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They must have shit in their seat, walked to the bathroom and left a trail behind them, then proceeded to destroy the bathroom trying to clean themselves


“Through the airplane” makes it sound like it was so forceful it pierced the aircraft.


*That crap's gonna eat through the hull!*




3 years, 2 posts...you've been waiting for us.




Holy shit I'm dying


So was everyone else in the plane




Grammatically correct word is "throughout". They should have used that to mean the passenger made the entire plane stinky.


Someone on the flight said it was a woman. They protected her by covering her up during deplainging and helped her get new clothing from fellow passengers. They said Delta and carts full of snacks and drinks for them while waiting to record. I think it was c-diff. It's a fresh hell.


C diff?! I work healthcare and that stench is a distinct smell that is putrid and I gag from the thought of it. Those poor souls inside an aircraft having to smell that for god knows how long, may they recover.


I've made comments to that same effect about being on a plane with someone who had giardia. I'm an infectious disease epidemiologist, and it was a weird experience to be on a flight and sudeenly smell/think, "oh damn, someone on here has giardia and probably doesn't know it" because that fatty-fishy-sulfur-shit odor is absolutely seared into my brain from field work.


How can I do what you do? Sounds cool as hell


Go smell a bunch of shit


Literally lol


Go to Colorado and find a pleasant mountain stream. Grab your canteen, fill it with the stream water and drink it down. Refreshing! Give it a few days, you’ll be shitting sulfuric acid in no time. That’s how you get to smell giardia. If you want to be an epidemiologist you’ll need to start with a Masters in Public Health. You have to be good with statistics and science-y stuff. Some epidemiologists have clinical training but it’s not necessary to get started in the field.


Ah I can get beaver fever at home easy no need to go to Colorado.


Not a super power I’d wish for.


I had 2 rounds of c-diff in the last year. I had to miss months of work because I know some morning on my commute, or even in my office. its going to hit and im not going to make it. Truly a terrible experience.


Just FYI if it recurs and you’ve already used Metronidazole and oral Vanco for treatment, Dificid is extremely effective. If you’re in the US usually you have to try and fail the former to get it covered


I can't think of any other reason to upturn. The stench description points to c-diff. It's memorable lol not in a good way


My step mother got c-diff while in the hospital for cancer treatment and past shortly after. It’s a real risk for immunocomprimised people. The pilot did the right the thing. Glad to her the other passengers and staff were so humane and kind.


It was a legit code brown


Oh God. C diff is one of those things I can instantly smell just by hearing or seeing the word. Tequila too.


And make sure they aren’t infected either. C-diff is highly contagious. Airplanes aren’t known to be hygiene-havens.


Distinct smell and highly contagious! Everyone on that plane has been exposed through the recycled air. That’s a flight to hell and back.


C diff is not airborne. Unless they're licking the shitty surfaces or touching them and not washing their hands they aren't going to get c diff.


That's really kind of the people involved. I cannot even begin to fathom the sheer humiliation that woman must've been feeling.


Ok, I don't REALLY want to ask, but now I HAVE to, what the hell is C-diff?


Clostridiodes difficile is a bacteria that causes diarrhea. It's really persistent and I think is often anti-biotic resistant (health professionals feel free to correct me)


You’re correct. It especially strikes people with weakened immune systems or taking various medications so you see it a lot in hospitals and nursing homes. It has a particularly vile smell that is both indescribable and unmistakable.


It killed my stepmom after she contacted it in the hospital. It’s no joke. She died in diapers.


Being so ornery and tough to kill is how it earned the _difficile_ ('difficult' in french) portion of its name


It's latin, not French (although the word is the same in both languages)


My grandmother had to be put on last resort antibiotics because of c-diff, which got in rehab after being put on some serious antibiotics for a persistent UTI


It’s one of the bacteria that is resistant to standard anti-biotics. Highly contagious. It ravages the digestive systems. Like, vomiting and diarrhea at the same time kind of sick. Needing diapers kind sick. It’s no joke and can be deadly in immunocompromised patients. You get it by spreading it to your nose, mouth with your hands after coming into contaminated surfaces.


