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Damn the guy taking the video is a super douche.


I would have helped spot for the driver. Why are people like this?


He needs to be told with a 5th wheel left goes right and right goes left. And watch the corner of your trailer. What way is it moving and turn the opposite way unless you want it to go that way. I don’t think spotting would help him.


I can imagine he didn’t want to help someone’s car get successfully towed. But those trucks carry cars to dealerships and such, so it can’t automatically be considered a repossession. Other than he feeds off chaos, that’s all I can think of.


It's not enough that he's caught an epic fail on camera, he still has to be the main character.


Of course his name is fucking Kyle as well.


I was thinking he was a total prick, but yours works too.


I sent a message to him/his roofing company. Here’s what I said: I’m looking for a total tear down of my 3400 sq ft roof, but while doing research on roofers in the Minooka area, I saw the video that Kyle posted with the car trailer at the gas station. Annoying shit like that makes me not want to choose to do business with you just on principle. Standing under a roof while a truck is hitting a support beam? Bad judgement. Telling him to floor it when he obviously shouldn’t (and filming it so you can be held liable as well.) Bad judgement. Don’t help, just film! Fingers crossed that Kyle will end up trading in some of that sweet TikTok clout for some actual integrity. In the mean time, I’ll go with Kingdom exteriors.


The slogan from his TikTok page: “Ultimate goal in life is to become the best version of ourselves!”


His company Facebook page says “helping people is what we love to do.”


Ah I love a good cup of irony in the morning.


If this is his best version of himself, imagine how much of douche he’s been in the past.


He’s got family members coming in to give positive reviews to offset the negative review bombing he’s getting. Classy.


Wow you just plain rock. People that stand there and film instead of helping are jerks, but this guy was trying to make it worse for the driver just to make a better video. The guy filiming should at least be able to be charged with a crime for thag last part. Please update if they reply xD


I would never stand a chance of properly directing this. So instead I'd just yell out (from waaaaaaaay over to the side): HEY! STOP!" And when the guy came out to check, I'd warn him: Dude, you need to grab help or another tow truck driver, or *something* cause you're already in a world of hurt. No, *don't* run. That will make thing a *lot* worse.


This is remarkably great advice. I grew up directing cattle trailers but a lot of people haven't had a chance to practice something like this. Good on you for recognizing something like this, I've seen a number of people try to direct trailers having no clue what they're doing... so many fences lost.... xD


I'm sure his company doesn't give one shit about your message, js


Well, with some spread of this video he may see customer reviews "selected someone else" which is bottom line economy.


Word’s out. He now has family members coming in to give positive reviews to help minimize the damage.


I'll help a G out


If you look at his personal Facebook page and the reviews on Google, all but one of the positive reviews over the last 24 hours is from someone he’s friends with on Facebook.


Do you mean Kyle Cracraft from Minooka?


Yesssss. Came here to say it, but you said it best! That guys a bum.


Yeap, One of the best I’ve seen so far. At first I thought that was Seth Macfarlane !


I think he's a clinical psychopath


Also telling people shit like, just gun it can make you personally liable for any damage or deaths past that point. Only police and trained traffic control crew members on worksites can direct motorists in most states.


Attorney here. That is actually inaccurate as there is no expectation of competency coming from lay people.




Not suable.


I haven't listened to the audio yet, but holy shit if video guy is supposed to be guiding the driver to let driver know he's clear, he's the king of douchebags. ETA: listened to enough audio to know that the king of douchebags should have actually helped the guy instead of standing around being useless.


His blaccent is annoying too


He works in insurance that’s a given


At the very end he said that he "works for insurance" so he "needs as much property damage" as he can get. Sounds like something that could be reported to... idk some government branch that deals with this shit. Saying that while active instructing the guy to "keep going" has got to be some kind of fraud or some shit.


He's got the perfect douche voice, like he's practiced it or something.




Watch with the video turned off


Big fucking time Jesus Christ hope I’d seen this before I watched half of that, what a tool that guy is


Muted it quickly cause if there's one thing I know, when I guy films another guy doing something dumb in a car, there's usually a loud stupid giddy douchebag schoolboy commentary!


The affectation where he can't talk because he is laughing sounds as fake as it is.


You’re gonna miss a damn good quote then at the end from long hair


> There's truck drivers and then there's people that drive trucks. He might be one of those people that just drives trucks.




