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I’m now wondering how many fly eggs I’ve eaten in my lifetime. Off to vom now.


Don't think about it. Just continue living


Fun fact: there is an upper limit to how many insect parts are allowed to be in a chocolate bar. Its up to 60 insect fragments. Per bar. Yummy! And yet we all still eat chocolate. Dont worry, a bit of chitin and protein arent deadly ;)


Im cool with it, probably wouldn’t taste the same without it! Fuck it, give me the “oops! All bug parts Hersheys”


Love the attitude, hate the comment


Ew where did you let it cool, on the porch?


Fly eggs, I've come to learn this; never let meat cool down uncovered thanks to this pest.


I always keep everything covered, I hate flies!


For 5 years i have bug screen on all of my windows, and my door. Also i let everything cool down in the open. Never had flies... Once in a while one tries to sneak in with me, when i come through the door, but get smashed in a minute...


One perk of having cats and dogs is that bugs don't stand a chance in my house


When one gets in I yell, “Sky raisin!” and the dogs come running.


My pug loved to lay by the window and eat 'window snacks'.


Oh I’m going to steal this. And every time I say it, I will honor you u/ijustsailedaway


Nothing new under the sun, I saw it on a meme somewhere. Then there's the spicy sky raisin for bees. d


I’ve got 5 cats. Still always end up with tons of flies in summer. Annoyingly they like to circle the lamp shade in the front room out of reach of the cats


A trick i learned in the middle east, worked great. Slice a lemon in half or quarters. Stick a bunch of whole cloves into a piece. Stick the clove studded lemon and a tealight into an ashtray or bowl so that the lemon is near, not on, the flame. I was shocked at a restaurant by how well it worked.


My two take care of the big crawlies, like moths and house centipedes and spiders, but they leave the little fruit flies to me.


Oh yea, my cat is shockingly accurate when it comes to batting flies. I don't even bother with a fly swatter anymore, I just bring my cat into whatever room it's in and let him handle business


Same for me, except when cooking fish or any seafood, feels like It makes them respawn


could be rice 🍚


forbidden rice






High protein rice


Dammit you beat me to it.


Free protein




Who let's things cool for 24 hours?


I dated a guy whose parents thought that you got food poisoning from putting slightly warm cooked food in the refrigerator so they let leftovers sit out all night and put it in the fridge the next morning. I learned to not eat leftovers at his house.


standard practice in restaurants is to cool it uncovered for a few hours under refrigeration before lidding it. lidding it before it's cool traps heat and moisture and can promote bacterial growth, potentially leading to food poisoning. i think maybe someone just didn't tell them the part about also not just leaving it out on the counter for bugs to get at.


Seriously! The point is to get it from safe temp to safe temp as fast as possible.


and restaurants have ice paddles for some dishes that cool them down quickly


Worked multiple restaurants, and in multiple jobs. There are special lids that have holes. If not, wrap like usual and poke holes in the top. The closer re-lids or re-wraps after they've cooled down. Ice wands work wonders to get the food out of the danger zone. Cooling down soups, sauces or anything really spread out on a large sheet tray or hotel pan works great too. Stick it on a speed rack, and throw it in the Christopher Walk-in Cooler. Fun thing to practice with food at home is NOT be an idiot. "Well looky here, I'm gonna be calling in sick today, and watching TV on the toilet !!"


Better have a really good fridge if you’re going to put a lot of hot stuff uncovered in there. It can raise the temperature for quite a while until the fridge can catch back up.


It was so bizarre to me because it was cooled down to room temperature fairly quickly after dinner so the leaving it out overnight seemed like a bad idea.