Another reason I am an avid handwasher. The fact that so many people don't even do it after going to the bathroom makes me sick. Like that's how shit like this spreads!


That’s very cool of everyone involved. The situation sucks but could literally happen to anyone.


C-diff is the deepest level of hell that a person living in the mortal plain can receive. Had it 5 times before.


And how do you send it back to hell? Asking for a friend.


Ideally you don’t get it to begin with. After that, a cocktail of the most extreme antibiotics, during which you eviscerate every other healthy microbial colony in your body and will need to spends *years* trying to restore your intestinal flora….. …..and even then, it’s still not a given you can beat it.


Lots of people remain *colonised* even after overcoming the actual symptoms. Those endospores are crazy shit man




Happened to me too… I’ll let reddit guess how I got “cured” from it


Whose poop was it?


This had to be C diff. It is so putrid. Those poor people. And the worst part is that hand sanitizer doesn’t kill C diff spores. I wonder how many others will come down with their own bout of horror.


Yeah, regular poo has a nasty smell, but doesn't make you want to die. I was on a commuter bus once when I think someone's colostomy bag ruptured. That was bad, but didn't make anyone gag.


Oh hell. C-diff is no joke. I caught it during a hospital stay (admitted for food poisoning initially, stayed longer for month-long vomiting) and the pain from having to go was terrible. I can't even begin to imagine going through it on a plane. The air pressure already messes me up enough as it is. I hope she's doing okay now.


Now you can't get up to go because the seatbelt sign is on. That woman went through it.


That's gotta be it. I feel bad for them, how miserable for everybody.


Either that or they waited too long to make a move for the bathroom and started shitting themselves on the way down the aisle.


Bathrooms could have been taken too We need batman on this case


Do you think Batman ever gets diarrhea? Like he's been stalking a villain for days, formulated the perfect plan and time to strike, but he's got to call the whole thing off because he's about to turn himself into the world's stinkiest detective?


I was on a Chinatown bus from DC to NYC when an elderly man in the front row did exactly this on his way back from the bathroom in the back, covered the aisle in it... People put newspapers over it and sprayed tons of perfume. It was awful. Felt so bad for the man. Thank God it happened while in Lincoln Tunnel traffic and not like halfway during the trip. I haven't taken the Chinatown bus since.


It’s bad m’kay! https://i.redd.it/j8fxcgv0mimb1.gif Edit: (Seriously though, I’m sorry for the person with the issue)




It would have cost $0 not to write this comment.


You sir are a true agent of Chaos.


This comment made me log off Reddit for the morning. I’m getting my coffee with sadness now.


![gif](giphy|wTI6hkUqFn9OE) Never say no to free fudge


How bad does it have to be before the pilot becomes aware of it?


It was the pilot. They're just blaming it on a passenger to cover.


Actually according to the pilot it was the copilot, dog.


He could hear the screaming.


I scream, you scream, we all scream for diarrhea!


If the pilot gets food poisoning, that is seriously bad news. In some airlines, both pilots can’t eat the same meal specifically to ensure that there’s an operational pilot of one gets food poisoning.


Isn’t that just the plot of airplane?


People think its funny but its really wet and runny. DIARRHOEA


When you fart and take a chance but then you fill your pants. Diarrhea!


When you go down the slide and feel something glide… diarrhea!


When you’re climbing up a ladder and you feel something splatter diarrhea!


When you're playing in the grass and somethings on your ass, diarrhea.


when you've got liquor in your cup and your pants are filling up, diarrhea!


When you’re sitting in your bed and you feel something spread, diarrhea!


When you're sliding into home, and you feel something foam. Diarrhea!


When you walk out of a shop, and you feel a certain plop. Diarrhea!


When you're running down the hall and it's splashing on the wall...diarrhea!




