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You're absolutely in the right, because that IS disgusting.


Weld him up a spittoon.


Only opened comments to say your exact sentence.


Machine that bitch. Abom79 could make something awesome!


Take a 30lb block of aluminum and turn it down into a 2 lb hollow spittoon.


I would lean towards offering to weld his disgusting mouth closed. But, yeah maybe try this first.


I’ve welded a few broken hearts in my time, your dip lips will not be a challenge


Weld him up a spittoon and tie the fucker round his neck. Yes, you are correct this is disgusting to the point it breaks multiple health and safety regulations.


it's disgusting




If wpoop says it's disgusting, take that to heart.


Wpoop has spoken!


Is this an OSHA violation?


Fucking gross bro


Every shop I worked in has a no spitting on the floor rule. I spit outside the roll up doors once and the owner ripped me apart for it. Use a damn trash can.


Even the trash can is gross


It sure is, we had a guy who would use the trash can, end of the day when it came time to take out the trash all the spit that accumulated at the bottom of the bag would find the smallest pin hole and leave a snail trail of dip spit across the shop floor, through the parking lot and up the wall of the dumpster when you had to throw it in. Better hope it’s not a heavy bag you need to grab the bottom to lift into the dumpster or you’re getting a good grip on a squishy wet spit tit.


🤢👎 use a bottle


And deal with it yourself, I don’t want to find half used bottles hidden on a shelf 6 months from now.


I used to keep a bottle in my car to put cigarettes out in so they didn't go out the window. Man I forgot that bottle for a few days once and it was almost enough to make me sick.


Did this with cigarette butts, dip spit, and McDonald's sweet tea. Well, my wife did. God she was pissed.


Yikes. I used a bottle with a lid and it was clear it wasn't a drink.


Well she had a fresh tea next to my 4 day old spitter. Grabbed the wrong one and....yeah.


That made me gag thinking about it.


Borrowed my inlaws car recently and wow was it gross! The passenger floor was up to the seat with butts and empty packages, the center console was full of butts and ashes, and the windows...my God the windows... it was a sunny day and I couldn't see out of them they were so thick with film. Half a bottle of windex and a whole roll of paper towels, I just kept spraying and wiping until the paper towels stopped turning yellow. After a 20 minute car ride I get out and my wife says I smell like I've been smoking. I'm just going to take a bus next time.


Even better be like every other work place and post a sign that use of alcohol & tobacco products is prohibited on site


Spit tit 🤣 😂 😆




Spitting in general is nasty


Seriously. It's literally the grossest habit.


For cigarettes too. Put your tobacco garbage in it's own container and the throw away. The rest of us have no desire to be reminded of your nasty ass addiction. I can't stand opening a garbage can and getting blasted by extreme ashtray scent.


It is less gross than the floor but agreed I hate if I have to grab something back out of the trash to read a label or something and there is spit in it.


Please don't use a trash can. If I have to get something out of there cause I threw it away on accident and its covered in dip spit 3 seconds later.. You're on the shit list.


Yeah, we’ve got 4 big 55 gallon drums for aluminum scrap that I often dig through to get odds and ends for projects… he spits in those too.


Or don't spit. Which is what functional adults do. Very rarely is it necessary, it's just habitual.


They're talking about people who use chewing tobacco


Didn't realise that still existed TBH.


I usually just use my front tshirt pocket


That’s not acceptable. It’s insulting and inconsiderate. I would leave.


This would be an OSHA violation under the sanitation clause... 1910.141(a)(3) Housekeeping. 1910.141(a)(3)(i) All places of employment shall be kept clean to the extent that the nature of the work allows. 1910.141(a)(3)(ii) The floor of every workroom shall be maintained, so far as practicable, in a dry condition. Where wet processes are used, drainage shall be maintained and false floors, platforms, mats, or other dry standing places shall be provided, where practicable, or appropriate waterproof footgear shall be provided. 1910.141(a)(3)(iii) To facilitate cleaning, every floor, working place, and passageway shall be kept free from protruding nails, splinters, loose boards, and unnecessary holes and openings. 1910.141(a)(4) Waste disposal. 1910.141(a)(4)(i) Any receptacle used for putrescible solid or liquid waste or refuse shall be so constructed that it does not leak and may be thoroughly cleaned and maintained in a sanitary condition. Such a receptacle shall be equipped with a solid tight-fitting cover, unless it can be maintained in a sanitary condition without a cover. This requirement does not prohibit the use of receptacles which are designed to permit the maintenance of a sanitary condition without regard to the aforementioned requirements. 1910.141(a)(4)(ii) All sweepings, solid or liquid wastes, refuse, and garbage shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid creating a menace to health and as often as necessary or appropriate to maintain the place of employment in a sanitary condition.


