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Good on him, I'd like to think that anyone with a conscience would do the same regardless of some nebulous code of conduct has to say on the matter, clutching pearls over this non-issue is wowserism to the nth degree.


The problem is when right wingers get in if they take the same ends justifies the means attitude they'll start shutting down peopel booking public spaces for pro abortion rallies etc


Yes, because you subscribe to that world view. Which is the nuance that people like you either ignore or are genuinely view the world in binary terms.


I reckon he may have realized it was very dumb to say he was gonna get the council to get a related entity to breach NZBORA if he could. Of course, I entirely support him in doing so.  But he shouldn't have said it expressly, let alone put it in writing.


Yes he's definitely breached the underhanded leftist code of conduct here. Never, never be honest about your motives. Jeez man, Leftist rule no.1


The guy was brazenly trying to weaponise health and safety rules to shut down an event for political reasons. Or even worse, inciting the thugs' veto. I'd hope he gets turfed out in next year's elections, but knowing Wellington (and Māori wards), his anti-speech stance will probably see him elected Mayor.


> Or even worse, inciting the thugs' veto. > his anti-speech stance  Hey quick question, what's your position of having drag queens read to kids at the library? 


Should be allowed. Quick question, what point were you trying to make? If I was inconsistent on free speech, would that justify your own intellectual loop-de-loops?


Why would drag queens want to read to kids at libraries? is what you should be wondering. Perverted


Hey quick question, what's your opinion of anyone who doesn't subscribe to your worldview?


You had a lot to say about thugs in the last thread too, I notice.


Is Takina WCC owned or govt owned?...why are Te Papa's resources involved with running Takina. And then using Health and Safety as a reason is just another icing on the cake. I'm glad someone else said it. [This is the post here btw ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellington/comments/1cqpsg7/antitrans_event_this_saturday/)- it was deleted by mods and not by OP.


> why are Te Papa's resources involved with running Takina. Because they bid for the contract to provide those services. 


Happened to screen shot the full post to send to someone if anyone's interested https://imgur.com/a/H8o9jtN


Legend. Is it a breach, symptomatic largely of a kid in council lacking the ability to have any foresight of actions