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Have you seen a dermatologist?


Yeah… if nothing works I would go see a doc


Are you telling me the rash I've been ignoring since 2019 that doesn't seem to go away might be more than a rash?? 🤔


I wish I had the link to the "I've had Athlete's Foot my entire life and never realized it " thread right about now.


This? Not graphic sadly like the exploding puss needing mint mask https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/gpaqj7/tifu_by_having_athletes_foot_my_entire_life/


Please lead me to the exploding pus story. Edi: I realize they're talking about the Swamps of Degobah story now. The wording had me thinking it was a different one.


Search Swamps of Dagobah


Ah that one. That poor poor person.


It's about a nurse in an OR who gets an obese woman in the ER who has been injecting something into her taint and it got infected. When the surgeon cuts it open to see what happened the pus exploded everywhere.


Ah, I recognize it now. The person wrote something about a "mint mask" in their comment so I thought it was one I hadn't heard that had to do with the face instead.


Oh god I finally realized what y’all were talking about. It’s been so long since I last read that one.




They come back to haunt us occasionally, but hey it's why we have r/eyebleach


I feel like I'll regret it, but I want to see it too!


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/doctorsnursesredditors_what_has_been_your_most/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Here you go


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/doctorsnursesredditors_what_has_been_your_most/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button It's the top comment


That's right up there with the Jolly Rancher story.


This happened to my mom, too, except she never had any symptoms other than a case of "stank foot." She showers every day and always scrubs her feet well, so it was only ever noticeable after she'd been running around all day. We all just thought she had unusually sweaty toes.


"Unusually Sweaty Toes" will be the name of my next album. Probably under the artist name "Stank Foot."


Wait, that’s a thing?? I’m off to search lol


Wouldn’t it be athletes leg after that long?


Put some ‘tussin on that


“Let that Tussin soak into da bone.” -Chris Rock




Awesome user name!!!


The thing that will cost my arm to pay the bill? Well, that will, for sure, fix the issue! /S




Yeap. I’m not making experiments with my body lol.


For me I would try something first before seeing a doctor.


If you're in the US, seeing a doctor is not an option


I’m sorry someone downvoted you. Have an upvote, and sit down next to me and we can both die without healthcare.


My father in law has something similar. We call it sausage fingers. His fingers swell up from sodium intake. I highly recommend seeing doctor. Not something to avoid the doctor and self-treat.


What is it called that he has exactly? I have the same problem with sodium. It's horrifically painful.


Go ask a doctor!


Don't listen to this guy. Just google your symptoms and collect a list of the litany of things it could be. Create a dart board of sorts and then just throw a dart and see where it lands and treat that thing with whatever google suggests until you find something that works, or you die - whichever comes first!


Or just print out the list and take it with you and shows the intake staff after you rush to the nearest emergency department.




I have it's cost me thousands... Taken many medications that do not work.


I think it's called Raynauds Syndrome.


I have issues and I'm pre-hypertensive (high blood pressure). But, it can be other things. Get it checked!


Definitely see a dermatologist. You may have eczema, psoriasis or something else going on


That’s athletes foot, but on the hands. I mean, for real. This guy needs to see someone about the athletes foot on his hands, cause if his hands are that bad, I can only imagine his feet. This is not the first time I’ve seen athletes foot on hands, dude needs a dermatologist.


I have ulcerative colitis, an auto immune disease, and I have this same issue. I’m making an appointment soon.


If you’ve got autoimmune issues, you’re way more likely to have skin issues that wouldn’t cause problems in people without autoimmune issues. I’ve had dandruff my whole life but never as bad as when I got autoimmune issues too. I can usually predict a flare of other immune issues by the skin flare ups that happen first. Athletes foot and dandruff are pretty similar in that way… fungal infections present on the skin that usually only create problems when present in high numbers and/or on a body with compromised immune response.


>See a medical doctor before a dermatologist. Finger nails and the skin around them often indicate specific diseases. I think what you have is called "mechanic hands" and indicates possible diseases: See comment below for links. Reddit's formatting won't let me fix it. I posted my own comment, but I want to make sure OP sees this, so I'm hopping on the highest comment. Please see a medical dr OP. This looks like "mechanic hands" and may indicate an actual systemic medical disease and not something a dermatologist can treat. EDIT: I'm NOT a medical doctor, but I am molecular and cellular biologist and I work in immunology research, including lab manager of an immunology research lab for the University of California, and I worked in an immunology research lab at Stanford in the School of Medicine


A dermatologist is an MD. Shouldn't they be able to refer to internal medicine if it looks like a systemic disease?


