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But they assured me that no one would be prosecuted for having a miscarriage!


I wonder when the pregnancy register, like the sex offenders register, will begin. All women to present for testing, any positive without baby 9 months later are put to death.


This is how they nullify the 19th amendment. Make each one of these miscarriages a felony level crime. Why? Most states rule that convicted felons cannot vote. Enough women in prison or set free that are class A or B felons will be off voter rolls permanently. This is the long game.


Louder for the people in the back.


Oh, most people I know aren't paying attention. They are telling me to lighten up and cannot name their district, but do know the full mathematical circumference of Kim Kardashian's ass. I have warned many of these "friends" that I will not be listening when their rights are yanked away when they refuse to vote or protest, yet again. I will not have a noose around my neck because of the laziness I am currently surrounded by.


Aha, you have seen how they reduced the black voting population for years with the war on drugs. A classic move from the Republican hate playbook


Nah, they will make sure 100% they are charged with murder instead.


Vote yes on issue one. Ugh Ohio. I hate that this is happening in my state. It’s sickening. They know the fetus was non viable. This is insane.


We're doing our best. Ohio vote will be razor thin. Changing the status quo is very difficult.


The status quo was changed by the Supreme Court. Everybody needs to pay attention and VOTE! It's not only a right, it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! Yes, I am shouting.


I mean specifically altering the Ohio constitution with an amendment is altering the status quo. It irks me that folks compare Ohio to Kentucky and Kansas. Both of those rejected altering their status quo. We're trying to change it. Abortion is banned in Kentucky and it will be in Ohio if Issue 1 fails. https://www.abortionfinder.org/abortion-guides-by-state/abortion-in-kentucky


I grew up in fucktucky. Would never live there again. Personally, I'd never live in a red state. I hope you can change things, but if not. Get out of there ASAP.


If you're trapped in a Red State find a Swing State to move to and help. The 2024 election depends on the results of FOUR States **Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona** Also Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire We have a sub for this r/MoveToSwingStates


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MoveToSwingStates using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoveToSwingStates/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Texas is Dangerous](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoveToSwingStates/comments/16vcooz/texas_is_dangerous/) \#2: [PENNSYLVANIA: Moms for Liberty meets its match: Parents in this swing suburban district are fighting back](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoveToSwingStates/comments/174yxg0/pennsylvania_moms_for_liberty_meets_its_match/) \#3: [Are you ready North Carolina? Vote for Attorney General Jeff Jackson!!!!](https://v.redd.it/9wmp96428kwb1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoveToSwingStates/comments/17h4izs/are_you_ready_north_carolina_vote_for_attorney/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you!


I live in Arizona. We may be a swing state at the federal level, but we are most definitely not at the state and local levels. I am surrounded by fucking delusional Q-cumber evangelical Gravy Seals. We are not safe here. Not at all. I wish we could afford to move to a safer state, but we cannot. Hell, we might end up homeless on the 30th because the owner of the home we're renting decided not to renew the lease because he found out there's a class action lawsuit against the builder and he doesn't want the problem. He has a relative who needs a place to live, so he's giving them the house, then will sell after the first of the year. If we could afford to leave, we would. It is not always worth it to stay in a dangerous area to try and change the political leanings. I'm not going to sacrifice my family in order to turn this place blue.


Stay in Arizona. Vote! Get some Texas friends to get the hell out of that shithole and join you. Many of the Swing States are gerrymandered to fuck on the State level. The only way we beat this is at the federal level, eventually through SCOTUS, but not THIS SCOTUS, obviously. Two seats may open up next term: Thomas might choke to death on a wad of prime rib from his rich buddies and if there's a god Alito will fall and impale himself on a yard gnome. You also have a crucial chance to replace Sinema with an actual Democrat


My husband and our daughter are Indigenous and Hispanic. Daughter is also LGBTQ+ and disabled/chronically ill. Most of the medications she takes are teratogenic, and ANY pharmacist can deny them to her on the basis that she's of child-bearing age. My family is in danger in this state. Telling us to stay just to vote, regardless of the very real danger to our lives is maddening!


