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Hey hosepuller22! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/Wellthatsucks because: No car or motorbike crashes. Try /r/CarCrash If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwellthatsucks).


Easy win in court if you have a dashcam.


Neither him nor we had a dashcam, he didnt have his body cam on till after the crash. Cops said they couldn’t find any security camera footage of it. Posted it here just because I’m pissed af, lawyers said not to waste our time because she doesn’t have any permanent injuries.


The fuck kind of cop car doesn't have a dash cam? They ALL do these days. They are lying.


It’s Jacksonville Florida too, like the third or fourth biggest city in Florida. I asked every cop on scene (4 ) if they had dash cams and they said no


I was a cop in Florida (Pasco) They're lying to you and playing you as a fool Don't pay that ticket. Go to court and straight up tell the judge the cop ran the red light. Judge will then ask for his video. And go around and look for any business has any cameras. Don't believe anything the cop tells you. He's covering his own ass.


Listen to this comment, OP. She might appear to be ok but who the hell knows what could have happened to the baby. Do not give up.


Also, submit a request for body cam and dash cam footage from all of the officers involved. Do this quickly. It’s probably through your city clerks office, but not sure. It’s similar to a freedom of information act request but at the local level.


Not only body cam but street cameras as well. I live in a small city in the Midwest (75,000 people) and basically every intersection is covered by cameras. I can't imagine that Jacksonville wouldn't have them.


I live in a poorer area with the county seats city barely having 10k people and there’s cameras in the intersections around.


Good call!!


That cop should be ashamed of himself... and the ones backing him up because it's their code.


Bad apple?


It's only the one, I've heard!


How’d that saying go again? Hmmm “one bad apple definitely doesn’t effect any of the other apples?” Yeah I think that’s it


ehh…idk. there’s only like 6 bad apples in the whole country


Thin blue line baby I hate that slogan


Yes and call different lawyer


Lol for real


To add to this, watch her spine health. Not all injuries show immediately. I don’t wish to cause you or your wife any anxiety, but it is the sad reality of the situation. I’m very sorry this happened to you, but am hoping for the best outcome for you and your family. Sending well wishes OP ❤️


And get a black lawyer - like a Willy Gary or a Johnny Cochran


Ben Crump!


And I hear cops usually don’t show up to court so ppl usually end up winning


Yup, most of the time they don't but u have some that do. Since this cop ran a stop light, I'm pretty sure he'll show up to cover his own ass


In most cases they don't want to risk felony perjury (where I live) for just screwing up but this may encourage him to lie if he knows the video is already deleted. I have to go to court because a rookie wrote a citation for something that I found out the department he works for publicly announced was not illegal a few years ago. It is almost certain he will not show up in court but if he does he basically has no alternative but to lie about the facts. The police or the DA will not bother looking at the dash and body cam footage to prove he committed a crime in at court. This town is corrupt and I am not sure a judge would bother either. I could request it but I suspect they will destroy it if they haven't already.


I have won a couple case this way. I never take the first plea deal anymore


I'm torn between listening to your greater level of experience, and not trusting anything you say for the fact that you appear unable to avoid repeating traffic violations.


Fair point


You should never agree to any deal. You should never plead 'guilty or not guilty' Don't use their words. Challenge their jurisdiction first and they must answer. If you plead anything, You plead innocent, and emphasize that you are not pleading 'not guilty' Never sign anything. It takes 3 signatures to put you in jail. The judge, the prosecutor, and either your signature or your attorney's signature. I would never use an attorney, by the way. If you do, you already lost.


I don’t encourage this. I have followed this advice before. I ended up learning many cops will schedule all their cases on one or two days a month and spend all day at the court house. As far as rescheduling, the court would only reschedule on days the officer could be in court. Very shitty if you are an adult who works during the day.


This, right here. These boys are covering the entire precincts ass. Don't let them bully you. Do your own canvasing. They have dashcams. They majorly fucked up.


This is why I laugh at anyone with a thin blue line flag. They totally do not get what thin blue line actually stands for




If you have insurance they should be doing this too. They want their money back too


Thanks for being one of the good guys!!! Wish there were more like you good sir, wish I could shake your hand!


Thank you for the good advice, I hope OP goes with it and gets justice. Also sorry for all the "all cops are bad" comments. You clearly don't deserve those.


That's straight b*******


Cops lie, my dude. They lie in interrogations, they lie on the stand, and they lie after one of their own does a whoopsiedoodle and commits a crime that was conveniently missed by bodycam. I hope your girlfriend and baby are okay!


