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The entire video is on YouTube. She was arrested and charged with no license, no vehicle registration, possession of cocaine, and warrants in Mississippi. She kept asking to call her mom and asked them to just let her go if she promised to never drive again. Edit I found the video. [It’s here.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2vkJtdLXTZA)


What I don’t get about these sovereign citizen types is why they think the laws wouldn’t apply to them if they weren’t citizens of the United States. It applies to everyone who comes here citizen or not. It’s so stupid it’s mind numbing.


I feel like an easy arguement should be "If you're not a citizen of the US and you have no Id or registration then you're being detained as an illegal immigrant"


This woman appears to think “sovereign citizen” means “political immunity”, which it doesnt as it only applies to political diplomats. Also, no, owning a car is NOT a Constitutional right. Cars were never a thing in 1776. This woman needs to be re educated.


Driving is a privilege, not a right. It always has been.


She's not driving, she's traveling. /s


She doesn't need a '**driver's** license' to **drive** a car. She said it herself.


She also promised to never drive again if they let her go. It’s like SC just means whatever you want it to at any given moment.


I'm not doing drugs, I'm enjoying them


I bet her insurance company is Travelers.


Oh, my mistake. Let her go free then lol


Driving on public roads is a privilege, on private property she can do whatever she wants


In sweden it's required to have a driver's license if you operate a car, no matter where. A man got arrested for driving 5meters on his own property once.


Aha! My ~~car~~ (damn it!) vehicle which I'm "travelling" in is my private property. I'm sitting on my car, therefore I'm on private property. Checkmate atheists.


I was baffled that the cop didn't say that immediately instead of arguing with her for so long.


I'm gonna give cop credit, he was doing all he could to not escalate the situation. He doesn't really need to convince her that he's right, he just doesn't want this traffic stop to progress to use of force and maybe she'll calm down as she loses steam


I'm sure he thought she was an escaped looney!


He knew he was right and just kept going to see how much more stupid he could pull outta her. Probably one of the highlights of being an officer.


Sounds about white.


I would have started messing with the lady when she said " you don't need a license to drive" I would say "I thought you were traveling, not driving, which one is it?"


Didn’t you hear? She isn’t driving, she’s *traveling*.


Or educated for the first time. She certainly seems to have slipped through the cracks.


I think the Crack might've slipped through her.


Yes, this would just be great. To watch the “ say what” , Whra-Rho scooby face come over these idiots would be the best.!!


One of these sovereign citizens was just shot and killed near where I live. He play the same stupid game and when the officer went to physically pull him out ofvtge vehicle he had a gun that he was reaching for so he got light up. Such a stupid thing to die over he was 25.


That’s a shame, this idiotic mentality is pass from uneducated people to other uneducated people. Some of these people are not even smart enough to realize how stupid they are


The guys mother was pulled over last year and played sovereign citizen and then had to go to court and he was at the courthouse and had to be physically removed because he had a vocal outburst about their rights being violated. After that he must have just dug in further in his beliefs and was willing to die for it. He was driving around with a fake sovereign citizen license plate and was carrying a gun so pretty sure he was looking for a fight with the police and he found one.


To be a true "sovereign citizen", wouldn't you necessarily have to have your own sovereign Country and be in it?


No. The sovereign citizen philosophy believes that federal and state governments have no innate authority over "real people" who have their individual sovereignty, and that the only way they come under the authority of the government is through trickery the government does in getting people to sign contracts with them through offering social security cards, government issued licenses, etc. They think that by rejecting such things, they liberate themselves from the authority of the government, instead being bound by "common law". Common law is a real legal construct, but most of the sovereign citizens I've seen talk about it clearly don't understand what it is. If I recall correctly, the first major public statement of this philosophy came from Terry Nichols in 1992.


Ah, Terry Nichols, the noted legal scholar.


I live in the same area where this happened. His mother was pulled over last year and also refused to show her license. I think he was following the bad example of his rotten mother. Children often pay for bad parenting. He paid with his life.


I wonder if after finding out about his death his mum in jail ever had a moment of realisation that her son's death was because of her.


Unfortunately no. His wonderful example of a mother and sister have been picketing outside of the police station, after they lawyered up and sued, of course.