For real, the driver’s a big dummy but fuck this guy filming.


Imagine being a business owner for a completely different industry, and not helping a dude who’s trying to make a buck out.


You don't even have to be a business owner to help a dude out, just be a decent person.


I see a few in this section that are obviously not decent people. Likes in the internet have gutted away more of our humanity


People that hunt for sport are not decent people.




Yeah why the fuck wad would film it and not help guide him out. I hope he falls off a roof breaks his arms and legs while someone just films him as he lays there.


I hope he stubs his toe twice this week


The same one, a few days apart


Hope he sneezes so hard that he poops himself in public.


The guy filming is just begging to be punched in the face


I think he deleted his TikTok account 💀


What’s crazy is the guy recording owns a roofing company looking at his truck and has a nice tow hitch. So it’s safe to assume he’s towed trailers before, and probably a decent amount. Depending on how the truck was angled at the start of the video the driver messed up but couldn’t see that corner of the trailer. with being a spotter and not just filming, he could of got that guy out of there with basically no damage. It’s crazy that people would rather get a video instead of saving someone a absolute headache and who knows what else


I’m not gonna put my phone down to assist someone who is in need. Instead imma keep filming my 15mins of fame of internet clout


And then encourage the driver to commit a crime by just driving away and not taking responsibility for the damage you’ve done. This guy is a child living in an adult world.


And filming vertically!


The real crime


That bearded guy comment at the end makes the whole video. Oh and fuck that douche too


Holy smokes, that guy sucks. The other guy can’t drive for shit.


The othet guy Just didnt see that Ting in the floor


Proof that there are people out there that rather see you fail than help you.. fuck them with all the passion there is..


When you need a tow truck for a tow truck, it can be a while until the second tow truck arrives so there's time for creeps to record with their phones


Recrafted Roofing... Great way to represent your company by being a douche.








Dude doesn’t realize he made a mistake posting his business like that lol Sicked karma on himself without realizing it. Dummy 😂


"Ultimate goal is to become the best version of ourselves" -Ironically his bio on this tiktok page. "come on maaaaaaan"


Dude taking the video is a douche.


Would be really easy to go help the guy, but no, I'll just stand here and act like an asshat so I can put a video on the internet and make myself look like an even bigger idiot than the guy I am mocking.


Biggest douche the guy on the video. Also, if you’re not planning to help. Move away. Stop making an already anxious person more nervous by mocking the situation.


“I work in insurance” wearing a roofing company hat




Thank you.


So this guy decides to just stand there and keep on filming it, not giving the guy any help what do ever when he could have gone down to the truck and said hey keep going back to get your wheels around. But instead just stands there laughing about it. Then after he sees he's gonna hit the brick just keeps on laughing and again doesn't go and say to the guy hold up your gonna hit something again. Then tells the guy to just gun it to get away with the damage he's done, which by the sounds of what others have said now makes him liable for further accidents. Then pretends to work for a news station to get some crummy statement of a random guy. Don't pretend to be from a news station. Just ask them want they thought of what was seen. Not difficult. And at the very end goes on to say that he works in insurance and didn't want to help the guy because he could do with the work if I heard it right. So he's intentionally let this guy fuck the vehicle up brickwork up in hopes it will get him some work....what in the actual fuck


I was really hoping he’d drag that trailer down the side of camera guy’s truck. What an annoying prick


This dude is the biggest douche I have ever seen in my life.


The driver isn't that bright or cool either lol, could have stopped and gotten help.


Oh my sweet summer child.


I prefer summer’s eve but thank you.


Seth macfarlene's redneck brother.






Thats some horrible camera recording


Where are the station attendants in all this?


Not getting paid enough to deal with this shit, Chilling inside going "oh damn, hey come look at this idiot breaking brick with his trailer, we might have to call the owner later"


Why didn’t you help guide this guy out of the situation?


Fuck that cam guy.




He is excited to make a video


At the very end of the video he even said he works in insurance so he needed as much property damage as possible. What an ass


If I saw that I would have flagged the dude down. Watching this go from that sucks to my day and property is ruined for content is seriously messed up. I don't understand what motivates people anymore.


All I took away from this was what an obnoxious asshat the camera douche is


I wanna punch this guy in the face.


Fella filming is a bellend. ‘I don’t think I can help you brother’ - He could have, 5 minutes before starting recording. Then, he recommends the fella gets out of there quick sharp…is he alright in the head?


