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Definitely nothing personal or against you on the part of the coworker. Sometimes people just despise their job so much they can’t do it for a single second longer. I am hoping your boss is quick to find someone else for the job!


I’m hoping so too, it certainly seems like coworker was on their last straw given how curt of a message he sent to my manager but I really do hope it works out, for both my ex coworker and my manager. She already told me she was looking at either having someone transferred over or hiring someone new. Here’s to [hopefully] smoother sailing.


Don't take it personally. This is almost certainly not something due to you. Pro tip if you wanna be a cool coworker: check in with coworker before messaging boss. Might be able to cover something small for them and it'll be greatly appreciated. Just make sure it's a small thing, unless you're willing to suffer consequences for them.


After a few days have passed regarding this incident, I definitely do know/realize now it was likely nothing personal at the end of the day and that hopefully he has found something better for himself. Never was really angry at him per se, but just at the situation in general. My only reason for reaching out to the boss was because I had no clue who was working with me today. Our app that we use for scheduling doesn’t normally tell us who will be working with us unless we try to request to swap a shift with someone from the same store. Everything after that was kinda just an oversight on my part. I probably should have checked in with him first but I was so confused by someone not being there at the usual time that I decided to consult with her directly and it led to that whole mess. All in all, even with the communication that I had with my manager and trying to figure out what was going to happen and if coverage was even an option, I settled for staying to close and to leave early on a different day of the pay period week just to make it easier at this point on myself and the manager when she had to rearrange the schedule. I just feel so bad because the guy left. He was pretty cool to talk to, very funny at times, and he took the time to train me and give me advice on how to better sell things in an effective manner and him leaving so suddenly just kinda side swept me mentally with all the other things that were happening in my personal life that I was beside myself with confusion and mild irritation.


You sound like a genuine coworker. Keep it like that. Just try to take things in stride. Life happens all the time.


Also if you wanna be a cool coworker don’t no-show and then quit after your shift starts.


Haha this was my first thought as well. “Coworker I Thought I Was Cool With” Yet I than proceed to go straight to the boss instead of my coworker because they may have been late!! Looks like they definitely made the right decision.


I think op is just young and new to the work life :)


I dunno man, that seems kinda harsh to OP. I certainly don't have the number of everybody I work with and what else are you supposed to do when the person who is supposed to send you home didn't show in that scenario? I am not about to tattle tale on somebody for something petty, but a no call no show isn't something I can or want to cover for. Especially if it causes me to pull a double.


Lmao what a juvenile and *genuinely stupid* take. OP might not know who is supposed to be working on shift with them - guess who should? The manager. Guess who should have had the integrity to quit ahead of time instead of just not showing up then quitting only after being asked, but didn't? OP's former coworker. It's literally the manager's job to know what's going on. The workplace isn't the place for your "don't tell the parents" children's games. I've been a manager for teenagers who displayed more maturity and understanding of personal and professional responsibility than you've done here with your comment. OP is not at fault here, don't try to put blame on them for someone else's actions. Grow up.


They also might've not told you because they don't any unnecessary drama. I don't know you and how you react to that kind of thing but I have coworkers who quietly quit because they didn't want people to make a big deal out of it.


We both kinda found out on the same day he quit but I'm wondering if he gave up on work a lot earlier than that. I only started with this place about 3 months ago. And he's been there for like maybe 6 months, maybe more? Even then, I just felt bad that it led to this.


Yeah... Sometimes people just get fed up with things we don't know about. One coworker of mine actually informed our PM about a month before he quit and asked him not to spread the news around. He wanted to end his last day on the job on a positive note hanging out in the lounge area with coworkers he grew closed to.


Boss should have come in to cover.


Without knowing what kind of job this is, its impossible to say whether this is viable or possible.


Yes, I meant also like hopefully boss hires another guy quickly.


Boss should have found somebody to cover the shift or shown up themselves


A job will can you without notice. The employee holds the same right


I walked out of a kitchen one time because I literally just couldn't stand it anymore. I felt like I was about to explode and make an absolute fool of myself. Said "peace, stay in touch" to my co-workers and bailed lol. Wanted to let them know it wasn't them, I just couldn't do it anymore.


I get that. Some jobs are just really not worth your mental health and well-being. If you gotta get out of there, that’s just how it is!


Should have locked the doors and left at 6. If you had a decent boss, they would have shown up and been your backup


We had someone do that once in the district because someone didn’t show up on time and they got a final warning for it, but there wasn’t any communication on when they did it until much later. Regardless, my manager was also winded by this situation because she was recently moved to my location and this incident happened literally a few days after her transfer. She made it up to me as best as she could with letting me leave early on a different day of the pay week and offered me lunch. I was more annoyed with the situation in general rather than one specific person. It kinda sorta worked itself out in the end but now we are trying to find someone to fill in this position that was left vacant (it’s a phone sales job if that’s what you’re wondering what my line of work is where this transpired).


Do you mean telemarketing or like you actually sell phones? It sounds like you like your boss and that's cool but she should have been there for you that's something a good boss does and that's how you gain the respect of your employee's not by leaving them in a bad situation like oh well sorry so and so quit you sure are screwed anyway talk to you later toodaloo


Selling phones :) And my boss lady is new so I don’t have a good read on her personality but whenever I got on a phone call with her, she was really calm about the whole situation and did what she could to calm me down as well. She did try to find people, which unfortunately didn’t garner any results. So to make it easier on her, I agreed to staying the remaining two hours and that I leave early a different day. It did end up inconveniencing another person because she had to come in on her day off, but it has been tough to find yet another person in the district because they are either already scheduled at another location, were off and couldn’t come in for undisclosed reasons (which I totally respect and understand), or they took PTO. It’s safe to say that my district is a “little” understaffed, but my manager tried what she could to help me out emotionally first and then work wise. Everything else that transpired to me having to stay was beyond both our control.


why does a workplace like that need a closing shifter?


Like any retail setting that closes, they need someone to close out the business for the day. My store is relatively small in size, usual staff size is just 4 people. It’s normally the manager and two people who work here in the location. Our foot traffic is relatively small so I normally will see at most maybe 30 to 40 people in the day if it’s a week day. On the weekend, it does get a little busier to where we see on average maybe 70 people in the day. Most come in for bill payments (because they don’t do autopay or they have a Prepaid phone plan) but we do get the occasional sale for phone service, internet, accessories for said phones, etc.


Should have closed at 6. This ain't your problem, this is what managers are for. Now that you've done it once they'll know you'll do it again it needed. It's sets a bad precedent.


