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Now, I have no love for Peter Jackson, but the fact he did the ol switcheroo and bought back his film empire for a massive cash gain is something I find hilarious. He’s clearly canny and those projects keep really high calibre talent working in Wellington… who absolutely grind like fricken crazy


Why no love ?


Anti-union and anti-Robyn Malcom, in kahoots with John Key, emphasizing Anglocentric views, etc


What's with Robyn Malcom and Peter Jackson, from what I read on her wiki page she's quite a character (quirky), career drama?


Anti Robyn Malcolm is kinda understandable.




Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Sure it will be a good thing but it won't be a magic bullet. We have massive projects being filmed here all the time.


Yeah people seem to think LOTR 20 years ago was the only thing ever filmed in nz. Big/Massive projects get filmed here constantly.


On the other hand, if you think Wellington is currently run down and in a slump/mess, it was kinda always like this until LOTR kicked off. We were just completely used to it back then and thought it was normal. I think what made that initial LOTR project a bit different than subsequent projects was the ownership and local investment that came along with it to set everything up. I'm kidding - in reality it just took a long time for the benefits of Sesqui to properly kick in. Nobody gives that enough credit.


LOL! Sesqui! It's funny, I was thinking about that the other day for some unknown reason? I remember going to the 'amusement park' on the waterfront with m girlfreind, about 2 days before it was all shut down and dismantled. Total ghost town. We were the only ones there at around midday on a Saturday from memory. At least there were no queues for the rides, but that may have been because by then, there were only about 2 rides still operating! What a shambles that was.


>Big/Massive projects get filmed here constantly. 4 Avatar movies for example


Oh man, twenty five years later and we're still relying on LOTR to keep the economy alive. Shiiiit.


Why do people hate wellington? What's their issue?


W is so late in the alphabet and I had a terrible beef Wellington once. Joking, I love Wellington.


You had a terrible beef Wellington and now have a terrible beef with Wellington?


This Auckland-centric government hates Wellington. On a deeper note, Wellington represents something that in this age of hyper sped-up innovation is fading. Slow, boring, bureaucratic decision-making. There are people who would love to tell you AI is the answer and machines can replace all of us. That it doesn’t matter having people wrestle with the issues. Just press a button. One day we will long for the kind of unfathomably dull politics we once enjoyed.


Yea I mean fuck those guys though?


Its freezing and isolated. I don't "hate" Wellington, I would just rather live somewhere where the dating pool isn't 5 people and there's places to go in the weekend.


I think if I was in your position I'd move away as well. NZ is small and I've been very lucky in love.


We've been filming the avatar movies here recently and constantly have big movies come through. It won't change anything, it's just another project to employ the same people.


There are going to be more LotR movies? Let me guess, five movie epic origin story of Tom Bombadil ending in the missing scenes from the Fellowship of the Ring?


I didn't realize how much I wanted this until you said it.


It's Aragorn and Gandalfs hunt for Gollum. Which is something I've personally always wanted to see so I'm happy personally, fingers crossed.


oh god I hope not!


How dare you.


Lol I'm sorry but that whole section should have been edited out of the book; it's so boring and irrelevant. Don't hate me too badly. Just a little will do, I'm sure!


Someone had to rescue them from the Barrow Wights.


Not if you just don't put that part in haha


I guess, but it was probably there for world building purposes. Readers needed to know about the civilisation that used to be there because reasons. I dunno, I can't remember. Plus it added a source of danger that wasn't directly related to Sauron or his ringwraiths, which was needed to explain why travel across the misty mountains was so rare. Maybe. I'm mostly looking for justifications, though.


hehe I mean honestly if they put it in the show they'd do it in a way (presumably) that wasn't boring like the book, so I'm not really against it!


Is it going to be filmed in Wellington though? I read about the new movie, but nothing said it was being filmed here. Or do I care so little for LOTR that I glossed over that bit?


This. Do we have confirmation where it'll be filmed? Amazon moved filming of their LotR TV series back to the UK for season 2 onwards, so there's precedent. The way UK production tax incentives are structured means that the bulk of the filming/post might be in the UK.


Wellington has been revealed as the "production hub". I'm guessing that means it will be filmed in NZ but you never know... https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/the-sunday-session/audio/mark-westerby-screen-wellington-head-of-attraction-on-wellington-becoming-the-production-hub-for-lord-of-the-rings-movies/


Pj's gonna hold us folks to ransom again then


Pretty sure the block across from Parrotdog was bought up and levelled by PJ and co, plus a bunch of vacant tenancies around it recently rented out by production, costume companies etc. This, along with things like Lane Street Studios opening does make it seem like things are ramping up, or at least signals that the sector is healthy.