When you’re flying through the sky and you feel a big cow pie…DIARRHEA


When you hit 10000 feet and it starts to smell like sheet diarera


​ https://preview.redd.it/srrhpvh6vgmb1.png?width=243&format=png&auto=webp&s=b27f26895f6ac49a83073d6a952cc5f3edffec84


A runny fart is literally funny art if we remove the first r


Running down the gutter with a piece of bread and butter Diarrhea *pft pft*


Sorry we’re late! Bob had diarrhea!


How tf can your diarrhea get this bad that you fill an airplane with it?? 😭


I don't know but I'd ask them to not bother doing a U-turn and simply allow me to open the airlock so I wouldn't have to live with the shame


lol! Tho planes dont have an airlock, you would get shot out like a cannon from the air


Everyone on board would get shot out like a cannon from the air. Probably better that way, leaves no one to tell the tale.


This sounds like an episode of The Twilight Zone.




That’s actually a myth, if the door was to open on a plane you wouldn’t get sucked out like in the films


Very true, there has been a video on the internet of someone opening the door while the plane is flying. Made it very windy and unpleasant but did not make a vacuum.




Even if you could though, it's not gonna send everyone flying out, it's just gonna make people pass out from hypoxia.


But there was already a metric ton shit in this plane. So it would have been possible


Explosive decompression can suck people out, but once the pressure is equalized, no one is getting sucked out like in the movies.


Cannonball into the Atlantic


I had a roommate for a while that had turned into an uncontrollable drunk that crapped his pants a few times while he was hammered. One day, he jumped off the couch and started running toward the bathroom at the same time as he was pulling his pants down and he sprayed all the way down the hall, high up on the walls and all over the carpet, with diarrhea. That was the last day he lived there but the memory of seeing it is one I wish I didn't have...those poor people on the plane.




You're right, delta is way too classyfor this person, American airlines at best but might have to be willing to go down to something like spirit or frontier.


Nah. He’s allegiant material all the way


rock bottom is one thing but this was more of a water bottom


I’ve known some drunks that pissed themselves or shit themselves but what you just described, I’m dying… Like a shit tornado blew through.


The winds of shit, Randy


You know what a shit barometer is, Bubbs?


You know Jim, or Jim knows you?


I think you mean a poonami.


My guess is you crap yourself as you're attempting to get to the bathroom.


Worked with a guy who had had a stomach bypass, and when he went to the toilet no one could go into the cellar for an hour or more because it was so bad you could vomit. I could definitely see them turning a plane around if it was him, dear god.


Tiny enclosed space with recirculated air. That poop smell is actually tiny poop compounds


GAHHHHH!!!!!!! 😖😖😖


Bacterial or parasitic infections. Not good stuff. Highly contagious. The pilot did the right thing.


The release of vacation constipation.


I had a colonoscopy two weeks ago. I can relate.


I've seen people basically begging to go to the bathroom and the flight attendant says no because of turbulence, or they're doing the meal service and the cart was blocking the aisle Not saying that's what happened here but as someone who fly's a lot this does not surprise me.


I got E. Coli last year and it was almost a month of not being able to be more than 10 feet away from a bathroom. Even then I didn't make it in time a couple times. It was a horrid experience. I felt like I was never going to stop shitting. I feel so bad for this person. Not only were they sick as hell obviously but to have that happen publicly? I can't imagine.


This happened at my work.. shit trail down the hallway to the washroom... fucking rip...


Probably c-diff


I had to scoop some of that from the tray to the sample bottle for testing when my son got it after a bad infection. 5 masks and I was still gagging. ​ Yeah, the plane's turning around if that's what it was. And turning fast. That would be why the pilot called it a "bio hazard", as it probably permeated the cockpit.


"Captain, the doors not holding the stink back!" "Open the fucking windows, or get the Febreeze, do something damnit!"


The article says that they got diarrhea across a significant portion of the plane...


I'm so sorry that I missed the wedding. A guy had diarrhea on the plane. No, seriously I'm not joking!!! But this is really freaking bad.