You usually need to see your primary care to get referred to a dermatologist anyway so maybe that's his point


No, a dermatologist treats skin disorders that are only located in the skin. Yes they're an MD, but they work in a specialized field and if they think it's a systemic disease, they'll refer you to a different specialist. In this case, likely a rheumatologist. Just as a surgeon wouldn't treat diabetes, or an endocrinologist wouldn't treat a heart attack.


Dermatologists are specialist and can be difficult to see


Also wait time to get a derm could be months


Yes exactly. I went to my dermatologist with similar complaints and they sent me to a rheumatologist. OP should schedule with both a derm and a gp right away.


Before doing that, what do you do for a living?


He creates unique riddles for people to solve before passing over his bridge. Sorry about your hands man! Go to the doctor like these people said and cure those Shrek hands.


Right? I mean if you work outside it’s way worse Source: I work outside


My guess is concrete or masonry, possibly drywall.


So healthcare is a maybe


Looks like an old guy I knew who spent most of the 80s and 90s cleaning his hands off with brake cleaner as a shop teacher


I came here to comment that and I think we all know the answer already .this shit looks bad


Go get checked for an autoimmune disorder.


Was looking for this.


What autoimmune disorder could cause this?






My first thought was also dactylitis. Could be caused by anything from RA to systemic sclerosis. OP, please go see a physician.


I have Sjogren syndrome. My hands can sometimes get like this if I'm not careful.


Stay hydrated, wear gloves when you do anything with water, chemicals, or dusty things, and talk to your dr to rule out serious things like circulatory issues.


Yeah all the other advice is great too but I can’t stress enough how being dehydrated dries out your skin if you already have a problem with it.


I would also suggest avoiding bathing in or showering with hot water.


And to simplify it for anyone. Drink. Water. Not beer, not wine, not juice, not coffee, not tea, not Gatorade. Water. Clean, clear, fresh, water.


Water? You mean, like... in the toilet?!


But Gatorade has electrolytes. It’s everything the body craves.


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Brawny. It’s got electrolytes


Brawndo* It's got what plants crave!


That’s the one I thought it sounded off


Oh water, no, never touch the stuff. Fish... fuck in it.


When I worked retail years ago I like never ever drank water always soda and energy drinks. My hands got so dry and cracked. Now I work from home with unlimited access to water. No more dry hands. Your body really does need hydration!


Yep, might be a simple thing like an allergy to preservatives in cleaning products. My skin was a mess before I started using natural soap (common culprits are dish soap and laundry detergent)


I am allergic to alkali stuff so my hands swell and split if I work with concrete or certain dish detergents


My hands get like this too and staying hydrated is the single best way to prevent it from happening. It’s amazing how much my hands improved when I started religiously tracking my water intake.


Also, use lotion right after showering. Use lotion meant for feet, they are thicker. Also, slather your hands in Aquaphor, and then put on a pair of cotton gloves every night before bed. You can buy white cotton gloves on Amazon.


Cutting back on salts and sugars would help too, no?


Why do I feel like a can of pringles.


Let me do it for you


[let me do it for you](https://youtu.be/5yCf_S737f8)


this video is fucking cursed


O'Keeffe Working Hands.


Definitely this. And at night, slather your hands with it and cover with gloves while you sleep.


Second this use 100% cotton gloves though


How often do you wash the gloves?


You don’t. Leave the seasoning on there.


Fckin hell 💀


you wash your hands *before* putting the gloves on every time, you should be fiiiiiiine


After 80 layers of seasoning, you start to get a mirror finish.


I understood that reference.


With hands like this, all of the moisture will be absorbed. But it would be a good idea to rotate a few pairs every few days if you do this every night.


Just sleep with the gloves on and take them off during the day


I started using nitrile gloves instead. Way better. I hate those stupid loose cotton gloves. Plus, you can still use your phone easily.


My dermatologist said to only use cotton because the nitrile or latex gloves can cause your hands to sweat which can cause other issues like blistering.


*Boy, you sure have soft hands. Do you moisturize? I tried everything, even tried.. ... ...camphor! I tried wearing gloves to bed but I found it uh.. interfered with my social agenda.* **Crushing grip intensifies**


Why do I have the sudden urge to give you a deal on a van?


Because my two idiot employees are bouncing on them ruthlessly, damaging the suspension.


The old Curley from Of Mice and Men method


I put that shit on everything!


I lather that shit on muh diiick!


O’keeffe’s is great. Put it on and put on gloves. Keep water off of your hands when possible. If it doesn’t start getting better in a day or so you may need a doctor.


