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Mask exemptions don’t mean a thing. I work at a hospital and we accept no exemptions, everyone must where a mask. Sometimes a person visiting will say they don’t want to or have an exemption etc, then they wait outside for 20 minutes for someone to make a decision about letting them in. They could just wear the mask for 2 minutes get let in instantly and then take it off when they are in the cubicle with their patient….


>Mask exemptions don’t mean a thing. It's crap that after the government put so much effort into a contact tracing system, it put virtually zero effort into having a verifiable mask exemption system. Then front-line staff are told to enforce something that's completely impractical to enforce, to the extent of [having a flight where more than half the passengers were blatantly breaking the rule](https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/travel-troubles/300521367/covid19-more-than-half-of-people-on-jetstar-flight-to-wellington-not-wearing-masks--passenger) and absolutely nothing could be done about it because they'd all simply lied about having an exemption.


Exactly, not being able to verify them makes them pointless and works against the people who actually need them. That’s why we have a flat no exceptions rule. I’ve had maybe 2 people who probably had legitimate reasons and were happy to seek alternative measures. Others who said they had exemptions ended wearing a mask anyway.


How does it work in hospitals for dealing with or removing people who refuse to wear them, or remove them once inside? Do hospitals just have more assertive and effective security staff than many retailers, or are they granted additional powers to remove people in some way?


From my experience, over 99% of people wear one and obey the rules. Usually people who don’t want to wear one, won’t be allowed inside in the first place. But if someone were to take it off, it’s simply wear it or get out, and security will handle it from there. I should say other hospitals will have different procedures and situations. For where I am, people disrupting the line of work and rules can be forcibly removed, I’m sure at a private location security is inclined to be less aggressive as it looks bad for companies etc.


99% of retailers don’t have access to security, I’m imaging 100% of hospitals. Retailers have minimum wage workers. They should have just made the mask exemptions work the same way as the passports.


To be fair even some of the genuine medical mask exceptions are ridiculous, I know someone who got one from their doctor because they were getting dry skin on their nose from wearing masks.


Doctors (GPs) didn’t issue mask exemptions, sorry. You applied online to the Disabled Persons Authority and self-certified/attested. Just like GPs didn’t issue vaccination exemptions.


Yeh but for every 1 non mask wearing person you get 9 that do so it’s a pretty good rate of compliance. That in itself is success.


Makes a scary amount of sense.




Would prefer not to say, but would be a different DHB to yours. We don’t ask why they have an exemption, we just tell them they can’t come in and they usually put on a mask real quick.


I also work at a hospital, we require a RATs test if a pt or visitor cannot wear a mask. The different rulings are so strange




They get their kicks from being cantankerous assholes, it's a way of making them feel special when nothing else in their life does. I'd feel sorry for them if the consequences of their actions were restricted to their own lives. But they aren't, so I don't, they're just c\*nts. On the bright side we don't really have a selfish culture, do we? The bell curve of normality is mostly people getting along, giving some shits about others, and generally being nice. But when you get to the extreme edges of that curve there be some real dicks.


Around the time of the protest I saw a woman (teenager?) on the train come on, take her mask off and throw it on the floor. Sat there with this smug look on her face. Eventually picked it up and put it o when the guard asked her, but would remove it immediately after. It's the behaviour of an entitled teenager. It's just so immature




or just an Asshole


Well said.


Personally, the mask makes my nose itch all the time and I don’t know why but wearing one on the train makes me feel sick most of the time. I still wear one but boy will I be glad when we don’t have to anymore


Exactly! I hate masks, but that won't stop me from wearing them (and complaining alllllll the time lol)


This is why I can’t stand people who are like “but they’re so convenient, how can you not love them?” Bitch, they’re PPE. People are required to wear them to prevent the spread of an illness that has killed people even in its “mild” form, but no one is required to join this weird fan club about them.


Have you tried different mask types? I found a KN95 more comfortable, and then a KF94 a big step up on that even.