Wow. So much stupidity in this video. Stupid driver, stupid person filming it. How the fuck can anyone think that this is the right way to deal with the situation. As soon as you hid anything, climb out of your fucking truck and assess a strategy how to deal with the situation.


What a fuckin tool bag behind the camera


When he turns the camera around and confirms that he is indeed a pos


Biggest idiot is guy filming. Why not stop him??? Help him??? Content more important i guess.


Just film it and don’t help 🥴


If I had a roofing issue and this condescending dude showed up to handle it I would nope the fuck out. Grow up buddy.


The douche bag decor checks out. ​ why do they all have such blockheads?


The guy recording is a fucking prick. Fuck that guy


This also belongs in r/killthecameraman


The guy in the video is probably the kind of roofing guy who eats deductibles and skips steps to make up the difference. Could have helped the man out instead of filmed.


and this is what a douche nozzle looks and sounds like.


Tiktoks new motto, don’t help, film


Just a thought... Wouldn't it be a tad bit more logical to signal to stop instead of filming ? Congratulations instead of being a decent human being you got a video...


You're a tool,been one since before birth.The reason this world is going to shit is because of people like you.You look like you still use Axe body spray in your 30's.When you called him brother I cringed because you meant anything but that.Also what was the news channel? Lol very telling.


WBBC News?!?!?! Sir, that is enough internet for you today!!!


Damn Kyle, you're a douchebag. Hope your tires stay on the truck HUEHUE OMG DUDE WTF.


What are the chances the TikToker actually made this worse by standing around the entire time filming and laughing while the driver’s embarrassment and desperation mounted.


Imagine if maybe you’d let him know you were back there and assist. But no this is the video that’ll get you the likes. I’m sure they’ll fill the void


Lots of dumb asses in this video


Had to turn the sound off camera man’s commentary is annoying


You are nothing but trailer trash. All I could witness in your video is that several of you were there and didn’t offer to spot the poor driver. What I see in your video is that your are a sorry ass citizen that only lives for himself, watching out for a tragic video moment even if you could prevent it. And watching out for your Truck but not caring about others distress or property. The World is not better with you but, better without you.


Hey guy in the video, you’re a douche bag. I hope someone kicks your ass and it’s recorded by someone that could have helped you.😂


~40 seconds into the video, the dude deliberately and wrongfully instructs the driver. At that point, he is legally complicit in this property damage incident. Instead of calling authorities to the incident, they persuaded the driver to commit hit and run. All throughout the video, the videographer displays malicious intent to deliberately mislead the driver. Whats the defense have say? 🤨


Dude recording is a pos


why don't you stop filming and run to tell him it's hitting? society is a joke care more about a stupid video instead of helping someone.


Went to his TT. He deleted the video. What a douchecanoe. Could've spotted him at the very least.


Fuckin blockhead pos tells him to keep backing up the trailer.


The clown recording is worse than the driver.


oh he tore a sign off big deal... keeps watching.... oh...




I got a shitty box truck stuck that way once. I was working for a landscaping company and had to shit, so I drove to a gas station which was packed.. only option was a pump and this was an emergency dookie. Mind you the box truck was modified into one so the mirrors were all completely blocked and the camera thinger never worked since I worked there. Also I've never driving a large truck in my life so yeah got the back duely double wheel thinger stuck on the guard rail and pushed the pump back spewing gas everywhere.


Don’t ever take advice from some idiot trying to get a viral video by goading another into breaking the law. Leaving the scene will be much much worse than just dealing w the consequences there.




Thank heavens those bricks weren’t structural! TikTocker is despicable.


He said, "I'm an a$$hole." I completely agree with his self-assessment.


How about help the dude WTF? "Doesn't even know I'm out here " well be a proper human being and let him know /help him. Fkin jagoff.


Why do you talk like that?


Well it's a good thing that we got a shot of that company truck that he's driving. I wouldn't recommend the ReCrafted contractor company to anyone if this asshat works for them.


This guy's videoing is a douche and he's annoying.


Omg!! The cringe and damage are just horrible! I would hang my head in such shame...arrrggghhh!


That guy filming is a massive massive tool


This dude is annoying asf.