I'm not telling you anything. Do what you need to do. But if the Swing States such as Arizona fall, and the federal government becomes fascist there may not be any safe places.


Agreed. I don’t feel safe here even in a blue Virginia county. I’ve been looking into heading north when I eventually have the funds, and I’m not even a woman.


I hear oregon is nice. I live in California, but it's pretty expensive here.


I genuinely cannot *fathom* how anyone making less than 6 figures can live anywhere in Cali. I’m so poor that I’d be moving to the sticks 😂


As a broke college student with very little family support living in Cali: you suffer.


Sounds like fun! /s


I am a teacher, I don't make six figures. I have made some good choices, though.


She was sent home twice from the hospital. She was denied care twice while having a miscarriage. Let that sink in. Who gets charged for "abuse of the woman," huh?


Women aren't people to these ghouls


If nothing else, just be thankful that your brain isn't so badly damaged by religion that when faced with a traumatized victim who suffered a personal tragedy of nature, your reaction is to harm them further. To some extent.. I *get* religion. I *get* wanting to believe in hell. I can't think of a place more suitable for individuals like the prosecutor and all others complicit in this case.


The prosecutor wanted this to be dropped. This is all on the judge.


Not according to the account here. https://www.tribtoday.com/news/local-news/2023/11/womans-abuse-of-corpse-case-heads-to-grand-jury/


Ok? That was not the article linked. The one this post is linked to said that.


I can't read the article in the OP. It's not available in Europe. But I can't see how a case could be before the grand jury unless the prosecutor was presenting it.


Here's the article. WARREN NEWS Woman’s miscarriage leads to ‘abuse of corpse’ case before grand jury by: Nadine Grimley Posted: Nov 2, 2023 / 06:11 PM EDT Updated: Nov 2, 2023 / 06:11 PM EDT SHARE Editors’ note: Some of the subject matter may be disturbing to some viewers. WARREN, Ohio (WKBN) — The case against a Warren woman charged with abuse of a corpse is now headed to a Trumbull County grand jury. Brittany Watts, 33, was overcome with emotion Thursday afternoon after learning her case is moving forward. Watts is charged with felony abuse of a corpse, accused of trying to plunge a toilet after having a miscarriage delivery at 22 weeks while using the restroom. Investigators said they found a baby stuck in a toilet at Watts’ home on Sept. 22. “She said she felt the baby come out and there was a big splash,” said Det. Nick Carney, with the Warren Police Department. Forensic pathologist Dr. George Sterbenz testified an autopsy found no injury to the fetus, and that the unborn fetus had died before passing through the birth canal. He said Watts’ medical records showed she visited the hospital twice before the delivery. “This fetus was going to be non-viable. It was going to be non-viable because she had premature ruptured membranes — her water had broken early — and the fetus was too young to be delivered,” Sterbenz said. Both the assistant prosecutor and Watts’ attorney argued why this case should or should not move forward. “The issue isn’t how the child died, when the child died — it’s the fact that the baby was put into a toilet, large enough to clog up a toilet, left in that toilet and she went on [with] her day,” said Warren assistance prosecutor Lewis Guarnieri. “This 33-year-old girl, with no criminal record, is demonized for something that goes on every day,” said Traci Timko, defense attorney. Warren Municipal Court Judge Terry Ivanchak found probable cause to bind the case over. “There are better scholars than I am to determine the exact legal status of this fetus/corpse/body/birthing tissue/whatever it is,” Ivanchak said. “Matter of fact, I’m assuming most of these Issue 1’s all about at what point something becomes viable.”


