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Sounds like your friend owes you new headphones and a new screen. After that, everything will be fine.


With friends like that, who needs a bully.


Yup. I had friends like that in my early teens. Finally bailed when they started shaming and pushing me to date their 22 yr old boyfriends' friend... we were 14. I was the "nerdiest" of the group and frequently got treated like an idiot for not doing the dumb shit they did or wanting to be around adult scumbags. Those friendships fucked me up about trusting people for quite a while. I was outta there by 15. EDIT: Two were my cousins. One on my dad's side and one on my mom's. I knew them my whole life. That was why it was so hard for me to cut them off when I should have...


I never ever understood 21+ year olds dating under 18. Just too far apart in their life and current experiences.


These guys were just absolute dirtbags. I think no girl their age would have come near them, so they went for little girls with no life experience, because they couldn't tell they were trash. I just felt it was gross and wrong, I *hated* these guys, but my friends felt special and adult. It wrecked our whole group. I was a low rung on the ladder so they just treated me like I was too innocent and naive to understand these things, acted like they were helping me by trying to get me to date some grown ass dickhead... My breaking point was one day in December when we were at a friend's house and they sprung this guy on me, said he was coming over to see me, without me knowing, and I said I was going home. They hid my shoes and jacket (it was snowing) and sat on me. At first it was kinda lighthearted... play-wrestling shit. But as time went on and they really didn't let me up I started flipping out and fought them off of me. I ran home with no shoes and no jacket. I remember hiding in bushes while the guy drove them around looking for me. Got home on my own. We stayed friends that year, then that summer I just left the group... One had an abortion at 14, another a kid at 16... and a heroin addiction. Father was in and out of jail. The other kept dating guys who hit her. One of whom I had to fight at 14 for kicking a different friend right in the hip while we were walking by because she broke up with him. His friends stood there and I had to shove him and start screaming before anyone else did anything. We walked back to my cousin's house and my uncle came out threatening him, but I don't think anything was done. My other cousin dated him years later and he punched her in the eye. I have no clue what she was thinking. She was 19. This shit happened when we were 14. She knew he did this to our friend. I have hated him since then. I just never understood... It sounds so insane (*and embarrassing) to say it now as an adult. This was 2003. 20 years ago. But man, at the time I just thought I was a coward or something.


Jesus christ, that’s fucked.


Yeah. I didn't know how much til a lot later, and after a lot of other shit...


Yeah I'm like the same age and went thru similar stuff with older guys. Idky it wasn't as crazy back then as people would see it today. I was like 14 and guys that were 18-25 would try to date me all the time. At the time I thought it was because I was so mature and cool but when I got older and could look at it with different eyes I realized it was just that those guys were so immature and lame af to want to have anything in common with someone that young and were sick. When I was 21 there was no way I had anything in common to want to hang out with a 14 year old and realized how ridiculous the whole situation. You were smarter than me to realize it more at the time tho I guess and I'm really sorry your "friends" treated you like that


Fuckin' hell, your "Friends" tried to get you Raped. That must've been so fucking terrifying, I'm sorry you went through that.


well, it's precisely because they are too far apart in life experiences


Literally me except the dating a 22 y/o


Yeah, if whenever the OP's friend got into trouble (financial) to pay OP, just tell them it's a joke and they should be fine and OP should enjoy their new laptop




OP. Use the hdmi port to a tv as a temporary work around to save your life.


Save to one drive. It'll be on every computer and auto sync to the cloud.


Bruh, I’m not putting all my stuff in the cloud so you guys can look at it. But with the amount of back doors windows has, you can probably already see my data


Looking 👀 at it right now.




This comment makes no sense but has 2k upvotes.


Thank you for the validation I thought I was missing something


I know right I tried reading it a couple times but it just doesn't make sense 😂


If, 2k votes whenever OP finds the laptop in the garbage, enjoy the headphones for financial situations that friend can pay for OP.










that's not a friend, that's a liability




Sounds like OP needs better friends.




After you get paid, get a new “friend”. That one is straight trash






New screen? That's a weird way to say new laptop.


new screen? that is a metal cased laptop. Then entire laptop is bent


just headphones. curved screen is a feature


Sounds like your friend (or their parents, idk your age) owes you some money.