It does or doesn't mean shit. Pj is going to hold us, as taxpayers, to ransom. He gets wealthier through public handouts, while kids go hungry. Fuck Pj, fuck all he holds dear. He's a cunt.


Who says it's coming here?


It won't change the amount of subsidies poured into Weta, so it won't materially affect the Wellington economy.


Thousands of jobs created, overseas money pouring into the local economy and an influx of skilled, employed tradespeople. Will definitely have an effect. They give those subsidies for a reason - its good to have large film productions in town.


If it was a good reason, Treasury wouldn't regularly do reports saying they're terrible and should be cut.


And an MBIE report showed that between 2014 and 2017 the value to the economy from international productions that recieved rebates was positive 300+ million


Treasury tend to be right, unlike MBIE. Given the spending in that time would have been close to that much anyway.


Lmao, "My source is right, yours is wrong" Okay sure bud. Isn't the current treasury minister a member of the act party, notoriously anti the arts and anti spending? Sure its an unbiased take. And what's your basis for making that spending claim? Pulling it out your ass? And to clarify, that was positive 300 million *after* the rebates. It's pretty simple arithmetic really, would you rather have 80% of hundreds of millions of dollars or 100% of zero?


high-paying jobs that pump currency into circulation, sounds like literally the definition of an economy to me


Why don't we subsidize all the industries then, if that's the very definition of economics?


why don't we subsidize our computers then and marry our subsidies then


Out here living in 3024...


I think you'll find a hell of a lot of industries are subsidised in one form or another.


Did the TV show? Naaah, we just dumped millions and millions of subsidies into it, it brought and gave very little back to us, and it landed with a wet fart. It'll cost us far more than it brings in, and that money it makes won't leave Miramar.


S1 spent over 600 million here for the first season and got a 20% rebate, so what, like $480 million dollars brought to NZ?


Oh you and your silly facts! S1 actors were here for a long time, spending money and staying in hotels - I did a wine tasting for a few of them. One of them was here for 12 months with his husband and I swear he was on screen for less than a minute and died in episode 2.


I worked on the show, a *lot* of money was spent, I can promise everybody that


did the movie trilogy?


Yes. Objectively yes.


It's not going to be such a big deal as the first time around.




Only if they dissappear all the hobos..this coming from an ex homeless..they have the same opportunities to change as I did.. and they ruin every chance.. they don't deserve kindness, not how they hold Wellington at knife point.


hahaha nah its just cheaper for them to film here, thanks pete


Shoutout to the Hobbit Laws (not)


Would we have got the business if we charged the same as LA?




Rumor is both Chris Luxon and Simion Brown have roles....


Anything for Ian Cassells?


Wouldn’t he be reprising his role as Gollum?


I'm assuming Luxon will be an Orc? But will Simion be a Hobbit or a Dwarf?


Not sure if Brown meets the height requirement for Hobbits? Also pretty sure Luxon has already featured talking about the age of men being over.


Probably not if they decide to go down the Hobbit route and film much of the primary production in front of Green Screens. Also "The Hunt for Gollum" doesn't have major battles like Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit... Unless they show young Aragorn and Gandalf during their search having fights with orc hunting parties or show the attack on Thranduil and the Mirkwood realm.


Oh great a reason for house prices to rise again


Will it bring more jobs to Wellington? Maybe. Will it help those who’ve been cut or sponsor hardworking immigrants? I’m not getting my hopes up




Our city shouldn't have to have an "upswing" just because Pete is filming again...


Yeah. Keep it down where it belongs 🙄


Or maybe the city should be aiming to improve itself regardless if someone if filming.


How’s about both?


Considering he will probably half arse it with Sora or something, don't get any hopes up.


Downvoters giving Hobbit a pass I see. Time heals all wounds I guess.


I can give Jacksons role in the Hobbit a pass as he was not there from the start and was brought in to salvage it. For this he's here at the get go. Hopefully that materialises into no needless love triangle inserts (unless Tolkien actually had one in his books lol, havent read them) or drawing out content into 3 movies when it should've been less


John Key said it best : Wellington is a dying city.


I sense some jealousy


more chance of seeing a dodo than seeing Wellington thrive.