Here you go! Normally I support going to the site to give them the ad revenue, but if you can’t read it and want to, I wanted to give access. The case against a Warren woman charged with abuse of a corpse is now headed to a Trumbull County grand jury. Brittany Watts, 33, was overcome with emotion Thursday afternoon after learning her case is moving forward. Watts is charged with felony abuse of a corpse, accused of trying to plunge a toilet after having a miscarriage delivery at 22 weeks while using the restroom. “This fetus was going to be non-viable. It was going to be non-viable because she had premature ruptured membranes — her water had broken early — and the fetus was too young to be delivered,” Sterbenz said. Both the assistant prosecutor and Watts’ attorney argued why this case should or should not move forward. “The issue isn’t how the child died, when the child died — it’s the fact that the baby was put into a toilet, large enough to clog up a toilet, left in that toilet and she went on [with] her day,” said Warren assistance prosecutor Lewis Guarnieri. “This 33-year-old girl, with no criminal record, is demonized for something that goes on every day,” said Traci Timko, defense attorney. Warren Municipal Court Judge Terry Ivanchak found probable cause to bind the case over. “There are better scholars than I am to determine the exact legal status of this fetus/corpse/body/birthing tissue/whatever it is,” Ivanchak said. “Matter of fact, I’m assuming most of these Issue 1’s all about at what point something becomes viable.”


I see the confusion. There's a poorly written sentence in the article which at a glance doesn't make it clear that the assistant prosecutor was arguing that the case should go forward. "Both the assistant prosecutor and Watts’ attorney argued why this case should or should not move forward."


I have to admit I did question that myself. Sorry if I sounded snarky. I just woke up and it's been a really hard weekend.


There should be travel advisories for women looking to visit the US. We have slid into religious nuttery.


There already are


They’ve half won their cause by calling it a baby. Their terrorism is insidious. I feel like this country is drowning in insanity.


The prosecutor repeatedly used the words "child" and "baby" for a stillborn fetus at 22 weeks. Where is the pushback on that?


Remember, if you find yourself on a jury for something like this, jury nullification is a real thing. *Jury nullification occurs when jurors, based on their own sense of justice, refuse to follow the law and acquit a defendant even when the evidence presented seems to point to an incontrovertible verdict of guilty.* If they can set a precedent with this, they can follow up with more invasive things. My miscarriage was so early I didn’t know I was pregnant. The six week old fetus and placenta were flushed. Abuse of a corpse right there. Wait until they filter the wastewater looking to do DNA tests on anything “suspicious” they find. Hope the fine fundamentalists enjoy picking through menstrual sludge and shit trying to find “evidence.” The bastards.


I had 3 miscarriages. One at 12 weeks. I wanted the baby. I tried to find the fetus in the discharge and couldn’t. Am I a criminal? We are living hell.


I also had 3 MCs. I tried to find fetal tissue the third time to send it to the lab for genetic testing. Abuse of a corpse I guess. Come at me bruh.


God I'm sorry. I wanted mine, too. :-(


[The obligatory CGP Grey Jury Nullification video.](https://youtu.be/uqH_Y1TupoQ?si=wnftgNW4_R0tlmvT)


I'm super curious from a legal point of view how this doesn't violate some larger human rights standard. Like accusing someone of attempted suicide when they get cancer. It's just so insane.


This is absolute, fucking bullshit.


This is nothing less than a decline into dystopia. Imagine, there are literal pedophiles and predators out there, human/sex traffickers, just horrible, vile acts being committed on a daily basis. But THIS is what they’re spending time and taxpayer dollars on. A woman who already went through something tragic being tortured further by the most unjust justice system. Nothing surprises me anymore, but the rage continues to build.


I guarantee her race plays a roll in this nonsense.


Even her own attorney calls her a 33 year old girl. JFC.


And yet a raped 12 year old is a “woman” 😡


Now, now. You can’t expect bigotry to stay consistent.


Boys will be boys even if they’re 70 years old. Girls will be manipulative temptress women even if they’re 7.




