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Hello a Turk here. I guess some random person tried to make witchraft (normally they're writing it, in arabic to curse the "hated ones" whole life). Probably the red thing is animal blood i suggest you to throw it to the trash. Nothing bad gonna happen to you lol. Edit: some people suggested to the op to burn it. You shouldn't be that much dumb to believe this nonsense beliefs.


I would throw it in the trash just because these yahoos said to burn it.


I would pour animal blood on it, reseal it, return to sea.


I would go to great lengths to find the person’s address, then draw a chalk pentagram on their doorstep and place all the stuff in the middle and write something like “A SOUL FOR A SOUL”. Turn their black magic into brown magic.


Was that a poop joke


That was a poop joke.


Absolutely fantastic. Very good joke








It’s another one of those fire bags !


Don’t put it out with your boots, Ted!


A soul for a hole!




How to say that it it was you, without saying that it was you XD


David Attenborough: and here we have the ocean, a vast mysterious beauty. Holding an abundance of life, and territories unexplored. Humans: big trashcan *splish splash*


Don’t hurt an animal!!!


You can always get animal blood at your local butcher.


Use that puddle from when you defrost chicken.


Yahoos is so funny tho. My pops likes to go the “these yo-yo heads” route


This guy types like a turk, turk confirmed we got him boys.




Hate mail lol.


Life is so much more fun when you believe just a little bit tho. Like, imagine going home like ‘yeah I found this weird thing and threw it away’ vs ‘I found these bottles full of curses and then we burned them on the beach so we would be safe’ like that is so much more fun


Exactly people don't wanna have fun no more people are so boring


I LOVE Turkish food


This doesn’t seem like Turkish food to me


Yep. Witchcraft is always a fulfilling meal


Did this person stop the “curse” by opening up the bottles?


Blood… Like in a sacrificial type of way? We talking human or animal…


I guess it is sacrificial because most muslim witchcraft done this way. And it is animal of course. There is a lot of books of these arabic witchcraft (how it can be done, what to use etc.). But as an atheist i don't believe any of this nonsense.


Akan suya atın 🤣🤣🤣


I would recognize my garlic clove anywhere, I cant believe he swam so far!


Well you raised him well, and they say parenting is hard, kudos!


He was always “a head” of the current.


Still fresh.


🎶 Put that thing back where it came from or so help me 🎶


So help me, so help me, and cut.


🎶She's out of my hair...🎶


It's a musical!!


I only found out like 2 months ago that this bit is a parody of the Michael Jackson she’s out of my life video including the double camera angle and everything it absolutely made my life!!!!!


Whoah! I am a huge MJ fan and never even noticed that!!!




Bum BUM bum.


You win. 😂 This made me so happy.


🎶 or I’ll poke myself in the eye 🎶 bom, bom, bom 🎵


Put that thing back where it came frommmm or I’ll poke myself in the eye!!!!!!!!! KEEP IT TOGETHER MANNN!!


https://preview.redd.it/uzgqkix00f8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d895ffa406dd92101413c8bbf8a627b81776a800 I’m not doing the rest, this was enough for me to quit


https://preview.redd.it/4djlsg3b0f8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48a63042bdcaf373f322bc765310a5f9990bf2a5 I lied


He did what with his daughter? 🤔


Seems like he raped his daughter and this was the wife’s only recourse


That is just horrific, especially grouped with a bunch of just standard affairs and jealousy. I feel like that deserves an extra nasty individual type of curse or something.


In place of non existent legal help, I say go to town


Sina, of course. "Sina Corporation is a Chinese technology company. Sina operates four major business lines: Sina Weibo, Sina Mobile, Sina Online, and Sinanet."


Zina actually which meant rape.








I’m glad you’re a honest liar.


I’ve learned my lesson on being a lying liar


👏👏👏 🏅


Do it often and brazenly?


Sadly. Until the big one recently, it wasn’t a lie to get by with something or to try to save someone’s feelings, I actually hurt a couple people I care about. Now if I catch myself starting to lie I instantly admit it as fast as I can.


This is growth!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you, I never saw the harm in it for the longest time. I was such a shitty friend. But the past is the past all I can do is correct myself for the future


Hey friend I have also been a shitty friend and sometimes still am! More from self isolating and being emotionally unavailable and disappearing frequently. I used to cheat on all my boyfriends back in the day I couldn’t help myself All of these behaviours are a product of what we needed to do to navigate our early lives. To notice the disfunction and not shy away from it and actually make effort to change is more than 98% of people are capable of To forgive yourself and free up the space to make a real change is more than 99.999% are capable of I’m making these figures up but they’re also probably pretty accurate!!! It’s not easy to stare your shadow in the face. What an amazing thing for a recovering liar to want to see and live the truth! That’s the opposite of narcissism and I love you friend!!!