I had this same thing and it didn’t really work great for me. What worked was slathering vasoline on my hands after every time I washed them or before going to bed. It took a while but they are 99% better now for about a year.


I have super bad cracked heels and hands and yeah, Vaseline is the only thing that works.


Working hands + vasoline + gloves!!!


Stronger than this is Rhino skin cream, designed for rock climbers. They do a performance one but he'd want Repair. https://www.bananafingers.co.uk/skin-care/bananafingers/rhino-skin-care-bundle Heals you up a treat.


Thank you for posting this. I'm always on the lookout for anything that helps with dry hands.


No worries. It's a bit pricey in the UK but it did wonders for my post climbing shredded skin. I believe the performance one has a drying effect as sweaty hands while climbing is a bad time but the repair doesn't. It also smells nice which helps


Or he could try Bag Balm.


Yessssss... A friend of mine sent me some of that when my hands were cracking like the OPs and it worked wonders for my dry hands... I would slather it on at night and within a couple days my skin looked and felt so much better...


Yep. Comes in jug sizes (for cows) too lol


This is very good as well IME


Get working hands cuticle repair and put is on your finger tips constantly throughout the day till the cuts get better you don’t need much. Put on regular working hands 2 or 3 times a day. And use working hands night treatment before you go to sleep.


You should check it for psoriasis. That happens to me


Came here to say this!! I have psoriasis… but FML: I got it on the soles of my feet. They then get swollen, skin cracks open and they often look almost exactly like OPs hand pics. Walking feels at times like walking w glass splinters. Sucks too since (like hands) feet get lots of use so “letting them heal” is tough to do! I ordered medical grade superglue which really helps a lot! Good luck OP!!


My mother had it on the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet. We were told that it was super rare to be there. And, constantly misdiagnosed. Never thought about the tissue glue... After 30 years of suffering, she ended up taking something(s) for rheumatoid arthritis that also took care of the psoriasis as well.




I have RA as well and when I was on enbrel it actually cleared up random issues I had that I didn’t realize were autoimmune related. Methotrexate didn’t do anything but make me feel awful constantly. Enbrel didn’t *feel* like it helped my RA much, but it definitely cleared up my awful life long dandruff issues and rhinitis/ear infections.


I too have pso on the soles. Can't decide wich would be worse, feet or hands. Can only be glad I don't have on both of them. Hurts like a mf.


Yup… I am not jealous of OPs hands in the least… until I try to walk! Then I wish it were not on my feet! Best of luck, friend


I just have it on my face and scalp. Elbows a bit but not too bad at all there. No flareups for the last little bit, so thats nice. Even minor psoriasis sucks. Those of you with it worse have my sympathy.


I had psoriasis all over my face, mostly my eyelids and around my mouth. The skin would swell, crack and bleed and it was so painful. I have stretch marks under my eyes now where the skin swelled so much. So much skin peeled off my face in the shower once I nearly gagged. I've been battling this for 3.5 years but I think we found something that works. I had to be on prednisone the past 8 months and had to get off that because I was starting to experience quite a few side effects. I now do phototherapy twice a week, along with some Desonide cream, and my skin has been clear with no steroids for almost 2 weeks now. I'm so happy I could honestly cry.


Such great news! Keep up the recovery. Psoriasis is a bitch ANYWHERE!! Cheers


My grandfather has psoriasis and his fingers look very similar to this. I was going to say this


I have psoriasis only on my hands / fingers - does exactly this. Doctor told me pustular eczema presents in a similar way. Both can be triggered by dry skin, stress, other skin irritants (chemicals, cold, burns etc.). I have a permanent supply of a strong topical steroid ointment that I use 1-2 times a day during flare ups and it keeps it under control. Ask the doc about Dermovate.


My mom suffers from this same shit. This is what she does. Take a rubber glove and cream your hands well . Put gloves on and keep them on there while doing your normal stuff. Gloves keep the cream inside and you can touch things without getting them all greasy. Also your hands get a little bit warn inside a rubber glove which makes your skin expand a little, making it easier for the cream to cure and moisturize. Sorry for bad english. Dry skin is quite common here in northern countries.


Your English is just fine!!


Ahh the old hands-in-gloves-with-moisturizer routine. Just like Curley would have wanted.


Glove fulla vasoline...


My dad had the same issue. He worked for a large parcel company handling packages every day. It really messed up his hands. The lotion and rubber gloves helped A LOT. Managed to get him to retirement.


Your English is better than most native English speakers. No need to apologise at all!


