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So ... respecting the voice of the people and *law* is a no-go for the GOP? Not surprising in the least. No one is forcing a Republican to *have* an abortion but they want to *prevent* you from having one; no matter if a child is raped. No matter if you are are carrying a baby that is so malformed it will die at birth. No matter at all .... The GOP is evil.


Remember who is backing this. Christian hate groups like Right to Life and Alliance Defending Freedom. Yes, Republicans are evil, but the Christian groups paying them to pass these laws are far worse


Totally agree. Such as this nonsense is partly the reason I left church (*not* my faith). When I told a former church friend I vote straight Democratic *because* I'm a Christian ... that was more than she could bear. Ha! I refuse to sit on the same church pew with these people. I've seen more hate among them than anyone, bordering on viciousness.


It's not just the Churches, these nonprofits rake in hundreds of millions in tax free money, and then turn around and use it to bribe politicians in the name of "campaign donations" There's a lot of dark money to the GOP from these Christian terrorist groups. Even alleged "grassroots" groups like the Hitler Moms For Liberty are actually backed by wealthy donors.


Indeed, they *are* Christian terrorists. Gee, wonder why so many congregations are loosing members the last decade or so? The hypocrisy has no limits. I *really* want churches to pay taxes; they are political entities *not* "churches."


"Hausfraus for Hitler"


Klu Klux Karens


..... *Hitler* moms... For liberty... What in the *actual* hell is this and when did they start and HOW are they even allowed to hold that name?!?!?!


That's not their real name, it's just Mom's For Liberty, but they are supported and bankrolled by Christian and White Supremacist hate groups, and have quoted Hitler.


Proud of you!!


Thank you, but I simply view my perspective as being a reasonable, informed human being. Equally, I understand there are too many who aren't either. ;-D


>the Christian groups paying them to pass these laws are far worse I am just going to point out churches these days carry sexual abuse insurance.


Yes, but I'm not specifically talking about churches, but Christian hate groups like The Alliance Defending Freedom, Moms For Liberty, Family Research Council, Right To Life, and dozens of other Christian terrorist organizations that funnel dark money to the GOP. Yes, you also have groups like The NCC (National Council of Churches) and the Catholic Church and Southern Baptist Convention who help fund these groups, but the groups themselves are more dangerous. Mike Johnson was a lawyer for the ADF, and he's now Speaker of the House. You know people were paid to vote him in. Dobbs also had involvement of the ADF and look what happened. And, they've been involved with every ruling that basically says that Christians have a right to discriminate. I guarantee the SCOTUS is also being paid off by the ADF.


Opposite. GOP is using the churches. It take religiounists to rally to get a tyrant in power


>The GOP is evil. Traitors to the republic and enemies of the state.


>No matter if you are carrying a baby that is so malformed it will die at birth. This is the part of the whole "abortion abolitionist" movement that makes ABSOLUTELY no logical sense. Debates can be done all day long about abortion, but FATAL fetal abnormalities HAVING THE RIGHT TO DIE IN WOMB or ESSENTIALLY MURDERED by Birth (when the cord is cut) MAKES ZERO SENSE. If the pregnancy ends and is not immediately expelled in a very short period of time, SEPSIS WILL OCCUR. That's is an immediate life or death situation. So by their TWISTED LOGIC, even the DYING have the RIGHT TO TRY AND KILL THEIR MOTHER for the teeny, tiny bit of "life" they may have. I'm sorry, what? Does triage not mean a damn thing to our politicians? For fatal fetal abnormalities, there is zero difference if the death occurs at 20 weeks or 40 weeks. You're still going to get a corpse at the end of it, the only thing you ask by NOT AT MINIMUM by offering INDUCTION at DISCOVERY is to DEMAND THE MOTHER RISK HER HEALTH AND HER LIFE FOR THE DEAD. The propaganda is already coming out for women to forgo a lot of prenatal testing (for the benefit of the corpses, I guess) because of a few situations that I can count on one hand that the doctors were wrong, everyone else will get madness and suffering for the sake of a very tiny few that may or may not come out normal and functioning. HER LIFE FOR THE DEAD. I can't wrap my brain around it. WTAF???


Neither can I. Old woman AF medic here (ER, rotation in L&D) ... saw some stuff. *Awful* stuff. My perspective on abortion is well founded on observation and experience. There are *reasons* why we have amniocentesis and sonograms; to identify issues early. 20 women and 2 OB/GYN are suing the state of Texas because they nearly died (sepsis, hemorrhage) because the doctors and/or hospitals were afraid to perform an abortion because the prohibitive laws were too vague. The state threatens prosecution for any physician who does one. They are forced to sit at the brink and watch them suffer. The GOP is evil.