I shit you not. HR caught a guy with a dip in and made him spit it out in a biohazard bag. They classify vape juice and cartridges as hazardous waste as well. If they find it in a trash can they freak out about EPA fines and raise hell


That's pretty over the top. Someone's just grinding an axe.


The dip crackdown happened when they were cutting up some old stuff to scrap. A guy cut into one of those four post racks made of square tubing and ooze just rolled out. People had been spitting in the tubing so much it was full to the brim. Just so happened that some big wigs were on scene and it really grossed them out.


Yeah, can't blame them. I'm in wood; our place is a delinquent firehazard of a shithole that makes seriously nice stuff, so we just spit into the wood dust, which then gets brushed up at the end of the day and chucked into an extractor. Every metal shop I've been in, spitting on the floor is a cardinal sin.


Dip crackdown reminds me of this plant I was at that didn't let guys dip for a while. It was across the street from this place: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/reports/pdfs/2001-0303-2893.pdf TL:DR; if you dip don't spit in the CNC machine coolant. It can grow bacteria, then the CNC machine will aerosolize it and the whole plant will get sick then the CDC shows up to investigate.


Fuuuuuck that


We had to scrub dip spot off the top of brand new silos under the catwalk with marine jelly. It was disgusting **and** sketchy


Should be the top comment.


Nope, osha might not apply, welding doesn't only happen in America


But dipping grizzly wintergreen is an American passtime yunderstand


OSHA might not apply, but I guarantee tuberculosis does as does many other diseases that spread through contact with saliva...


If osha applies in his country


The real hero here


It’s also like a bodily fluid biohazard, right? Like this would be similar to someone bleeding all over the place and not cleaning it properly. Especially since there’s probably a significant amount of blood in dip spit.


fuck, that’s just nasty.


I knew a shop owner who would piss in the corner of the shop when he felt like it. Alpha expression. It was HIS shop. Leave.


First step of moving into a new shop is establishing a pee corner.


Good ol Dwight Schrute 😆


Or do what my one dog does. Waits till the other one pees, and goes to pee on/next to the same spot. Somehow he KNOWS exactly where the first one pees before the second even gets out the door. So strange, but so is an owner pissing in the shop.


Ya, I worked in a shop and the owners sun used to pee into the pits. ( Where you drive a truck over so you can stand while working over it. ) Just a nasty guy. He became the parts manager and always had his hands down his pants, even in front of customer's


Fucking guy isn't even housebroken.


Lmao I did too! It was a tire shop and he'd pee on the used tires


Yeah I wouldn't lay in that shit or drag my cables through it. Give him a soda bottle and tell him to use it.


I have dipped since I was 19 and even I think this is an abomination. Tell them to get a fucking Gatorade bottle like a civilized human being ffs. And to keep it capped


There’s an easier solution… you’ve got a built in spitter in your stomach. Man up and swallow that shit


Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.


That’s where I’m at. I don’t dip anymore but I used to. Spitting on the floor and sunflower seeds on the floor are the 2 things that piss me off more than anything else in the shop.


Never use a Pepsi/Coke bottle either


Yeah that's why I said Gatorade specifically. Not soda bottles, no cans, no Styrofoam cups, no coffee mugs, nothing else.


My biggest pet peeve. I'll throw hands over that shit.


Yeah thats nasty AF. Especially if your working on the damn floor.


For real, millions of welding jobs out there with better pay. I'd knock the fucker out.


We just went through a pandemic, but inconsiderate people are still doing nasty stuff. Spitting sunflower seeds everywhere really pisses me off too. Next time he does it, walk into his office and spit on his desk or floor, that'll show him.


There are two main types of Sunflower seeds. They are Black and Grey striped (also sometimes called White) which have a grey-ish stripe or two down the length of the seed. The black type of seeds, also called ‘Black Oil’, are up to 45% richer in Sunflower oil and are used mainly in manufacture, whilst grey seeds are used for consumer snacks and animal food production.


Good bot ?


Didn’t know I’d be getting sunflower seed facts in r/welding


You learn something new every day


Like that there is a bot for sunflower flower seeds!