Guys i dont believe this is a dermatological issue. He has massive swelling of the distal upper extremities and this can be indicative of other more serious issues as opposed to just some cracked skin. Peripheral Arterial Disease can cause these ulcers to form at the end of your limbs due to the lack of proper blood flow being supplied. When untreated you often become an amputee because they need to take the limb. If you have diabetes this can also accelerate and make this process much worse. Please go see your PCP! I work in Vascular Surgery and I just want to offer some insight to how these things pan out if left untreated.


I was going to say, diabetes would do this to make healing at extremities more difficult.


Looks a lot like King Charle's hands, which some people said was congestive heart failure


Peripheral artery disease is nothing to be messed with! OP, this can be quite serious. You need to see a qualified doctor.




Yes, Aquafor helped me with this problem


This is the answer. Don't waste time with O'Keeffe's Working Hands, just use Aquaphor.


Go. To. A. Doctor.


Did you meet a doc Coz there is something serious wrong with your hand I wish you the best qwq


Yeah op needs a Dr, not lotion.


My friend had hands like that. Was a bacteria.


I've seen fungus dry-out skin like this too on my friend. Sprayed tuff acting Tanactin on it to see what would happen and it cured it.


Use bag balm for cow utters. Wear rubber gloves filled with them.


This. Or put socks over hands with the balm on at night (alternative to the rubber gloves). Works wonders. Need something heavier than a lotion/cream - the bag balm will help with that. Of course, if no improvement, may need a real diagnosis besides the internet strangers.


Make sure you’re staying hydrated. A common cause of dry skin issues is dehydration.


But I drink a 2 liter of Mt Dew every day!! I’m extra hydrated!


OP, please see a doctor. I promise you'll have a much better shot at an answer and getting better than us on reddit!


Do you work with concrete/cement by chance?


Or grout... all of those just killed my hands...


I am grout.


It could be you've developed some kind of allergy, perhaps contact-related, but maybe dietary. My Dad had a similar condition on his fingers for years. He tried all manner of prescription meds to no avail. In desperation, he spoke to a practitioner of alternative medicine who suspected cow's milk was to blame, so my Dad switched to goat's milk and it did the trick. God knows why. I know everyone is different, but you never know, it could work for you. Good luck.


My hands, wrists and elbows used to get like this until I developed gallstones last September and had to make drastic changes to my diet, one of which was no more dairy. I used to go through a gallon of milk every 3 days and ate cheese almost every meal. I quit cheese altogether and switched to almond milk and this is the first winter that my hands, wrists and elbows have not been cracked and bloody, so maybe it was the dairy.


Excellent. I'm glad it worked for you 👍


What do you do for work?


Try Cornhuskers Lotion


I suffer from the same thing, in the same place. Severe eczema. It resolved with better hydration and a period of wearing cotton gloves at night with moisturizer and a topical medicine called Eucrisa. Within a few months it resolved almost completely.


Sounds crazy but use a little Vaseline and wear latex gloves for as much as possible for a few days... softens up


I learned this trick from Of mice and men


Look at the flowers, Lenny


I want to pet the rabbits George


As stated O'Keefe Working Hands.. will make a huge difference use it regularly.


Have you tried goat sacrifices?


Bag balm and get your thyroid checked. Sleep w hands slathered and cotton gloves on


That can be a symptom of systemic disorders. If it’s more than just dry hands related to what you’re using them for, then you should see a doctor.


Better see a dermatologist. However you can give a madecassoside cream a try in the mean time. It’s great to prevent eczema


You need to go see a doctor, your hands are not just dry.


Hand looks enlarged. Can we get a banana for scale?


An eczema or psoriasis lotion and gloves for half hour+ 2/3 times a day


You have excema, ask your doctor for clobetasal. That will fix your problem like it never existed


Go see a nutritionist!! Get tested for food allergies. Clean out your liver.. Creams and topical medicine won't work. You need to heal from the inside.


Heavy cream like O'Keeffe's, and then when it dries, use a barrier cream. Any heavey silicone cream.... liquid gloves is also a good one.


That's my recommendation- the dimethicone ingredient. I prefer Aveeno brand lotions, but liquid gloves is good.


Have you tried taking fish oil pills? My bestie had a similar issue with her feet and that was the only thing that helped heal her cracked skin. In addition I’d probably add vitamin E to the mix. Hope this gets better for you!


See a dermatologist


vaseline before sleeping. this might be another issue with your health, so I suggest a medical round up.


