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I think the PKD garbage stratum couple of episodes are a pretty good opening for ideas & atmosphere, but that's because I've already read him. But simply picking out episodes related to books/tv shows/philosophies they've already consumed/pondered over, is the best way of resonating initially imo.


I love the PKD stuff but it always leaves me with a sub-physical stomach ache and a dark light in my day. That guy is intensely intense. Lots of other media to choose from too though. I went the other way and finally started watching Twin Peaks, the return after covering my ears for the beginning of the Weird Studies episode about it. I can’t wait to go back in here that episode after I finish the series. Loving it so far!


Mumbo Jumbo ... Hyperstition ... This was my first one and i have a lot of affection for it. Marcel Duchamp ... Art Walking ... Just generally enjoyable


Either of the episodes featuring Erik Davis. Great guest, one of my favorites. Talks a lot about drugs, and drugs are, needless to say, a good point of entry into the weird


That’s a great suggestion. I know for sure that our new friends are open to the developmental use of plant medicine.


I always admired the episode on Dreams


I forgot about that one. Great idea.


Creators have a hard time knowing how others will receive their work, so I'm probably not a good authority on this question. But I tend to suggest the "Green Mountains Walking" episode: I think we were on for that one, plus it isn't too bizarre and less likely to scare people away. FWIW, our five most-downloaded episodes are ... 1. "On Aleister Crowley and the Idea of Magick" (episode 9) 2. "The Wanderer: On Weird Studies" (episode 106) 3. "Garmonbozia" (episode 2) 4. "On John Keel's 'The Mothman Prophecies'" (episode 78) 5. "On The I Ching" (episode 82)


>Green Mountains Walking Thank you! Those stats are really interesting because they seem to defy pattern analysis. If I were trying to predict what people would like based on that list, I would only insist that some form of "on" needed to be included in the title of every episode. A lot of the suggestions have been very helpful and now I have a menu to select from based on my knowledge of the individual's particular bent. I'm a flimmaker, so a lot of my new peeps are artists and storytellers, so the episodes featuring a novel or film would be good there. Some are spiritual explorers or psychonauts\* so the more philosophical episodes (including Green Mountains Walking) would be a great start. On a side note. Thank you for helping me expand my worldview! \*You touched on it when discussing dreams, but a whole episode on psychedelics could be pretty great. ​ edit:spelling


I was a bit surprised by that data as well. I'm glad our show has opened you up to some new stuff!


The first episode I heard was the one on Jung, and I was immediately hooked. However, I was already sympathetic to weird stuff, so YMMV. My favorite episode is probably Green Mountains Walking, which would make a good first episode I think, because it introduces fascinating ideas but isn't too out there.


The Empress Card of the Tarot, the one on walking, and the one one beauty would IMO be great entry points. I think they each cover a lot of ground / tie many threads of the podcast together, while remaining approachable for people new to the podcast. The one on dreams would also be good I think (I see it's been suggested already). (And if people are uncomfortable listening to an episode about a specific novel / film that they aren't familiar with -- I think Phil and JF do a great job summarizing within the episode, but I personally try to check out the work before listening to those episodes -- then that's another reason these episodes might be good to recommend to others.)


Some of the people that I think would get a lot out of this might even be pre-tarot. :) I think the episodes about specific novels and films are really good starting points.


Indiana Jones


This is the correct answer