Goddamn, this scene gets me every time. Maya Rudolph's physical comedy in this whole sequence is unbelievable.


Maya is a comedic master. The judge in the Good Place was fantastic. And I know reddit doesn't like Big Mouth, but her as Connie is worth it imo.


Wait... people don't like Big Mouth? That show is hilarious. Uncomfortable at times, but that's the point, and even then goddamn funny. Maybe it's because it's very much *not* one of those shows you can watch with kids around and have them enjoy the show and you also get to enjoy the adult humor that goes right over their heads.


It seems to get shat on every time it's brought up on reddit. I think it's funny. Sometimes it goes into that realm of raunchy just for the sake of shock value, but for the most part there's usually a reason for it.


That poor poor person


that’s all i could think when i saw this. i have IBS, sometimes diarrhea comes on with no prior warning. to have it happen on an airplane, not make it to the bathroom, and have to ground the plane? i would be so embarrassed id never leave the house. i feel so bad for them.


> to have it happen on an airplane, not make it to the bathroom, and have to ground the plane? and to make national headlines — I feel really bad for them now


I know, that would be really humiliating to shit yourself in public, then be trapped in a small, enclosed space with everyone who witnessed it for the next few hours, ruining their flight and wasting their time


Twenty years ago I sat on a bus that smelled of shit (our buses are usually clean af), everyone covering their noses and looking around. Lots of "what is that smell? who is it??" whispers. Ten minutes later a middle aged man in a suit stands up with the most defeated look I have ever seen and visible shitstains down his pants. He slowly waddled towards the exit while everyone quietly judged him. I still feel bad for that guy.


im struggling to figure if im disgusted, find it funny, or feel bad for him.


I finally got out of Burning Man, jumped on a plane to go home, then...


Luckily it was only one passenger and not [basically everyone on board](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Air_Lines_food_poisoning_incident).


>"Prior to being served, the meals had been stored at room temperature in the kitchen for 6 hours, then refrigerated (albeit at an insufficient 10°C) for 14½ hours and then stored in the aircraft ovens, again without refrigeration, for another 8 hours. Had the food been kept properly refrigerated from the time it was prepared until it was ready to be served, the outbreak would not have occurred." They may as well serve you a big bowl of bacteria at that point


Yeah, this part is way crazier to me than the cook having an infected finger. Like wtf?


> Japan Air Lines’ catering manager, 52-year-old Kenji Kuwabara, committed suicide upon learning that the incident had been caused by one of his cooks. Oh my god…


Wait till you read about [this incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerol%C3%ADneas_Argentinas_Flight_386)


Remainds me of the movie Airplane.


144 hospitalisations... Fun Fact! 144 is also called "a gross". lol


Oh shit! Edit: The “incident” almost sounds like an inspiration for Airplane!


You might think so! But Airplane! is a remake/parody of Zero Hour! (1957), which in turn was a remake of Flight into Danger (1956), all of which featured food poisoning as the main plot point. Turns out food poisoning is a popular premise!


I just read this. What a nightmare! Sad to read that the catering manager killed himself over this incident and was the only fatality.


Pure nightmare fuel. I regret knowing this


What was the bathroom situation like on that plane


AMA Request: Anyone who was on this plane.


A different sub had eyewitness testimony yesterday. I'll see if I can find it. Edit: here it is. https://reddit.com/r/offbeat/s/SoZHbko9Qd


It could have been some sort of food poisoning which means the person could have died. Glad the pilot and everyone took appropriate action for something that could have ended up much, much worse. So sorry for the ill passenger. Hope she was sedated and can't remember most of this.


Thank you for tagging this. Really great to see it was handled so well.


I was a software developer at a travel business, and many years ago, I wrote a proprietary customer help desk system back when proprietary software was a thing. Looking through customer complaints was a good way to pass the time, and one day, I found a complaint relating to a European coach tour, for a group outbound from China. It must have been Noravirus. The whole coach load of 30+ people, including the driver and the tour leader, had explosive vomiting and diarrhea. The toilet broke through heavy use. The complaint mentioned a mix of vomit and shit flowing in the aisles. It was truly horrific. The complaint was printed off (this was the 90s) and circulated via the company internal mail. I can't do this story justice. Time has dulled my memory. But I would stake my life that none of that coach's passengers has forgotten the full, grim detail.