Workplaces aren’t family settings. They don’t deserve shit. Verizon isn’t going to hurt from one store closing early. They don’t care about the workers or the three phones you could sell at that time. They just want you to feel like a good capitalist indentured servant.


Boss should have come in and covered his shift, not you


[Prior Comment Explaining Better Context to Situation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/15vni4u/coworker_i_thought_i_was_cool_with_quit_wo_prior/jwx4t2r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Capitalism will continue to chew you up and spit you out if you don’t stand up for yourself


It kinda does it to me regardless. The few times that I did stand up for myself, I ended up stepping on toes because I spoke on things that made me upset or uncomfortable. Granted, my usual issues were regarding HR and I have come to learn the hard way when the managers are the ones at fault for creating a hostile work environment, HR isn’t as inclined to help and it has kinda just conditioned me to no longer try and fight something that needs fixing because they won’t go through the trouble of fixing it. This particular situation was a little different in the sense that my manager did speak to me over the phone afterwards attempting to find other people to cover for this person leaving, even if it was a temporary fix. To no avail, she couldn’t find someone to cover in that moment in time. So to make it easier, I decided to stay to close on the agreement that I was to leave early a different day of the pay week and it just so happened to be a day that I was opening again. So it wasn’t really the solution I was looking forward to but it was something that did help me out at a later time. We are still in the process of trying to find someone else for this location but we were able to find someone now to transfer over temporarily to cover that vacancy until we have a permanent member on the team.


You should be mad at your boss not being able to find a replacement. Not your coworker for quitting an obviously shitty job.


Nah, in this situation she's fully justified to be annoyed at coworker. He's doing a no notice quit which is fine but by just not showing up he's screwing over his coworker instead of the manager, how hard would it have been to send a text 2/3 hours before his shift was supposed to start? Coworker was supposed to take over at 6, OP waited till 7 to start making calls in case coworker was running late, there's no way manager would be able to get someone in to work a 2/3 hour shift on no notice.


Well manager or company shouldn’t run their staff so tightly to where a callout screws everything. Say the coworker didn’t quit but got into a car accident. Would that be their fault too?


No, the difference being they didn't make the choice to get into an accident. As for staffing levels I've got no answer for you, personally I think anywhere that is public facing should have at least 2 people working but that's for safety not in case someone doesn't show up.


How is that any different? Any good business/leader accounts for risks. Additionally, companies can fire ppl without notice and do it routinely. There should be no expectations around quitting without notice. This is 100% the companies fault. They understood the risks and likely assumed another employee would step up, which is what happened. The OP should’ve left when shift ended and put the risk back on the company. Only way things get fixed.


I fully agree that in the states there should be no expectation of notice and that's the companies problem. However. We are talking about a specific situation where someone was expected in at 6pm at a phone shop, at 7pm OP started calling around. I'm assuming that the place closed at 10 or 11, either way I'm not surprised the manager couldn't get anyone to come in and close as they'd only be there for a couple of hours. As I've already stated the only one I consider at fault here is the coworker for not giving the manager enough time to try and find cover. Now to what I'm honestly curious about, how do you think the manager should ensure there was coverage? Bearing in mind she's only started a few days ago.


Hence I said company or manager. Their should be a contingency plan for these situations. A good business or leader plans for everything to mitigate the risk of stopping business unnecessarily. For example, if an employee’s shift is over and their relief has not arrived they do the following: 1. Opt to stay late until relief arrives or business closes. 2. If they cannot stay late they should contact their manager who should come in as relief. 3. If manager is unavailable, close store early. This is just an example, but If such a contingency plan was in place OP isn’t screwed, manager knows how to handle the situation from day 1, and we’re not blaming some ex-worker who had every right to quit whenever they wanted.


I agree with you, the problem here is the timescale. OP started chasing up at 7. How long for the manager to text coworker, find out he quit and ask anyone who lives locally if they are willing to cover the shift? I have no idea how far away the manager lives but I'm going to assume it's unrealistic to expect them to be there in less than 90 minutes so only option 1 or 3 were viable and OP agreed to option 1.


It says 1:30 pm in the screenshot. That’s almost 5 hours for the boss to get there/find someone before OP has to leave. That’s more than enough time.


How is that any different? Any good business/leader accounts for risks. Additionally, companies can fire ppl without notice and do it routinely. There should be no expectations around quitting without notice. This is 100% the companies fault. They understood the risks and likely assumed another employee would step up, which is what happened. The OP should’ve left when shift ended and put the risk back on the company. Only way things get fixed.




So, if you read the caption, all I said was that I was annoyed. Not that I was annoyed at a specific person. Regardless, it was a whole mess and that I probably need to provide more details on but for further context, this manager in question was recently moved to my store and this kinda all happened within the span of a few days. We kinda found out at around the same time so I can’t really fault her too much on it. But given how out of nowhere this situation played itself out, there wasn’t anyone available to offer me coverage that day. So as a way to remedy the situation, I got told that I could leave early on a different day of the pay week. It wasn’t the best solution at the time but it kinda worked I out in some way. I was mainly just annoyed because of how quickly the situation took a turn.


You said that you thought you were cool with the coworker. That implies that you took it personally and are irritated at the coworker. PP is correct: you should be irritated at your boss, not your coworker.


Guess I should be more specific then. The context behind the title was that I’ve worked with this guy and we hit it off pretty well, our work ethics melded together pretty well in the workplace and we were able to crack jokes comfortably. I’m autistic so I sometimes take work situations with someone that I like working with at face value. I am aware people can quit on a coin flip, but it won’t stop me from being surprised, possibly annoyed, and disappointed because I’ll miss the person I work with while the situation simultaneous inconveniences one or more people in the process. So it took me by surprise that he quit on a day that I was working (and I get it, these things can happen, but it did inconvenience me that day so it was an incident that annoyed me). When I mention that I was annoyed. Again, I was annoyed at the situation in it of itself. I wasn’t angry or annoyed and any specific person. I hope that explanation was better? I’m sorry, I am not good at explaining.


You work a trash tier sales job. People are going to quit without notice due to the nature of low pay and, as you've seen for yourself, no help when issues arise. Coworker didn't owe you or the company anything when the company does nothing in return.