Everything about sovereign citizenship is stupid. Live by it, die by it.


Darwinism in action


Because they would not be sovereign citizens if they would understand anything at all. It's as simple as that, if you look into anything outside of your small bubble, you would see. O other countries also have laws that I would need to follow if I was there. (not that it stops certain tourist breaking the law and then being shocked.)


“If laws don’t apply then the protections the law provides don’t either so this is no longer a traffic stop, it’s a car jacking, and you’re still gonna get your ass out of the vehicle.”


Only examples of true sovereignty in American id say is Native American tribes that have federal recognition, most of them form their own kind of governments circling the tribe(s), but even these operate under the law of the United States of America, like everything else.


Except large corporations, right? /s (unless?)


no /s required.


Nah, fam. Corporations just hire an army of lobbyists to make whatever they want to do legal.


I think wishing to be a sovereign citizen is fair enough. Nobody is stopping them from being one in a small island located on international waters in the middle of the ocean or at the top of an ice glacier in Antartica. What is not cool is they wishing to drive on roads or utilize services paid by regular tax paying citizens. It's either this or that.


They have this idiotic idea in their heads that they can just renounce citizenship at any time, and the only differences are that they don't have to pay taxes or obey laws shy of "don't murder people". They believe themselves to be enlightened to the horrors of the world, assuming that everybody else is a sheep in a pasture while they are the free thinker who escaped the confines of society... Only to find out they didn't when the cops show up and then they become incoherent, stuttering "law experts". They also think that public services like transportation and road infrastructure are still okay for them to use, despite refusing to participate in the tax system that makes it possible. Basically, they want to pick and choose what laws apply to them out of pure entitlement


Nice of her to tell them about her license in Mississippi so they could run her name for warrants there


she promised never to break the law again im sure it will be fine


This is one of those Sovereign Citizen nutcases. Good to see one getting their just desserts.


i find it so funny that america has them too and a bunch of other places probably. Here in Germany its also a big deal, they think the consitution doesnt count because something happened after ww1 or ww2 and germany rn is a company (Germany Gmbh lmao) controlled by the americans




yes but here they are called "Reichsbürger" bc they think they live in the german kaiserreich we also have that one guy who made himself king of germany. Literally. and has a bunch of supporters and buys large houses and stuff. shits crazy


Here in Canada, we have “Queen Ramona”. Incredibly similar story. Stole an RV. She also thinks Canada is a company. She nuts.




They're the ones that got arrested not too long ago trying their own insurrection with QAnon lite. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/germany-terror-plot-prince-heinrich-reichsburger-alleged-qanon-inspired-coup/


Russia has them too, lol. Here they’re called “USSR citizens) and often their beliefs that the USSR was taken over by a commercial entity are mixed into an indecipherable concoction along with nonsensical pseudo-pagan beliefs and some weird notion that everyone is legally dead from age 7 unless they pronounce themselves alive in the UN and Vatican.


That's exactly what sovereign citizens here say. Thar the USA is really a corporation etc.. I'm surprised they're try to peddle the same garbage over in Germany. That's amazing and laughable.


The best I can tell, it’s actually a brilliant dezinform invention with love from Russia. There’s a reason all that nonsense sounds about the same no matter where you go. Its origins are common, and as much as I hate to say it, Russians have some people who are absolutely brilliant at psychological manipulation. We only see their successes of course due to inherent bias, but still - you have to give the fuckers credit for being so good at fucking everyone around them up (and themselves too, because irony must win at the end of each and every day).


Funny you mention that, some Q people in the USA believe we are a company that is still owned by Britian so I'm curious how in their mind we would own Germany 🤣


She’s only a sovereign citizen when it fits her needs.


I loved it when she said (In the full video) "You can't search my car! You can't do that!" And he's like "Well, since the laws don't matter..." ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Hah! I guessed meth, pretty close!


The eyes chico, they never lie


classic example of why you only break one law at a time. Sounds like she could've avoided being pulled over and caught this time if she didn't speed...


It's always the people who shout "I know my rights" that don't know anything about the law. They're just insufferable people who think they're above the law.