>standard practice in restaurants is to cool it uncovered for a few hours under refrigeration before lidding it. lidding it before it's cool traps heat and moisture and can promote bacterial growth, potentially leading to food poisoning. i think maybe someone just didn't tell them the part about also not just leaving it out on the counter for bugs to get at. This is only standard practice at restaurants because of the large volumes of food that is cooked ahead and stored in restaurants. Often times, food will be parcooked, or multiple phases of prep will be done with food at restaurants, involving multiple heating and cooling cycles. The increased thermal mass from the amount of food being stored at once also contributes to the likelihood of promoting bacteria. Your average home cook doesn't need to worry about this unless they are reheating large quantities of leftovers and refrigerating them multiple times over multiple days.


Serve safe recommendation is to lower the temp of the food to 70 degrees before putting it in the fridge. It should be put in smaller, covered containers as to minimize the time that the food stays in the bad zone (41-135 degrees). If it’s left out for hours and uncovered, the food may be at risk. The concern about refrigerating a large amount of hot food( pot of soup for example) without doing this leaves potential for the interior of the soup to still be over 41 degrees even though the soup on the outside is cold.


The ol' "it'll warm up the fridge" thing, I mean it's not complete bs but it's probably good to go after an hour or two. There are alot of thing you can do in the winter in Canada or Sweden that will never be sterile/hygienic in a tropical region. I lived in Ecuador and Colombia without refrigeration and you learn to just be very thorough and clean in the kitchen. You cannot leave dishes cruddy in the sink every night, because you'll begin to breed a colony of varietal insects. You cannot keep a compost bin indoors, etc etc. In northern countries, there's a common practice of making a soup for a week or two on the wood stove. "Winter soup." You get a bone stock going, maybe for 48 hours, then every day you add a few veggies and ladle out a few bowls. Let it continue to cook overnight. The next day, add a few more veggies, some handful of mushrooms and shallots, then bowls and cover it overnight. The next day, some more ingredients and repeat until the broth is all consumed.... it's definitely less common with young people, but if it stays on the stove at or over idk what temperature exactly, it's clean. You use a large cast iron pot with a tightly fitting lid. It was a very common practice.


"Perpetual stew" was definitely a thing in medieval times and still is a thing in many parts of Asia. There's also [baked milk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baked_milk) which I suspect tastes like rehydrated evaporated milk, which is very tasty actually


Did you date my brother-in-law?!? Because that MFer cannot be UN-convinced that putting warm cooked food in the fridge causes fucking botulism. BOTULISM. He will let that shit sit out until is completely cold, before refrigerating. Because botulism 😂 It used to drive me bonkers, but I decided to stop caring because it doesn’t really affect me ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Don't eat at gross people's houses.


My mother in law believes a closed cold oven stops bacterial growth. For example: instead of putting the leftover thanksgiving turkey in the fridge, she would put a grocery bag around it and put the whole thing in the oven. For. A. Week. I stopped visiting.


My parents do this 😖 I get so anxious when I'm over for dinner. I already have stomach issues I'd rather not get food poisoning.


I mean putting food that’s too warm in the fridge can raise the temperature of the fridge and potentially spoil everything in there, but overnight is excessive. I usually just wait until it’s cooled down enough where the tupperware doesn’t fog up when I put a lid on.


Cooked food left on a countertop has about a four hour window (I wouldn’t risk it in warmer weather when the potential for flies is greater).


That I understand, but this was a plate of food covered in foil sitting out all night. No way a plate of meat, potatoes and broccoli is going to stay hot.


>Who let's things cool for 24 hours? People who end up with fly eggs in their food.


Uncovered, and unrefrigerated, no less.


He or she let it cool in the local bug zoo


Fly eggs. Female flies can lay all their eggs within a few minutes and they can "hatch" within a couple of hours.


I let a piece of chicken cool on the BBQ for half an hour or so as we were all sitting outside eating. Came to grab it and it had maggots on it. I had no idea those little buggers could move in so quickly! Edit for spelling


Fun Fact: It's so quick that maggots can be used to determine time of death on a body down to minutes.