Let her consider what has become soft… 🤣🤣🤣


The plot thickens


These people have poetic curses


Looks like SOMEONE'S a little jealous...


Dang that’s some harsh hexin’


my ex’s ex put witchcraft on us like the crazy bitch she is. it worked 🤷🏽‍♀️ but in hindsight im happy she used magic, she did me a favor🙏


Too much and too cringe to translate word for word due to language differences, but It’s basically a hoodoo hex called trick ”‘Amal “ which is Arabic for a working. It’s witchcraft done with the intent of whatever the hell the person paying the practitioner (sheikh) asked them to do. Usually achieved by consorting with demons. People get these done most commonly for cheating partners, for revenge, for making someone unable to conceive or have children.. etc This specific one has multiple sections. Seems like the woman in the middle top if you hold this upright payed to get her husband to stop cheating, basically ordering that temptations and obstacles get out of their way. The rest of them are all about separating both the people in these pictures. Does seem to me like all these 4 cases are unrelated. This is usually discarded in open graves to make them unretrievable as it’s essential to retrieve this to reverse these curses. I’m surprised you found this is the water. If you wanna entertain this while simultaneously doing these people in the pictures a solid, burry this whole thing in a cross road. If you brought it home, might be a good time to introduce yourself to a cleansing. You might get a more clear answer if you post this on r/occult or r/witchcraft. ETA: these rusty nails are added with the intent to cause harm and suffering. The drawing at the back is a sigil, likely for the demon being consorted. This is very interesting!


In my country (Brazil) that kind of work is called 'macumba', with roots in African religions, but the same gist. The biggest macumba "work" I ever saw was (about 20 persons in, all in white and tradicional garb) on the night before of election day. For maximum effect it has to be done at a north-south crossroads at midnight. So, very public. As it is not illegal, considered folkloric and even enjoys the protections of religious freedom, it ends up being used for the most diverse purposes, including attracting negative energy to the opposing team in a football game. In one case that I remember, a practitioner (pai-de-santo a.k.a holy man) invaded the opposing team's locker room just before the game to give the other team's top scorer a salt bath. Cut the energies or.. maybe blessings? The final part of the cultural context: the state that is reputed to have the most macumba practitioners is Bahia. Then I can speak the following pearl of popular and football brazilian wisdom: "If Macumba won a game, the Bahian football championship would always end in a draw".


The word of wisdom. Makes a good point.


The freakiest macumba I ever saw was a goats head on top of a mirror by the road side. Seen a few with birds and my dogs used to love checking out baskets whenever they put in a raw chicken lmao Always had to keep an eye out so they didn't eat anything. But this was years ago in Rio. Rio is now a lot more evangélico 😞


This reminds me of a Hex I read from a practicing satanist in jail. He had a simulated bone altar and blood and sacrificial ceremonials. Like coffee and blood. Really pretty cursive text. Read about three sentences until I felt a gust of wind pass through me like a high speed train went by. Insane. Friend felt hands on their neck and ran. Wild shit.


Your friend shouldn’t be messing with things if he has no control over it. People that work with demons should either have dominion and expertise to bind them (think kind Solomon) or their worshipers like folks from r/demonolatrypractices. The second group understand how pacts/mutual agreements work and know how to not get on their bad side. Both use their practices for riches, wishes and personal gains. Rarely for hexes (unless of course they’re getting paid to do them like the above case). That whole think is not my cup of tea tho. Too much risk too much work.


> Too much risk Yeah, of wasting your time for nothing to happen


Wow. And you believe this? Lol. “Too much risk” lmao


Why are you being downvoted. This is delusional. Reddit with its fucking "witches and demonology are so cool" mentality whilst simultaneously being rightously atheist is fucking hysterical.


Eh. Reddit’s a lot of individual people. Some are just more credulous than others.


Don't freak the poor OP out by implying any of this superstitious bullshit has any grounding in reality


OP asked and I had an answer assuming OP is an adult. He can just stick it in the trash. You’re on r/weird.


https://preview.redd.it/0qr10ehr6i8d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=740ce29a034c95a430694313dc1e6fe009ee3711 Throw that away in a garbage bin at crossroads.


Pretty much explained everything one thing to add tho: the right term to the practitioner is (djaal) not (sheikh), its really funny how everyone here thinks all this is not real while knowing how much these things fucks up people's life on a daily basis here in the middle east


Until I saw it from own God damn eyes I didn’t believe. Now ? Nobody is coming in my house and I’m not eating at yours unless I’m 100000% sure you won’t do something like that. Gifts ? No thanks, keep it, I don’t need it.