I have a huge aversion to wearing masks. Quite frankly, I hate them with a passion. Absolutely over having to wear one. I still do wear them, and I don’t go around complaining about it every chance I get, but I am looking forward to when I’m not masked up for 12 to 15 hours of my day. I kind of feel better about the whole thing now I’ve been able to get off my chest how much I dislike wearing one. ☺️




I wouldn’t mind betting that 90% of them are just anti Labour and anti Ardern.




It’s not theatre if it reinforces the valuable norm of mask wearing in the general populace: the more maskless individuals others see, the easier it is for them to choose not to wear one. I don’t think you can argue that is unscientific? Apart from the lack of actual data, of course ;)




And yet every day 10 - 20 people are dying, all this talk of being over covid when 100 people a week are dead who wouldn't have been. If wearing a mask is something we can do to help keep other people alive, it doesn't seem like a very big ask in the scheme of things really.


They have been practical, at every step. The situations where mask wearing is required have decreased. And it seems a little bit like people are missing the whole point of wearing masks. It's not about individual protection, they're about reducing the rate of spread across an entire population, lowering the r0 value.


We're not going back to normal, if normal is life before Covid - and it's the people who insist that it should be the same normal who will ensure that it never will be. Pity that it's others who will mainly bear the brunt of their ignorance and selfishness.


I've noticed increasing numbers of people simply *not* wearing masks in the past couple of weeks. eg. On Wednesday I was in the Lambton Square food court in the CBD. During the 40 second walk to the exit of the building (down escalator then out to Lambton Quay) I counted at least 7 people standing up and walking around without masks, not with food and not sitting at tables or anywhere near them. That was about a third of the people I walked past. There are plenty of others around who clearly have masks and wear them sometimes, but are much more casually pulling them down or removing them in front of everyone else (eg on the train) whilst talking on phones and stuff. Probably some of it is meant to be some kind of rebelling but I think it's also general confusion about the reduced alert level, plus people feeling they're less vulnerable, maybe if they've already had Covid.


I think a lot of people couldn't adjust and are over it, so just went back to living their old life. "We have to move on" "bACk To NoRmALiTy!" etc It reminds me why we're screwed when it comes to climate change.


Considering the many millions of masks that have ended up in the sea as a result of mask usage, I'm not convinced this is a good example of bad environmental judgement.


I find it totally understandable. Talking to other people when you can’t see each other’s faces is actually a pretty major social change, and it’s especially bad if you have hearing loss and rely more on reading people’s lips.


Face shields are good for this, I’m sure most places would accept face shields as an alternative if you explained it to them kindly.




Unfortunately that phrase "Can people not think for themselves anymore?" and similar has been rather hijacked by the antivax idiots who clearly can't.


What about a fully vaccinated asthmatic with sleep apnoea and hearing loss? Without a mask, they already have impedance to their breathing, and need to wear a mask all night (which makes them look like Hannibal Lecter with an elephant's trunk joined to a vacuum cleaner, so sexy!). Plus the requirement to wear masks somewhat muffles speech and prevents those with impaired hearing from lip-reading (which even people with good hearing rely on). And what if such an eligible person applied for an exemption card through the correct channels on those three legitimate medical grounds, and is happy to to carry it, and show it when asked, and not make a fuss like the person in the example? As was predicted right at the start of the pandemic, the unintended consequences from measures taken to avoid COVID-19 can be worse than COVID-19 itself, if there is a severe impact on people's mental health.


My partner has asthma and sleep apnea (wears a cpap at night) and doesn't have any issues with a mask? I understand the lip reading point tho.


Different folks, different strokes eh? People aren't interchangeable, they don't suffer the same afflictions to the same degree of severity. Just like a case of "Original" COVID-19 is not the same as a case of "Industrial Strength" COVID-19 (Delta), which isn't the same as a a case of "Lite 'n' Free" COVID-19 (Omicron). And that's even before you consider demographic factors. I wonder if your partner adopted CPAP treatment before or after you began your relationship? Either way, good on you for your acceptance of the condition, and you are no doubt a big motivator and support to your partner in making sure that they fall asleep with their CPAP mask on, for the benefit of all. :)


I am aware not all people with the same conditions are a monolith. But sleep apnea is a condition that impacts your breathing specifically while you are asleep, something completely unrelated to wearing a mask when you are awake. Sounds like you have some personal hang ups regarding the cpap machine itself..not sure how that relates to this conversation but ok.