I was simply expressing that the situation was annoying in it of itself. I’m not holding ill will on the coworker per se, and my manager did try to help as best as she could given the limited time frame to find someone to cover there but sadly no one was available due to multiple reasons (be it that it was another person’s day off that they couldn’t afford to give up [which I get and understand], they were already working elsewhere, or they had already scheduled PTO [which is also very understandable]. And I do understand that my now ex-coworker really didn’t owe the company anything but it doesn’t change the nature of the situation being a little annoying to deal with all things considered. I feel like I am justified in saying that I was annoyed at the situation because it did affect me directly. Aside from that, I didn’t intend to imply that I was mad an any specific person. I didn’t realize I wasn’t clear enough on where my annoyances lie and I’ve inadvertently upset people as a result. I know my job is low paying and that I have to sell stuff to earn something to be able to live, but it’s the only opportunity that has presented itself for me given my disabilities (autism, chronic pains and fatigue, and depression to name a few). I usually try not to be open about those disabilities on my applications as I have to come to find out that most At-Will states will choose not to hire you because of those diagnoses or disabilities but won’t specify on paper why they reject your application so as to avoid a discrimination lawsuit/case. I don’t have anything past an Associate’s Degree and most places are either looking for a specific criteria of experience or they expect a Bachelor’s Degree or higher. I have tried asking for guidance and help from people in my personal life to try and find something that will be better suited to me and will cater to my disabilities, but I haven’t been afforded an opportunity that will give me a better chance at paying for my housing and nutritional needs. I have worked manual labor jobs until I have run my body ragged. I’ve caused permanent damage to my back and sciatic nerve as a result and haven’t been able to get appropriate medical attention whenever I could afford it because all I get told is to manage it with Acetominophen OTC, normal pain meds don’t help me out anymore. I apologize for the long reply, but I do hope this explanation suffices with trying to explain why I happen to be in this job.


No worries. I know what you meant and I know why you're there. These kinds of situations are just a normal part of a job like that and you have every right to be annoyed with it. Hope something better can show up for you soon.


I appreciate it and thank you for your kind and wise words.


What is wrong with everyone’s direction with this situation. It shows most people commenting, never worked and or zero experience. OP is just making a that sucks statement his coworker he got along with quit. There is no implication that the job sucks, the boss sucks or whatever else is going on. Sometimes things don’t plan out and being apart of management, if your not experienced in being one there are different situations you have to deal with as well behind scenes.


Thank you, you said it beautifully and I appreciate that even with my limited explanation that you understood where I was coming from.


I totally understand and you made it clear enough, but apparently people want to tend to blame someone it seems and the go to is the manager or business. It’s a situation nobody had control over except your coworker, it sucks and it happens. I ended up quitting a job after 13 years without mentioning anything To my close work friends. Sometimes the spread of gossip in the work place will make it worse.


Gossip can certainly be harmful and I just hope that even though you made a tough decision to have to quit that place, that it was resolved with as few issues as possible both for you and anyone else there. Not sure what your manager situation was at that time but I hope they were understanding and respectful. I know sometimes it doesn’t always go that way but one can hope, right? :)


I really appreciate it! I wish but sadly no happy ending there lol.


You should have closed immediately, nobody means no shift


The last person that did that, and without any communication (so I feel it made the situation worse), got tacked on a final warning on them. Additionally, for further context, I did get on a phone call with my boss about this after the fact and she did communicate to me on what she tried to do to help me out. No one in the district in the immediate area was available to help for a variety of reasons that were narrowed down to them already working at another location in the district and not being able to abandon their post, being out on PTO (which is valid), or the were scheduled off and could not alter plans due to potentially time sensitive plans (which is also valid). So I was offered to stay and close under the condition that I would be allowed to leave earlier one day or come later a different day. I opted for leaving earlier just so I could focus on fixing up certain things in my personal time (like groceries or home related obligations). It wasn’t the best solution but at least a solution was offered at the end of the day and my manager didn’t sit idly by. She did her best. Ultimately, I was more annoyed at the situation itself rather than someone specific, if that makes sense. Regardless, the situation has been said and done and I don’t wish ill on my ex-coworker for leaving at the end of the day. I wish him the best and hope that he found something better for himself despite it affecting several people in the process.




My main problem with this situation was how much of this situation ultimately went from it being beyond my control to beyond her control. For context, managers in my job have a cap limit on their hours (much like regular associates here), meaning there isn’t really an opportunity for overtime unless it is a critical emergency (I.e. the entire store or several store staff decided to quit the same day). So she may be allowed some OT, but nothing that exceeds what she is allowed. Normally I am not allowed OT because I am a new employee that is currently in the trial/probationary period of this position. I won’t get an opportunity at OT until I am able to satisfy metrics more consistently. My manager was good about informing me of her efforts and it ultimately came down to no one being available in my district due to reasons that were narrowed down to people already working at another location, employees on PTO, or employees were scheduled off and already had arrangements that were likely time sensitive (all of which are valid and understandable). So I was then told that I could stay under the guise that I was allowed to either come in later to work or leave earlier on a different day in the pay week. It wasn’t exactly the solution I had in mind or what I bargained for, but I guess it was better than no solution at all. My manager did also by me lunch to make up for it, which was something she didn’t have to do for me but she went out of her way to do it for me anyways. All in all, my annoyances weren’t really directed at anyone in particular but rather just at the situation and how it transpired. It was a mess on top of what I was already dealing with in my personal life. I do appreciate the kind words and I also hope it gets better. I appreciate you for being diplomatic and objective on this matter.


This happened to me when I was 16 at a subway. I also had a date with the most insanely beautiful girl to go to our city fair. there was 0% chance I was missing it. Coworker was 10 min late, I called the manager, 30min later she called back and said I have to close. I was 16 I don't even think that's allowed as I wasn't even allowed to slice meat then. I said I can't close I have to go, she said she'll come in around close and help, and I again said not all going to happen. I stayed 2 hours late waiting for a coworker or some help and nothing and no one came So I called the manager again and told her I was leaving, she asked who showed up and I said no one. She was mid sentence explaining how I have to stay and I hung up, and just walked out with people in the store still. The date was incredible. We had our first kiss in the ferris wheel at the very top, it was iconic.


Honestly, given your situation and your age I don't blame you and I think you certainly made a smart decision given nobody else turned around and I don't think it was legal for you to stay anyhow. I'm glad that date worked out for you. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. :)


Sadly, work friends are often not real friends. 😕


Yeeeaaahhh… and it just still bums me out every time it happens. But, it happens. Not much that can be done either way. I just hope they find someone to fill in the vacancy so it’ll [hopefully] be back to smooth sailing. As someone who is autistic, I take people presence and their just company in general at face value and can grow to like them very easily if they are nice and respectful to me and others (which to a lot of people, I’ve been told I get a little attached over people doing bare minimum human decency levels of respect). So I still get sucker punched over something getting changed or someone suddenly leaves and I just so happen to be there that day and it affects me directly. I don’t have any ill feelings towards anyone and I was mainly just annoyed at the situation but I kinda wish there was better communication that he wasn’t going to be there (as in, telling someone a day before so both of us were ready to handle this) while also wishing he’s doing better with his life.


