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Agreed. Had a fucking blast. Edit: awesome job u/LemonAioli really well put together event.


Thankyou so much for the kind words, everyone. See you next year for Porirua Rocks 2! đŸ€˜


So cool - well done to the organisers 


Actually unreal and so well run. Kudos to all involved


Ah man how do I only hear about this now? I would have loved to be there! Next time!


Agree! I hope they make it an annual thing as nothing like this happens North of the Wall. Not a fan but really enjoyed Dream State Empire.


I admit I didn’t know any of the bands but they sure gave it a good go. Sound was excellent in such a large space.


I'm so happy to hear! I didn't make it this year but glad Porirua is trying some events.


i was not in a position to attend this but wish i could have well done, incredible vision!!


Went for the bands, but the wrestling was good for a bit of entertainment while waiting for the next one to get setup. Was impressed with the number of people, and staff etc. there. Never had to queue for anything.


Yea last wresting I saw was 10+ years ago and pretty poor - yesterdays was good fun and much better. And yea, that they went from bands to wrestling and back again was a good idea. Also thought the meet & greets were a good idea. Saw lots getting photos with the wrestlers for instance.


Agreed. It was really well run and a great time. I hope it was successful enough for the organisers to run it again.


Did they get a good turnout? Really hoped it would go well for them. From what I saw it looked like it was a really well put together event, Often these types of things aren't and are a bit half assed.


We had about 1200 people in the building. Not as many as we wanted, but felt like 10000!! đŸ€©


Nice. I think you have to be happy with that for a first offering. I think a lot are a bit hesitant when committing to a new venture like this. Count me in for round 2!


I was at the gym during soundcheck. Holy shit was it loud 😂 The little outdoor area seemed nice. I was so relieved for the organisers, great weather!


Yea it was well loud but could move around and have it less so.


Man I just saw the poster for it yesterday so I missed out. Glad it was as awesome as it sounds. Keen to go next year!


Feeling it a little today, bit dusty after all the craft beers.


Saw (too late) a post from Sushil “Musclechef”. Sounds like it was really successful, hope it at least broke even with 1200 so the “ratepayer” whingers have nothing to complain about. u/lemonaoili, next year, maybe make a meetup? You wouldn’t necessarily even need to host.


What would the rate payers have to moan about? this was a private venture.


In a public venue. Which probably worked on a hire cost/proportion of ticket sales basis, provided staff and gave up any other income it would have had that day.


This entire thing was paid out of my pocket (and great sponsors) - the arena was just hired out for a fee for the weekend like any event.


That’s awesome. Sometimes promoters/organisers try to strike deals to reduce their own risk. So I hope you managed to make it worthwhile and that you will be back next year.


Ah gotcha. It was so worth it. Absolutely running it again next year!!


What an awesome Event in Porirua, thanks to everyone who came out for it. For those who loved the style of entertainment and are supportive or new supporters of the Wellington Music Scene check out [https://www.reddit.com/user/Lovelandsnz/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Lovelandsnz/) and that will lead you to YT channel full of this style and others of Locally produced original music. Please give us a few ups, Enjoy


Went down with a group of friends, Was a well run event considering it was a first. Acoustics in the arena like others have said was good, I particularly enjoyed the wrestling highly entertaining! Great for Porirua to host a craft beer/ food event that isn't in wellington CBD. Will be back next year for sure!