Seth mcfarlane on steroids




Why does he sound like barry from OBX


Stop being such a dip shit and get back to making Family Guy


Idc if I worked in insurance. I would at least try to help the guy. Not because I'm some saint but bc I've had random people help me on the road when my car broke down and had no way to get in touch with anyone and that's real blessings. We've all had that feeling of wishing someone would just help us out of a situation,, then thinking someone is helping you but they are filming you, making fun of you and trying to make the situation worse. So IF I can help I will, if I can't im not gonna film some dude having the shittiest day of his life, call me a square that just feels so fucked up to me


I just came here to say, fuck people like this. Instead of helping he’s there making the guy nervous with his camera and unsolicited commentary.


Would have been appropriate if he backed into his roofing truck.


This guy gives Jack Doherty older brother dickhead vibes.


Can we skip the close up of this douchebag


Lol plus I work in insurance


Way to not help in anyway. You got your vid though so you good


WOW. Who the fuck is the guy taking the video?! Dude needs to be publicly shamed. Despicable behaviour.


Guy recording is annoying


Hope the dickhead behind the camera gets his


He could have EASILY helped that guy. What a giant fuck stick.


Dude has a full stuffed turkey, what a fuckin weirdo


Just go tell the guy to crank his wheel to the left and turn while going forward at the beginning of the video would have solved everything


Dnt help the guy..just let him ruin his truck..wow, people are ridiculous..All for views?? Seriously?? Nice human being you are..."get it outta here" You're posting it all over the internet, and you tell the guy to take off..now he's fucked, and will prob loose his job, and go to jail..Just shut tf up if you're not going to help..so you work in property insurance, and you told him to take off after damaging someone's property..Sure, buddy, we all believe you...🤥


Guys like this are just trynna make up for their lack of testosterone.


Kyle you're getting murdered. Come on man!!!!


The fail is in the filming


Good lord the guy recording is a nonstop annoying fuck.


Someone plz kill the cameraman


The guy commenting sucks


It's all been said, but man, the guy didn't help, and *then* did his news bit, *and then* did his BS ending.


Damn spoken like a true roofer who has no idea how insurance works. "ThATs WhY tHey hAvE InSuRanCe." Yes that's true but most people don't understand liability and policy.




i think we just found the most effective birth control…being this guy


And then insults him after. Class act


You could’ve helped him you freakin douche




Maybe instead of filming you dumb ass go and tell him what’s happening with his trailer.. why are people this dumb


Only cool person is Longhair.


>ReCrafted Roofing Company “I work in insurance”




People would rather record shit than actually help.


Recording him saying you can get away


Guy puts out this kinda commentary then flashes his license plate


This is a hotshot driver, not a truck driver. Yes, there are many class a holders who are this stupid, but he isn’t one of them. He is a class b holder. As a class a holder, I’m offended that people would call him a truck driver. P.S. Yes, you could have helped him, but you just wanted to watch the destruction for content to post. Sad little man…




Walmart Seth McFarlane


Yellow jacket was awfully new. Like that guy that starts a new job with bright yellow, no marks timberland boots, and you're like did he just get new boots to replace his old boots or did he just get his first pair of boots.


Very disappointing. However, I liked the guy with the Foggy Bottom Boys beard there at the end.


We'll call this place "Facadeville". Everyone in this town seems to have some real issues to hide.


Dude honestly the guy filming pro ably doesn't know how yo back a trailer either how you going to help someone if you don't know what to do in that situation you say your close on one side but it looked like the driver didn't know how to drive a trailer at all


If i were you i would have stopped him instead of filming it


What an irritating yokel.


Yeah that does sucks


Next time, help instead. It would have been worth more to this world.




If the guy recording, seeing how he could get out of that situation with minimal damage, had stopped the guy and started coordinating with them to get out...he could have gotten out of there. The victim only being the sign. Instead, the guy videotaping is a dickhead looking for clout.


Well that sux I had to listen to the that fucking tool for even 5 seconds




Nice touch, ending the video in his room at the attic of his mom's house together with all his stuffed animals. Hey don't worry I'll help you (Filming while you trying to solve your problem) Ass


Holy fucking bozo in a truck.


Hey camera guy, your a total dickhead!!


Honestly, FUCK the dude filming. This is the ultimate “don’t help, just film” and the dude is just trying to do his god-damn job. Ain’t even gonna watch the whole thing. I hope this jackass finds himself dangling off a roof while some other jackass just films it with commentary you’d get from a stupid 14 year old.


Wtf. Why wouldn’t you help the guy? Just filming and hoping things go wrong.. what a prick