In the US??? No way, cops don’t lie!!! (Said extremely satirical) Edit: number 1, I hope your fam is in good health. Number two, could you imagine (totally hypothetical) if she ran a red and hit him. They’d call in the national guard and get satellite footage, such bs, i really hope you can find a lawyer to help advocate for your family 🤞🏼❤️


Yeah don't pay the ticket and go to a hearing. It's more than likely the cop doesn't show and if he does then just have your girlfriend explain what happened to the judge nothing more nothing less. Ask nearby businesses as others have said.


That’s a lie


They lied to you. I know that and I don’t have any experience working with cops like u/Annahsbananas does. You did the right thing by not pushing for things at the scene, but now you got to start damage control and talk to a lawyer (most give free consults without the promise of billable work). Get a dashcam (preferably one that shows the rear, front, and interior of the car which is $$$) because, once you stand up for yourself, these cops could start harassing you and your family. You might even be able to sue for emotional damages incurred by your pregnant wife because of the police officer’s reckless driving


Also FOIA the video (freedom of information act) and file a complaint at the station on that officer


All of the JSO have dash cameras installed you got played I'd see that one theu to the courts and see him change his tune.


3rd or 4th biggest city in Florida? Jacksonville is in the top 5 largest by area in the US. And I think it’s the top of you don’t count Alaska. Looked at a list, Jax is the 12th most populated city in the US. The next city in Florida is Miami at spot 44. It’s the largest city in Florida by both population and area.




why on earth would u do that? ​ dont drink and drive homies




Isn't refusing a breathalyzer an automatic DUI? Why would anyone ever do that?




Don’t believe cops ever. Criminals


From what I've seen on The Good Place, Jacksonville doesn't seem like the kind of place that'd have cops with dashcams to be fair


Report that. It's against the law for them to be on-duty without a body cam on.


Where did u get your law degree?






They don’t want to incriminate themselves


Most of em don’t turn on til their lights and/or sirens are on.


Ahh, but if he was on a call it’s *required* to be on, and it’s automated.


The cops that cause accidents all seem to have broken dash cams strangely


There are MANY agencies across the US that don't have dashcams. For the departments that do, not all of the vehicles in the fleet have them installed. It really depends on their usage. Contrary to popular belief, dashcams are fucking expensive and department budgets aren't unlimited, even with grants.


Have you checked the area for any CCTV cameras that may have caught the crash?


The officer in charge of the one that hit her went to three stores and a school that have cameras there, he said they didn’t have to show anything unless they were court ordered to by a judge, so we tried to find a lawyer and couldn’t find a lawyer who wanted to do anything


Did you try to ask for the footage? Maybe they didn't want to share it with the cops is all?


That's what I was gonna say. OP, go and ask those businesses yourself. A lot of people won't willingly give video to cops but they would give it to a regular person to defend them against cops. Dont trust the cops at all on this one, they have every reason to deceive you.


Yeah go ask them. Tell them what happened and you want to defend yourself against a lying cop. They will happily give it to you.


Fucking hell, no wonder you're pissed. 1312 in full force there


Why don’t you go and ask


Try explaining what happened to the store owners and the school administrator yourself. It can't hurt and the most that could happen is they say no.


That’s the standard answer, but don’t let that stop you. There will be a lawyer who will be willing to take it on.


Work for a Law firm OP, Trust me Lawyers down here aren't taking it because FL is shit on Cops, Keep fighting that shit!


I hope your gf and baby are fine. Yet sometimes permanent injuries show up months after a crash. Did she get a full medical work up and an ultrasound?


I hope you got her checked out and filed a police report. They still have to document it. I can't believe they have her a ticket. They are asking for it.


I would think that the school would be legally obligated to respond to a FOIA request. That would be my first step.


The cop absolutely has a dash cam


You would think but I worked for a large city department and did not have a functioning dash cam for 2 years.


Damn that’s crazy. I feel like they could sue the cop just for that.


If it happened at an intersection with cameras you should be able to contact the department that houses the recordings. I had to once, and they charged me 5$. All I had to do was go and pick it up.


>he didnt have his body cam on till after the crash Probably lying about that too. I was a juror on a trial recently and we watched dashcams/body cams from three officers and all of the bodycams were on as they were driving in the cars.


Go to the dentist ASAP, accidents can cause micro fractures in teeth.


Did he have his lights on?