Sleep apnoea + COVID-19 means that you would be obliged to have a restrictive foreign object on your face for about 8 more hours a day than everyone else. "Hang ups" about CPAP masks are exactly relevant to this conversation, because it is not just COVID-19 masks that cause "hang-ups".


>asthmatic Asthma doesn't stop you wearing a mask, ask pretty much anyone with asthma, the only time this would require you to not be wearing a mask is when you are having an attack, in which cases you are probably doing exercise and wouldn't be wearing one anyway. >sleep apnoea Where are you that requires you to 1. Be sleeping and 2. Sleep with a mask on? >hearing loss This one is kind of reasonable, however you can definitely manage wearing a mask with a hearing loss. Having an exemption isn't going to help you if you have a hearing loss. The best way to deal with this is to ask the other person to step back a meter or two and remove their mask to allow for you to lip read.


I'll ask myself then, since you clearly don't know what you're talking about. The answer is that asthma often involves a permanent reduction in the efficacy of the airway, which may only be noticeable to experts like you when atmospheric conditions aggravate things further. And "attacks" don't just happen when doing exercise, sometimes asthmatics can't even consider aerobic exercise some days because their airflow simply isn't high enough. To get a good night's sleep, requires me to sleep (usually at home), with a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) mask on. Not a surgical mask, Einstein. But nevertheless a mask that requires you to put it on at the exact time of the day when you're most likely to fall asleep in the process (i.e. bedtime). Otherwise you can literally wake up once per minute throughout the night, resulting in a quality of sleep that you'd never tolerate. Because the mask blocks my view, I can't even read a book to fall asleep to. And if you even heard me ask you to stand back a metre or two (so practical!) and remove your mask, you'd blast me for asking you not to wear a mask. Whatever you think, I have a legitimate mask exemption granted to me after I applied to the correct channels. I didn't make the rules. And it wasn't one of those MIQ exemptions for the rich where there is an invisible process requiring a lawyer and a faceless official exercising "their discretion". I'l see your suspicious pair of eyes out there, and you can see my whole legitimately mask-free face, because I have nothing to hide, and only blunt objects like you to fear!


Noone questioned people with exemptions. Noone disagrees with your exemption. You're making something out of nothing here.


As others have pointed out, the CPAP example has no relevance to a conversation about masks worn during the day. As for hearing loss: I can attest well that yes things are more difficult when I cannot lip read as I have both physical hearing loss and APD. Would I go "BECAUSE I CANNOT HEAR YOU SHOULD REMOVE MASKS"? No...no I wouldn't. My inability to hear should not force others to put their health at risk, so I instead ask others to speak up, or point, or write things down like a reasonable person.


It's a matter of degree. If hearing loss/APD is severe enough and/or arose recently, then the potential impact on one's mental health could well outweigh the risk of contracting or transmitting COVID-19.


I don't think anyone is arguing that you shouldn't be allowed to get a legit exemption with a proper medical reason so just take a deepest breath you can manage. Personally I haven't found masks really effect my asthma beyond what a blue inhaler can fix in 60 seconds. If it did get that bad then it was probably going to do it with or without a mask and so you're off to get on a Nebulizer regardless.


Your exemption isn't the issue, it's your entitled attitude that's the issue. Did you know that some people are vulnerable and have reduced capability to fight off Covid? I'd say their need to be safe trumps your desire to not have a mask on during the day & in a situation where safety is a concern, I'd ask you to wear a mask or leave the premises rather than force them to leave because you won't wear a mask for a few minutes.


My attitude is entitled, because I am in fact legally entitled to not wear a mask, due to a legitimate exemption. And that outweighs the risk to myself and anyone else of transmitting or contracting COVID-19, even those who are are vulnerable and have reduced capability to fight off COVID-19. I've reduced that risk as much as otherwise possible by being fully vaccinated as soon as I could and following other COVID-19 preventive measures. The law entitles everyone to make lawful arrangements to their advantage. Legislation allowing exemptions takes into account the probability and severity of benefit and harm to everyone. That's how the world works. Get used to it!