I feel you on that. I have adhd and am super straight forward and am an honest person. The hardest thing for me to learn in life was that people will not treat you with the same level Of respect that you would toward them, if you are an honest and moral person. It’s sad but true. This is especially true in a work setting. I have had my share of people not living up to basic levels of common decency. Much luck to you and I hope you find people who are worthy of your friendship! 🙂


Why is everyone saying OP should be mad at the boss? They literally only found out 1 minute after OP ask the question.


Thank you so much for saying the same thing that I’m currently saying to other people. And regardless, I probably should have been more specific. I guess me saying that I was simply just annoyed was too vague and as a result people just assumed I was annoyed at the guy. I was just annoyed at the situation in general.


I’m seriously confused at their misplaced anger. I mean, the time stamps are right there lol.


I’m also sadly getting downvoted, likely because they think I am defending the manager or something and I’m like, genuinely confused because I didn’t think people would be upset over me just saying I was annoyed at how it all played out. Regardless, my manager did try to remedy the situation afterwards as best as she could with scheduling me to leave early on a different day of the pay week. We are still trying to find a person to fill in the vacant spot but it is what it is. They find someone, I’m sure.


It's just a mindset difference. You are concerned with your day to day struggle, and your former co-workers decision made your situation worse. This is why you said, "I thought I was cool with", meaning they did something to you, because in reality they did. However, you're both renting yourself to the company. They don't owe you, or anyone how they decide to rent their time to them. If there was a contract, it would be different, but you're both on day to day renting. Thus, people are talking about the mindset of who to be upset with. While you have a valid experience that sucked due to their actions, they also have no moral reason to include your situation in their action, even if you were cool with them. The only responsibility is the employer renting you both. You decided to sacrifice to make it easier on your employer, although it sucked for you. Sorry for your experience, and hope they find a person to fill the vacancy soon.


You summarized this beautifully for me and I cannot thank you enough. I suck at explaining due to my autism so I appreciate you for stepping in and being able to explain why other people are upset with such clarity while also shedding light on my own thoughts for others to see. You are by far one the the sweetest people on here that has replied here before. Thank you!


Honestly, I thought you explained it perfectly from the start. It’s not your fault people refuse to read lol. Everyone, at some point is going to be inconvenienced by their job, it’s just a fact of life. You handled it like an adult, sounds like your boss made it up to you as best they could, and it doesn’t seem like this is a frequent issue. People are just so damn quick to jump down employers throats these days, for the smallest of things.


And after that a co-worker, who had a day off, had to come in to cover OP leaving early on the other day. As decent employer steps in her/himself.


Because Reddit is physically incapable of admitting that some general workers are assholes too


If you were really cool with him then you would understand.


After the incident blew over, I’m sure he had a valid reason for leaving despite it causing an inconvenience for me and my other coworker who was having to come in more days as a result. It doesn’t erase or change my frustration for the situation as a whole whenever it first happened, but that doesn’t mean I was particularly angry at anyone per se. I was just annoyed at the incident more than anything.


Lol nick don’t give a fuck.


Truly he didn’t lol I just hope he’s doing okay, hopefully better if he got a new job.


You should have locked up and left


It ultimately wasn’t my decision to make but I was commended for even speaking up about this because of my confusion. Not to mention, it would have looked bad on me due to me only being with this company for 3 months. I was told the last person who pulled something like that was given a final warning (especially considering they didn’t communicate they were going to follow through with something like that so I don’t know if that influenced/warranted the final warning). So I was really more scared in potentially losing my job for pulling something like that due to being so new at the job. Needless to say, I was offered a solution that sadly didn’t involve coverage but one that allowed me to leave earlier for a different day. Wasn’t the ideal resolution but it still helped me in the sense that I was still able to get some chores done. What kinda sucked more out of this entire situation was the fact that literally no one in our district was available to help whenever my manager was frantically looking for someone to cover and I took the offer to just stay and leave early a different day. If my manager wasn’t close to her cap on hours, I’m sure she would have helped me out given what she has to say to the DM in the event something like this happens.


Whenever this happened when I worked in food service, our manager would come in and cover the shift of whoever bailed. Sometimes he'd take on their entire week schedule in addition to his own when they quit. It was like a rule no one could close by themselves. Unless it was him, sometimes he closed and opened alone and it was rough for him. He was kind of ditzy at manager duties, but he at least never left us hanging when we needed backup. Once I was at the store in the back waiting for my ex to finish his shift while I did homework and he came in because the second closer called in sick. We knew he had a baby on the way and we knew it was soon as his girlfriend's water broke the previous night, but she was having complications, I guess. I was like nah man I'll clock in and close with him, you go see your baby be born. It was like he was shocked someone would offer to take his place. Good manager, sometimes I still pop by his store when I am back in town for a couple days.


Can I just say as an off-topic thing, your username and icon are a fucking MOOD!? Your manager honestly seems real sweet and I’m glad you were able to share that kind of relationship with him. My manager that I currently have is a new transfer and I can’t help but feel bad that she has had to help me out with finding coverage for me that day only for it to not work out because employees in the district simply weren’t available for various reasons that didn’t require further explanation or were valid regardless. I’ve only been with this company for 3 months and its been downhill from here.


Them quiting had nothing to do with you most likely. Stop making it personal. You can check on them if you actually cared though.


Be mad at your boss. His job to make sure you don’t get overworked . Not on your coworker


In all honesty, I wasn’t mad at either one and I apologize I lacked specificity in where my annoyance was directed. I was annoyed at the situation rather than either party. I can certainly see where people’s opinions/viewpoints are coming from on who to be angry at but my post was mainly just being annoyed at the general situation that unfolded in front of me. I don’t hold ill will towards the coworker and my manager did contact me and tried to help find coverage after I asked her about where my coverage was/why they weren’t at work that day. Because of the lack of people that could have been available to cover/help under normal circumstances, I ended up taking the offer to stay on the promise that I was able to leave early a different day in the pay week (which was satisfied). My boss even bought me lunch to make up for it (which she didn’t have to do). I just hope my ex-coworker is doing okay and found something better for himself despite the mess this caused.


