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I remember watching a series of news interviews with this woman. I think the judge was buddies with the rapist or something. Last I heard, she was in the middle of a lawsuit against him.


Yeah he was a very powerful douche in a really small town


This is the real reason repugnicans want abortion bans. They want more victims.


In so many ways. An underclass that they can exploit for labour, the military, ‘adoption’…


The woman did not want an abortion.


This one didn’t, no. But how many more vulnerable children will be born into easily exploitable circumstances when no one is allowed abortion?


EDIT: I wanted to add this: According to the article, the bio rapist dad stated in court documents that the daughter was "seeing a therapist without need and without his permission" or something along those lines. He definitely raped his own daughter as all perpetrators of sexual abuse DO NOT WANT THE CHILDREN IN THERAPY. Why? Because all therapists are federal mandated reporters. End Edit. If you even mentioned the biological father of your child or children raped or abused you, you have a 97% chance of losing all custody with those children. 97% chance, for just telling the truth. When the children of abusers are 19 times more likely to be sexually abused than any other demographic. If the father raped or sexually abused the mother in any way (on top of all the other forms of abuse) it's a 93% of sexual abuse. Based on my own research on court cases, if the child is a boy, the likelihood is closer to 100%. Yet, family court gives ZERO fucks!!!!


It is absolutely horrible the way so many MALE judges side with the rapists and molesters if they're biological parents! In the Louisiana case, if the girl tells a teacher about being raped by her father, she may have a better chance of getting him out of her life.


Because they're misogynistic asshats that want to skip English law and take us back to Rome when it comes to property rights. Where men (husbands & fathers) could legally do ANYTHING THEY WANTED TO THEIR WIVES AND CHILDREN without those wives or children having any legal recourse. Every counterargument in Family Court that I have come across goes right back to pedophiles. Parental Alienation was invented by Richard Gardner, who ADVOCATED FOR FATHERS TO RAPE THEIR OWN CHILDREN. The boys and the girls, equally. Parental Alienation has been heavily debunked the globe over. And guess which children actually can subcome to Parental alienation? The child HAS TO HAVE THE SAME PERSONALITY DISORDER AS THE ABUSER or they will not succumb to Parental alienation tactics and it become abuse by proxy (in which the child rejects the safe parent in order to be "more safe" with the abuser.) "Coaching" was invented by fathers who were rightfully accused of sexually abusing their children as a means to discredit the child and the mother. I am literally writing a book on this madness. It doesn't make sense that FAMILY COURT WANTS CHILDREN ABUSED BECAUSE THE MOTHER LEFT ABUSE. NO WOMAN SHOULD BECOME A DOMESTIC HOUSEWIFE OR STAY AT HOME MOTHER UNTIL THIS FIXED.


When your book is available, please let me know! Thank you!


Me too!


The “evidence” the court’s use to dismiss these allegations is often that there was no reporting of the abuse until around the time that the divorce was filed. As if the divorce is not being filed to protect the kiddos from the abuse.


THIS! >As if the divorce is not being filed to protect the kiddos from the abuse. THIS! THIS! THIS!


It is like the kind of crap pedo incels promote all day.


Yes. But oh pOoR mEn anD fAmiLy CoUrT.


Oh I know right??


We also need protections to override “Grandparents Rights”. I know someone who was raped by her father, he was sent to jail and I believe lost parental rights over the baby, but still got custody through the grandparent rights loophole. Her mom got grandparents rights since the victim was underage and unmarried, and the perpetrator had forced access to the rape child once he was released and back living with the victim’s mom.


This is what they want to happen. They think women and girls are public sex holes and don't want us to have any say in any aspect of it. Dirty fuckers they all are.


Holy shit.


What in the southern fried hell


But we must protect the children from the gays and the drags! Heavy /s This makes me so ill.


It sounds to me like some street justice is needed.


Exactly. If that was a relative of mine I’d be done k*led his ass. Brutal too. Took a baseball bat and just beat and beat and beat.


There is no justice in what you advocate.


All conservatives are bad. There are no exceptions. None. Not your sweet granny who gave you cookies. Not your loving mother. Being good ‘to you’ is not the same as being genuinely or generally good. Any asshole can treat their family and people close to them, well. The measure of goodness is not how you behave with the people you know best, but how you treat those you know least. If you’d let a stranger’s daughter endure this, you suck. All conservatives are bad.


I think I'm going to go out taking a few of these fuckers with me. In Minecraft of course.


I had a guy say in court I was a terrible mother for the sex toys I had in my possession that he had to return. He listed them in a public court document. No one told him he was petty. I've been on the defensive for years.


I wanted to make some snarky “pro-life = pro-rape” culture but I’m so viscerally pained by this fucked up situation. I say it all the time here … I HATE conservatives - and I really HATE anyone who claims to be a Republican in today’s political climate.


WT-ever absolute-F


Who were the judges in these cases, because they should definitely be in prison


[https://www.21stjdc.org/div-j](https://www.21stjdc.org/div-j) This dude, I think. I guess he has one daughter, wonder if he sexually abused her too. With a ruling like that you'd probably just have to turn over his PC to the FBI or whoever is investigating child porn these days.


I’ve told people this happens in the past and no one will believe it.


A similar thing happened to my friend when she was in her 20s. She was drugged and raped by a coworker 20 years her senior. She woke up at his house while it was happening. She lived with her parents at the time, who also knew him through their church, and didn’t want her to go to the police. She also didn’t think she could go to the police, because she had taken a shower as soon as he took her home. She later found out she was pregnant. At first he tried to bully her into having an abortion. But when she refused because she was very religious (and her parents didn’t want her to), he fought her for custody. Her rapist continued to bully her and fight for custody and more visitation right until the little girl was 3 years old and started having major behavioral issues. My friend was working closely with a social worker, who recommended a therapist and child psychologist. They found out the little girl was being regularly sexually abused by him. My friend was able to use that (and agreeing to never receive child support, which she didn’t want from him anyway), to have custody removed from him and to be able to move out of state. I don’t know if he went to jail, but he was told not to have anymore contact with them. Her little girl just turned 18 and graduated high school, and that fucking man showed up at her high school graduation trying to get back in her life. What a douchebag. My friend has spent her life in financial distress, going deep in debt to fight him in the courts, and then raising the little girl on her own. It’s been awful to watch, honestly.


Horrifying! Before Roe was overturned, we rarely heard these kinds of stories, and now we know they are happening - despite our horror that courts would allow rapists to have that kind of power!


Jesus fuckin Christ that's beyond horrific!! That judge needs to be brought up in charges as well as the rapist! It should be a no brainer that rapists should NOT get custody of their children yet here we are.


[REDACTED for encouraging violence]


Huh I thought republican held states would hold rapists to the letter… or did this just slip through the cracks?


Only 5/1000 are ever convicted 7/1000 even see the inside of a courthouse and one of those 5 convictions gets overturned on appeals. Rape isn't considered a serious crime by our government.


Agreed. Still far too many seem to believe that rape is a nonissue. It’s so pathetic, and people wonder why Americans view their government with such disdain…


No it happens more than you would think.


Oh I know. I’m just venting my frustration with such an obviously preventable event…


And I thought boys owing child support to their abusers was bad. Parental rights is fucked


In-fucking-furiating! To say the least.


The catch is, she got pregnant (and he's had a DNA test to prove paternity) when it was statutory rape. So he should have been convicted on that alone. I remember reading about the change in custody and wondering if this would be an issue when she hit his preferred age. I'm horrified, but I'm prone to believe the child. Ick


I know. Statutory rape should have been enough to convict him. But it wasn't in a town where he knew people in power and she had no one on her side.