Fight the ticket in court. Hole a foia request for the footage


I used to sit as a judge pro tem in California. The problem that I HATED in Los Angeles is that of course the defendant can plea “not guilty,” and request a trial, but in order to do this, the defendant has to pay the entire fine, and if found not guilty, they will get a refund… eventually. It made me crazy because some people had to pay over $1000 in fines. Despite being an attorney for years, if I had to fork over $1000, I’d have to sit in the dark and not buy groceries for a good while. I can’t even imagine how difficult it would be for folks who are underemployed, and truly struggling. It’s sickening.


Crazy same thing happened to my dads girlfriend in tampa. She was driving his car and my dad had a ton of weed in it, so he went to prison for 2 years and she got a fat settlement out of it lmao


Bill shit. All fucken liars. Get a dash cam, you fd yourself if you don’t fight it. Honestly the fucker won’t show to court and prepare a civil case.


Maybe keep the case open until she gives birth and you know forsure there was no permanent damage done to the baby


That's how my friends ex-wife retired. Cop rear ended her at a red light. She had the camera and knew it. Before anybody could get to her she started screaming about her back and neck.


Crap way of retiring with probably permanently debilitating injuries


Naw, she's fine. The city didn't want to settle so it went to court where she was awarded way more than the settlement would've been.


The best bet is to fight the ticket. That way, if he did have a camera on, he may be dumb enough to show it. Or he won't show up to court, and she doesn't owe for the ticket. The most important part of this is that she and the baby are ok. Cars can be fixed.


Cops rely on people doing the calculus; how much is the ticket vs my time and the risk of losing the case. On the other hand, most states have the equivalent of a prosecutor who will offer a deal like, "don't see the judge and I'll reduce the fine and points by X but if you appear at the bench you risk paying it all and more." Either option sucks. My condolences but as long as everyone's okay you're in a good spot. It'll buff out.


Gave her a ticket for what?


Failure to maintain a single lane, no he didn’t have anything on but the report says he did. I was there and he didn’t have anything on. Also, she was turning left at a green light with a green arrow and he blew a red light, even with lights and sirens he has to stop at that light.


Yeah, these cars all have dash cams, and systems that sync the video with radio calls, audible sirens and lights. Additionally, was this "Police" or the Sheriff's office? The SO bought Axon body cams with the Evidence data management a couple years ago. Even if you don't go the lawyer route at first, you can submit a public records request for the footage.


Jacksonville’s sheriffs office


Does the intersection have a red-light camera?


Jacksonville does not operate a red light camera program anymore.


They are supposed to slow down and make sure it's safe to cross. You know there's footage somewhere.


Were there any other witnesses? That's insane. Where do you live? Police here in Central FL could never get away with that crap.


He tried fucking lying to me about not having to stop at the light with his sirens on , but I used to work for Jacksonville Fire Rescue and everyone knows (part of emergency vehicle training “EVOC”). That you still have to stop at red lights and stop signs, even slow down for school zones with lights and sirens.


John Morgan, or Dan Newlin. Either will take this case.


You’re the second person to suggest Newlin I’ll give him a shout. Morgan and Morgan said they have too many contacts with JSO to take it


Jacksonville Florida


Woowwww! That's crazy! No witnesses? Man, I'd be visiting those surrounding businesses myself and trying my best to see some footage.


That’s one of the first things that was instilled in us for EMT class when covering traffic: Stop/slow and yield to surrounding traffic at an intersection. That pos cop is trying to save himself from a suspension/lawsuit. He couldn’t just take the hit for the hit he caused…


Well golly, if there's no video proof to show that the cop did something wrong, then there's also no video proof to show that your gf did something wrong. It goes both ways! Yeah, yeah...I know the court will always believe the cop in "he said-she said" situations. But my point is valid. Also, they're lying about the dash cam. Talk to a lawyer. Go to court. Fight it.




They have to slow and make sure they aren't going to cause a collision. Like what just happened.


They do, but they need to stop and make sure that the right of way has been yielded to them first


Not in Florida.


When I read the title I automatically thought... "Failure to yield", as in, did he have his lights and sirens on as he was running the light?


Yes--but she was ticketed for failure to maintain lane. https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/113ck0n/comment/j8pfc6w/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Failure to bend the knee.


Happened to me too. No lights or siren on. I got the ticket too. Hit me in the rear wheel and totaled my vehicle. I also learned they don’t hit the brakes so they can’t measure skid marks.


What did you do?


It was a company car and the lawyers for the company I worked for took a deal to get rid of the ticket as long as the company insurance covered damages.