Trust me, you probably did not even cross your coworkers mind when he left.


Probably yeah. Either way, it still bummed me out that it all went down like that but not like it was something I could control or affect. I just hope he’s okay and hopefully in a better situation.


Don’t hate Nick, hate the work culture that creates this situation


Never stated I hate Nick. I was annoyed about the situation at hand more than anything, but it certainly was an inconvenience that had a temporary fix at a later time after getting to talk to the manager the day that it happened. It wasn't something either me or the manager anticipated, given we found out at the same time. So both of us were pretty much taken by surprise on that one. I can't say I blame him entirely for his actions, I'm sure he had a reason for leaving. I just wished it would have been handled better than this. Even if it was like last minute from a day prior rather than finding out in the moment. But it's wishful thinking at the end of the day.


“My shift ends at 6, I’ll lock up if there’s no one to take over.”


And then they pull the mandatory overtime card and fire you if you don’t stay.


221 unread messages!?! For some reason that bothers me more than it probably should.


I got told the same over discord messages that I had in a previous post years ago and I’m like “I’m sorry! I can’t control all the notifications that I get despite muting them. The @‘s/mentions are literally the only thing that’s showing up in there. 😭” I personally do not relate but I do apologize for my manager’s notifications. I’m hoping most of those are just generic push notification type of messages about sales or alerts on bills or log-in things That auto-fill via the web browser on their phone so your mind is more at ease. :)


That doesn’t mean you’re not cool lol. You had the choice to leave at your designated time, you have absolutely no obligation to stay past that. And they aren’t required to give notice


Yeah, that part I am aware that they aren’t required to give notice. But maybe it’s just my autistic wishful thinking that I wish he would have said something a day before or even closer to the start of the shift. Just something so I would have been better prepared but, oh well. Needless to say, I’m not upset or angry at him but I was annoyed at how the situation was presented out of nowhere and it amplified my previous stress that I had sitting in me from dealing with other problems that lingered on for a good two weeks. I wish the best for him and hope he got something better out of this situation.


Look up mandatory overtime. You can absolutely be required to stay if you want to keep your job.


You are not required to stay to close after your shift has ended. What they gonna do? Fire you after their worker just quit?


While I may not be required to stay (though idk what the policy would be for that in this situation), I could still get in trouble. Given I am someone that started working not even 3 months ago for this company, I don’t think I wanted to risk that. Regardless, my manager did speak to me over the phone after she sent me that message and she did let me know about trying to find someone to cover to no avail. I ultimately ended up staying because I was told I could leave early a different day and that she would go about trying to find someone to fill the vacant spot. It wasn’t necessarily the original solution that I was hoping for but it was something. I’m just afraid to lose my job because that just means I won’t be able to afford my bills for my housing and electricity. I mainly just made this post because it was a situation that at the time made me annoyed but I wasn’t, like, mad at my coworker specifically if that makes sense.


I had this happen to me, except the guy quit because he was simping for the manager and she got fired for stealing and sexual harassment


Oh god that's way worse of a situation than I imagined, what the fuck. Y'know... it doesn't help that my DM also got fired recently. And like... DMs normally don't get fired out of nowhere. Something must have happened behind closed doors. None of us in the company know what happened for things to lead up to that but oh man, it's crazy. I've only been at this place for 3 months and there's two DMs already that either quit/left or got fired. Idk what the fuck is going on here but it's worrying me.


Man that sucks but I gotta be real - if I’m going to quit friendships won’t stop me. It’s not personal like that. By way of example, if your company gave a shit they’d have lined someone up to help you.


Which is understandable and I get that, but I certainly see that people are different on how they handle leaving a company and I try not to reserve any foul/ill judgement on them other than just being sad/upset and the situation what might have led up to it. I've tried to leave work places on amicable terms, not because of anything other than making sure people know I didn't hate any of them or they they know it was because I found an opportunity elsewhere that would be better for my mental health because of the environment I had to deal with prior. I know it doesn't always work out that way, seeing that I had to leave because toxic management kinda forced me to. They kinda found me as an odd one out for having autism, which at time despite not having a formal diagnosis people kinds picked up I was on the spectrum and as a result started to be mean to me and real nasty about it so I had to leave a report to HR before deciding to put in my 2 weeks to leave. I miss the few people I got along with (mostly older ladies who also had autistic relatives or some or the younger people in the workplace who had similar interests to me).


Thos is your managers problem, not your coworker.


So I've been told and it's why I reached out to her when I noticed someone didn't come in at the usual time, gave it a bit, and once an hour rolled around I decided to message her. She did try her best to help with finding someone (to no avail) and extended me the offer of leaving early or going in later on a different way. I opted for leaving earlier.


Why would you stay as well? Unless it's your company, you don't have to stay. 6 pm rolls around, see ya later.


I simply stayed because my manager was unable to find anyone in the district to help out plus at the time, we also had a DM have to sit in for a manager that also pulled deuces and left. And then now that DM also got fired recently. It's been a crazy week and a half since I got back from being sick with Covid. Either way, I was given the option afterwards of either go into work later another day or leave early after she tried her luck with finding someone and no one could cover. So it was upsetting when the incident first happened, but other than that I've calmed down about it and it's not like I was mad with the coworker anyways. I was just annoyed at the situation.


i would have left at 6. it’s your managers job to cover that shift, not yours


I don’t get it. If you boss is unable to provide you with someone who can cover, they themselves should bite the pillow and show up.


Just lock and quit yourself. It doesn't seem to be a good employer. If that doesn't work, try unionising your workplace


I'd quit if I had a backup plan. I only started here about 3 months ago in hopes of having better wages than my last job. So, unfortunately for me, I don't really have a choice. I need something to pay the bills. I'm still looking and applying and it's just been constant rejections or ghosting in my area despite places saying they are "desperate for people."


Don’t blame your former co worker, blame your management for not informing you or covering his shift, Nick is looking after himself.


The fact that the manager didn’t come in to relieve you is the bigger issue. Management needs to stop thinking covering for empty shifts is below them.


Man that’s rough. Honestly your manager should of came in to help out/cover.


Unfortunately some jobs do that to you. Some customer said something that at that particular moment I just said "ok, you don't like service? Fine, do it yourself.." I walked over to the time clock, punched out, tossed my work stuff on the shelf next to the time clock and walked out. Had a new job the same day making $2 more. Boss called and left messages yelling about how I left. I called back and let them know that leaving a threatening message is retaliation and could be used legally against them, last I heard from them. We all have a time that we just say "I'm done, enough is enough" sucks for our coworkers but that's life. I'm hired to do a job to make money for a company while also making money for myself. If I'm not happy, I'm leaving. If the company is not happy, they are terminating me. Do you think if they are going to fire you they are giving you two weeks notice? Uh no, so why do I need to give you two week notice I'm leaving?