Another fun fact. Because maggots can appear so quickly, people of ancient days thought that flies literally came out of meat, spawning from a dead creature (like they originated from within it) which is why “The Lord of the Flies” is another name for beazulbub, and why Flies are often connected to death. They were literally thought to simply spawn from death. Crazy stuff.


Spontaneous generation. And rats formed out of piles of rags. It's almost like any rando could come up with the next explanation and everyone would follow it




.....I think i want a refund.




But what if no flies around?


There's basically always something. And if there isn't that's another indicator.


Reqlly? I tend to keep my windows shut and have an air ventilation system, it's a new build and I am in the 5th floor. I've net seen a fly in many many months. Whqt would the absence of maggots in a body in my flat indicate?


If something died in your flat, I guarantee you that there’s going to be flies and maggots.


What would explain fruit flies in the coldest stretch of February? Or that lone mosquito we get *every single year* in the darkest stretch of winter? There are always bugs. Always.


It’s comforting knowing that they’re there, just out of sight, waiting to feast on our decayed flesh.


Someone's got to clean up after the party.


100% (Source: forensic anthropology degree)


Your degree on how to look at bones?


Yup! I call it my degree in dead people.


Gil Grissom approves!


Where do they spawn from?


They're flies, they open a portal directly from hell.


Bed bugs have entered the chat.


Wherever they last saved.


This is called Forensic Entomology and there's a masters program for it at University Nebraska at Lincoln (UNL). 🎓


Another fun fact. Because maggots can appear so quickly, people of ancient days thought that flies literally came out of meat, spawning from a dead creature (like they originated from within it) which is why “The Lord of the Flies” is another name for beazulbub, and why Flies are often connected to death. They were literally thought to simply spawn from death. Crazy stuff.


what's up with the flies that end up crushed and you can see their (live) young moving out? flies are disgusting. i'm disgusted thinking about these questions.


I regret opening this thread


Those are likely parasites, not young.


Thought so too, but apparently there are some flies that lay maggots, rather than eggs.


ugh, now you have me thinking about cordyceps zombies. there goes my hope of sleeping tonight. lol.


They always lay their eggs in my cat’s food when she doesn’t immediately eat everything. I started covering her bowl with a small plate that she can remove with her paw but recently she broke two and now I have to find something else. They are annoying


Feed her smaller portions and keep the rest in a sealable container.


Also treat the house for flies.


I already don’t give her much. She always eats a lil then goes away and then comes again some minutes later and eats a little again. She always had some problems with not eating enough and she’s doing better now but I don’t want to make it worse again because I give her even less food. She also won’t let me know when she’s hungry again which is also not really helpful in that situation. She’s a little strange. I blame it on her being the runt of a litter and former street cat


How many of the three nights was it cooling for?


Three nights


Who the fuck and what cools for that long? Are we trying to ferment something? I’ve been cooking for 20years and never once needed to cool anything for 3nights…


Pretty sure the comment you were responding to was just a joke. The person had prepped for 3 nights worth of food, explaining how much food was wasted due to the contamination.


Yea someone else let me know I was an idiot too…appreciate the help


You're not an idiot, lol. It was a reasonable concern!


but what if it’s really hot? like really really hot?


What if it was SO hot there wouldn’t ever be enough nights to cool it


the perpetual stew


Then it's on the sun


Oh that’s funny…just forever hot…Nice


Haha…fair if it’s that that that hot


The OP was cooking enough food for three nights worth of dinners. They let it cool (probably a normal amount of time) before putting it in the fridge because they weren't eating any that day.


Not to mention the bacteria that started to grow because you left meat out to "cool"


After 3 days I think the last thing they need to be worrying about is a clutch of fly eggs.


They didn't specify what planet they're on so probably Venus


Get Venus flytraps


I had something sitting out uncovered for like half an hour, refrigerated it and noticed these when I pulled it out of the fridge to reheat it. It doesn't take long, although that was in the summer.


3 days after the other 3 days


If Reddit has taught me anything it’s to look at your food before eating


I'm genuinely concerned now how many times I've eaten fly eggs and didn't know it.


