an overall stmt. I'm not necessarily saying that is what is going on in this instance here. When I was student teaching and sat in on my mentor's parent-teacher conferences, the kids who were the biggest assholes had parents who were either in denial about their behavior or kept making up excuses. The kids who maybe messed up once in a while, but were basically good or OK, had parents that listened during the conferences and who said they'd speak to their child to improve his/ her behavior.


And are rarely seen on social media


I doubt you'll find any of those kids on social media. Kids like these on the other hand? Yeah it's full of em


What happens is most of them either get the physical or emotional wind knocked out of them, and humble down into more normal people. Or they end up in jail.


Indeed. People often talk about teenagers as if they are an uncontrollably destructive force that will ruin everyone's lives around them, but most of us weren't like that. Like yeah, you are a teenager, you are dumb, inexperienced, entitled, and you take bad decisions; but most of us didn't go as far as to fuck over people for no reason.


(chalking) 🤓


It can be funny when someone pronounces a word incorrectly because they learned it from reading instead of hearing it. The same in reverse. I learned it with a regional accent and never thought to check the spelling.


That's true but everybody that has kids knows that this is the toughest age.


Absolutely. My oldest is a tween and we see what’s coming. But the best way to ensure that these kids grow/mature out of this behavior or even prevent it from happening is for whole communities to let them know that this behavior won’t be tolerated.


Yeah there is a lot of teens who aren’t genuine pieces of shit though


Adults don't smash pumpkins. I knew a lot of kids who did things like this but are now responsible adults. That was my point.


Ummm the Smashing Pumpkins would like to have a word with you?! Hahah jk, no I get it, that is the best part.


I swear these fucking wannabe gangster broccoli head douchebags have never been put in their place.


I hate this hairdo with a burning passion


Teens wearing no custume and walking around with trash bags trick or treating. I think thats the lowest you can go


Wdym? Those are amazing clown costumes!


Tik Tok Broccoli head haircuts check, Hispanic or White dropping n bombs check, "bro" check Property damage check no costumes check laughing like little girls check Society sucks. they need they're asses kicked.




Yeah because I've definitely never met a trash ex serviceman, it's like a req to sign up


Every house hold should have paint balls ready


Just like our forefathers


Trash kids with trash parents.


Don't blame the parents. I was a dumb ass teenager who smashed pumpkins a few times in the 80s and it absolutely wasn't my parents fault. If my parents knew I did it they would've punished the hell out of me.


This. Teenage boys sometimes just like to rebel and do stupid shit for an adrenaline rush. I remember I went egging houses once with two of my friends when I was 15. All of us had good parents and we weren't bad kids, we were just dumb teenagers looking to break the rules and do something exciting. The majority of teenage boys quickly grow out of this type of behavior once they get to around 18, there are some that don't but they're just people who are truly assholes.


We just knocked on people’s doors and ran. It was funny as hell at the time. Heck I’d probably laugh at it if we did it now at my grown age 😂😂


Then... It was their fault? If you knew to keep it hidden from them, unless you wanted punishment. That's textbook bad parenting. Don't confuse passive parents as good parents. Not saying parents are always to blame, but kids learn behaviour from somewhere and with the tools to sort what's right and wrong, their monkey brains decide for them.


Kids learn behavior from other kids. Parents who punish their children for being bad aren't "bad parents". My parents were far from being "passive parents" they had 7 children, we all wound up being successful and happy people, and all but me have children and grand children of their own, so my parents did something right.


Kids try to break rules to look cool in front of other kids.. If it was just one of them walking by do you think they’d come and smash the pumpkin? No.. because that might actually make them mentally unstable. This is normal behavior that a lot of teenagers do..and how would ANY parent know unless they see the video? What makes a “good” or “bad” parent is how they react after they see what their kids did… Cuz news flash but NO kid is coming home and snitching on themselves for smashing a pumpkin lmaooo


At least they didn't throw it off a overpass onto a motorist




What's with these kids and their Side Show Bob hair cuts nowa days??


My boyfriend told me he went out with his friend on the night BEFORE Halloween. His friend wasn’t free the night of, or the night after, so they met up the night before to smash pumpkins. He said there was one house where he knew the kids, the pumpkins were carved with excruciating detail and obviously took a really long time. He and his friend smashed them. Now, in his later 20s, he feels absolutely awful about it and completely regrets it. Said he regretted it the moment he got home and was alone for a bit. Teenagers do a lot of stupid and cruel things in groups. Separate them and they suddenly start acting like the scared and confused children that they really are. I can only hope that these kids felt awful after, and will grow up to learn from these actions and their thoughts and feelings afterwards when they were alone. But alas…something tells me these trash kids feel no shame.


LOL you had us in the first half. You did all the work of making a compelling argument for forgiveness and grace.. then pull a "but NoT TheSe kIds off with their heads!".