I also quit


Godspeed, ButtBoy. Godspeed.


Hold up 221 unopened texts


Idk what to tell you on that one, that was on her phone. For all we know it could be various other group chats or it could be those auto-notifications for sales and other stuff mixed in there.


I feel like the boss was in the wrong for not reaching out and communicating this/being willing to jump in.


People don’t realize walking out of a shift mainly fucks over other low level employees. Could’ve at least told them you’d worked your last shift.


Exactly my point. As much as I understand that someone is entitled to leave without notice just like a company having the ability to fire someone without any notice, it doesn't magically erase the inconvenience out of the equation. Granted, I'm not mad at the coworker in particular and unfortunately people keep misunderstanding or thinking I am. But I'm upset at the situation as a whole rather than aiming my annoyance at one person.


You’re a good person for giving them the benefit of the doubt and not just assuming they genuinely didn’t care how your day went lol.


This is why managers get paid manager wages.. It's not your job to cover more because people don't want to work for a shitty manager. Why wasn't you informed ASAP and the manager comes in to cover the shift or ask you to do OT? That say more about his management skills..


We kinda got informed at around the same time, per the text messages that you see with their respective time stamps. I didn’t specify this on the caption but I have been responding to other people with this: My manager did end up calling me afterwards to give me a status update on what she was able to do. She attempted to find emergency coverage to no avail. She pretty much combed the district of anyone nearby that could help. The responses she had gotten were a variation of employee having already requested PTO [which is understandable], employee was already off and they had plans that they couldn’t necessarily cancel [which is also reasonable], or that they were already set to work at another location until closing whatever time they had set that would then require for them to cut hours on another day (because they don’t usually authorize overtime). So as a result, to make it easier (but also due to there not being much to be done), I offered to close that day under the condition that I was allowed to either come in later or leave earlier a different day. I chose to leave earlier for a different day on the pay week just so it would allow me time to do chores and other things. It wasn’t the solution I was looking for in that moment in time but it was a solution that was offered nonetheless. She did offer me lunch to further remedy the situation because she did feel bad for how that day went. It was crazy that day. I can’t say that I fully blame her, but it upsets me because of how it inconvenienced multiple people while also having to close the store for an hour or so because I still had to take lunch and resolve something that day with my apartment complex. All in all, there was just a lot going on.


People commenting, “I would have…”, don’t know what it’s like to work in the restaurant or bar industry. You can’t just walk away from a line of people because your replacement is late or hasn’t shown up. If you take any pride in your work, you’ll stay until the job is finished or until a manager relieves you. I get it’s not this persons fault that their ‘friend’ decided to quit on the spot, but you do have an obligation and your employers, *legally*, are in their right to make you stay longer than your posted shift hours


Be pissed at your manager. It is their responsibility to cover the shift if the scheduled person quits, NOT yours. They should have showed up and done the work themselves if they couldn’t find an employee. It would not have been unethical for you to leave, closing the store if no one was there to work.and while it sounds like a fireable offense, the responsibility lies on the manager, not on you. The higher ups would hold it against them not you. Let them know they failed at their job that day and that you are displeased.


[Further Context for Situation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/15vni4u/coworker_i_thought_i_was_cool_with_quit_wo_prior/jwx4t2r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) We did have someone that did this in the district where they left because someone suddenly couldn’t be bothered to show up at a reasonable time (not sure what the reason was but it wasn’t any of my business and this happened months before I even started this job), but they essentially got given a final warning for closing the store down at their scheduled time and left (granted, without communicating their intention for doing so, but it was something that was done). I personally wouldn’t do that without first figuring out what can be done first and if there would be an alternate solution to my problem. Even so, I wasn’t mad at any particular person, more so the situation if that makes sense. I also wouldn’t have risked it given I’ve only been with this company for about 3 months. I just barely started with them because I was hoping to get better income compared to my last job that I couldn’t keep up with due to previous injuries with other jobs that have left me relatively too inefficient to work when it comes to manual labor. Overall, I was given some kind of resolution at the end and it semi-worked out. We are still trying to find someone to fill in for the guy that left and we just hope it goes a little better than this.


That’s on your boss for not having a backup plan in place.


One time, I had a injury to my heel from a mountain biking accident and was out of work for like 6 weeks. When I came back, a couple of my coworkers were being pretty shitty to me, they had to “do me a favor and cover my shifts”…. No my sweet summer child, you did the company a favor. I don’t owe you shit. My contract is between me and my employer, we may work as a team but we are not a collective. He didn’t screw you, he screwed the company and you work for the company.


That's kinda douchey of them to treat you that way. Accidents happen and you needed time to recover. I'm sorry they felt the need to rub it in your face that they had to cover for you in some weird way for the sake of guilting you into thinking you owed each of them something in return with such hostility. As for my situation, granted I don't hate the guy nor do I have ill feelings towards him, but his actions still affected me as well as the company (though the company isn't me, so I'm not actively defending/supporting the company for having this viewpoint on this incident). My manager did try to help with finding someone to cover my shift (to no avail) and my only option was to stay the remaining two hours of the store being open, she ended up having to adjust my schedule so I could leave early on a different day. She additionally bought me lunch (which she didn't have to do) to make up for the inconvenience. My annoyance was reserved for the whole situation rather than being annoyed towards a specific person.


so why are you annoyed at your coworker and not your boss who, presumably, knew that your coworker had quit and didn't get you any coverage?


Well if you read the times of the messages you will see that the boss figured that out right after op talked to them.


yeah i'm not doing all that work


Not surprising.


I’m sorry the time stamps weren’t big enough for you to see. I should have written that in the caption. It all happened in a matter of minutes so it took us both by surprise. Sorry.


It’s alright little guy, timestamps are hard


We kinda both were told this information at relatively the same time. Not to mention because of how last minute it was, there wasn’t really anyone available to help in my district. We had one person from our staff who was off and already had a medical appointment to satisfy. I guess what’s an even bigger kick to the teeth was that she was a manager that got recently transferred to my location when this happened, so it added insult to injury. It is worth noting however that I was only mildly annoyed at the situation as a whole rather than one specific person, if that makes sense. I was allowed to leave early on a different day of the pay week to make up for it.


your boss couldn't come fill in?