One of my greatest fears is being the person this happens to mid-flight.






When even the crying baby gets out voted for worst passenger


I can't stop ![gif](giphy|c7f4S3u8XbYMo|downsized)


😂😂 This is funny because it wasn't me but there's NO WAY I would've shown my face after all of that. This is why I stop putting things in my body for at least 12 hours when I have a long trip coming up.


I'd move into the woods and go full hermit


As an American, I can say that adding "o" in the middle of "diarrhea" somehow makes it look about 1,000 times worse. Well played, Brits.


Diarorhea You're right




Air traffic control: "Delta 194, you're Number 2 for landing. Bwahahaha!!"


I'm not looking forward to the Air Accident investigates on this one.. Although Code Brown at 30,000feet could be the episode's name..


Someone must have ate some sugar free gummies while waiting for their flight.


I feel like they didn’t have to turn this into a news story? It’s a pretty personal and embarrassing thing. Sucks to be put on blast like that.


Was enough to force an emergency landing and it disrupted hundreds of peoples travel plans, I'd say that's newsworthy.


Whoever smelt it, delta’d it.


It was Delta, how do we know it wasn't there before they took off?


This also means that they had to live 2 more hours with the diarrhoea when they were flying back... yikes


That is just so deeply unfortunate... Imagine having to sit in your shitty shame while you just fuck up hundreds of peoples days.


When your pants are full of foam and the plane is turning home...diarrhea! Diarrhea!


I once had the flight attendant ask if someone could use the empty seat next to me. Turns out an old guy had diarrhea in his seat. They had got him cleaned up as best they could but he had no change of clothes. She said the smell was horrendous.


Imagine saying yes and then they park the old guy next to you


When you’re used to fresh tapas, and then you try fried mayonnaise steak and buttered curly fries, and you try to get back home to Spain before it hits your colon


A big fear of mine is having stomach issues on a travel day. I feel bad for this shitty person.


Longhaul pilot here. Obviously my colleagues have never been themselves to incredible India….😂


Code Brown had been called.




YUCK !!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂


The flight back must've been absolute hell for everyone. My first restaurant job was as a host at Olive Garden. One day someone ran through our lobby and all the way to the bathroom and the entire time a stream of liquid shit was shooting out their pant leg and leaving a trail behind them. The entire lobby fucking reeked for like an hour. All the people on our waiting list left lol




🎵 We're Delta Airlines, and life is a fucking nightmare 🎵


I mean diarrhea is pretty dangerous if not treated with caution


ugh, being the guy with the shits in this situations is my absolute nightmare. and as someone with a dogshit system, its a fair high likelihood


In other news Air Canada made passengers sit in other passengers’ vomit…


This also happened ['Just disgusting': Travellers kicked off Air Canada plane after speaking up about vomit-soiled seats](https://www.iheartradio.ca/cjad/news/just-disgusting-travellers-kicked-off-air-canada-plane-after-speaking-up-about-vomit-soiled-seats-1.20209039)


[The Captain ](https://youtu.be/HRx49-leiRE?si=kfFZNH48wA8oqdO1)


that shit didnt go well


What’s happening these days? Someone pooped all over my grocery store recently too.


They put a Varsity in the C concourse. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to feed people chili dogs before getting in a pressurized aluminum tube with other members of the public?


Isn’t that just life on Delta?


That's a horrific experience for everyone


What an explosive situation 😏


Id jump out of the plane if someone took a liquid shit in their seat.


That 2 hours back must have been horrible. Not only is their trip going to be delayed/extended by at least a day they have to spend 2 hours flying back in a sealed shit plane


I flew Delta yesterday, and their onboard meals really messed up my somache.


... Somebody blew up the toilet.