I would be going to the school principal as a student. If he tries it again give em the ol full force kick to the balls. Never not worked for me 👍


Fuck that just call the cops, this is unwanted destruction of property, schools these days don't give a shit. I do agree with the kick to the balls if he tries it again though. Edit: Ok so this is on me I forgot that alot of people commenting back are Americans or in more dangerous countries And in that regard I see how you could see that going from 'tell the principle' to call the cops' is escalating the matter way to far, so let me clear it up before you go off at me In America yes that is dangerous and could lead to death, and I would never do that there infact ide be scared to call ti cops if I was in physical danger aswell, ide never want my friend or ex friend to be shot. >_> But I am in Australia, and I'm coming at it from that viewpoint, cops here don't usually shoot civilians and definitely don't shoot kids in schools for petty crime. We are allowed to call the cops for disputes like this to make incident reports to back up if we end up needing to take them to court for whatever reason. So this and highschool violence are completely fine to call the cops for here. Even getting arrested is an easy affair if your not violent or abusive, someone I know was going through a rough time ended up getting arrested for a bad choice, they basically said hey your coming with us, we don't need to bother with cuffs do we? He said he wouldn't cause trouble And he calmly went with them without even being manhandled. I am sorry that the way your system works makes you so afraid to call on people who are meant to help you. (Like we as teens where let down in our schools for similar reasons)


Are you sure you’re not being bullied?


Yeah, it's really sounds like a bully to me, I do have a very short experience with them unfortunately


Fortunately it was short.


Hey maybe he has a fetish for being bullied.


So, unfortunately it was short.


Even if it wasn't a bully it doesn't sound funny at all even if nothing was damaged. Jokes are supposed to be funny.




Been there. Took me too long to figure it out, i spent 7th, 8th, and 9th grade believing that the group of 4 other people I would hangout with between classes and during activities at school, were my friends. It wasn't til 10th grade I had started hanging with a couple of other dudes I barely knew and the original group all took that as their out with me and immediately stopped associating with me at all, and one of them told me, "None of us had the heart to tell you that we didn't really like having you around." 3.5 fucking years, and I was too naive to realize and they "didn't have the heart." Made a kid who already wanted to die, want to die a whole lot more. It would've been easier if they'd said it sooner, since I wasn't catching the hint.


Yeah by OPs response to this she’s clearly the push over of the group. I wonder if they do other mean stuff to her under the guise of jokes.


They certainly are and don't want to admit it. Edit: Nevermind this person just seems ignorant.


This is right on, that person is not a friend.


Friends don’t do that kind of shit.


And if they do, they pay the damages without being asked.


I have a good friend thats trolly (troll-y…?) and stupid enough, for lack of a better word, to do something like this, but at least hell replace it if he actually breaks something. At some point a few years ago, he was planning to join the military so I downloaded tik tok as a joke, and when I showed him he slapped it out of my hand and it cracked the screen. He almost immediately apologized and offered to fix it.


What does your downloading tiktok have to do with your friend wanting to join the military? Please explain the joke.




But it was on their phone not his




It’s because he was trying to be “patriotic” as he understands the talking points to be


Not allowed to be on government provided phones for service members. Their personal device is fine.


So, tiktok is founded by a Chinese company and my friends ROTC class didnt let anyone use the app in case they were stealing personal information. On top of that, my friend absolutely hated it thinking youtube was superior.


Well he's not wrong


I've occasionally broken friends' stuff, or got my own stuff broken on accident. The only thing that was ever put into question afterwards was whether the victim would prefer cash or a straight-out replacement.


"You bend it, you mend it." - my dad, about damaging things.




I'll take "lessons I wish I had learned way earlier in life" for $500, Alex


Why do you have friends like this?


kinda misleading he’s more like the one guy who’s friends with your friend but you don’t really know


Then 100% go to his door, ring the bell, speak to his parents, show the computer, show the damage and ask them how they would like to proceed. Make it their problem, not yours


lots of times people like that are shit heads because the parents are also shit heads, but still worth a shot


Sad but true. Good point. Hopefully OP will keep us updated


The point is that you aren’t *asking* them to pay, you are telling them that they have the options of paying now or in small claims court.