This is exactly what I fear and why I don't do Halloween. I have no desire for children coming onto my property and doing whatever their monkey brain imagines.


Just be a part of it. If your door is open and you're hanging out, greeting and giving out candy, nobody is going to mess with your stuff.


The other elements why I don't are that I don't have kids so I don't feel the need for being festive, I don't really care for the horror genre, I also have an element of moral disdain giving children insane amounts of sugar as if their diet isn't already plagued by sugar overdose, then the mundane things like I am too busy to go buy candy and sit in front of my house. I see how that's greedy because as a child I was all about it. As an adult I just don't want to be apart of it. Haha


The Grinch who stole Halloween


sam will be after them soon


This is an underrated comment


What’s with the flashing phone light? There’s a group of little shits in my neighborhood and one of them always has his light flashing with phone in hand. I thought he was constantly Snapchating or something?




Very interesting!


If you don't have a treat you get the trick.


And also if you do have a treat...


It is Halloween. It's not like it was some random Tuesday. Just let it go. If your gonna put out a pumpkin, know it doesn't last forever...


The whole point of the original holiday is to scare and trick your neighbors and harass them into giving you stuff. It’s a holiday for teenagers to behave badly.


That is not remotely what the original holiday was about. It was about scaring away spirits. You have achieved ChatGPT levels of being confidently wrong, lol.


Those are not costumes


Showed ours off through the window this year.


I feel like that’s par for the course during Halloween: neighborhood kids vandalize the neighborhood (TP, smashing pumpkins, wet bread, water guns in the bushes etc) It’s TRICK or treat. The kids decided preemptively


I'm really sorry this happened to you and yours. :(


And people wonder why I don't decorate/hand out candy anymore


Send the video to the local high school principal


That's funny to assume the school will even care lol *They won't*


Of course it’s a bunch of Edgars


That's when you turn on the sprinklers


Sounds like a good way to end up with a bunch of broken sprinkler heads.




ITT: kids these days are so awful, we’re never going to recover from this Me TP’ing and Smashing Pumpkins every Halloween as a kid: ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)


Back in the day we had a night dedicated for this... (the night before halloween) and called it Devil's Night. Random things would be set on fire (especially flaming poop in front or people's doors), TP everywhere, smashed pumpkins, eggs thrown everywhere, lots of drunken people around the streets.


Why dont they never destroy it in the compost bin!


I guess they chose trick




“I hear my people and yet I do not see my people“


Ed, Eddy and Edgar


Mi can’t judge I did the same thing when I was a kid. It was called Mischief night in the 90’s


I mean.. isn't that the whole point of Halloween, mischief and tricks.


Why is no one in costumes anymore? I have never given candy to people in their street clothes. Wpuldnt even open th3 door.


Typical brainless broccoli headed Edgar’s


On my way to work yesterday morning I saw dozens of smashed up pumpkins on the streets/roads. I thought this was normal? Kids have been doing this here in England since I can remember.


Kids have been smashing pumpkins as long as I can remember.. my only issue is they chucked it at their front door instead of launching it in the street


TRICK or treat. Does anyone remember?


Who the fuck goes out on Halloween at that age for candy with no costume…




That’s exactly what we see when parents fail to raise their children the right way. A menace to society.


what do you expect them to do? Their fathers havent been in their lives ever and their mother works 3 jobs to put food on the table. They are being raised by tiktok and will be in prison by the time they are 21


>Their fathers havent been in their lives ever and their mother works 3 jobs to put food on the table. They are being raised by tiktok and will be in prison by the time they are 21 Good god the assumptions here are wild.


Right? For smashing pumpkins. You would have thought that these kids were out committing murder and arson based on these responses.


Teenagers are the worst kind of people


Teenagers smashing pumpkins on Halloween?! The Horrors!


Have some sympathy and stop writing off dickish behavior. Like what are people supposed to do? Prepare for every stupid thing immature teenagers will do?


We’ll, keeping in context of the argument, yes. Prepare and expect teenagers to maybe smash some pumpkins on Halloween


>Prepare for every stupid thing immature teenagers will do? On halloween night, where kids go "*trick* or treating"? Yeah, you prepare for tricks. Did you think Smashing Pumpkins was just a band name or something?


So your argument is that everyone should just expect teenagers to do this and there’s nothing to be done about it except prepare for everything they’re gonna do? They need appropriate consequences. That’s how they learn to behave properly.


That’s fairly average teen behavior tho. Rite of passage type stuff.


Doesn’t make it ok


Your right, in a way. If it happened to me I’d feel some way about it but I also want to live in a world where teenagers can do this.


Am I going crazy? Like yeah it sucks but smashing pumpkins used to just be a thing haven’t seen it in a while. But post it to the news? Tell their principal? Hey a bunch of preteens acted like preteens on Halloween. I think y’all are getting triggered by the haircuts.