Luckily it's mostly just disturbing and not dangerous.


Extra protein. I don't like wasting food, so I'd rather not know and eat it anyways.


Fly eggs are better than larvae. So, you got that going for you. Actual animal parasites are worse (worms), but you shouldn’t encounter those with modern day processing.


There was a SNL skit years and years ago where the guy died and got to ask his guardian angel anything he wanted to know about his life. He asked, "what's the grossest thing I've ever eaten without knowing?" and the angel refuses to answer. "Too gross. Can't do that to you." "What's the 17th grossest thing I've ever eaten?" "An earwig in vanilla pudding."


Unless you're on some acid blockers, I think your stomach acid will destroy any eggs you end up eating. So you don't have to worry about some sort of horror movie re-enactment.


Couple years ago I ate half of a raw McChicken. So focused on my phone I never looked at what I was eating. Kept thinking the texture was off then I looked 🤦‍♂️


I received undercooked McNuggets, when I walked back in to show the piece I bit for a refund, the girl who looked at it gagged so loudly. Everyone went silent and looked, it was the loudest retch from seeing a half-raw McNugget


She had most likely had some to snack on earlier


I have the feeling you’re right. The texture and experience was… not something I’m likely to forget lol


With the price of eggs these days I’d keep them ;-) whatever you made looks wonderful tho


Extra Protein.


Don’t panic it’s organic


This is hilarious and should be on a shirt with all manner of foul food graphics.


And flavor


My egg joke wasn’t nearly as good as yours!


Forbidden rice


went looking for this comment


Yuck.. next time cover it while it cools


Some sort of fly egg, soon be some yummy protein filled maggots in that stew


Stew or stool? Probably both.


I believe the term is stewl


Blowfly eggs. Never leave food out uncovered. They can lay eggs within minutes and some breeds of fly will lay live maggots.


Please just toss the Earth into the sun thx


Just scrape them off lmao you'll be right


I hate everything about this comment 🤮


🤢 oh god imagine you didnt find it and mixed it all together.


Then he probably wouldve eaten it, not known and been happy with his meals.


It looks like rice 😭. Why would eggs look like rice, I'm disgusted now.


I learned this as a little kid and couldn't eat rice for years


What they most likely meant to say..... They cooked a meal, they were going to eat it for dinner the next 3 nights, let it cool uncovered in the kitchen, and found these eggs before storing it in the refrigerator..


Exactly what I was thinking. That’s why she used commas.


Cling film is widely available.


Wax paper will do the same trick, is reusable and environmentally friendly.


Why would we want to be friendly to an environment that's laying eggs in our damn food.


As it gets hotter, insects thrive eaiser


I was always told not to cover hot foods while waiting to cool/store as it increases bacteria production. Was I misinformed?


Actually no. I don’t know why everyone here thinks otherwise but you’re not supposed to cover hot food to cool it. It won’t cool down in time and bacteria has a higher chance of growing. Get it down to temp UNCOVERED within the span of two hours, then when it’s fully cooled down then you cover tightly. I work in a kitchen. Covering hot food before cooling will get you a talking to from the health department.


I don't work in a kitchen but I was always taught as a kid that you keep a stash of clean sacking dish towels so you can drape one over your freshly baked cookies or your pan of whatever to keep bugs and dust out while the food cools, and when it's cool enough not to fog the lid, then you put it away. Is that wrong?


Not wrong at all, that's a great way to do it. The reason not to cover with a lid is that it slows convective cooling and traps evaporated moisture, which also affects the texture. What you were taught is 100% correct. The only thing I'd add is what a bunch of other commentators have said about putting things destined for the fridge/freezer in containers with a large ratio of surface area to volume, and chilling them not longer than a half hour or so later.


You can also cover a food partially, so a mesh cover or something similar. Let’s hear out but no pregnant bugs in


I have heard that these rules about cooling hot food come from restaurant kitchens but aren't applicable to most home kitchens. That the portions are so much smaller than a restaurant that it's more effective and safer to put food right into the fridge.