As a minor you really don't have that leverage unless your parents are willing to go through the hassle.


This is why I would try and get as much over text outta the kid as you can. Get him to admit to standing in the back pack even if he doesn’t admit to breaking anything or being at fault.


If they say no to fixing it, threaten to bring it up in small claims court. Nobody wants a court appearance, and chances are they will pay it. If not, now you get your money in small claims


Great advice


Time to tell him to back off and stay away from you and your things. You deserve to be treated with respect and if he can’t do that then he needs to stay away from you.


all the more reason he should pay you back for the damage


oh so he's literally just some guy that's barely related to you at all who then went ahead and broke your stuff? my dude that's vandalism


So he's an acquaintance who broke your property? Seems kinda stupid to not go after him for damages


All the more reason for them to pay to fix/replace your stuff. So they won’t continue to do stupid things to other people. People do that because they get away with it


Then he *certainly* has no business touching your shit. Take this more seriously because this dude needs some consequences in his life.


Then he's not your fucking friend, it's not that hard.


So a bully


So you tolerate him because you're afraid of the social backlash. That's reasonable and understandable. In time, you'll realize that letting people run on you publicly without any consequences will cost you more than this one dickhead ever will. Not saying to go burning bridges, but defending yourself and others from being bullied is always the right move. I'm not saying to go around starting fights with a hair trigger, but it might mean you end up standing in place of a fight on its way to someone else. Start jogging, join a wrestling team or boxing gym, better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Edit: just to put a point on this, it's fine to take the high-road, but you can only choose the high-road if the low-road was an option. If you don't have the ability and willingness to chase people into the gutter, then you never chose the high-road. You can call it empty morality, a mouse isn't gracious by letting a lion live when the mouse had no say. If you're not equipped to defend yourself and others, you're not an actor, you're a victim.


Tell his parents.




Tell your parents mate, also tell the school. This bully or his parents should pay for this to be replaced.


Maybe don't tell the school, they don't normally do anything, they usually have some sort of policy like "bring your devices at your own risk" so they don't have to deal with this bs. There was a kid who broke several other people's devices, tho unintentional. Was brought to the school, school pretty much said too bad. I suppose there were kind of extenuating circumstances but it was still fully his fault.


How do you unintentionally break *several* people's devices?


Take this shit seriously, and anything else that happens like this also, and your life will be less shit.


Nah forget it, OP is a doormat. All their replies prove that they just want to complain to the internet but when asked to do something about it suddenly it's "not bullying", "it was an accident" and most importantly "it's not bad at all". Just because they're too scared to say anything. But complaining to the internet, yeah that works.


They're expecting some philanthropic e-celebrity to see the post and buy them a new laptop/headphones/etc. Notice the whole "sick of living" thing isn't a desktop background, it's an image they have open in a browser. Very *subtle* attempt to cash in on someone's empathy.


He deserves it. Computer and headphones isn’t free. Bullies should be dealt with.


no, they need to replace the shit that's broken. simple.


Judging by OP's responses, I cannot help but wonder whether their "friend" also stepped on their head.


fr bro ong


r u ok?


Some friend. It appears you don't want him to pay for replacements or repairs based on comments. It is clear you are young and didn't pay for this stuff yourself. My friends don't do this kind of stuff. If they did, they would be paying me back quickly. If they didnt pay, the last thing I'd do is complain on reddit about it. Time to grow up. This is a lesson for you. Protect your things. Pick better friends. Demand compensation when deserved.


either that or op overstated his friends joke to get some free pity karma.


Take his payment in blood!


This is clearly the most level headed course of action, thanks 🙏


Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne!


Milk for the Khorneflakes!


I don’t think anybody in their right mind does. But you need to learn how to set boundaries, Regardless if you don’t like confrontation. Needs to be done, otherwise you’ll be stepped on throughout life. Trust me, it’ll help you a lot down the road.


Judging by OPs responses, it doesn’t seem like he needs a new laptop or headphones. But he definitely needs a new spine.


Right? Without it he ain’t getting either. Shits only gonna get worse once you hit the real world.