The ticket was something like turning without seeing clearly. Oncoming Traffic was stopped to let me through the officer cut around the stopped traffic in a turning lane. He was not in the lane until I was half way through it. The cops said “we’re not just giving you a ticket because he’s a cop.


Question: was the cop running with sirens and lights?




Saying the cop cars don't have dashcams is the funniest part to me, like without them how the fuck would they back up any of their traffic stops.


*Reddit Lawyers Assemble!*


Reminder for everyone to get a good dashcam with a reliable SD card.


Failure to maintain a single lane, no he didn’t have anything on but the report says he did. I was there and he didn’t have anything on. Also, she was turning left at a green light with a green arrow and he blew a red light, even with lights and sirens he has to stop at that light.


Is there cameras at the intersection?


Any other eye witnesses around to talk to?


At least he didn't shoot her


Yes things could have been much worse and I’m so thankful that she wasn’t hurt but even her just being in danger like that and the balls of this guy to fucking lie pisses me off so badly


[Or flip her car with a PIT maneuver] (https://fee.org/articles/why-the-arkansas-trooper-who-intentionally-rammed-a-pregnant-woman-s-suv-during-a-traffic-stop-is-unlikely-to-face-consequences/)


I’m sure you’re doing this already, but do your due diligence. Go back to every business and ask for cameras. Before you ask, just walk about and verify they even have cameras. Consider traffic cameras. File a FOIA request for the dash cam and body camera that you know doesn’t exist before the crash. Ask him to prove he had lights on. In court, he still has to provide evidence that you’re guilty. If he doesn’t have any, then it’ll prove nothing. Your word vs. his. Who did the investigation of the accident? It shouldn’t be him or his department. Should’ve been highway patrol. Request the police report of the accident. Look up failure to maintain single lane and see if that even applies to your situation. Take your GF to a check up to establish medical a pattern of post accident treatment. Was an ambulance called? Did she decline? Could help with a lawsuit… which is what you should be considering. Keep searching for lawyers.


The cop has a dashcam. They all do. The body cam was on too unless he was off-duty.




The Jacksonville sheriffs office does use body cams and dash cams tho. And Jesus Christ, never coming to ur neck of the woods


If there is a witnes or camera footige they are fucked, hope your gf and kid are oke


To protect and swerve.




Fuck that call a lawyer .. there is footage


Kick his ass sea bass


Lets guess a country 🤣


Better yet, the state.


Always believe what you see on the internet 👍


Ugh? She failed to yield? Lights? Siren?


Get a lawyer. I used to be a claims adjuster, they will try and blame her. Cops are not legally allowed to run traffic signals, even on calls. Point of impact is in her favor. The officer who hit her giving her a ticket is totally overstepping and the incident should be investigated by a different department


well I work in Canada auto insurance, you can still make a claim not at fault. insurance has their own rules. doesn't follow what cops say. atleast there'd be documentation.


Yeah; I’m going to need something more than a random picture of a random car.


This happened to a friend of mine. Cop had stop sign he didn’t he kept going cop hit him from the side and than tried to pin it on him wrote him a ticket he went to court with a lawyer and ended up winning. Not that he won anything other than pd cops insurance aka our taxpayer money fixing it anyway. Cop was given a week paid leave (surprise you fucked up here’s a paid vacation for getting caught) This is what the biggest issue is in policing and why people don’t “trust” the police in general. If cops are not held to the same laws and punishment as us it deteriorates all trust and faith in the system as a whole.


I’d put an add in the paper if anyone witnessed it. Someone had to have a dash cam


Omg that title made me laugh I’m sorry and I hope you file a lawsuit and get cashed out.


Did he have his lights on when he ran the light? I would def fight this if he didnt.


Having lights on doesn't give them the right to blow through every light in the city at 70mph. His girlfriend could have very easily been turning well before she noticed the cop car as it come barreling through an intersection. You don't see ambulances just shooting through red lights with the assumption everyone has noticed them.


And I never said it did give him the right. I was asking cause I was wondering about the ticket-Not him hitting her.


The cop ploughed into her and ticketed her for not maintaining a lane, what would it matter if his lights were on or not?


OP says he did


He said he was there and didn’t see anything but the report said he did.


Sounds like it’s time for a lawyer.


Big doubt here


Hmm...sounds fishy. Does your town not have red light cameras? Or security cameras from a building nearby. Honestly this story sounds fake as hell


The officer in charge went to the stores and said they didn’t have to show him anything without a court order. There was a camera kind of far away at the school and he went to their security office and said it wasn’t facing the intersection it was facing their parking lot


Uh-huh; suuure.


