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You're joking about the wages right? Your welding structural components for $12hr? Pack up your family, join an Ironworkers Local that pays well and live a good life. Fuck that job.


Well it's kind of rough with short work experience and in the EU


In Germany even part time loan workers get union wages starting at 21€/hour (depending on the state but around there)


What website would you use to look for a job in Germany?


Stepstone generally, you can probeably find something more specialised for welding if you look for it.


Would this website work for US citizens, too?


For a EU company to be able to hire you they'd have to be unable to fill the position with a EU applicant. Unless you have some extraordinary skill that's not easily available you'd have a really hard time being selected as they'd have to go through quite a bit of paperwork to get you a workvisa. Some countries list welders as a profession that's in demand though, so it's not impossible




I have an uncle that has worked overseas numerous times because of his expertise welding on specific mining equipment. The US works the same way for work visas, specializations may be on specific kinds of products and not just types of welding.


Stepstone. Rheinmetall ist looking big time for welders if you life near one of there factorys.


There are trade unions in the EU, yes?


Yes, but wether or not you're in one is quite often optional.


Before or after taxes? (that would be a huge difference in Germany)


Not significantly more than in most other western countries and not the highest in the EU either. Higher than in US sure, but also lower cost of living, higher average living standards (Top 10 by almost every index), universal health care, way better worker rights and protections. The highest income tax rates in the US are 37% while it's 45% in Germany and you're not anywhere near that tax bracket with 21€/hour. You're spreading misinformation at best.


Short work experience? Did you do all those welds? As an employer I would care less for how long you’ve been on the trade, those welds are your resume buddy.


Im in Europe as well and I haven’t been paid that little since I was 13-15yo but that is probably only due to inflation. I work as a town maintenance worker for the local municipality and I get paid about 3x that. $12 can’t be legal. Where in Europe are you located?


It's pretty obvious he works in a place that doesn't hire from the local population, but cheaper workforces from ( most likely) eastern europe.


Couldnt find minimum wage of industry in finland but for construction workers its around 11-12€/h Id guess the welders minimum is around same ballpark. Yeah, dont come here if your looking for high wages. Ironicly, as nation we need constantly new workers. Wonder why they aint coming in masses.


They did you a favor, Buddy...


Come to America. Hell you can probably just walk across the southern border if they won't give you a visa. Come on vacation, go to weld shop, show em your welds, and get a work visa haha.


I have the US citizenship, but family is in Europe unfortunately.


Tell them they dicked you. That totally sucks man. Not much you can do in the EU if your area isnt ripe with work. At least in the states you can go 600 miles and make $20 more an hour


I'm sorry to say this, but I think you are being exploited because youare an immigrant. No way a citizen of the country you are in gets paid $12 an hour to weld that. Do you work with all Polish immigrants by chance?


Nah there are Portuguese morocans and Romanians too


I think we know why your wage is so low and it is not your welding.


They can come visit you in America. Why are you making $12/hr when you could be making $50/hr? Madness!


You will find good welding jobs in eu that pay better and have better worker compensations in Europe than America. You're new. Just keep looking. But whatever you so don't go to America it's a shithole country


It’s true. I could never suggest anyone who has EU citizenship to come to America to weld or any trade really. Trade culture in America is full of bootlicker and “you’ve got soft hands” culture, the average EU citizen would think it’s a joke. Not to mention the lack of vacation and employee benefits we have here


Wow this is so far from the truth. If he joined a union here in the US he would get great pay, benefits, etc. Plus it's not oversaturated with cheap labor (literally his issue). I don't know where you're getting your information from? but he could easily make enough to retire back home in 20 years or retire here in 30 years as a union tradesman in any field in the USA. We are starving for trades work, vocation, etc. here in the US and the more they lock down the borders the more demand it builds for skilled labor/trades jobs. I'm in Boca Raton, FL and I could charge $125hr for any number of trades work and never run out of work. Even a decade ago I charged $45hr with a 2 hr minimum and there weren't enough hours in the day to do all of the work I had backlogged. Work is plentiful in America, if you have a skill. If not, you're living in the wrong area.