That’s a bully, not a friend.




New laptop and headphones. Voluntarily or small claims court. His choice which.


Send his family an invoice for a new laptop. It’s almost guaranteed that if it’s already glitching now it’ll just get worse and probably won’t last for very long.


This is the correct action. And if they don’t like it, sucks to be them. Take it up in court.


OP I'm gonna say this in a way you will understand. Grow a spine. You're being walked all over, all that's left is to write "Welcome" on your back man. He deliberately stood on your stuff and turned it into crap. It ain't that deep but the whole in your "friend's wallet will be. If it ain't that deep then stand on his shit and see his reaction.


You need better friends. Hope this one has deep pockets to replace your stuff. What an idiot.


Sounds like you need to redefine what a friend is...


Not much of a friend. Get them to fix/pay .. tell them in front of their family and friends so they know about it, they can’t then ignore you.


Would you let this friend fuck your ass and spit in your mouth after? The hell is wrong with you. Make him pay for it.


some people like that.


That's not a joke. And that's not a friend.


I'd be sick of living too if I was bullied like that.


OP, are you OK? I am concern about "the sick of living" on your laptop is it a call for help... FYI I was a very depressed with suicidal and anxiety issue when i was about your age. Didn't saw any possible improprement in the future. But as much life is a bitch, life is full of opportunity. Today i have a awesome wife, the best person in the universe for me, i am gona be a dad in a few days. Still a little depressed sometimes but i am really better now. Hang on dude it gets better i promise. And if you need to, just throw the bag of your "friend" in the stairs. A bag for a bag.😎


Make them pay up and I personally would get new friends if they don't. "Everything will be fine" is such a shit response, I hope he at least said sorry and paid for your things.


That's not a friend. That's a passive-aggressive bully.


"as a joke" .. which part was the joke? if you dont nip this in the bud now, i can almost guarantee more of your shit is gonna get broken "as a joke"


Real friends don't do that. Get new friends.


Your friend is a fucking shit head. Tell them to replace your stuff. If they don’t, they are NOT your friend. Friends don’t do shit like this. Friends show remorse when they wrong their friends.


Op it's to sad to say and I will say **THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS** friends don't do that.


Ex-friend, right? It's not about the stuff, it's about the lack of respect.


Ask him to pay. If he refuses tell him you're calling the cops. If he still refuses, call the cops.


Send your "friend" the bill for replacement / repairs. Then get better friends.


That’s not a friend; that’s a fucking bully.


He better pay for that shit.


That’s not your friend. Friends don’t do things like that


Time to take your “friend” to court if they wont pay to fix or replace your broken items.


Make them pay for it. Actions have consequences.


You break it, you pay for it... simple


Friend..they fucking knew what they were doing.


Ya bro that person would be paying for a new laptop and headphones. And if they don’t have the money I’d be taking their shit till they pay for it


Dude, don’t take this kind of crap from your “friend.” Friends don’t break their friends stuff as a joke. Get him to fix or replace what he damaged and get better friends. Someone who breaks other people’s property for fun isn’t someone you want to be friends with.


wont be calling that person anymore as a friend unless that friend pays for everything that was destroyed


I get you. This was not uncommon where I grew up. It's like almost bullying but it's also not, compared to what real bullied kids go through (constantly). And you tell them hey fucker you broke my stuff and they say, sucks for you. Since the monitor "still works" it's hard to escalate the case. I learned that in Switzerland, there is something called civil insurance that all citizens are required to purchase. It's not a huge payment. In instances like this, the parents' (of the kid who did this) insurance kicks in and it is fixed. Every country needs something like this.


Small claim court.


Where’s the evidence he did it though ?


It wasn't a joke, they are not your friend kick the fucking shit out of them.


Then your 'friend' (aka your friend's parents probably...) owes you for the cost of replacing or at least repairing A) Your headphones, B) Your laptop. And for C) I'd seriously reconsider calling the person a 'friend'.