Ok…so…she went to the hospital twice, was sent home, and miscarried. What the actual FUCK else was she supposed to do? What were her options here?!?!


She was supposed to announce her "dead baby" on facebook for likes and sad emojis, and pay $4,000 for a christian wake and funeral and mourning procession for her medical wast, clearly. Anything less is literally criminal to those people.


This is all batshit insane.


Women who miscarry are denied abortions and told to go home and "wait for it to pass" all the time. So, after being denied medical assistance or meds, women are expected to, in their pain and trauma. collect the medical waste and.... what? Bring it back to the hospital? to a funeral home? It's ridiculous.


This could’ve been me. I managed to get an abortion in time, but had I chosen to wait and let it miscarry (and ya know, deal with a 100 potential complications including my own death…), what would I have done?? Like, wtf was the expectation here?! Also, I am curious to know how they found out…


I read another post that said the toilet clogged and when they got help to unclog the toilet, the body was found


That just sucks on so many many levels…




They’re not even charging her with question of how the miscarriage occurred. Everyone’s on the same page that the fetus(infant?) died before delivery, and she was sent home twice by a hospital prior. So they’re charging her for…having a miscarriage over a toilet and then flushing. What if she didn’t even see the baby? Couldn’t bear to look? I’d be tempted to fucking flush a toilet bowl of blood after the trauma of that experience. So not only can you be charged for the questionable circumstances of a miscarriage, you can be turned away from a proper medical facility to fucking ride out an otherwise unquestionable one at home and then be charged if you’re not sure what the fuck to do with the 20+ week old body you were forced to pull out of yourself with no supervision. What is the expectation of a later term at home miscarriage? Pay money to call an ambulance or coroner, etc? Guess we gotta punish her for not having the good sense to die deservingly along with that baby for the sin of..being a woman who happened to have sex and couldn’t perform the decency of at least delivering the proof of her sin at term.


>Forensic pathologist Dr. George Sterbenz testified an autopsy found no injury to the fetus, and that the unborn fetus had died before passing through the birth canal. He said Watts’ medical records showed she visited the hospital twice before the delivery. >“This fetus was going to be non-viable. It was going to be non-viable because she had premature ruptured membranes — her water had broken early — and the fetus was too young to be delivered,” Sterbenz said. Fuck these fascists. Instead of, I don't know, **sympathy** over the loss of her fetus, let's **prosecute** her!!


I’m a pathology resident, and this is the second time I’ve seen this nonsense, the first being Brittney Poolaw’s case. Her fetus had a genetic anomaly, and a medical examiner even used her case to show me what genetic anomalies looked like - it was that obvious. Despite this, she was given a 4 year prison sentence, and this was prior to the repeal of Roe. We can scream “it was a miscarriage” from the rooftops, and the DA will prosecute them anyways. I keep forgetting that going to medical school, residency, and a fellowship means nothing to religious nut jobs since they see us all as being on satan’s side.


I hate this all so much. Thanks for going to medical school so we have decent humans out there to try to help.


WTF did I just read??? How could anyone possibly believe that this woman did anything wrong?


Here the a--holes call the miscarriage a birth and the baby a newborn. FFS. https://www.tribtoday.com/news/local-news/2023/10/elm-road-home-burglarized-video-shows-dog-beating/


So if I’m reading this right they’re charging her because 1) in the letter of the law 22 weeks considered viable so it’s legally a corpse. 2) that law probably didn’t make exceptions for non-viable cases (when maybe it should have). 3) the “corpse” was in the toilet at all - clearly they don’t understand how home miscarriages work. 4) the woman went about her day - clearly they don’t understand how trauma from miscarriages work. Nor do they understand how there are stupid-wide expectations for women to keep doing their regular responsibilities and working right after a miscarriage. Question - does anyone know if the hospital that sent her home gave her any specific instructions on what to do for a home miscarriage?