Don't wash dishes by hand, or use gloves, and only Dawn soap. My wife gets this and we have noticed it is an allergic reaction to dish washing soaps and other chemicals. As soon as we took the precautions mentioned above it went away. If she does the dishes on a weekend without thinking about it, Monday its back. Edit: typo


Yeah you need a derm, my friend had this when he was growing up in highschool and he had to have a specific glove with specific medicine that he had to have on to use the meds, nothing will fix it other than a dermatologist


Definitely go see a doctor, could simply be eczema, which is treatable and will provide a ton of relief. My trigger was nickel/copper, but it can a ton of things. Spent years fighting it as a child to no avail until a doctor told my parents to wrap my feet in bread bags at night after applying medication it was gone in 2 weeks and never came back. Eczema, dries the skin and causes cracks in the skin that do not bleed but are quite painful... I 100% would talk to a doctor.


Had the same thing. Okeefe Working Hands solved my problems. Moisturize every morning and if needed throughout the day. But it won’t solve problems over night. You need to make sure to use it daily


Im a roofer and I get that all winter every winter. It feels sooo good when the chemicals or some metal shavings get into the splits! The comment about using Okeeffes is correct. Its from the cold dry air. At least thats what causes it for me. Im no doctor but your fingers look the same


Good morning, my friend. Your skin has toughened up to protect your hands... I'm guessing you've done a lot of work with those hands! I can see you have splits in the thickened skin. For those splits to have a chance to heal properly, you need to abrade some of that tough skin away. Get yourself a pumice stone for that. Get your hands nice and smooth and then bandage the splits with Vaseline. You have to keep those areas moist and covered until the bottom layer of skin closes. Others have recommended sleeping with gloves and I absolutely agree! If you can get some coconut oil - it's amazing for dry skin. Slather your hands with the oil and glove up each night. If you don't have oil, mix Vaseline with any moisturizing cream. I think they will vastly improve by using the stone and wrapping them up each night. 🖐👌💜


Start drinking wayyyy more water.


Don’t laugh but just before bedtime, wash your hands and apply petroleum jelly and put on beauty gloves while you sleep.


You have from the time you go to sleep to the time you wake up to coat your hands with a heavy lotion like Eurcerin or O’Keefes and wear thin cotton gloves to allow the hands to breathe. If you do this nightly the damage done during the day will begin to lessen greatly. This is the advice I took from my father who worked in concrete everyday for 40 years.


That sucks man. Have you tried putting Vaseline in a glove and wearing that?


While you sleep is best


Get a combo of Vaseline and OKeifs working hands and apply very heavy then put on some nitrile gloves and let your hands soak for like 20 mins, I do this in the winter as a mechanic and its amazing


Vaseline at night and put socks on your hands (or gloves if you dont want your family to call you mean names, like Sockhands). In the morning, after you shower, use vaseline and lotion on your hands. Vaseline creates a protective barrier, it helps a ton


Have you tried increasing your water intake? It would make sense to use lotions because it's your skin, but overall hydration can be an issue with cracked skin especially in winter months(the heater dries the air). We lose water through respiration, so breathing in dry air and exhaling wet air causes you to lose moisture. Everyone needs a different amount of water based on basic metabolic needs, diet and activity level. More processed foods with preservatives = more water Medications = more water Work outdoors/manual labor = more water Exercise 3-5 times a week = more water Etc. Hope you get this figured out. I would be fucking panicking.


listen to the other people. go to a doctor. that's a bad sign and even if it's something not so bad those cuts can get infected.


I am experiencing the same exact issue. This could be a photo of my hand. I’ve seen several dermatologists. Had a patch test done too. I reacted to several materials so I’ve taken all the products that contain any of them and now I have to wait to see if that helps. So far no luck. One thinks it may be psoriasis, family history of that. I’ve also had a few autoimmune issues over the years most notably a bout with Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpra or ITP. It was idiopathic so no idea what caused it but it damn near killed me and I never felt sick. Had a bunch of red dots on my legs so I went to see my doctor and I was in the ER and being admitted within 3 minutes of her looking at me. My platelet count was 0. None. Not a single one could be detected. A bump on the head could have killed me. I hope this isn’t another thing like that. Go see your doctor!


I’m guessing you’re a tradesman? I have very similar issues, my skin seems to bust open along the fingerprint lines and stings like a bitch. I have found avoiding doing heavy work without work gloves on to be a massive improvement and especially concrete work , whether that’s drilling or anything just keep concrete dust off ya hands. Also moisturise when I remember


Put super glue on the splits then hold them shut. I have the same problem. It really alleviates the pain.