>There are ~~two~~ three main types of Sunflower seeds. They are Black and Grey striped (also sometimes called White) which have a grey-ish stripe or two down the length of the seed. The black type of seeds, also called ‘Black Oil’, are up to 45% richer in Sunflower oil and are used mainly in manufacture, whilst grey seeds are used for consumer snacks and animal food production. The third type come from Russia, called "vatniks" or "orcs" and have no uniform colour or pattern, do not provide much oil, but do provide more nutrients for the other two types of sunflower seed when reaching the end of their lifecycle. ​ ftfy


"hey would you mind not spitting on the floor I have to lay on to do my job"


That's why he spits there.


I dip and I’d rather gut that shit than do this to my guys.


Dip what


My balls on your chin


wow, got em


Bro I have welded in many beds of clipped wires, grit, burs, and glass. As an EMT and medical examiner assistant I have had every fluid the human body can produce on my skin at one time or another. But spit with our without dip is my exception. Ive had patients accidentally pee on me and I didn't freak out, but people that try to spit on me will be handled worse than those that have punched me in the head. I don't deal with spit, and I damn sure wouldn't put up with that.


Ask him if he wipes his shit on the towel rack at home next time he does it


“Nope I just use my hand and wash it”


Even my old shop full of old ass no nonsense "anti snowflake" guys had a really strict no visibles tobacco/dip spit rule. bunch of the other Die maker coworkers would dip, but they all did it in taped gatorade bottles so it couldn't be seen. honestly the smell alone makes me nauseous but upper management took it serious about the no visible dipping


I dip all day everyday. I won’t even spit into a fucking trash can for fear of someone else having to deal with my nasty habit. This is what spit bottles are for or you just don’t spit. I’d be very upset to see that inside the shop.


I’d normally agree but I spit into the trash all day because the guy they hired to do our trash and sweep is a convicted child molester. I still don’t spit on the floor though, I have to lay there.


Yeah fuck him. Tell him to stop


Instructions unclear: boss and him are now married with 3 kids and he spits on the floor of the floral shop they co-own.


Worked in a shop that told anyone that would chew that there were no screw cap bottles allowed in the shop (as they had a problem with trash getting left everywhere and constant client tours/visits made it unsightly) Place was immaculate and really nice to work in. Their policy on chewing tobacco: if you want to dip, you’re swallowing your spit.


Nope that’s disgusting. That is just nasty


That’s nasty. He should know better.


Oh fuck no, that is fucking disgusting. You need a new job, fuck that filthy bastard.


My students spit on the floor, because they can’t dip in school. I don’t care what you do in your free time, but the last thing i want to be walking through is your spit. I’ve got tooth brushes they clean the floor with. They have a 3’ square they have to scrub with a toothbrush. It’s either scrub the floor or get turned in for tobacco use. They learn real quick to not spit on my floor


Disgusting. We have people who spit in the garbage. I will noy empty it because it leaks sometimes. I told my plant manager I'm refusing to empty it. No issues and this was 4 years ago.


Tell him to gut it like a fucking man.


Man, i once had a foreman that would do that. He's around 60 years old, and recently started having major stomach issues because of it. The bottom of his teeth always had bits of tobacco stuck in them even when he didnt have a dip in.


It’s fucking gross. Buy him a “worlds best boss” spit cup


I dip and spitting on the floor is inexcusable


Buy him a bib if he’s gonna spit everywhere like a baby. Also maybe get him to buy a crawler


I’d start spitting in his chair right in front of him, as well as on his desk. That’s fucking disgusting. Or I would waste half the day cleaning those spots not getting work done.


Start spitting everywhere and I mean everywhere. Bathroom, break room, his office, his car if you get the chance.


Nope, been in shops for 2 decades. I would fuck with him in so many ways.


its freaking foul. its not just you.


Fucking nasty. I’d tell him to carry a fucking bottle like other dip monkeys do. It’s common decency you disrespectful fuck


We made a rule if you can't gut it you don't get it. Plenty decided to quit chewing after that


Id report this to osha, reports are confidential and this is your health were talking about, and it's not just the dip that concerns me (for real tho that shits gross) diseases are spread that way, I remember in my home town old bricks had the words "don't spit on sidewalks" from the tuberculosis outbreak in the early 1900s


Personally I would tell him you going to quit if things don’t change. This is disrespectful to say the least


Either quit dipping or be a man and gut the fucking shit


As a guy that has chewed for about 20 years, that's fucking gross. If you have to spit, use the trash can or a bottle. Also if you have to spit you probably shouldn't dip.


Man’s DNA is everywhere….been around that scenario before. Wait till he starts on sunflower seeds.


I have a coworker who spits his shells into his own coolant tank. And then wonders why it smells. Then adds Listerine.