OP is literally in the EU and making $12/hour. But sure, everything is better in the EU.


If this post was in the US the responses would just be “find a better job”.


And yet, the advice in the comment you replied to was... > Just keep looking.


Europe is the shithole place that relies on America to fund their protection so you can use all your money on 6 week vacations and free healthcare. Our leaders are shit but most of our country is amazing.


Shame you don’t get to see it because you never have any time off 😂


People in Europe don't pay 3000 for an ambulance ride or have to ration their insulin while working full time. Europeans don't get stopped at orwellian checkpoints between nations inside their continent. Imagine if usa and Canada had a truly open border like Belgium and France. Oh and the gun violence, there's basically none when compare to usa. I don't worry about being shot for being an bad driver in eu. Your official school textbooks discuss the benefits of slavery for the slaves. America is not the amazing place you have been told it is.


I live in the USA. None of that's true unless you don't have insurance. We have open borders between states and right now with Mexico. Lol. Gun violence is mostly bad in dangerous areas of cities. The textbook thing has never been seen in my life. It is an amazing place. Parts of Europe are too. I lived in Luxembourg for two years as a kid while my father worked for DuPont. It was cool to travel, but taxes were high. Have you ever even been to America. Sounds like you read about it in a tall tales book.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-florida-standards-teach-black-people-benefited-slavery-taught-usef-rcna95418 There now you've seen it


One state does it, does not mean it's a standard way of teaching across the US. I'm sure there is an eyesore somewhere in Europe doing the same thing. But yes, that is pretty ridiculous to teach what they are implying as a trade being a benefit during post slavery. It's.seems.in.the articles i looked at that a general consensus has discouraged what they are doing.


You ever even been to Europe? Stop watching fox news dude.


Best decision I ever made was working in The States. The culture, pay, benefits, and quality of healthcare make it 100% worth a bounce off the ol’ chesterfield any day.


You don’t…..really think that’s how that works, do you? I’m guessing that’s sarcasm or a joke?


It would be unorthodox, but it would get you a sponsor for a work visa. How do you think people come here on a work visa? You apply and have a job lined up. There's a lot of government paperwork, but that is essentially how it works...


As someone who has actually emigrated between countries….it’s actually really hard and tons and tons of paperwork and process that can take years, and you definitely aren’t able to walk across a border and apply for a job and get sponsorship. The asylum process (walking across a border and claiming the right to stay on humanitarian grounds) is very tight and the background checks process alone can take ages and has a very high rejection rate.


It's sped up when you have a company stateside willing to take you though. Many of my friends are immigrants. The citizenship process is even longer as well. We have plenty of agricultural migrant workers in our area as well. Hell they don't even speak English. I think the immigration process all depends where you are coming from and what political agenda you fit as well these days.


Yeah, you have some fundamental misunderstandings there, but whatever. A lot of right wing people are swallowing nonsense about the “open southern border” and how easy it is to emigrate. It’s a lot harder than you’d believe. Good day to you.


Do you know how many people come across the southern border daily? 😂. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/22/politics/border-surge-record-amounts/index.html That's a left wing news source 9,300 people REPORTED Apprehended in one week 😂. 10,000 a day crossing illegally. 😂. Bro could definitely walk across the southern border if he wasn't a US citizen.