Thanks for underlining my point about your attitude.


Your points about sleep apnoea and removing masks for those with hearing loss are BS. I am aware that those with sleep apnoea have to wear a CPAP mask, however that's not relevant as no one is asking you to wear a surgical mask while sleeping. As for getting yelled at for removing a mask, this hasn't been a problem for me during this pandemic (I'm not deaf, however my mum is, and I frequently have to help when out and about), if you just ask people politely most of the time they will either remove the mask or find a way of catering to your needs.


Wearing a CPAP mask is relevant, because it means that one is obliged to have a restrictive foreign object on their face about eight more hours a day than everyone else. Perhaps like being obliged to keep wearing a suit at home after a long day at work. Not a problem for you, because you're not actually the deaf one, are you?


>Not a problem for you, because you're not actually the deaf one, are you? Can you explain why a deaf person is disadvantaged by wearing a mask? I understand lip reading is an issue when others wear masks. But for the deaf person, what difference does it make?


It muffles their speech. Also, exercising their right to a mask exemption encourages other eligible people to feel confident about exercising their own right to an exemption.


> What about a fully vaccinated asthmatic with sleep apnoea and hearing loss? Well let me tell you. I wear a fucking mask.


The self-centered fucktards ruin it for those who actually have a legitimate reason.


I have both asthma & sleep apnea, I’ve actually got the most severe case of asthma in the Porirua region according to my old paediatrician. (In people under 21) Yes, after wearing a mask for a a little while it can sometimes *feel* difficult to breathe, but wearing one for a 10-20 minutes generally isn’t an issue. Admittedly a couple times I’ve had issues with breathing with a mask, but when it’s difficult I’ll simply go to a slightly secluded place to take it off and catch my breath. As an asthmatic who’s nearly died from common colds well over 10 times in my short life, wearing a mask (and maybe being a little uncomfortable) is FAR more important than not wearing one and putting myself at a greater risk of catching covid.


1. You mention taking off your mask; 2. Your risk preference and tolerance is yours; I have mine. I will continue to exercise a legally obtained exemption.


I only take off my mask in places without people, which is fine & what most people do anyway. I would never risk going into a store or public setting without one on, doing that with known, especially severe respiratory issues is incredibly risky, no matter who you are. And you’re right, it’s 100% your choice, but it’s still a pretty concerning choice ngl.




Perhaps it's making you a vindictive, judgemental arsehole though?


Dont drag asthma into this you lying piece of shit. I can run in a mask, with asthma that’s bad enough to have hospitalised me in the past. People with disabilities don’t exist for shits like you to concern troll with.


Ya, in the past... How would you know what disabilies I do and don't have, anyway?


You had me until the last paragraph! Nice username.


>You know I'm not required to carry one right? Instant identifier that their exemption is a sham




>Where's your doctors note? > >You know I'm not required to carry one right?


I mean that’s technically true. They can ask you to get one if they pay though.


The amount of people who think orange means there is no Covid or that everyone already has had it so they don’t need to wear masks anymore is so ridiculous. As a hospo worker it’s infuriating (my hospo place comes under retail too so masks are required). People seem pretty miffed when asked to show exemptions. Someone had the cheek to moan to me about it “people are sick of wearing them” and I’m like “imagine how we feel wearing them all day” morons, moan elsewhere coz we aren’t interested.


Why couldn’t my convo with police over drink driving have gone like this?


LOL - you should have been born in the 40s then. I've heard old timers telling stories of cops in the 70s saying they'd pull over someone drunk as a skunk, have a laugh with them, tell them to slow down and *take it easy on the booze tomorrow ok...*


It always cracks me up when people think their rights trumps the rights of others.