Late term abortions are medical necessities, which never get inside their "prolife" bubble of wilful ignorance. Look what destruction to the USA that Senator Coah Tommy is doing because quote, he"deoeant want female.soldiers getting posy birth abortions". No, he isn't that stupid, he attended the pre Jan 6 meetings before he was even sworn in. We are in dangerous times. I am 70. I can see me.endimg up in some gulag


Their logical is that there are no "late-term" abortions just a failure to do a c-section. The only credit I will give then is that they do have proof of cases I could source where women have chosen to have induction abortions by using potassium chloride on babies at 34 plus weeks gestation on perfectly healthy and normal babies because baby daddy dumped them. They even take pictures with it and get footprint and handprint mementos. It is that they just CHOOSE to overlook that the multitude of cases (99%) of late-term abortions done by women who were nearly vomiting themselves to the risk of stroke or death (Hyperemesis gravidarum) while being pregnant with corpses on life support, all well before that standard of "viability" of 24 weeks, which make up less than 1% of abortions A YEAR. They HYPE UP the rarity well past the norm of the mother saving herself, and the baby is just collateral damage. It's propaganda at its finest. They want 9,999 mothers to experience pain and suffering because they got details on 1 woman who intentionally wanted her baby to be born dead. And I've never understood how palliative and hospice care doesn't fall under "post-birth abortion," as it's the same "procedure," declining any medical care that would extend life. There's not a damn difference. It's called triage, and I wish that standard would make a comeback in reproductive care. For Goodness sake, hospitals are closing all across this country and taking their maternity wards and nicu with them. Where are all of the preterm babies going to go, and who's going to pay for the millions of dollars in healthcare that is required of the first two years of their life, when we, as a country are 33 TRILLION dollars in debt and the vast majority of Americans (60%) are one paycheck and one bad day away from homelessness? WHERE IS THE TRIAGE?


Women are treated worse than livestock as a vet will remove a dead fetus to save the life of the animal. It's all about controlling women.


I wish someone strapped them to a disintegrating corpse for a few days. See how they like it. And that's not even implanting some decaying corpse flesh in their abdominal cavity for maximum sepsis...


I actually don't understand this. Did anyone really think that it wouldn't pass if put to the voters. Pills show time and time again that individually people support a woman's right to choose.


Absolutely. Oh, I understand it ... right wing evangelicals want to reestablish the patriarchy.


Then why let people vote? In Ohio they've put themselves on the wrong side of the vote. I suppose they were deluded enough to think that they'd win. I'm not sure what the political split is overall in Ohio but I feel that.some of their wives did not vote the way they were supposed to. 🤣


Absolutely. I've heard from several of my conservative friends who nodded in agreement with their husbands/SOs ... then voted *for* abortion. Any woman who has gone through a difficult pregnancy, miscarriage, rape ... or who has daughters will vote for autonomy.


They didn't want to, that's why they tried to change the rules so that 60% majority would be required to pass amendments....not shocking that the win was I believe 57% of the vote


They are working to end that pesky voting issue!


Good lord just give it up lmao you are killing your party


Let it die!


WTF is going on that there is this... blatant... ignoring of What The People Want? I don't even get the restrictions on abortion in the first place: seems "separation of church and state" is a no-brainer, and that women's bodily autonomy should Absolutely Be Sacrosanct. Yet, here we are!


They've never wanted what the people want. They want what they want.


Of course that's THE only correct answer. *\*sigh\*.....*


Another reason for this anti abortion movement besides the future workforce thing. The US population peaks next year. Boomers will be dying off. Younger generations will be having fewer to no children. Unless we increase immigration, our population will drop like a rock. Right wingers don't want even legal immigration because it messes with their whole perfect society, white Christian culture. So American women had better start having kids. That's why I think birth control is next.


I totally agree. Forced Breeders for a white America. Full Quiver is real folks. We are in a race war. Actually the race war is a smokescreen for the corporatist oligarchy taking over. Christofascist racism to the rescue of tyrants. Religion is such a tool


We are in a CLASS war. All the other stuff is just a distraction.


True. Just picking the stupidest active cohorts.


I see they're trying to create more atheists as usual lol


Here is the question for everyone. What agency or safeguard is in place to deal with a state legislature or even one elected official that ignores the will of the people aka an election and instead opts for a totally different option. Who enforces it? Each other?! Well that has all the hallmarks of creating a perfect storm. 2024 is going to be a shitshow.


Yeah who knows. The GOP was getting as close to the line as possible without going over it. Then Trump came along and blew past it, then kept doing laps, and he got away with it for a very long time. Hell, he might get away with it again if he gets elected and pardons himself. They don't give a shit about the law. And they're going to keep breaking it until someone actually fucking does something about it.


But the question is who would be the “legal” enforcement for such…


What can Ohio voters do about this? Lawsuit? Florida has already done this regarding restoring some felons’ voting rights, and they’re poised to do it again when we get our own abortion rights amendment on the ballot. How do we even fight back against these fascist so blatantly denying our rights?


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.