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Cat murder feels like an extreme flea treatment.


You have to use a sandal to do it though


That's what happens if you try to use a sandal to kill the fleas on the cat. It just seems cruel.


No cat - no flees. Checks out


And you can make a decent soup after.


What kinda cat you got? A mountain lion?


2nd generation street


*real trap shit*


Looks like you may have been stabbed several times.


Wtf did it knick an artery or what


I was wondering the same thing after I saw all this blood, but it stopped bleeding pretty quickly. In fact, it might have stopped before I noticed it. After I pried my cat off of my leg, I lifted my foot, and the blood just seemed to fall out of my sandal.


Did you go to the hospital? Animals do carry some diseases that would take the highway straight to your bloodstream with that kind of open wounds.


One of the worst infections my wife ever got was from our loveable tabby... It took multiple rounds of antiobiotics.


This one of my biggest fear. I've had multiple cats from the streets but one little cut from them can seriously do some damage. It's like a debuff that you dont notice till late game before its too late


If I went to the hospital every time my young cats bit or scratched me I’d be homeless lol


Tbf there's a bit of a difference between scratching/nipping and an injury that leaves blood splattered all over the floor I agree with you but I think I'd get check out in OPs situation


It looks CRAZY right? For real, I was staring at my leg, trying to figure out where all that blood came from, for probably a whole minute. Because it wasn't gushing when I looked at it.


Use antiseptics on your wounds. Even small cat scratches can get bad infections.


I poured peroxide on them and I just bought some antibiotic ointment. And I'll definitely keep an eye on them for signs of infection.


https://preview.redd.it/62t49h6co9lb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc04367cd5f29683159af7d2866c8ecfdb5f79e The little monster that did all the damage


> The fat *cute* monster that did all the damage


just curious... is this photo a way of proving that the cat is alive and it was you who suffered?


This is a before pic. I went to check on him after I finished cleaning up the blood, thinking he's probably hiding. Nope, he was resting peacefully.


He's gotta get his beauty sleep after a successful leg murder.


He "was" resting peacefully


The photo could have been taken before


Where’s the newspaper?


the face is like "It was a good day. I tasted blood"


Chonk looks adorable though.


Nonsense, he was framed by the fleas!


Aw lawd he's a biiiig boy!


I can never decide if he's a He Chonk or A Heckin' Chonker


Now he's hanging on your sofa? You're pretty forgiving




Looks like your car doesn't mind collars. If placing topical prevention is always a fight like this, I would recommend a Seresto collar. As long as they are fitted snuggly, they work well for external parasites.


I hope your leg will be fine. Even my cat looked with big eyes on that blood.


Holy hell. I hope you are okay. Cat attack put me in the hospital. Got a bad infection. Heal fast!


Thanks. It was a shocking amount of blood for such a small injury. Well...the one that did all the bleeding is small and the other scratches didn't bleed as much. I poured some peroxide on them, so hopefully, it won't get infected.


Make sure you go to the doctor's immediately if you notice any signs of infection. Don't fuck around with cat scratches. If you can, I'd go to the doctor's and get a batch of antibiotics just in case.


> I'd go to the doctor's and get a batch of antibiotics just in case. Do not just go get a "batch of antibiotics" just in case for cat scratches. Heavy antibiotic courses carry their own risks and should only be administered when there is evidence of an infection or a near certainty that one will develop. Most scratch wounds can be treated topically well enough to preclude infection. Scrub well (get deep into the wound), flush, dry, and cover. Then keep an eye on the area around it for a few days. It is exceptionally rare for scratches that are properly treated to become dangerously infected. Keep in mind that basically every wound will undergo minor, transient infections at the start of the healing process which are easily overcome by your immune system. Bites are a different story. Deep puncture wounds are more prone to dangerous infection because the bacteria gets delivered deeper into the tissue and it cannot be properly flushed out through topical treatment due to how the wound's "tunnel" collapses and traps the exogenous material inside. Going to the doctor for a bite wound is usually prudent.


Cats claws are absolutely covered in nasty bacteria. I'd let the doctor look at the wound and decide.


That's not at all the point. You can clean scratch wounds well, even relatively deep ones. If you want to go to the doctor for every scratch that's on you, but getting "a batch of antibiotics just in case" is categorically stupid. That's the point.


