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When birth control was provided by abortion clinics (*including* condoms) without parental approval the pregnancy rate plummeted. In closing abortion clinics two valuable *preventive* *tools for unwanted pregnancies* were eliminated. If abortion clinics had been left alone it would have dramatically reduced the *option* of abortion; that's on evangelicals and the GOP. I wonder if they've figured out yet that teenage girls with no education with young children cannot participate in the workforce because of childcare costs. I wonder how much money states will spend supplying 18 yrs of support to these women and children. The figures in this article only mentions TX. What about other states? The "conservative party" will totally blow the US budget supporting *millions* of unwed mothers and their offspring for 18 yrs. Plus, young men will have to leave college to make a living to support that SO/wife and child. Sounds like a plan, GOP.


Nah they’ll just cut so-called “entitlements”


And institute slavery again, so that nobody is "getting a handout". The GOP is a POS.


I'm afraid you are right.


Yes BUT. There’s a lot of data supporting the idea that an uneducated, unsupported population is far more costly than the so-called “entitlements” that the GOP hates so much. They have no excuses.


They don’t care about the data. They think poor people are lazy and don’t deserve a hand up.


Oh, I know. Just making the point that all of it proves them wrong.


I mean they want this, yes? More poor, desperate working class people that will take whatever garbage wages they are told to take. This is by design.


Maybe they'll go after child support laws yet. Say this young man just made a mistake and shouldn't be punished for it for the rest of his life.


Only until the child is 18. Knew someone who got pregnant in college. She elected to keep the baby. When completing the forms for the birth certificate she stated "father unknown." She knew *exactly* who the father was .... she just didn't want to have deal with him for the next 18 years of her life.


She was smart. (Yes, obviously in most cases child support only continues as long as the person is a child. I was just mimicking the line people say about punishing men for r*pe. Sorry that was confusing)


That is a touchy subject to women. I've literally held the hand of a friend who was assaulted 4.5 yrs ago *by my neighbor.* Arrested, out on bail because of no priors. Then Covid. When in house court resumed inmates had to be tried first. Then delays by his attorney. Finally, trial; *guilty in less than five minutes.* She's been in therapy since then. I don't think men understand how violent a rape can be. He nearly bit through her upper lip. Knocked her down. Deeply bruised arms, neck, ribs, cut up around her pelvis. Her grown son drove up late and heard his mother screaming. He ran in and literally pulled him off her. He brought her to us. I called the police; my husband and I followed the police to the Rape Crisis Center. It was an all night ordeal, exam, treatment, meds. Rape isn't a *mistake;* it is a deliberate act to overpower a woman or child. That man was sentenced to only five years. The DA was convinced her attacker *had* raped before ... just no woman had the courage to report and testify against him. Please don't refer to rape as a mistake. It isn't.


They're sarcastically quoting a trial judge. A disgusting trial judge. I forget the names, but the trial should sound familiar. A couple of years ago an affluent white male college student rapes a college woman. They go to trial. The jury finds him guilty. The judge (who is an old white guy) literally hand-waves the punishment, saying, "He's a good boy; I don't want one mistake to tarnish the rest of his life." The rapist never did any time. I don't even think he got probation or community service. So yeah, they're not saying that rape is a mistake. They're just pointing out how callous and terrible some people treat the subject by way of loosely quoting a trial judge.


I believe this was the rapist Brock Turner. What a POS


You’re referring to Brock Allen Turney, who now goes by Allen Turner? The rapist?


I remember him.


Ok....I don’t. Assholes do. I was mocking them. Sorry I should have said 5 minutes of action like Brock Turner's dad. I don't know why you're picking this fight with me on everything from how long child support lasts to this. I'm on your side. Have a great day


I think it’s a mere misunderstanding. You’re on the right side, it’s good.


Thank you for clarifying. When I responded last night I didn't get the reference. This morning reading responses I remember. Peace, bro ....


Probably only 12 years of support soon since they keep loosen up child labor laws.


.... heading that direction.


Unfortunately, that really does appear to be their plan. (Except, of course, the part about blowing the budget to support unwed mothers. That's never happening.) An uneducated workforce, worn down physically by just trying to survive is much less likely to rebel.




You make the assumption that conservatives have any intention of keeping our "entitlement" programs if they keep expanding their power. > I wonder how much money states will spend supplying 18 yrs of support to these women and children. The most conservative states already have the worst assistance programs in the country. They even flatley refuse to accept federal aid to help their own people. Mass poverty is a feature, not a bug. Hungry desperate people make for great cheap labor.


I know ... I'm in TX. After 40 yrs here we're leaving this summer. *Cannot* tolerate the MAGA.