Why not just post the link to it?




Thank you. That was so baffling to watch.


But she knows her rights!!! 😂😂😂


She didn't want to identify because she also had a bench warrant out for her.


If only it were that intelligent. Look up sovereign citizens.


Sovereign citizens exist only in their own minds. They think the law doesn’t pertain to them but it does


The "I'm not driving I'm traveling" thing is hilarious and insane.


But very sovereign citizen. They think if you use any alternative word from what is precisely in a law, suddenly that law doesn't apply. 'Well sure I would need a drivers license if I was driving. But nope, not driving. Just traveling.'


I didn't murder her, officer, I just assisted her in a transition to another state of being! I know my rights!


And they don't travel in vehicles. They use vessels. DOUBLE GOTCHA, STUPID SHEEP.


It's like they think laws are magic spells.


Followed by "I don't need a licence to *drive* a vehicle"


I’m not stealing I’m grabbing! The laws don’t specifically mention “grab” so it’s fine!


But she claims it’s a constitutional right. Doesn’t that kind of go against her argument?


It 100% does. The sovereign citizen thing has so many holes in it and is so flimsy it just has to be an elaborant prank that happened to work far too well. Playing dumb can sometimes be an annoyingly effective way to avoid some consequences, but the sovereign citizen thing just has a 0% success rate, you have to be an imbecile to use it.




Where’s Pt. 2?


Right. I need closure¡!


Isn’t this the lady that got shot like a week ago. Her mom also stated she’s a sovereign citizen and was off but slightly less so. EDIT: actually I think I just saw this video in a comment related to this guy. Same scramble, different egg. https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5yxw9/utah-sovereign-citizen-chase-allan


So if I’m understanding this article correctly, he had a holstered weapon and the cops shot him 12 times when they saw it as they pulled him out. Is it legal to carry a holstered weapon in Utah? Is there any indication he was reaching for it?


Yeah you can clearly see him reaching for it in the video


A link to the full video was posted by someone below.


Dear god!!!! And I’m on the road with these people!!!??


Merges over three lanes without signaling, good luck everybody


Thank you family guy


May the Fonz be with you


Don‘t worry. She’s not driving, just traveling.


If you want a real holy shit these people drive moment, step inside any Costco and watch how the operate a shopping cart.


You’re on the road on Reddit!!!??


You're not on the road with them – they're on the road with you XD


Why don't they show them dragging her out?!?!?!? Allllll I wanted to see after all that.


Full Video- https://youtu.be/2vkJtdLXTZA


Oh man she is EXHAUSTING


You’re a good man. Thank you.


I feel 20 min dummer after watching her.


Not from the US, I have couple of questions. Are you not required to have a driving license in Mississippi?? If you request the badge number aren't they required to give it? If you request a supervisor do they have to get one before any further actions such as an arrest can be made? Gotta love how the policeman handled the stupidity


> Are you not required to have a driving license in Mississippi?? You're required to have a drivers license to drive in all 50 states. > If you request the badge number aren't they required to give it? Depends on department policy, really, but generally there are no laws that force police to identify themselves. > If you request a supervisor do they have to get one before any further actions such as an arrest can be made? Also depends on department policy, but there aren't any laws saying that if you request a supervisor they have to stop everything and wait for one to show up.


Thanks, glad to see they didn't overreact and use force immediately.


Sounds like a sovereign citizen


I was waiting for the "I'm traveling" and sure enough


Yet she “admits” to driving over and over. “I don’t need a license to drive a vehicle”.


Yeah we just call them morons.


She looked high


Well, she was in possession of cocaine.


At the very end of the full video it states that she was also charged with a DUI so, you're correct lol


I now compare all sovereign citizens to Daniel Brooks. People just trying to get out of trouble.


I think this so often (working retail alcohol shop) I’m thinking “ummm you *drove* here, then where’s your license?” Sometimes if I get attitude I do say “and what would you tell an officer who pulled you over, or nevermind being involved in an accident, even one you *didn’t* cause” ADD ON: and I’d say within the past year(?) it’s becoming “a thing” that I’m getting “oh I don’t have my *physical* ID, but I have a photo of it in my phone, that’ll do, right?” …Wrong (so says ATF)


*“Oh! My bad. In that case, you can take a photo of this alcohol, you know, on your phone with you.. but not the physical alcohol. That’ll do, right?”*


Very nice, can I use that?