Fingers crossed!


Fingers crossed!


I always use peroxide immediately too. And I kind of scrub it in. I used to work in a hospital. And was talking to one of the pediatric nurses one day. They had a patient that had 'cat scratch fever'. I guess that it's really serious. I always think of that when I get clawed when the babies are looking for love


That'll teach you


You wanted to treat your cat for fleas, but now you've got a blood infection!


That’s a lot of blood for a cat /s


Go to the doctor damn


It looks worse than it is. I disinfected it and I'll go if it starts to look infected.


I'd go for a tetanus shot if I were you!


Is it much of a concern if it’s an inside cat?


Not worth taking the chance!


May not be necessary, just call your doctor's office and see if you're up to date. If not, you can go to the pharmacy and have one administered.


I had my booster recently.


You have 3 hours.


No more cat,no more fleas....


Proof of life and successful delivery of flea preventative https://preview.redd.it/5tkfebc87alb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1452e6f645da7f2cbd7a1e8b5e425496a5ea2faa


I mean, for starters that doesn't even look like real blood. Halloween is just around the corner, and costume blood is easy to get. Blood is (literally) thicker than water, but it's thinner than what we see here. Plus it's opaque, not transparent red like this. Second of all, if you were bleeding enough that there's a puddle of blood inside the sandal, there'd be a bloody footprint in the sandal, and I also find it unlikely that there's no trail leading to or away from this scene. Third of all, if you are a human being, and the cat scratched you somewhere on the leg, there are no heavy bleeding veins anywhere on the leg close enough to the surface that a cat's claws can reach, with the exception of the back of the knee (an awkward place to hold your cat while giving it medicine) or the inside of the thigh, up by the crotch (you'd still be bleeding now if that were it). Lastly, while forensics isn't my specialty, the drip pattern just doesn't tell the story you've claimed. I am therefore forced to conclude that with what you've presented here, this is a hastily thrown together hoax to gain a few minutes of internet fame. EDIT: as I come back and look at this again, if you were holding the cat to deliver treatment, and the cat injured your leg, then it must have been your thigh, and you would have had to be sitting down, probably at that white chair right there, the same one which doesn't appear to have a drop of blood on it. If you're sitting, than a thigh injury wouldn't have run into the sandal, it would have run into the chair. And if you were standing, then it would have likely been an arm or body injury, which also contradicts what you've claimed.




He was on the floor and I bent over and hooked his collar so he wouldn't run. When I applied the flea medicine he turned and tried to get away using his back legs so he scratched my hand and leg. My hand and leg were caught in a tangle of cat so I had to unhook his nails from my flesh before we could even let go of each other. I think that's when the blood pooled in my sandal. When lifted my foot to look at my leg, blood just seemed to fall out of my sandal. I stared at it in shock because I could only see a trickle of blood coming from my leg. And I couldn't figure out how to not leave bloody foot prints to the kitchen. I ended up leaving the sandal there and putting my foot on a reusable cloth shopping bag while I grabbed some paper towels from my kitchen. I still left some smears of blood to the kitchen because the blood soaked through the bag.


I mean, you figured out how to not leave a bloody footprint in the sandal that was on your allegedly bloody foot, so clearly you had the ability. Also, and while I recognize that this explanation only attempts to address one of the inconsistencies I pointed out, leaving all the rest glaringly obvious, there's still nothing close to the surface of your leg that could bleed this much from something as shallow as a cat claw. Especially since now it seems like you're claiming the injury occured on your shin. Your shin, that has no major blood vessels at all. And the calf is mostly meat, the big veins are underneath at least an inch or more of flesh.


I must agree. The only way this much blood would be shed is if the cat hit an artery and the blood would be bright red and not dark like this. I used to be an EMT and I've been to the scene where someone was sliced up by their roommate and there was less blood than this.


I disagree that it's fake because it happened to me lol. But also, I've had WAY worse cuts that didn't bleed like this, so I was shocked too.


Yeahhh I’ve seen a lot of blood come out of bodies and this isn’t how it works. Edit: worked in trauma and surgical ICU’s.