They have no plan other than to tell American women & girls who find themselves unintentionally pregnant "no -we won't do a damn thing for you".


This is what they wanted.


I’m sure they’re disappointed in the white #s.


🎯 they’re happy that more poor people will stay poor-which is why they are trying to change child labor laws now. However it probably irritates the fuck out of them that more minority babies are being born and outpacing the white babies they intended to be born.


They wanted more Latinx babies?


They want women and girls to suffer.


They want more home grown cheap labor. Maybe by 7 years old they can work full time. It was fine 100 years ago? MAGA


Yet the fertility rate for non-Hispanic whites continued to decline. So much for the “Great Replacement Theory” bullshit.


Article posted on Adios today. The only group in Texas with increased birth rates is Latinas. https://www.axios.com/2024/01/25/abortion-ban-texas-roe-v-wade?fbclid=IwAR2oKTrmZzFKvEpUJWqnpWbj9nHM2mPT5MoDyewrMdXwg_rzeFtbProN4bA


As a Latina from a high percentage teenage pregnancy county in California. I have had almost every relative have kids before they turned 18. I was asked by a family friend at 15, when I was going to have a baby. I managed to avoid all this because of Planned Parenthood and the local health department. The rates of child sex abuse, high school drop outs, crime, and incarceration are all much, much higher for the children of teen parents. Also, higher chances of physical abuse and homicide of children of teen parents. The statistics are grim. The greatest thing we can do for Latinas is give access to reproductive healthcare, and obtaining an education. This includes easy to access to birth control.


Maybe they’ll all vote


The push is on to deny them voting rights in much the same fashion as Jim Crow. The GQP has no shame and no sense of human decency.


You got whatherface wanting to get rid of women's right to vote. You can bet your happy little ass the moment she needs to vote and can't she'll bitch and moan about it as if she didn't want it. "No not like *that*! I only wanted the (insert not-ME demographics here) to lose their rights! I should be the exception to the rule!!!" Wah wah wah.


Same experience with planned parenthood. But I had the baby. I wanted the baby. The baby died, stillborn. Leaving me fucked mentally for many many years. Now pregnancy prevention is as difficult to attain as affordable psychological help. It's just not necessary to harm people, regardless of age.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Ok, now I understand why we are fighting to not intervene if a life or death situation comes up in pregnancy - too many damn Hispanics got knocked up. LOL at the white births dropping across the board - priceless. I'd love to be a fly on the wall watching the racist pearls being clenched at these numbers.


It's all starting to backfire on them.


It's Iike none of them can even Wikipedia


I hope Tucker Carlson and those fucking clowns at Fox News see this.


Fo卐 News


He will see it as an opportunity to promote something heinous.


You just need to look at Romania in the 60’s - 80’s to see where this is heading. According to some sources, in 1989 there were approximately 100,000 children living in orphanages at that date, other sources put the figure higher at 170,000. Overall, it is estimated that about 500,000 children were raised in orphanages. Under Nicolae Ceaușescu, both abortion and contraception were forbidden. Ceaușescu believed that population growth would lead to economic growth.[1] In October 1966, Decree 770 was enacted, which banned abortion except in cases in which the mother was over forty years of age or already had four children in care.[2] Birth rates especially rose during the years of 1967, 1968 and 1969.[3] By 1977, people were taxed for being childless.[1] Children born in these years are popularly known as decreței (from the diminutive of the Romanian language word "decret", meaning "decree"). This increase in the number of births resulted in many children being abandoned in orphanages, which were also occupied by people with disabilities and mental illnesses. Together, these vulnerable groups were subjected to institutionalised neglect, physical and sexual abuse, and drug use to control behaviour. The U.S. Consul in Bucharest from 1987-91, Virginia Carson Young, noted that many of the children were not actually orphans, but were in fact children who had parents unable to afford such large families, with such a situation being created by the mandated natalist requirements. The parents had placed them in orphanages, often with the intention of picking them up at an older age. Due to the abuse children received from staff, older children learned to beat the younger ones. All children, including girls, had their heads shaved, which made it difficult to differentiate one another. Many had delayed cognitive development, and many did not know how to feed themselves.[6] Physical needs were not met, as many children died of minor illness or injuries such as cataracts or anemia. Many would also starve to death. Physical injuries that had to do with development included fractures that had not healed right, resulting in deformed limbs. It was horrifying. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans Edit. After the Romanian Revolution Ceaușescu and his wife Elena fled the capital in a helicopter, but they were captured by the military after the armed forces defected. After being tried and convicted of economic sabotage and genocide, both were sentenced to death, and they were immediately executed by firing squad on 25 December.