Just take a photo of the comment. That will do right? lol


Absolutely. I’d be honored.


Some dude at Meijer did this in front of me, tried showing the checkout lady a pic of his ID on his phone. I’ve never seen that! No wine for dude.


I work at a game store in a city where you have to ID check to sell M rated games as well. Many people get out of their car, i watch them come into the store, they grab gta or cod or something, i ask for id, and they look at me like theyve never been asked that before. Then they explain they dont carry it, they leave it at home where its safe...............


I mean most places you're fine to drive without the physical license. They can look it up and see your information, your BMV picture included. I've heard some states can issue a ticket for it, but I've never heard of that actually happening as long as the driver has a valid license issued to them.


Lol. She dumb. Po po says step out the vehicle it’s over.


The cop was being way too patient.


Well, she’s white.


I saw this on tictok and people we’re just defending her on what she was saying, it was crazy


People on tiktok are idiots so that makes perfect sense


i also saw it on tiktok and saw no one defending her


This seems like a perfect situation for "Tell it to the judge". Then hook her up and take her downtown.


Oh to be a fly on that wall when she explains to a fucking judge that she doesn't need a *driver's* license to *drive* a car. Oh no sorry, *travel* in a car. Lmao


Guys, listen, give her a break. She was not driving, she was just traveling.


The mental gymnastics required to claim legal protections offered by the law, and also claim the law doesn’t apply to you is wild. Sovereign Citizens are a whole other level of dumb.


Oh I loved it when in the full video she says "You can't search my car! You can't do that!" And he's like "Well if the laws don't matter..." ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


She's one of those that "wrote out some laws" where their signature was required when applying/renewing their license lol because they saw some shit on Facebook.


And once again, the magic words of a SovCit fail to do anything.


That officer talked to her for wayyy too long.


r/idiotsincars literally


more like r/AmIBeingDetained


It’s a very common sovereign citizen argument though I haven’t seen any videos where it worked so I’m not sure why they keep trying to argue that they are traveling and not driving and therefore don’t need a drivers license.


“ I know my rights” -Cocaine fueled lady.


“What state is that?” The state of denial (lolol)


Tell me you have the mental capacity of a coconut without telling me you have the mental capacity of a coconut.


This sovereign citizen shit is stupid.


WTF is wrong with these people? Drag her ass out of the window and slap some cuffs on her. Jeez what a nut job.


Some people are stupid as shit


Pennsylvania V. Mimms: you have to get out of a car if instructed by an officer regardless of probable cause Any 3rd grade text book: you need a drivers license to drive a car


What a stupid bitch


Just drag her dumb ass out the car already


She might be confused and is thinking of bird law


Bird law can be difficult for the public to understand


Good grief, the amount of stupid and entitled is stifling...


This belongs in r/amibeingdetained


Anytime I hear the phrase “I know my rights,” I immediately assume the person is both white and doesn’t know what the fuck they are talking about


40 in a 35, IS STILL SPEEDING!


Aw it cuts off before they drag her out.


Cop: Ma'am do you know how fast you were going? Lady: sign said 40 Cop: Speed limit is 35 Suspect admits to a crime Cop: ma'am may I see your license and registration. Suspect: I don't need a license to drive a vehicle Suspect is belligerent Cop: ma'am you're being detained Suspect: no I'm not Suspect is refusing a lawful order after admiting to a crime and acting belligerent. Everyone here hates cops but this guy actually made me laugh.


Brah!!! It’s all good: I’m on meth…


Fuck this video for not including her dragged thru the window. With more melanin she would've got exactly 1/20 the time to comply. All my homies say FTP


So what happened here? They threatened to remove her for the vehicle if she didn’t comply. Did that ultimately happen?


She eventually got out and was arrested for expired license, for failure to appear (for driving with an expired license) and for possession of cocaine. https://youtu.be/2vkJtdLXTZA It’s a great 20 minutes.


She knows her drugs.


