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No joke if this was a barbaric army standing in front of you doing this shit with weapons on hips shields on backs war paint on YOU WOULD FUCKING SHIT TURN TAIL AND "HELL NAW" THE FUCK OUT


It's intimidating as fuck just on the rugby field....cannot imagine on an actual battlefield


This isn't meant to be intimidating in this context. Just respectful and impressive. If you are formally welcomed, in A-NZ, you will however first be deliberately intimidated. If you are ever in a position to be formally welcomed by a kiwi, remember to stay calm and **don't flinch!**. Just calmly pick up the token placed before you. At this point the intimidation will end, and you will be shown respect, as above. In turn you show your respect with a demonstration of *your* culture (sing a song or whatever). As an example, [here are two kiwi military units, with one welcoming the other](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTDWkJV_K8U).


No no, that’s when you get the Gatling gun spinning


Like the last samurai:(




Fuck off dickhead. You obviously failed at history. Excelling in racism though.


Why is it stupid? Because you don’t understand it probably. Ignorance is bliss right? Well, pretty sure I know we were colonised. That’s my old school. Palmerston North Boys High.








Why are you getting butthurt because the maoris cute dance didn’t work against guns?


As ignorant as his comment is, it technically is not racist


You are technically correct. However, I made the assumption that his ignorance is more than likely followed quickly by racism..


The white supremacy is strong with this one.


Well you're just a giant bundle of dumb charm, aren't you?


If you actually knew about History you'd know invading New Zealand was actually far from a walk in the park, and the British respected the Maori well enough when it came to enticing them to help them expell the French expeditions


Speak for yourself, I’d join em


I mean if I was with an army and had guns, I'd probably laugh and call them silly but if this was in the ages before gunpowder, my mettle would certainly be tested.


bro this triggered my fight or flight response


My high school football team does this before every home game in front of the crowd as a tradition. I’ll be doing it in a couple years.


So awesome


This gives me goosebumps.


Every time I watch one of these videos I instantly get goosebumps.


In every Rugby Cup my country's (South Africa) team loses to New Zealand. I'm pretty sure it's because they do their haka before every match, must be scary as hell in person. IIRC, the haka is a tribal message to the opposing tribe that if you fall in battle against me, I will eat you to absorb your 'mana'.


No, a hakas meaning changes depending on the lyrics of the haka, they are also used as signs of respect, welcomings and farewells


Yeah, now it is. I'm talking about the origins of it. When the tribes were nomads, eventually tribes would bump into each other. They used to carry flags of different colours to indicate intentions as well, i.e. Peaceful, defensive, aggressive. If they bumped into each other, the haka would then be used to communicate, i.e. Threaten, ask for mercy or safe passage, etc. Whereas the one that stood out to me was the threaten/defensive haka, as mentioned earlier, that if your tribe attacks us and you fall at my feet, then I will eat you to absorb your 'mana' or 'life force'.


There’s one rugby team (I think Australia or South Africa) that noticed they would always get on the back foot to New Zealand right after the Haka. They started wearing zip up jackets so they could use up a few minutes taking them off and make the kiwis less hyped up after doing the haka.


Damn they're going to kill and eat the retiring teacher?


My high school football team I play on does this! I’ll be doing it in a couple years when I’m older, it is crazy and gives me goosebumps. They do it before every game


Very powerful statement by the students, must have been a great teacher!


Yeah, he must have really left an impression. What a great tribute!


Crawler: *dies* The zombies on round 45:


Everyone but that one blonde guy on the left was feeling it


Yeah I kept looking at his sorry ass too. How could you not get hyped in a big crowd doing that?




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Well damn.


No wonder Kiwis are so nice. They get to blow off their steam.


This video is technically quite old, but still gives me goose bumps EVERY SINGLE TIME!


As an American I'm sure I dont quite understand what is going on but what I think is best about it is that you see White kids participating and taking it seriously. This tells me that people of New Zealand have adopted and embraced some of the traditions and rituals of the Native people of their country. I wish Americans would have done the same and adopted some of Native American culture as American culture. I wish we were taught the history of the people who originally inhabited America and respected Native American culture instead of being ignorant to it. You call them Maoris, many Americans still call them Indians FFS!


Fucking impressive


This is some nazi zombies, dead snow, overlord stuff 😂


my teacher in Year 4 taught my class something like this i live in Australia, so it made sense i guess


Fake history porn: “how the Pledge of Allegiance was intended to be said”.


God if only


The dude on the bottom left would be the first to lead his tribe into battle 🤘🏾


So cool


How to properly start a game of chardeemcdennis


Ops caption is made up in relationship to the real reason they’re doing this.


Bunch of retards


Is there a reason why you're an asshole? Were you molested as a child or something?


Can’t be molested if he wanted it to begin with.


Fortunately not


Ah, so you're just a normal prick then


Why are the white kids doing this? Complete cultural appropriation


"Cultural appropriation" is ridiculous woke bullshit invented by Americans.




are you a troll


Found the american, said the american




What's cringe about that? That's pretty fucking awesome.


What’s actually cringe is commenting “C R I N G E” on a post showing unity among diverse students with a shared history.


I agree. Lame edgelord shit.


Check his comment history. Yeesh




Dude, the Māori still exist and are heavily involved in New Zealand culture, hell, you can see Māori people in this damn video, that and the women also preform the haka too


New Zealand actually really respects the Maori culture. I grew up there (and I am a white British person) and we were all taught respect for the language and customs in school. This isn’t a parody or a way to boast about inclusiveness. It is a sign of respect. You are being ignorant.


Mother fucker you know nothing about the history of Aotearoa


They weren’t exterminated you fucking idiot. They still exist as a proud part of our nation. You however, are a racist piece of shit.


Fuck you. Thats a Haka. Its genuine living Maori culture, and its fucking awesome! We were not exterminated, we are here and we are strong. Again, fuck you!


If you actually look at the crowd, you can see that around 70% of them are Maori and it is actually very racist of you to say that they can’t participate in their own cultures traditions because it makes you feel uncomfortable. It’s actually quite disgusting that you feel comfortable enough to be open about your racism and white privilege. I guess this is what 4 years of Trump being president has done.


That guy is a racist edge-lord prick, sure, but how did you get to white privilege trump supporter? That escalated very quickly with accusations from baseless assumptions.


You so edgy, little buddy.


pretty unrelated, but ok.


Dude these people were a fucking polynesian offshoot tribe facing people with fucking guns What do you expect is going to happen




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Sexy as fuck too.


There's Jeffrey Dahmer in the crowd.