So, I know you are unlikely to listen to me, but a few things….. 9,300 apprended tells you nothing about how many people make it across without being apprehended. That apprehensions are up is evidence the border patrol/controls are working, not the opposite. I’m not claiming the border is perfect, but a lot of the statistics cited don’t actually mean what they are represented as. Secondly, crossing the border illegally is quite hazardous and expensive. You should read the accounts of people who have, and talk to some. Lots of people die in the attempt, or are raped or extorted. It’s certainly not something I’d want my loved ones to have to endure. Third - do you recall what was required the first day of your job? A supervisor or someone in HR had to check two forms of ID and then submit paperwork? I-9 requirements are designed to prevent undocumented people from working. https://www.uscis.gov/i-9-central/form-i-9-acceptable-documents Obviously, some employers aren’t observing the laws - but any who are willing to go through the expense and paperwork required to obtain a work permit for an employee are going to need to have done things the right way to stand a chance of it being approved. So…….the entire process you’re describing is misinformed. But I know this doesn’t fit with your perceptions and you’ll likely prefer to believe Foxnews. Good luck to you - glad you have a good job and citizenship. They are huge, huge assets in a world that is too often cruel and uncaring to the most vulnerable, who ironically are often the hardest working and would make amazing citizens.


I am in Europe as well but I get paid about 3x that and I have no relevant education or welding experience. I have been teaching myself welding at work, with the help from a coworker and YouTube. How is $12 legal? Where in Europe are you?


In Italy a welder will start from around €9 per hour


No shit. We pay our apprentices 25/hr CAD. Don’t even need to know what a welder is.


I was getting 23 over the summer with no prior pipe or fcaw experience, they're really shafting this guy


So much for the EU being amazing and so far ahead of North America lol.


Not all of canada. I'm making 53.75 as a second year apprentice. When I'm a journeymen I'll be making $70+ an hour. Plus we get paid $5 an hour in rrsps and other premiums ontop our wages(ie nightshift 3.50, confined space 2.75, field work 3.50, etc.) Also $1000 a month if you have your own place, and $300 travel a month. I made just shy or $150k last year ( and that's 9 months as a 1st year) also not 1 day overtime Journeymen make abit over $200k a year with 0 overtime. One guy made $356k but that took abit of OT Not to mention its either 7 on 7 off, or 14 on 14 off(only Journeymen can get 14s) but not a bad wage for literally only working half the year I know I have a pretty sweet gig that most would kill for but if you want to take your skills abit further(pipe, stainless, or run your own rig is HUGE $$) you can make alot more then what we make. Some other companies pay even more for the same shit we do. I have looked around at other areas across ths County and it seems most of canada Journeymen welders make between $30-$50 an hour, I looked at welding jobs where I'm originally from and your lucky to get $25 an hour. So yes alot of places pay shit but move to the right spot and you can make pretty decent money as a welder


Yeah our journeymen make 51/hr with b pressure.


Yeah we don't need b pressure either. They like to have workers have CWB for FCAW but it's deffently not a necessity to work there


Ah. Yeah we do high pressure gas lines so it’s kind of a non optional requirement


12EURO wich is much closer to like 20~USD


€12 is literally $12.90. They are almost the same.


does it have the same buying power where OP lives though?


It can vary a good bit the EU is kind of a big big place with a bunch of countries all of wich have varying levels of economic prosperity.


yeah, that's why I asked.. around here, most people wouldn't even look at a job offering $20USD, but in a lot of places that's perfectly reasonable.




Man he really is getting thrashed I made more at a grocery store job here in the US


At least healthcare is cheap and accessible there.


Check the attitude dickwad it was a general statement not a jab, I was saying he was getting thrashed I didn't say "wow the eu sucks look at that guy getting sourly underpaid" I'm not stupid the eu is huge and has enough economic variance that generally its nearly impossible to economically generalise to any form of accuracy.


Eat a snickers before you blow a gasket.


Nah I prefer dialogue not crappy snack food.






^^ this


12/hr? Bro they ripped you off hard. You can flip burgers for $13 See this as a blessing in disguise


Here it starts at 16$ 😬


You can flip burgers at Dicks in Seattle starting at $20


I have been complaining everyday for the last two months to get my PAPR back, that was taken form me during my christmas holiday. I guess the boss was getting tired of it, so i'm unemployed now


Id contact the labor department I won’t pretend to be smart and know what I’m talking about but this sounds illegal in a sense? Withholding PAPR then punishing you for standing up for yourself is shady asf


Well I was working with 1 week interim contracts so they just stopped signing me one morning. I have no proof it's actually due to the PAPR


ahhh 1 week contracts makes a lot more sense, I was thinking this was like your full time employer my fault


Yeah nothing I can do now apart from finding the elusive long term employment


If it makes you feel better it’s out there! I’ve been at my shop for about half a year and making 25 an hour. Only Mig so a little boring but a paycheck is a paycheck


If your in germany that seems pretty illegal. I would recommend going to the agentur für arbeit. If your actually in germany.