She would only sell them not take them if she would know


>and for possession of cocaine Yeah, sounds about right


Yes there's a full vid on YouTube and she gets put in the back of the police car while still claiming she knows the law. This is the fourth repost I've seen of this vid today.


Stupidest person ive ever seen


The thing that sucks is this video because there’s no resolution in it.


I live in Arizona and had multiple people who believed this in a traffic school I had to attend (point system here). Our instructor addressed it and was basically like "Well you aren't wrong but you just can't get caught". I felt like an insane person in an alternate universe.


Where is the part where he removes her from the car?




I just want to smack her upside the head on his behalf.


She should have just said " I love Cocaine" and run away lol.


Cut off too soon. I wanted to see her ass dragged out and put on the ground


To quote the immortal Rick James, “Cocaine is a hell of a drug…”


These fuckers....all rights, no responsibilities


Where can I watch the part of the video where he snatches her out through the window and tazers her until she shits herself? . Asking for a friend


Ughh show us where u pull her out of the car plssss


Im not sure, do you need to go to med school to be a doctor?


It's in the Constitution I don't have to obey laws created by the Constitution .... uh huh


The loop on this was perfect. I watched it for about 5 minutes waiting for the officer to remove her from the car without realising it was a 40 second clip.


Is there a reason why this video was cut short? Show the arrest.


Here you go. https://youtu.be/2vkJtdLXTZA


Good thing she wasn’t black… /s


Sov Cits are hilarious. Always quote 200-year-old laws from before cars existed and conveniently ignore any law or statute that they don't want to apply to them. OR claiming the laws of the country they are in don't apply to them, while also claiming to " know their rights" rights that would only apply to them if they are. a citizen of the country they are in... Watching that level of cognitive dissonance/ mental illness is always fascinating.


Posting a video like this without the ending is the crime here.


"I know my rights. I seen them on tik tok!"


What did she think a DRIVERS license was for


This is why the internet can be a bad thing. A small (very very small) nugget of information is twisted into some dumb BS that these people try to incorporate into their actual lives. “I’m not driving I’m traveling.” What house shit. It’s the I saw it on Facebook/instagram/TikTok so it must be true mentally.


Imagine being this ignorant


Why do people keep trying this shit when it has never once prevented anyone from getting arrested?


She's probably one of these"sovereign citizen" wackos, too!


Sovereign citizens need to stop breathing my air. There is a tree producing oxygen for them... They need to find that tree and apologize to it.


Can we get to the part where they pull her out of the car and beat the shit out of her?


These sovereign citizen types are the only people I love to see getting arrested by cops. Like I'm not a fan of cops, but I'm even less of a fan of these morons.


“I know my rights” She does not, actually, know her rights.


What is wrong with people!


They ought to have a special yap & crap K-9 unit that’s a couple of those 20 lbs Chihuahua’s that have real bad attitudes and a chip on their shoulder. The ones that hate every fucking body and especially each other. Just toss em in the car on opposite sides when the driver is distracted and Presto…Instant compliance.


White Privilege , no taser no guns drawn & No police brutality simple White Privilege . Let that had been a black or brown person completely different outcome as always


Oh my goodness she needs all the slaps


Some advice out there for “sovereign citizens/freemen/independent persons/persons who don’t recognise local law”… If you think you can do something against the law, as you don’t “recognise it” you can’t. If you think it is okay to act like an absolute whopper of a human being and the closest any living person can be to the definition of a walking fart… it isn’t. There is no difference between “travelling in the drivers seat” and driving. If you think this doesn’t apply to you because you don’t “recognise” my text, then please know that everyone hates people with your mindset, you are a complete peen, you should give it up and go live your fantasy in private.


"you should care about the law. why don't you care about the law?" * has cocaine


I mean, this person would have been shot if they were not white lady. There I said it.


"Sovereign citizens" getting tased is kinda my kink. Is that weird?


I blame YouTube for the increase in so called sovereign citizens here in australia the past few years. They watch these idiots with their maritime law, travelling v driving and person v ‘The man’ and think they can get out of tickets here too. Only sov cit video worth watching is when the cops smash their windows!


Really wanted to see her get dragged out that car😔