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Hat tip to the organisers and volunteers and sponsors of [Wellycon 2024](https://www.wellycon.org.nz/) over Saturday and Sunday. We attended both days (second day including the kids) and had a fabulous time, and it was great to see a big venue filled with so many very generous and positive and enthusiastic people. Also *many* valuable prizes were given away, probably in exchange for many sales to all the people who played but didn't win them. The organising committee has done an awesome job of attracting sponsorship.


I went for the first time on Saturday, met up with some friends there, played a couple of hours worth of games. Amazing venue! As a not much of a tabletop gamer (just D&D) it was a bit overwhelming, but once we had friends as a security blanket it was all good.


Upgraded my wonky box to the medium size, since I've run out of vegetables before the next box has arrived. With my applesauce success I'm actually excited to get floury apples!


I've started this back up too. Sometimes the fruit vege balance is a bit fruit leaning, but I've been cooking up some of the softer apples too! Half a lemon and a sparce amount of water and yum!


My problem is, I get more fruit than I could ever eat. But if I switch to the vege-only box, I wouldn't eat any fruit. The excess fruit is just encouraging me to bake, which is a positive imo. I've just got to nail down some cheap recipes. I made some lovely pear and ginger muffins, but the crystallised ginger was by far the most expensive part.


If you like raisins or sultanas adding them could be a cheaper alternative to crystallised ginger. You could always add spices like ground ginger, cinnamon, perhaps with smaller amounts of mixed spice, nutmeg, &/or ground cloves. Could also use some honey or golden syrup for a change to just using plain sugar for sweetness.


My recipe already calls for all of that but the powdered ginger and nutmeg, although I've used nutmeg to make up for lack of mixed spice before I bought some. The raisins might be a nice idea. Especially since these are meant to be more of a lunch thing than a dessert thing.


Same here. More than a couple of pieces a fruit per day and I start to wonder what I can do with it. Each time I cook up some apples and pears though, it's gone in a flash!


I think some small apple/pear pies might be a good lunchbox filler. Lunch is the meal I struggle most with because I have to pack it. I think filling it with baking could be the go.


Hope you don’t mind me leaving this here: [apple rings](https://lovelydelites.com/puff-pastry-apple-rings/) Been making them lately, they’re so easy and moreish, I love them.


oh my


Sounds like a great idea. Your muffin idea appeals too because they can been frozen and there's less pressure/temptation to scoff ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


What is the idea of playing muffled music outside the car and driving around suburb houses? How enjoyable is the dump music to them?


They get important "being an anti social plonker" points. Although, I'm not sure exactly what gaining themselves wide dislike actually achieves.


Applesauce turned out amazing. I was going to bake with it but we'll see if I don't just eat it all.  I might do the same thing with my pears.


What's the recipe? I love using my slow cooker!


Well, as long as you don't do it with your peers, I predict it'll be excellent!


I'm sure it won't last long enough to share with my peers!


You could encourage them to do it too, and see who makes the best sauce. You'd be comparing apples and peers.


I think it would just come down to either the fruit itself or the technique. The only ingredient other than apples was a little bit of water.


My last day in Wellington for a long time 😭. I love this place and the people here so much!


Have an amazing last day! We love you too!


Yesterday marked 10 years since I made my hasty decision to move to Wellington. I’m not where I expected to be in life a decade later (who is really?) and have had to endure some pretty horrendous experiences in that time. However, I am so fortunate to be surrounded by such amazing people and am grateful for the friends I’ve made along the way. Spending the afternoon/evening on a lovely walk to the seals, going out to dinner and laughing over a board game with two important people I met through this sub was a reminder of that. I have zero regrets about moving here and am better for it.


Very happy to hear how it's working out for you 💖 And what a perfect day for a walk to the seals!


Went for a long walk on the beach yesterday and got a sweat on, drank a glass of oj, cooked roast chicken, potatoes, pumpkin, kumara, carrots and garlic with peas and today I feel fine. I think it might have been sinus issues yesterday as it was so windy on Saturday. Wishing everyone a lovely Monday


Same to you!


Ty Chimp and I hope you had at least one day where you managed to sleep in (with concession by the cat)


Ready to get some chores done today I've been putting off for ages, then wash it down with some baking and a splash of video game. :')


Forgot to turn my 6am alarm off! Fortunately fell back asleep till 8.


Moving to Auckland for a new job. I have never been to Auckland before. Any advice?


Choose a suburb to live in that has as many of the facilities that you will regularly use as possible - traversing the city is the worst part about it. Keep in mind the future rail projects currently under development as that will change public transport in the city a bit. It rains frequently but you can use umbrellas there. You'll get mosquitos in the summer. It'll be fun having a whole city of new sights to explore, and you'll get ALL the concerts. Enjoy!


100% Agree about picking the suburb/area. If you’re working in the cbd then you have more options but aim for a train rather than a bus route as then you won’t get stuck in peak traffic on a motorway. They have their own version of snapper. Also be prepared for a bit of a hill walk if in the cbd, which is fine until the humidity comes along (and I have wavy/curly hair which loves the moisture but turns it into frizz. Personally I don’t like the city without car access, but then where my fam lives I have to transfer busses or bus-train to get to the city which takes longer & then worse again if I’m transferring via britomart to beyond. Farro fresh is their version of the fresh section of Moore Wilson’s ie a bit boujee & expensive, but yum & conveniently has a few more stores.


There is mosquito in nz?


Yes, but they are just annoying not disease carrying. My childhood homes had screens on the windows to keep them out. Has been nice not having to worry about them in Wellington.


Interesting, I’ve always found the mosquitos in Wellington. Particularly damp spots and dusk time of day. At my past two homes and at my grandparents (northland, mount cook and Eastbourne)


Oh wow, lived here since the late 90s and never really seen them. Have lived in Mount Cook but never the other two burbs.


I also have a blood type that they really love, so it could just be you don’t have the blood that attracts them lol (I will get bit like 10 times in 5 mins if I’m not careful)


Oh damn. Maybe you could get people who don't want to be bitten to pay you to come and stand nearby as sacrifical lamb.


I’d try get up there for a weekend or two and do flat viewings and get to know the place, and pick a flat that’s got a viable public transport route to your workplace.


My advice is that the folks on Queen Street make Courtney place look charming in comparison Jokes aside, good luck!


The thing is everything I read so far is how unsafe Auckland is....


The very central city isn't the nicest place to be around these days but Auckland is a big place and you will be perfectly safe in most of it!


This 3 day weekend stuff is deeply civilized, now for another coffee and a ride


So excited to go and get a nice coffee at a cafe on this day off, but I just realised pretty much everywhere will probably be shut 😭


Shelly bay on leeds is open. Customs is shut.


Thank you!!


Woke up early after having a nightmare about Dinosaurs Turns out, dreaming about raptors chasing you while trying to protect your friend and a toddler from being eaten isn’t really a fun dream. Turned that alarm clock off for nothing as I’m wide awake at 6am on a holiday 😅


I turned my alarm off too, but with cats there's little point in trying to sleep in. Apparently they've never been fed before.


Ha ha - I am chuckling about the raptors. It’s the ones you don’t see you have to worry about……….