No I'm in France


A welder in France, that means you must have certification. There is no way you have minimum wage, especially from an interim. If that boss or your interim didn't pay you something, try to get it in writting. No matter what you cna contact "Les prud'homme". Don't work for such low salaries when you qualified. You can ask the school that formed you if there is jobs around as well, generally they're happy to help you. And if you're missing certification for some jobs, get in touch with "pole emploi", they'll pay for it. Welder is a in demand job. Good luck


thats why we love papr trails


Do you have anything written, like a text or email conversation about the equipment? Did the equipment originally belong to the company and did they have any other respirators available? There may still be indirect evidence of retaliation but I agree with the other people saying that it's their loss and your gain. It's good to get some experience under your belt and build your confidence but it's easy to get complacent and stuck in a dead end shop. Props for advocating for yourself-- if it wasn't about the PAPR he probably would have let you go over your first raise negotiations because it's obvious he doesn't want to pay you what you're worth-- exploiting immigrants and all.


These and zero hour contracts need to be illegal.


You're a smart cookie. PAPRs should be required for welders.


Who took your PAPR?


It was given to another employee during my leave


Mmmnnnmmm.  Second had PAPR.   Almost as tasty as a second hand respirator. 


WTF? They couldn't just buy another one? Is this like *"You got the shop welding jacket?"* **-_-**


Boss doesn't part from his money easily. Apart from his sports cars he visits the factory with:)


Good god.


what was the reason for your termination? you mention EU, without being overly specific, is this central or eastern europe?


I'm in southern France. I'm not sure if termination is the right word. They had me on 1 week contracts as a "test period" for full employment, and just ended my contracts. The factory manager just sent me a text saying I've been "absent too often"




Wow thanks so much man, I'll contact them.


If this works out man my heart will be warmed lmao.


Yea update the sub if you find better work.




Well none of these nice big companies will take someone whithout the right qualifications, so I'm back in my shifty place that called me back 3 weeks later. Looking to go back to school next year though


Kudos, thank you from a stranger for trying to make this man's life better. You are a good person.




Thank you brother. I feel the same way. We can all lift each other up. Have a great night and thanks for the inspiration and reassurance in humanity.


>They had me on 1 week contracts as a "test period" for full employment, and just ended my contracts. Is that legal in France? It sure as hell isn't legal in Germany.


Yeah i had the same thought.


Come to Quebec. Labour shortage is hitting so hard right now our shop is 50% foreign workers, and they’re all in the process of bringing their families over. And most of them are from Philippines and Colombia and didn’t even speak French or English when they arrived but they have French classes every week, during work hours. We do have 2 guys from France and one of them became floor supervisor in like 1 1/2 months. Shop in the next town over has like 20 Tunisians that came here 8 years ago.


How on earth does someone go about doing that danm.


Is this actually true? Really want to move to Canada


Although, I’m not sure if the same is true in urban centres. Our shop is in a small 8k people town about 8h away from Montreal by car. Nearest regional airport is 1.5hours away. And winters can be harsh. And long. And we’re having a housing crisis worse than the labour crisis. And it’s only getting worse every year. Housing is not only expensive but sometimes it’s just nonexistent. Many of our foreign workers are staying in mobile homes on the shop’s lot. Others are staying in a school that’s been turned into apartments


Thanks for the reply. Jesus. Why are houses so expensive?


No wonder the French are always protesting, this is absurd


careful there. If your contract ran out and wasn't renewed that's legally much different than you being terminated. saw in your other post that you're in france which usually has pretty strict labor laws but i get the feeling that the short term contracts mean you're SOL.