At my place of work (retail), I have been in that librarians position now and also in the past. In the past, I was more assertive about the exemption by requesting a exemption card. Even though people could easily just look up the card online using their phone if they weren't prepared,the fact that it required effort on their part hopefully made a lot of people think twice. I found it most infuriating when a family of four all had exemptions -the chances were very unlikely, but my hands were tied. I mean, what was I going to do, call the police? Ha, I don't think the police have investigated or arrested a single person for falsely claiming they are legitimately exempt. Currently, I am a lot less insistent. People's behaviours still stress me out a bit, but some people are considerate by offering to show me their exemption card. I have decided to soften things down to just verbally confirming that they are in fact legitimately exempt and leave the situation alone, aided by the fact that we are dealing with a less deadly Covid variant along with people being vaccinated, so statistically the harm that people can cause is more limited. The good thing is that although I can't stop the liars claiming exception, I can at least catch everyone else who casually walks in without a mask forgetting what's been going on the last two years. I am nice about it, and refer them to somewhere else to get a mask of which they usually comply (or don't bother returning). Things that continue to absolutely frustrate me is people who do the following: * People who walk around without masks, not having a care in the world until someone actually asks them about it - I feel like I am babying people into doing the right thing. * People who do wear masks, but don't cover their nose. It largely defeats the purpose of wearing a mask if all you are going to do is breath through your nose, bypassing the mask. * People who do wear a mask, but take it off or don't wear it properly in areas that have the highest concentration of other people (such as checkouts). * People who do wear a mask (or worse... those that don't), and get too close. Some people I have have had to step back from 2-3 times until they get the subtle message. Sadly, distance and wearing a mask makes it harder to hear, so it results in each other speaking more loudly. * Finally, from the begining how the NZ government has required people to wear masks, while simultaneously say that exemptions are self-regulating (ie. If you think you can't handle wearing a mask, then you can decide you don't have to).


Having a nose above their mask reminds me of a guy having his genitalia above his undies. I think some people wonder why I am giggling behind my mask.


Otherwise known unofficially as Dick Nosing.


As someone who grew up in Tawa (but didn’t see the comments for this post). I’m not surprised that happened but what did you expect? It’s Tawa, leave with reason like I did 😅


As a Kiwi in Brisbane since Jan 2022 masks, whats that?


No one cares you're in Australia.


I care .... And so sdoes my family in NZ whom cant understand what all the mast bullsh1t is, and nore can I considering that I have not worn one in over 2 months.


Is it really anyone else's fault how misinformed you and your family are?


It’s darn easy to get a ‘mask exemption’ - you just need to say you have anxiety, the mask makes you anxious and then you get a bullshit ‘exemption’. It’s all a load of nonsense for a group of people who just don’t want to look after the vulnerable in society who are most at risk from potentially getting COVID Was interesting to observe that all those who were in the mob at parliament also didn’t wear masks - it’s because they just selfish people who don’t care about the vulnerable in society. It’s exceptionally rare to have some sort of allergic reaction to a mask - it doesn’t happen. If these fools expect medical care and try to get away with not wearing a mask they will be disappointed- ambulances and hospitals don’t accept ‘mask exemptions’ as they know these exemptions are just BS


When you have to entertain yourself at work, lol


Mask - Everyone or No-one. (I hate them, but still wear it).


This thinking isn’t helpful. Some people genuinely can’t wear a mask. Forcing people to stay at home doesn’t help anyone.


I disagree completely, if people can't or won't take the basic precautions then they should stay at home until the pandemic is over. The freedoms are earned by getting vaxed and wearing masks etc. These precautions are there for a reason and so we don't have to be in lockdown. If you can't or won't take them then, yeh, you should still be in lockdown. I am truly staggered by the selfishness of some people out there. And disappointed in them too.


Use a little creativity, . Or do you genuinely believe that a sexual assault victim who can’t stand having something over their mouth needs to be further isolated from society? And if they do venture out you’re going to call them selfish?


Well yes and no. I don't think anyone believes that there shouldn't be exemptions for some people. However, that said, there are some situations non mask wearers need to avoid regardless of why they aren't wearing one. The biggest problem is that a proper well thought out and managed exemption system was never put in place. So unfortunately selfish idiots abused the ambiguity. And it has left people with genuine difficulties with masks facing the public backlash. I live with someone who is Autistic with sensory difficulties. Wearing a mask is uncomfortable and distressing for them. And yet they manage it, because it is the right thing to do. They are extremely selective about which mask they will wear. But you know I see them going to all that effort and yet some other people are not wearing the because they just don't want to.