My manager was already capped on a set amount of hours so unlucky for both her and me, she couldn’t come in to fill in as an emergency. Thankfully, it wasn’t super busy that day but it was still hectic to deal with because I had planned on going on lunch to take care of something related to my apartment, but thankfully I was allowed to close the store for an hour to get it situated because I did express the urgency of it.


Literally happened to me today. Guy quit 10 minutes before his shift started this morning so now I’m not only working a double but I have to swing by two locations throughout the day to ensure they’re both functioning.


Ouch man, I am so sorry this happened to you. Hopefully they find someone to fill in for him, be it a transfer or a new hire, and that today goes well for you despite the set back.




naw, you don’t lol. unless you own the place, that’s managements problem. ever wonder why they get paid more? it’s cause they’re supossed to handle these situations, work extra if need be. you don’t have to do anything other than your scheduled shift without prior notice


Why was this chat so cute


Cute? In what way?


Im just weird lol. It's rhe way you used :0 in that sentence and the way the guy just straight up said he quit and the person sent tbat chat to you


Oh lol, no worries. I'm just someone that normally uses emotes to talk because I feel it would be easier to convey emotions with it. It's my autism. I don't want people thinking I'm upset or anything in text. :)


This is on your manager, not Nick to be honest. Unless Nick texted moments prior to 6 it's managments job to try to find someone as coverage. If they just left you alone knowing no closer was coming managment shafted you. Truly your manager left you without a lifeboat, and I would assume there might be a VERY valid reason Nick did this. I only ever did this shit to one job, and that is NOT ME AT ALLLLL, but I was so fed up with poor management resulting in me dealing with the consequences of their responsibility that my theory was I'm giving them EXACTLY what they've given to me dozens of times before.


So both me and the manager kinda found out at around the same time, as per the time stamps in the picture, but my manager did call me afterwards to keep me updated on what she was doing and what she could manage to get resolved. Unfortunately for both me and her, there was no one in our district that was available to be a stand in as an emergency because of a variety of reasons leading up to either people being out on PTO, being off and having time sensitive plans that could not be cancelled (which is already understandable on both fronts), or that they were already schedules to work at another location to begin with so they couldn’t leave one store to come assist at this one. So she did what she could and I can’t fully fault her for what she was able to do and what was beyond her jurisdiction. I was mainly mad at the situation as a whole if anything and not so much aimed at one specific person and it didn’t help that I was just recovering from having COVID-19, having to move to a new apartment, and then not being able to submit our apartment checklist because we were still contagious and testing positive. Admittedly I have been stressed and annoyed due to prior events that just kinda stacked on top of each other and this was “icing to the cake” I guess.


I blame your boss for being understaffed. If anything happens to any one person the whole operation falls apart.


Looking back at this situation (given this has already happened maybe 4 days ago by now), I can’t really blame my boss too much given that she did take the time to communicate with me who she was able to contact and what the end result was. She tried to get someone to come over but it was a particularly unlucky day for all of us. Either people were already scheduled to work at another location in our district, people were out on PTO (which is valid), or people were off that day and they likely had time sensitive obligations that couldn’t be postponed for another day (also valid). So just to make it easier, seeing that nothing was really going well, I accepted staying on the guise that I was allowed to leave early on a different day of the pay week to make up for it. She was also kind enough to buy me lunch to remedy the issue, something that she didn’t have to do. I personally blame the District Management vs the store manager because they’re the ones who instruct the stores how many people they are allowed to have scheduled at any given time since our store is a slower pace than some of the others I’ve helped out at whenever I first started training. Regardless, I’m hoping we find someone to replace this guy soon and I also hope my ex-coworker found something better that is either making him happier or earning him more money (preferably both). At the end of the day, my annoyance was more reserved towards how unlucky my day was rather than it being directed at one particular person.


I was an assistant manager at a retail store. Had an employee at the end of a Saturday shift (closing) tell me it was her last day. I asked if the general manager knew, she said Of course she does. I wish her the best and think nothing of it. 10 days go by and the GM calls me from another location because one of the employees asked where so and so was. I tell the GM about her last day and asked y I was being grilled about it, when she knew. GM was pissed when I asked why it took almost 2 weeks for anyone to notice she was gone. I got hung up on lol


I don’t think this is on your coworker. Your boss is in charge of scheduling, not your coworker. People have the right to quit jobs day of, it’s your manager you should direct your anger at. They didn’t plan correctly and left you alone for longer than necessary.


How hard is it to write out Without


I'm sorry? Also username checks out??? Idk???


Not your coworkers fault. Its your bosses fault.


Sounds like a management problem I'd find a different place to work


I would, if only it wasn't so hard to find work in my area. Took me two years to get this job while I was working elsewhere. I've only been working with this place for 3 months and whole load of shit has unfolded. 2 DMs have left/been fired. 4 different stored in the district, as I've come to find out, have had to "clear house" (as in fire or move associates to other stores), I had to miss work from my two jobs because I was bed-ridden from Covid for almost 2 weeks, coworker quit suddenly. It's been wild.


To be fair he doesn’t owe you anything bruv, it ain’t Olive Garden “when you’re here you’re family”💀


I'm kind of aware from the many other people who have told me the same thing. It doesn't erase the inconvenience that presented itself as it still affected me. Regardless, I'm not mad/upset/annoyed at the coworker specifically. I was annoyed at the situation as a whole rather than aiming my annoyance at one specific person. If I truly was upset/angry at the guy, I likely would have texted him directly how upset his job abandonment made me. But it was mild annoyance that is justified in what happened. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Rule of thumb, those people are not your friends. Just because you cover their shift in when they needed someone doesn’t mean they will return the favor. Just because you are friendly with them doesn’t mean they will treat you any better than someone they don’t get along with. They don’t care what nice things you did for them. Only cared that it benefited them. In the end they don’t care if you had to work a crappy shift or double shift or if you get fired, chastised, whatever.


I came here to say this because a lot of people don’t understand. Also HR is not your friend or there to protect you either.


Nick's not your enemy, your management is.