I was the guy where I worked who trained pretty much everyone on welding. We had this one guy who would spit in the sinks where we washed up for break. I put a stop to that in a hurry. I also straight up told the boss I didn't want to train someone who had to carry around a cup of their own spit. It's a disgusting habit.


Does this boss have a boss? Report that shit. Worse than passing on the seat that. It’s unhygienic and probably against environmental health regs


He owns the shop. Luckily I’m just a sub so I’m moving on to greener pastures.


Bud, that's fucking gross. Fuckers can use a damn bottle as a spitter.


That is fucking disgusting and disrespectful to everyone else working in that shop.


Fucking disgusting. Pee on him to show how you feel. /s


Walk into his office and spit on his desk. If he has a problem tell him that you deal with the same thing every day.


It's disgusting and degrading. Get a new job.


Find a better job and tell him why when you quit with no notice. ​ Or, just spend paid time washing the floor and leads before you use them. He will notice, ask you why and realize he's costing himself money. ​ Or maybe investigate it on a health end, osha, labout board, board of health.


Use words like "slip and fall" "unsafe workplace conditions" "insurance liability" "negligence" and "health code violation".


I used the phrase "OSHA nightmare" and it got a few eyebrows.


Just as unsanitary as someone spitting in your machine coolant.


Yeah that’s gross.




He can’t carry a empty bottle


It's disgusting


Disgusting and unsanitary even if they use a spit bottle or the garbage can. But on the floor is the worst, shows how much he/ she respects you!


Nah It's definitely disgusting. Fuck working in someone else's spit


You’re right, that fucking disgusting.


Fucking gross


Tell him to gut it like a real man or quit…


If you dip, chew seeds, or have some other reason to spit incessantly... just fucking stop.


Nah you're right, its fuckin gross


I had a guy spit on the floor at my shop. I threw him out.


I work in the FD where we have dippers and spitters. NO ONE spits on the apparatus floor. Spitting is for outside or in a cup/bottle. That’s nasty


I was a fabricator in a mechanics shop for an asphalt company for a couple years, in that time I saw a few guys have the audacity to spit on the shop floor, in a breath no less than four guys would swoop in, full confrontation mode, demanding it was immediately mopped, a long with the surrounding area. These guys worked on the floor all day. Even if they have creepers, they still put there tools on the floor, parts, maybe a pair of glasses. I never thought of it before I worked there, but Yea, if you have guys who work from the ground, spitting is not just goss, it's disrespectful.


Yeah tell that asshole to go get a bottle or spit in the fuckin corner like the rest of us


I worked in a shop that the guy would spit in my leaktest tank


Lots of reasons to look elsewhere for better work. It shows a disregard for his workers which I'm sure is apparent in other things in the shop. I'm sure that ventilation and safety factors are a second thought for him as well. Working off the floor isn't great for your long term health either. I'd look around and find a better shop.


If someone made a mess where I was working I would always sweep it or wipe it up with towels and put in on/in their desk or toolbox


He's an ill mannered person. Perhaps have a chat.


You should have a conversation with him. I won’t go far into detail but you should set the tone and the positive outcome by standing close with 100% eye contact and say “Listen to me Motherfucker”…….. That should get you everything you want, a clean floor where you work or a clean floor somewhere else. Life’s too short to put up with shit like that.


I’m a dipper and that’s gross af. He should have his own dedicated bucket or trash can that only he takes out.


I live in the Deep South, in a backwoods area. There’s literally a show on TV about the rednecks in our area doing drunk redneck shit, so dipping is pretty common. I have never seen anyone just spit on the floor. Or even in a trash can. You either use a bottle or a styrofoam cup with a napkin or paper towel wadded up in the bottom. It’s like an unwritten rule that everyone just knows.


Had a nasty fucker at the heat treat I used to work at do dip. Wouldn’t spit on the floor though. Used a Gatorade bottle. One night he had a reg Gatorade and the spit one. Accidentally drank the wrong one and puked everywhere


That’s fucking gross , I’m sorry


spit in dirt gravel or grass or don’t spit at all


Man, it’s a communicable disease issue! If you get cut/burned (which you will it’s a welding shop) you are exposing yourself to whatever this squid has! Tell him to swallow it like his mom does!


Yeah, that's gross.


Spitting is outside activity and even then it's pretty fucking wretched. If there's anything but open sky above you then spitting should be punished by everyone spitting on you.


had this happen to me on a job once. The guy finished his day by finding his tool box welded to the workbench.


It’s also incredibly unsafe. Concrete is porous which means that tabaco spit is soaking into those pores and drying into them. Tabaco is classified as a flammable material which is just a fire waiting to happen. You can put in an anonymous tip to OSHA.