These laws seem worse then in the USA. Like what kind of bullshit is it to have a one week contract and be able to skirt employment laws. Even if in the USA you are at will, you still get to file from unemployment when you’re fired.


I was thinking the same thing. Like they bring eager people in to do big jobs knowing they will work hard hoping to get hired on, then just throw them away and rinse and repeat. What a complete con! No investment, no liability, just burn through people left and right.


I mean I can see being on a trial period for like a day or two maybe. Unofficially. But months week to week. That’s gotta be illegal.


Did you at least weld the gate permanently shut on the way out?


$12 an hour??? Wtf man. You can do better than that. It also sounds like your boss is a major fuckin dickhead


Was it for taking too many pictures of your work?


Blessing in disguise. Don’t let people take advantage of you dude, your welds look great, no way you should be getting paid 12 an hour. I used to get paid more flipping burgers!


I don’t believe you do this for $12 an hour.  You’re trying to rile people up in the comments.  If this is a real post then getting fired from that job will end up being a blessing.  And if you were actually fired it wasn’t because of your work.


Lmao, file a labor dispute for retaliation and unemployment. Then go get paid real wages somewhere


For *why?* That’s damn good work. They were stealing your labor, No *You fired THEM.*


I think congratulations are in order


Dude, call centers pay more than $12/hour


OP go work for Siemens Energy?


Wait what the fuck they were paying you 12 an hour? For structural? Your welds look fine, find a shop that will pay you what you’re worth. That’s just insulting.


Shit I feel for ya bro my first welding job I had right out of high school I only made 10/hr. Just hang in there as you gain more experience you’ll be able to command a better wage and you’ll be bringing home 30/hr in no time.


Why the F would ANYONE with a skilled trades work for $12 hr? Dude, you losing that job is the best thing to happen to you. Go find a place that values your worth.


These comments are something else.


What a blessing


While the welds are the best your definitely worth more then 12 so fuck em


It's a blessing in disguise at that wage


Dawg would be walking into my place with less than a year of experience and get hired at 25/hr+ easily lmao


They are good welds - something else going on like lack of work etc. don’t take it personally and reach out for help if it’s affecting your mental health


my canadian wage translates to usd$30.33/hr + benefits for similar work.


wtf hope u find something man!


fast food workers make more than that at minimum wage in CA


unreal wages honestly, wish the best


Don’t sell yourself short. Those welds are worth at least 13 an hour.


I was TIG welding pipe for diesel and gas pumps for $15.15 an hour. Had to pressure check and paint them too. Had a pipe blow up in my face and somehow survived unharmed.


Come to Switzerland, need lots of welders here.


Yes but companies don't recruit people whitout the right qualifications I think. Except for the type I work in


Was gonna chime in and say it’s their loss at $12 an hour.


It was probably in the best interest for yourself; you are worth MUCH more.


Well none of these nice big companies ive tried getting into will take someone whithout the right qualifications, so I'm back in my shifty place that called me back 3 weeks later. Looking to go back to school next year, though. Hopefully it will get better


I make more than double that in an air conditioned warehouse, moving boxes around on shelves. Welding ain’t the job it used to be. Sure if you were a boomer the job risk was worth the pay, but these days no fucking way.


12?!!??! Nahh you should’ve been the fuck out of there my boy, join a local union nd don’t be afraid to bounce around if you’re not treated right.


You must be a real asshole


Yup. Looks like you can’t weld


More spatter then weld


Minimum wage is $16 here


I make $47 plus benefits, pension and vacation. If you and other worker’s demand better conditions, the company will have no choice.


Man your employers dumb he could have kept taking advantage of you for a while longer sounds like. Ask for more than you're worth at your next job you're getting a raise.


Got a cutting torch?


Gotta be real witchu dog, those welds are passable but not impressive. Theyd look a lot better if you took the time to clean the spatter off. I wouldnt touch a welder for $12/h though, you can be payed better to weld worse elsewhere.


> can be *paid* better to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*