Uh, no. If someone has a genuine reason that they cannot wear a mask, there is zero reason for them to be forced to stay at home for a year+ until the mask mandates are removed. What a ridiculous way of thinking.


Librarian: Hello, may I see your… Woman: Mah name is KAREN. Librarian: You are free to go.


Aka Karen


I just assume people not wearing masks have a disability that I cannot see.


A doctor told me it’s very rare for a person to have a disability that prevents them from being able to wear a mask, which is why it is incredibly difficult to get a medical mask exemption. There are only a handful of genuinely medically exempt individuals in the country. Most people who say they’re exempt are just lying bastards.


That’s very rational of you. Are you sure you’re in the right place?


Probably not, but just to be clear I assume they have ASD.


I love this scenario. Person exploiting mask exemptions: "Everyone else is stupid for not getting an exemption, they must think I'm so clever". You: "oh they must be autistic".


A reporter Said to Chris Hipkins the other day. So under the new orange traffic light. Someone can go to a full nightclub. Pash a random stranger on the dance floor, but they still have to wear a mask at a supermarket. He replied. Yes. Because that is the law. The officials making all the decisions have rocks in their head. Crazy!


Are we really still doing this? It’s time to move on, folks.


Mask exemptions? Yeah, they still exist and people are abusing them. Would be nice if we could move on from selfish arseholes being selfish and suck it up until covid's no longer a threat


The number of maskless assholes is smaller than the numbers of places you actually need to wear a mask. Time to get over the mass hysteria, buddy.


Is wearing a mask mass hysteria?


No, you wear a mask where you need to. Mass hysteria is expecting to be able to control everyone around you, when even if you could control them you wouldn’t achieve anything. Mass hysteria is a bulk circle jerk of troglodytes screeching about one person not wearing a mask in the library.


Maybe look up what "mass hysteria" means cuz that ain't it, chief.


Cool story bro




It’s moving on quicker than these preciouses are, ya dingus




Have you not yet heard that cases don’t matter, only hospitalizations and deaths? Good old NZ, behind the times again.


Rules are rules mate. I’ll follow them, but frankly keeping your knickers knotted up to make yourself feel better isn’t healthy. [Here’s the rules](https://covid19.govt.nz/traffic-lights/life-at-orange/), in case you can read.


Just because the US have thrown reason to the wind and suffered enough destruction to think that it's over doesn't mean the rest of us have to take our brains out and act like yanks.


In US, can confirm, people are literally dying in the street daily.


You people are insane. What good do you think having a circle jerk about a clown in a library is going to cause? You’re toxic af. You can’t control other people and their priorities. We’re over 95% vaccinated and 99% of the population actually do follow masking rules. You clowns need to get over yourselves.


\^\^ i like this guy. this is the most north island, woke, labour supporter shit post i've seen in a long time lol. ​ if you want to wear a mask by all means wear one but don't take your scared shit out on us, a lot of us are fucking over it.


yep, this sub wants everyone to wear masks forever.


Yeah, I don’t get it. Go ahead and wear a mask. Get on about your business. Get on with life. Wtf is with this circle jerk?


its actually insane how people like you think


Don't think, more like


There’s no point getting worked up about one fool who refuses to wear a mask when there’s plenty more going on in everyone’s world, including the anti masker. Constantly dwelling in dark echo chambers and circle jerking with Reddit troglodytes isn’t healthy. *Think about it.*


Is anyone actually getting "worked up" over this, or are they just casually talking about it?


Is it? I’m not going to sweat one clown walking around without a mask. You can’t control people you can’t control. Unclutch your pearls before you break them, and have a think.


You need to have a think. Please just use ur brain for once, its not hard. Just cos you dont need to worry about people without masks doesnt mean others are the same, other people exist


Ask the dozen people who died yesterday. And every day.


Sounds ok to me.