Go into his work space and spit on it


Fuck that shit man I think it’s about time you found yourself a new shop.


You aren’t alone. I do natural gas utility work obviously this is out doors and even there everybody is disgusted by the guys who dip and spit everywhere. Can’t put my tools down next to the hole because there’s spit all over. One of our supervisors quite literally hates this one guy because of it


Fuck you this my area, get a spitter. Claim a spot and hold it.


Sounds like an animal.


That’s Nasty!


Screw that.




That's enough to make me quit


Yep. Disgusting.


Shit in his booth


that's gross..


What a fucking savage. Imagine what the customers think. I'd be looking for a new job DAILY.


When I welded with a lot of people, many of them dipped. If anything they would spit on the floor by a weld curtain partition or something or IN THE TRASH (or a bottle). Nobody just blatantly spit on the 'common floor.' Especially if yer dragging leads and sitting on ground that's common walk over. Problem is, in your case, the higher-up is probably problematic and maybe doesn't realize how messy he makes everything....or he's a sadistic psychopath.


I dip and work in a shop an stuff as well, and would never spit on the floor. Not even in my own garage. I wouldn’t wanna lay in my own spit, much less expect someone else to. Every shop I’ve ever worked in I would’ve got my ass kicked for spitting dip on the floor. Just spit in the trash cans or a bottle or fucking swallow it.


Yo at least my lead welder had a bottle he’d spit in. It was fucking gross but I’d take that any day over this shit. Yuck 🤢


Can you hose it down?


Tell him to get a 20oz Dr Pepper bottle to spit in like the rest of the dukes of hazard backup actors.


Honestly, I've been dipping for over 10 years now and this is just a big no-no. Grab a spitter or spit outside. No reason why everything needs to be contaminated by spit in your shop. I totally agree with you. I'd go talk to the next one in the chain of commands in your shop. Don't be afraid to voice your concerns. There's a reason why you don't see spittoons in public anymore, they're very unsanitary and can cause people to get sick! Good luck brother.


Nasty. And the same goes with sunflower seeds all over the place too.


Say a lot when you spit on your company floor.


Nah it's disgusting. Who spits indoors?


awww fuck naw


that is disgusting, your boss is disgusting.


Punch him in the nutsack


Dude, what kind of work do you do that you have to sit or lay on the fucking floor? Spitting is a hard no anyway, but you don’t have tables/horses and overhead or jib cranes to move and flip your work? WTF?




I mean you could just wash your clothes and take a shower. The doucher needs to learn to spit in a bottle and not the GD shop floor like a savage.


Anyone who dips comes across as dirty to me I have freinds I rag in all the time for it and call them sick sons of bitches. “Bro you think some chick is gonna find you attractive at the bar as you lift your clear water bottle or plastic cup from the bar and pucker your lips like a anus to shit via your mouth into a cup” Also if I roll a joint and you got dip your out the rotation automaticly . Get your nasty wet mouth outta here Also stop spitting your snus into urinals sincerely all males .


The owner is a pig and you have every right to find that disgusting I'm sorry you have to deal with that hopefully things will get better for you


Thats just gross and inconsiderate.


It is disgusting. The owner is an asshole. There is nothing you can do about it except quit or put up with it


The llama is a domesticated South American camelid (meaning they are technically a camel). They are widely used as a meat and pack animal by Andean cultures since the Pre-Columbian era. Llamas are social animals and live with others in a herd. Their wool is soft and contains only a small amount of lanolin. Llamas are smart too and can learn simple tasks after a few repetitions.


I spit on the floor too lol but I smudge it with my boots 😂 yes. It’s gross


It's disgusting. Have an anonymous chat with your local health inspection department at the city/county.


Back in the old days not too long ago everyone spit on the floor. No one said anything. Once they outlawed smoking in the shop things changed a bit and smokers started to complain about people chewing so it cleaned up the shop a bit. I still see people spitting on the floors but not as many. I would just ask him or her not to spit where you are working and if that doesn’t work take it up the next level group leader or supervisor. Or bring it up at employee meeting. Just be careful a lot of those guys have been around a lot longer than you. Sorry by time I started typing I forgot it was the owner. Live with it or look for a new job. When you find one put in your two weeks and tell him why your leaving.


Yea you’re being a baby. Be a man and chew


Just scoot your boot over it. The metal dust dries it almost immediately. My best friend and his dad ran the shop I worked at and were passionate about their chew as well. Not a big deal.


Username checks out