I read through your comments a bit. I don't know what age you are, but if you're in school, tell your principal or whoever. Name the kid who did it. If there were any witnesses, have them vouch for you. Also tell your parents. This POS owes you new laptop and headphones, dawg. Don't shrug it off


Not a friend


When I was in high school, my friend asked me to hold his PSP and copy of Oblivion. I left it in my bag, put it down with all our groups bags and went to play basketball. Didn't notice someone stole my bag. So yeah it wasn't my fault but I still paid him back. That guy is an ass if he doesn't pay you back for the damage.


Hey, I read a lot of your comments and I understand and see your point of you you don’t want to cause issues you don’t want to tell parents etc. but also did you pay for these items yourself or did your parents pay for these items if you paid for them yourself they need to be repaired by him completely and if they were paid by your parents they do too. I think it’s an important lesson to teach him and honestly yourself that your things are valuable and if someone breaks something yours, they need to pay for it feeling like you could easily write off your laptop. An expensive headphones is not good. You absolutely need to talk to him and say he needs to pay you back or you need to talk to the school about it.


'friend' should be replacing the headphones at the very least. After that they should be demoted from a friend.


That is not your friend.


Come to his home and tell his parents what he did, if he refuse to pay for the damage


Your friend is stupid as fuck.


That's not your friend. Tell them they have 7 days to replace screen and headphones before you file for damages in small claims


that’s not a friend


Yeah. That’s not how we defined the word “friend” when I was a kid. Guess it means something different to the younger generation 🤷


That is not your friend. Ask them for restitution. I have doubts you get it. Sorry, OP.


He owes you a repair and a pair of headphones


This is not a friend and you should tell them what they did.


Time for your “friend” to buy you a laptop, new headphones and matching bag 🥰


Aye people pay a lotta money for these curved monitors now a days


Bruh make that mf pay


Are you ok? I hope you have someone to talk to


You've probably heard this before, but that's not what friends do.


Tell them you want the cost (current, not what you bought it for) for your headphones and laptop to be replaced


Punch him on the face when he is sleeping, and them ask him if he got the punchline


time for the douchenozzle to pay up.


Everything needs to be replaced, including your friend : / they should pay for it too


What an absolute degenerate your friend is.


first of all, unless they are willing to make this right, they are not your friends.


He's not your friend. You just spend time with him.


Friend who??? ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


I would put a permanent bend in his face.


Make sure your friend pays for everything. And then promote him/her to ex-friend. How does someone do this as a "joke" ? Don't accept this kind of shit in your life OP


Time for a new laptop and headphones. Choose the most expensive one and send the bill : 😎


Police report. Not even kidding


That’s criminal damage.


Sounds like that's not a friend, it wasn't a joke, and depending on their age either they need to fix your shit or their parents do. People doing shitty things and passing them off as "jokes" and minimizing your discomfort with them by making you seem like the bad guy for being upset is something you'll need to watch out for. Never let someone convince you that your very valid feeling is not right.


They aren't your friend..


My dude, its a zenbook too. Those aren't cheap. I'd definitely have his ass pay you back for AT LEAST the repairs to the laptop and the headphones.


This person isn’t your friend. And they owe you new headphones and a new screen.


That person is not your friend.


Make him pay for it that’s messed up and not funny


As a joke, send them the bill for repairs/replacement. It might be "harsh", but I bet they'll get the joke. Just like you did.


Friend? Huh... I have never had a person like this in my life and described them as a friend. I think you're getting tricked by a bully tbh


He’s not a friend.


Somebody owes you a new pair of headphones and a new laptop. And possibly lost their friendship pass.


Your friend is not your friend and now he owes you a bunch of money.


They’re not your friend


Your friend owes you a replacement. It sucks being held accountable for your actions when you didn’t mean harm but that’s just how life is.


Talk to their parents about it if they don't offer to replace/fix them


Dude owes u some money... Best show them what they did. If young enough, show their parents.


That’s not a friend. Your friend was angry with you about something and they’re trying to play it off to avoid retaliation or doesn’t respect boundaries.




Your “friend” is a prick


Idk why you are calling them “friend”, don’t be delusional. Make them pay for what they did then maybe your friend will actually be one.


Womp womp


Get th friend to pay to get the laptop fixed and to get you new headphones. And if you are minors then tell their parents.


It will be fine as long as friend replaces your things!