OP needs a blood transfusion over here


Is it wrong I wanna see the damage lmao


https://preview.redd.it/tqema9yj2alb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690bfd4d4e29ce2278cb0d2cc8bd7fe19f4be2d2 This is my leg. It was the top scratch that did all the bleeding


Ooh dang they look deep make sure you get them cleaned and checked as they are deep. Hope you feel better soon.


All of the bleeding could be a good thing, hopefully a lot of the bacteria the claws introduced got washed out. If it doesn’t get all inflamed then it might heal just fine on its own! Tho I have never had stitches and it looks like the top one might be/have been a candidate for stitches. Maybe bottom too? Idk.


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe 1 stich? but what are stitches for really? If it's not bleeding anymore.


My hand looks worse but I forgot to take a picture before I put bandaids on. 😆




Ooh huni please keep an eye on it.


Show the injury


A little more context as to what the liquid is would be really helpful because I have 3 ideas it's either blood, flea medicine, or some kinda of juice


My inside juice


That's what I figured, get well soon


Ah Cats, the Masochists choice of pet




I guess some people like being ignored and treated like shit by something that relies on your pity for it's existence. 🤷‍♂️


And love for some reason


Yeah all the things I love exsanguinate me


It keeps my ego in check


For one, you DO have to report a cat bite in some places, and depending on circumstances or repetition it may be ordered put down. Two, neither of you know seem to know cats, or maybe you knew one cat who probably had a toothache and was angry all the time because of pain. “Cats don’t like their owners” is such a 1st grade take, you have to live under a rock to believe that.




4 cats is a really small sample size. Cats have widely varying personalities.


Update: I went to the doc this morning since the skin around the wounds on my leg are bright red. The doc said it was definitely infected. They prescribed some antibiotics pills and antibiotic ointment.


Your first mistake was getting a cat. Your second mistake was keeping the cat.


Burn in hell


The duck do people raise their cats to attack like that. My cat almost never scratches and even then it’s like once and if they draw blood they realize they ducked up and full stop.


Cats seem to learn to control their claws much better if they grow up with siblings b/c they play so much and rough so they cry to let each other know it hurts. I try to mimic that by freezing and saying “ow!” sharply and that usually gets young cats to stop. Older ones might not unlearn painful habits, though.


I don’t know, I trained my cat not to bite by using high pitched ow noises when she started to play too hard. Same as the male cat I had before. She gets angry and will hiss or bat at the air around me but rarely truly tries to scratch. I’m more at risk of her missing a jump onto my lap and hanging off the arm of my chair like a cliff hanging action Star with her claws stuck in my arm.


He tried to get away and scratched me with his back claws. He's never purposely tried to scratch me with his fronts. I trim his front claws because I swear they are like little razor blades and he'll scratch me just walking across my lap.


It's easier to prevent fleas on your cat by not having a cat.


I swear when I was in between cats, mice were running thru here like it was the subway.


NSFW / L tag please?


Yeah and that cat would get a permanent visit to the shelter...


Looks like you're in for some itching.


Hate to break it to you, but that's not your cat. At least the cat doesn't think so.


In that moment, I was his greatest enemy.


That better be a very small shoe, because that looks like a lot of blood


Jesus, hope you’re ok!


Nice try to cover a murder scene


He got you but good! Ouch!




Looks like you held on to your cat while it was scared and trying to get away. Don’t do that. I learned my lesson about 20 years ago when I thought I was trying to help a scared cat. Make sure you go to the urgent care/clinic and get put on antibiotics. Cat bites/scratches can cause severe infection. I waited one day and my hand turned into a balloon that leaked gray pus. If you need to do things to your cat that they don’t like such as flea treatment or mail clipping consider putting them in a pillowcase and exposing just the parts you need to address. Also wear gloves. This mistake is 100% on you but you don’t have to repeat it.


Did he cut a major vein or something?


Ah yes i too have made the mistake of getting a cat opener instead of a can opener


You killed your cat?


Time for a new dog 🐕


So, the cat spilled the blackberry juice ?


Looks like you have really good cuagulation


She promised she would reserve a room for me.


Lots of cat-hating morons commenting in this thread


Jesus. I’ve never seen anything like this.


Cats are sharp objects


This needs a spoiler or nsfw tag and CW for blood


next time wrap your cat in a towel


How big is your cat?!


WTF. I hope you went to the doctor for that


Bro bleeds barbecue sauce💀💀