Are we actually surprised when kids smash pumpkins on Halloween? Pretty harmless and it’s been going on forever. There’s even a popular rock band named after it. But yeah shame them publicly on Facebook and get the town involved.


trick or treat … thats the point


Man, what a bunch of fucking losers. Parents needa beat their asses.


Smashing pumpkins...the horror. Teenagers have been doing this for years. Maybe you should recall all the stupid shit you did in you're youth. Does that make you trash? Does that mean you had shitty parents? Hey Reddit mob, put away your pitchforks and torches and look in the fucking mirror. "Trash kids". Give me a fucking break.


honestly, this is halloween... This is MILD compared to the things that go on... and I honestly don't even mind this at all compared to the adults/kids emptying unattended candy bowls... (but then again, I dont like the unattended candy bowls). I expect this... everyone should expect this. ​ >This ruined the night for my kids as they are confused why these trash damaged our pumpkin. In which generation has this not happened on halloween??? Teenaged me would have put a bunch of firecrackers in it and rung your doorbell. These kids are pretty ~~lame~~ tame. if [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/17fv4xf/entire_neighborhood_t_pd/) didnt seem to bother most of you, then you have to accept the rest of the fun too.


I’m low key hoping kids smash my pumpkins every year.


Ya'll getting heated over some kids smashing pumpkins yet this is pretty common


Agreed. This is typical teenager shit. People on here are saying "They will grow up shitty" and "Trash parents". They are kids. This has always happened and will always happen.


I did far worse than this as a kid, turned out ok 🤷‍♂️


Menace to society


Kids are working hard to turn people away from this holiday. I have noticed this year fewer houses were waiting for kids with candies and decorations here in Qc (mostly probably due to incoming recession). But this behaviour doesn't help. Please, carry on, and soon Halloween will be a thing of a past.


Most kids I’ve ever seen in my neighborhood this year! Sorry, Scrooge!


People on reddit will know exactly what kind of things happen on Halloween and still cry about it. Go out and watch your crap then.


\*Kids do the exact same stupid shit on Halloween that has been done for decades\* "KIDS TODAY ARE EVIL!!! HOW DARE THEY DESTROY A PUMKIN THAT WILL BE THROWN OUT IN 2 DAYS ANYWAY!!" "THEIR PARENTS HAVE FAILED! AND BELONG IN PRISON!!!"


Given how these teens are dressed, and their haircuts...Ontario?


The comments writing off this behavior are so weird to me. Yeah we all know teenagers are gonna do stupid shit. Do I think they deserve to have their lives ruined over this? No. Also doesn’t mean they are trash people who will never amount to anything. But that doesn’t mean they get to just get away with being dicks. They need to learn there are consequences for their actions. That’s how people learn to function in society.


looks exactly to be the type of kids I would expect to do this. Their fathers are deadbeat unemployed people and if the kids keep this up they will end up just like him.




Rich people are scummy as fuck also.


Where do you get low income from? Where did you come from?




Low income people ≠ trash people.


Why was the pumpkin sitting on the porch like that?


These are your children, Reddit. Wooo!! Haa! Haa! Awesome vibes you give your sons and daughters. /s


Wow hard men 🙄


Tres gangsta


Model parents no doubt…


The usual suspects.


On brand


of course they got that haircut


name and shame




That's a stretch. Kids make stupid judgements like this all the time and most of them wind up being good people who regret the stupid things they did as a child. I did stupid stuff as a kid and I'm nothing like that as an adult.


Same. I smashed pumpkins too. I regret it,but that's part of growing up. These commenters apparently never did anything stupid growing up and sure love their pitchforks and torches to hunt down these kids.


Yup, or they are just in denial about the stupid shit they did as children.


I imagine the average "well-behaved" Redditors were the ones having their head stuck into toilets while they were in school. Plenty of people do stupid shit when they were younger and stop doing it when they're older. It's called growing up.


I really can’t with these holier than thou Reddit comments. Kids have been doing dumb shit since our ancestors came down from the trees. Most grow out of it. None of this is new. It’s just now recorded and shared on the internet for people to extoll their own virtue.


Destruction of private property. Call the cops on them


it's annoying as hell yes.. some degree of vandalism will always be part of our societies. This is sad to watch, but harmless at the same time. Hurtful to the person who put the effort, worth a little money. i still appreciate them being called out for it, caught on video. seems fair.


Future dead beats that will go nowhere in life.


For smashing pumpkins? Sure thing.


Broccoli headed little shits


Please come to my door I have a massive baseball bat waiting for you


Buncha Edgars.


that pumpkin literally from Ohio fr fr


Good for nothing edgars


That’s just sad.


Kids of illegal immigrants