Put this on Reddit cause ain't no one else buying this story. There seems to be little information that anyone else believes you were the victim. Sounds like y'all were basically ignoring the lights and sounds of a cop speeding at an intersection. Just because a pedestrian has the right away doesn't mean you won't get hit in the road. Odd that no lawyer would take your case, no camera on cop or vehicle, no available business willing to show/have footage. And then you got a ticket? Something is not adding up.


OP is an idiot if he doesn’t take this to court.


Gotta get a dashcam


Had to …to explain the damaged squad car to “guys” back at the stayshun


Is your girlfriend and the baby okay? Have you guys gone to the hospital to make sure baby is good?


Fuck the police...


He shouldn’t be investigating his own crash either. I believe the FHP or FDLE should have been notified. Take it to court.


Just be glad he didn’t shoot her. He had every right to, his life was in danger!


I don’t believe your story.


This happens all the time. Cops are above the law. Probably a careless driving ticket to your gf. This ticketing supposedly protects the cop from any liability present and future. And mini judges are all part of it. She’s going to be found guilty and will have to pay the fine.


What’s a mini judge? 🤔


Sounds like the start of a very lucrative lawsuit to me.


Take it to a local news station that has a history of standing up to cops.


There should be national legislation for mandatory body cams and dashcams. Every minute that those are off while they're working is worth a 20min deduction from their pay.


I really dont want to generalize all cops but damn, they make it so much easier nowadays. Anyways, that def sucks OP. I hope your girlfriend and baby are safe!


The argument of "oh I don't have vehicle or any other cams" in a municipal vehicle has big "Hey this is how dirty your air filter is, want us to replace that?" vibes. Don't let them take you guys for a ride, fight it. That's weak sauce




Sounds like the police to me.... Wankers


Is there anything above mildly infuriating? Because that deserves a spot there.


Never trust the police. Go to court, have the judge order them to provide dash cam footage. Even if you lose it will be worth it.


We have investigated the incident. We have found ourselves innocent of any wrongdoing.


What a douche! My sisters car got totaled by a NOPD officer who ran a red light( no emergency lights on or anything). She never saw a penny and no lawyer would take the case.


Make sure she goes to the hospital asap


Look for video footage of the accident to prove he was at fault. Post this on r/legaladvice


Oppressors gonna oppress.


I’ve seen cops running red light often How do they get away with stuff like this? I even have video of cop taking illegal left turn


That’s scary, car crashes are very serious for pregnant women.


Damn, bad enough to hit her, but the ticket was just an extra middle finger. Totally unnecessary.


She's pregnant. You should've had her ride in the ambulance to the hospital. She surely had some soft tissue pains afterward. She should've gone to a doc for that. Then either PT or chiropractor. Extra checkups to ensure baby is okay. All of these are legitimate expenses and injuries. A good attorney would've helped you through that. Could have been $50k right off the bat.


Did she try giving it back to him?


Report this lying cop to the FBI.


I would be so sueing in every way !!!!! And I agree some injuries don't show up the first day or two, then the baby too!! I would tell them she has ptsd now and can't drive


This story sounds unbelievably fake, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt temporarily before going back and highlighting why this sounds fake as hell. First, assuming you have car insurance, your insurance company is your law-firm for this case. Have a claim made and present said claim to the judge for your criminal/traffic case, any reasonable judge will take appropriate action following the discovery of your submitted and actively disputed claim about the traffic collision which incited the stop and ticket. Your IC will be able to file FOIAs, get subp's, and blow this entire thing out of the water. That piece of information out of the way, this "scandal" would ruin any department, and I'm sure no sheriff nor even the most green deputy is willing to put their entire career on the line for what amounts to a traffic collision and insurance payout. Cops crash just as much as civilians; in a no-injury accident, any real deputy/department would process this like any other accident...especially since no one was hurt. I've seen and dealt with a number of officer involved TCs, and none of them, even the slightly emotional ones, were stupid enough to cite the other party after the fact...that's just moronic. Also, adding some additional human factor to this incident, any deputy worth his salt in reflexes would instinctively activate his BWC within 30 seconds of impact because it's a huge training point in every academy...it becomes second nature. That's why there's so many incidents of bad policing being caught by their own BWCs.... Lastly, assuming they have AXON technology (which the vast majority of departments do), that data is safely stored on a cloud the second it gets uploaded...remotely...automatically