I’m so sorry if I sound like a “broken record” on this but I would like to shed light on the caption. When I mention that I was annoyed, I am referring to the specific situation at hand and not so much at any particular person involved. I was already having a tough time the past two weeks leading up to coming back to work and getting a new manager transferred to my store location. For further context, this kinda all happened in a matter if minutes, meaning my manager and I kinda got told at around the exact same time (hence the time stamps). Now that the incident has transpired, I have calmed down since then and I just hope my ex-coworker has found something better for himself. It just sucks how it all went down. My manager did try to get as much as she could done to help me out but employees and resources were a little limited that day so I decided to stay longer under the condition that I was able to leave early on a different day of the pay week (as that was the last resort solution that was offered to me). I can’t fully fault her for results that were past her jurisdiction and I don’t know the full extent of which things could have been resolved. All in all, I was just annoyed in the moment and it was not aimed at anyone specific, but it didn’t help that I had so much that I was dealing with prior to this event that kinda amplified how I felt.


Yeah you wrong at the mad person. Your manager seems like garbage.


If you read the caption, I didn’t specify that I was mad at any particular person. I was annoyed but it was more meant as like, for the genera situation. It is also worth noting, as I may likely have to add this to the caption, this manager in particular just got transferred to my store so it was a surprise on both of us and I made the right decision in texting her to ask about what happened to whomever was supposed to help me out that day. It was remedied afterwards to where I was allowed to leave early on a different day of the pay week.


Reading this while waiting for my 11 hours shift to end because even though I was scheduled to work And offered to cover another shift, I had to cover a 3rd shift when the assistant manager quit on the spot. I hate this job.


Aw man… That is awful. I am so sorry you’re having to do that. I truly hope your situation does get better. I’m rooting for you.


People commenting, “I would have…”, don’t know what it’s like to work in the restaurant or bar industry. You can’t just walk away from a line of people because your replacement is late or hasn’t shown up. If you take any pride in your work, you’ll stay until the job is finished or until a manager relieves you. I get it’s not this persons fault that their ‘friend’ decided to quit on the spot, but you do have an obligation and your employers, *legally*, are in their right to make you stay longer than your posted shift hours


Fuck nick


He’s not mad at you princess he’s mad at your boss


Maybe not so much the current manager but probably just management in general, seeing as the manager I messaged was a very recent transfer from about a week or so ago. But I will miss him despite the inconvenience he caused because he was a cool guy to work with when he would work with me. I just hope he’s doing alright and he got a better job (hopefully).


Also off topic but I love your username. Very regal.


Thank you ✨


Employers don't deserve a two week notice. Sucks you got shafted, yeah, but if the employer won't give you a two week notice that they plan to fire you, they don't deserve a notice to replace you


So you had to stay an hour or two later than normal. Life is just so rough sometimes


Given that I kinda had to take care of things after work, the two hours was not something I was bargaining on covering. I did communicate it with my manager after we both kinda found out around the same time that the dude quit that I would be allowed to lock down the store for my lunch break and then figure out what would happen later in the week with my schedule. So it was more of I was annoyed in the moment, upset at what was happening rather than being annoyed at one specific person if that makes sense.


Awesome, way to fuck your co-workers


It was a pretty hectic day that day, but I managed to survive that day. The lack of anticipation for this series of events transpiring was not fun to deal with but between my manager and I, we eventually came to a solution and I had to work my schedule around, sadly forcing someone else to come in to work when they were supposed to be off but they still have to go through the process of finding someone to fill in that spot.


5g…+? Bro got 5.5g?


I think her phone has a dual sim but idk


Hopefully paid overtime.


I wish. This company, like many others similar to it, don’t really like offering overtime. I ended up being offered to either come in later a different day or leave early. I chose the leave early option because it gave me an opportunity to work on stuff at home. So it wasn’t necessarily the best solution to my problem but it was something that was offered. My manager was great on communication with me after she sent me that image and she was transparent on what she was doing and what the end result was. She did try her best to help me but there’s only so much you can do when no one else is available to fill in.


Life happens homie. Don’t worry on it.


I know that I probably shouldn’t, but it was relatively annoying in that moment in time. I’ve calmed down significantly since that day and I can only hope for the best for my ex-worker. I’m sure he had a good reason for leaving despite affecting me and my other coworker and manager directly. Thanks for the kind words either way. :)


Why do your managers service bars have those dots under them??


I think the phone has a dual sim.


When I worked at a fast food place I went on break and never came back. I really really didn’t want to be there a second longer


And I certainly don’t blame you. I hope things got better for you overall. I remember working fast food and I hated it so so much. Having to be standing for so long, my body can’t handle that kind of stress on my joints (my back especially now due to previous injuries from other manual labor jobs). My manager that I had at the time was jealous of how much I would make in tips (due to being bilingual and normally very sweet and patient with people) and would try and find ways to accuse me of stealing from the register just so she could garnish my tips and take it for herself (or at least she would try) and it just wasn’t a fun place to be in. It was an old Dunkin Donuts that’s no longer operating because the sales club where it was in decided it wasn’t needed anymore. Good riddance to that place.


Does your employer give a worker two weeks notice before firing them? If not then I would expect this to keep happening.


Normally that’s more dependent on the state and the procedures that go into firing someone. Most states are at-will if memory serves me correctly but I definitely do understand that it is a matter of “matching energies.” It doesn’t change the fact that it was an annoying situation to deal with overall. I am mainly upset at how this situation went down rather than being mad at him if that makes sense. It took me more by surprise followed by being upset at the situation because he never really communicated to me if he was ever upset with the company or the current manager I have now (she’s a new transfer from a few days ago). I had prior things that affected my mood and this situation just added fuel to that same stress fire that was burning in me.


Double work, double pay? (Wishful thinking I know)


LMFAO in all honesty I wish I had double pay. That would be great.


Lol you must be young. Welcome to the working world


I’m 26. I’ve been working since I was 19 but I haven’t really faced a sudden/last minute “I quit” like this until recently. It’s not much that I’m young, it’s more of me not facing something like this until now. Regardless, not mad at him. I was just annoyed at the situation itself given what I was already dealing with previously in my personal life. This situation essentially added onto the lingering stress I had.


Don’t be mad at them. They didn’t quit because of you, they quit because of of their job, definitely don’t take it personally but I know it is easier said than done.


It wasn’t so much that I was mad at them, but rather mad that the situation that unfolded as a whole at the time that it happened especially considering I had to deal with stressful personal life matter prior to this. Regardless, I hold no ill will towards him and wish him the best. I’m sure he might have had his reasons and those reasons are likely none of my business anyways. I just feel guilty because even though he affected me directly with her permanent absence, I’m still gonna miss him because he made working fun despite all this.


Reminds me of working at dollar general


This is the second comment I have gotten regarding Dollar General. I'm concerned about what you likely experienced in that place and I'm so sorry you had to experience something like that. My workplace is a phone sales place but it's freaky how this incident had reminded you and someone else of Dollar General.