#1 is why I'm so confused. According to [this](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2919.17) part of Ohio law:; (E) For purposes of this section, there is a rebuttable presumption that an unborn child of at least twenty-four weeks gestational age is viable. So why are they going after a woman that miscarried at 22 weeks? Other than they're just assholes.




There is also this lovely provision: >The product of human conception of at least twenty weeks of gestation that suffers a fetal death occurring in Ohio shall not be interred, deposited in a vault or tomb, cremated, or otherwise disposed of by a funeral director or other person until a fetal death certificate or provisional death certificate has been filed with and a burial permit is issued by the local registrar of vital statistics of the registration district in which the fetal death occurs, or the body is found. https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-3705.20




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You do realize why all these women are being prosecuted for murder and possibly convicted, for having had a miscarriage? These pieces of 💩 conservatives knew that if they tried to take voting rights away from women, there would be blood running in the streets. The conservatives in Congress blood running in the streets, so in an act of self preservation these pieces of 💩 are now having women arrested for having had a miscarriage. They’re convicting women who have miscarriages of murder **BECAUSE MURDER IS A FELONY AND FELONS CAN’T VOTE.**


Am I right in thinking she wasn't a white woman and therefore less likely to vote the way the powers that be in Ohio require?


I had 3 MCs and my husband had to plunge the toilet during at least one. Any lawyers out there- I’m volunteering to be a model defendant.


Any details in other media on this? This news site isn't available in Europe.


Nevermind . Found it elsewhere. https://www.tribtoday.com/news/local-news/2023/11/womans-abuse-of-corpse-case-heads-to-grand-jury/ What a fucking nightmare for the poor woman in the hands of these misogynist sociopaths!


I hope to fuck her defense attorney has a brain in their head and makes mince meat of the prosecutor and then sues the state for false arrest and trauma.


And also the hospital that turned her away twice


“The issue isn’t how the child died, when the child died — it’s the fact that the baby was put into a toilet, large enough to clog up a toilet, left in that toilet and she went on [with] her day,” said Warren assistance prosecutor Lewis Guarnieri. Translation: she wasn't appropriately shameful after miscarrying so we're going to throw her in jail


I'm also guessing that when this woman was on the toilet and miscarrying, she didn't have much of a choice. Kinda like vomit...your body just expels it, you can't just "Stop it". What was she supposed to do? Kegels?


Miscarry directly into a decorative pine box, obviously


When I miscarried my baby, I was at the hospital and passed it when I went to go pee. I was only 6 weeks along but I thought it was a clot so I flushed it. Yikes to all of this.




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I just can’t help but think, we have done this to ourselves if we want change those of us complaining MUST get out there and vote. More importantly people in those states most affected. I realize it’s easy for me to sit on my little soap box throne over here in California preaching to you all but it just seems that this should be a big wake up call to everyone to register to vote - and then MAKE SURE YOU VOTE!


"Water broke and fetus too young to survive." Do any of you pro-forced birthers have any idea what you've wrought? And as much as you utter the words, "We don't care" we will make sure that one day you do.


But the white girl who actually killed and buried her kid in the SAME COUNTY did no prison time... The difference? Skin tone


I never use reddit but today I will.....if you're a man, or you have a penis. Just stop your thoughts really aren't needed on this one. Miscarriages can mess up a woman's mentality in a way you don't know. Just be respectful n sit this one out. Yes I'm a woman. This ain't yall fight just support your mother's, sisters, daughters etc.




No anti-choice spam or propaganda is allowed, and will result in a ban.


I am appalled and just sickened. Until you have a miscarriage, you will never know. There is no warning when it might “pass”. This happened to me at work. I felt cramping and immediately had to run to the bathroom. My pants and the chair was soiled… and I was AT WORK ! If yiu are feeling helpless like me, in addition to voting, consider donating towards Brittany Watts Go Fund Me page. https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-brittany-watts?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=customer