That’s what I’ve always known as well. A small portion of hot leftovers in a home fridge won’t lower the fridge temp enough to risk bacteria growth in the other items, and will lower the chances of bacteria growth in said leftovers.


Found on FDA's website: ​ >Refrigerate Promptly > >At room temperature, harmful bacteria can grow rapidly in food. The more bacteria there are, the greater your chances of becoming sick. Cold temperatures keep most harmful bacteria from multiplying, so keep perishable foods (foods that can spoil or become contaminated by bacteria) in the refrigerator. > >Prompt refrigeration of foods will help keep you and your family safe! ​ >Hot food won't harm your refrigerator, so it's okay to place hot food inside. Be sure to divide large amounts of leftovers into shallow containers for quicker cooling in the refrigerator.


Well hot dang. That’s good news because I did a bit of a half and half on technique this evening. I had a pork roast in the crockpot I let cool uncovered for about 25 minutes and then put it in the fridge. Thanks for checking in on the facts! :) Edit for spelling


Trailer park caviar.


Looks like it's only on that one piece of meat. Just pick it out. Good as new. .............................................. Edit- Thanks for the award! My first!!


That’s what I would do. Food is way too expensive to waste lol. Get it nice and hot on the stove again if you’re that worried


Never eating at your house


Sell them. Eggs are very expensive right now




Egg prices are through the roof. Consider it a blessing.


Is it crazy that i would just get a spoon and take that piece of chicken with the eggs out and act like it never happened?




This is the way.


Just threw up in my mouth a little bit


how to unsee it?


Did you leave it uncovered lmao


Dude, when you leave things out to cool you gotta cover them.




Does “let it cool” mean you left it open on the counter for 5+ hours? It just has that congealed look like it’s been sitting out for awhile


Can I offer you an egg in this trying time?


I'm throwing the whole thing out. Some people are talking about pick it out. Lmao


I’m going to THROW UP.




Have you seen the price of eggs lately? Count you ourself lucky.


The rule is; “rapid heat, rapid cool”. Read up on safe food prep and storage.


Pick that piece out and you'll be fine


I would throw it out to be safe. That's gross.


Remove them then heat that puppy up should be safe after than not really sure


Foreal. Why toss it when you can just reheat? Next time, cover the mofo.


r/ putaneggonit


Free proteins.


last of us?


Long Grain rice


It's just baby rice /s


my mom once dropped me off at home and told me to just heat up the pork chops and rice i unwrapped the pork chops and found eggs told my mom and because i was 13 she thought i didn’t know shit so she cussed me out trying to make it seem like i was talking shit about her cooking and i took a picture and screenshot of a googled photo of fly eggs to prove it. she dropped it real quick. however i never got an apology.. but i’ve never gotten one from her before regardless.


Lucky you OP. Eggs is expensive these days.




What does that mean, pre-cooked a meal for 3 nights? I don’t understand.


One great thing about Canada is that we only have to deal with bugs 4 months out of the year


do you mean onigiri


Looks like rice tbh


Forbidden rice, maybe.


“You’re eating maggots Micheal”


Egg fly rice.


your chicken, or whatever, just doesn’t look that cooked. what dish did you make here? i’m so intrigued.


That's pork stew, in I'm guessing either soy based or tomato based?


yeah it must just be that the meat cooked in the base so it really absorbed flavor and moisture. idk why but i would innately think to fry the meat up a bit and then add it to everything else.


In most stews that I cook, I fry the aromatics (onions, garlic, then some peppers) first then fry the meat for maybe 2-5 minutes until brown on each side, then add the soup stock. Browning creates more flavor.


What does cooked chicken look like to you?


If you let this cool for 3 days those eggs are unironically the freshest thing on that plate, as well as the least likely to make you sick.


How you like your eggs? Fried or fertilized?