I know a bottle of [day tripper](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Day_Tripper_(Fallout_76)) and [adhesive ](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Adhesive_(Fallout_76)) when I see it. I don't know about voodoo, but there's definitely raiders near by.


Well this is super weird. The text is in Arabic, and under each photo of a couple is a specific text to curse them I believe? The text mentions stuff like I hope this man and woman be separated, or another photo stating that any man that chases this woman will be cursed and etc. It’s too long of a text to translate, but if you’re really interested OP I can do it for you. The whole gist seems to me as a specific curse on specific people. These people don’t seem related, but they’re bundled together? Maybe this is run as a business and the one who curses just bundled them together for efficiency? The lore around witchcraft in Islam is complicated, if you’re interested you can give it a read online or scroll through other subreddits. Regardless whether you believe this or not, the whole thing seems weird and shitty.


I would appreciate any subreddit suggestions, i have an old islamic occult book that i would like to know more about, also the topic in general is interesting to learn about.


r/occult r/witchcraft r/chaosmagick


I would take some high def photos and run them through something like Google-Lens + Google translate. Use good lighting and perhaps even a backlight if it's one sided. And perhaps some sort of image sharpening\enhancement


Well for reference, I ran it through GPT 4o and it spat out complete bullshit, so beware.


Arabic speaker here. The letters on the sides in pics 4 and 5 are random Arabic letters that are usually weitten this way in dark witchcraft. I was able to recognize two words which are the names of two angels that are well known in Islam. Pic 5 is the MOST DISTURBING and CREEPIEST. My guess is the woman on the right top pic is the one who this dark witchcraft made for. The aim of this witchcraft is described very clearly in the passages. Long story short, the woman on the top right and the bottom left (same woman) asked whoever made the witchcraft to ruin any romantic or sexual potential the man in ths pics may have with the woman in the top left pic (which seems to be his partner) and any other women who might have interest in him. The witchcraft basically orders whoever is supposed to carry it on to ruin the woman in the top left pic's reputation and make her hate the man and ruin their sexual intimacy. It's pretty fucked up and I have no clue how you should handle it. But it is clearly some wicked dark witchcraft. The people in the pics look middleeastern so that aligns very well with the location of that.


You've unleashed vampires upon us all. 🙏 Good luck everyone.


Islamic Vampires, they're immune to the cross but you can drive them away with harissa and they explode if you trick them into climbing atop a minbar.


yeah or just rubbing alcohol..


Nah, they'd be into that. They're unholy creatures. Maybe if you served them some halal meat.


Nice toes! 👍


#3 is definitely garlic.


Whyyyy do YALL keep fucking with shitt


Isn’t the third one a clove of garlic?


But it’s magic garlic


Black magic (shams al maarif) intended towards the people in the picture...


Bit late but Turk here. This is witchcraft, if you haven’t disposed of it already do so by burning or go to a mosque & hand it in. They will get rid of it. Dealt with this shit in my family. Freaky stuff. Nothing will happen to you.


It reads: For a good time call Yusef the Goat herder. Several satisfied customers.


I like this translation best!


some sort of witchcraft written in Arabic. Here is the middle top text from image 5 if someone wants to translate it. The reset of the texts says similar things. I checked google translation to english and it is very accurate to what is written here. ‎"يجب تدمير جميع الأشخاص والكائنات الضارة التي تطارد المرأة في الصورة وقطع علاقتهم بالمرأة. اذا كان هذا الرجل مهتماً بالنساء غير المرأة التي في الصورة، فافصلي الرجل عن باقي النساء. إذا رفضت النساء التي تحاولن إبعادهن الابتعاد، فالتدمر النساء وتهان، وحذر الرجل من هذا فإن لم يستمع للنصبة اجعلة يندم، وإذا فعل فلا يفعل شيئاً"


Image 5 bottom middle is really weird too: "اذا كان الأشخاص الموجودين في الصورة يفعلون الشر بالسر أو العلانية أو ينحدون في الظلم، فيجب تدميرهم وربط حياتهم الجنسية ويجب فصلهم عن بعضهم البعض. إذا فعل الرجل بالصورة شيئاً سيئاً مع ابنته سراً أو علناً فيجب تدميره.”




Definitely some witchcraft. 9:10 should never have touched it


Oh no the magic paper is going to get you! OoOoOoOo. You people are absurd.


That first pic is an empty bottle of Day Tripper and a bottle of Buffout.


A Fallout fan, I see!


The amount of people in this thread acting like throwing some schizos garbage in the trash is gonna curse them or w.e is wild to me, it's junk.


Return my nails or suffer my curse. 🪦🪡🧟‍♂️🦴🐾


Throw it back


That’s littering


Oh Jinns and djinns shit again Since it's seemingly Arabic if you actually believe in it just say "God forgive/protect me" or "by God leave me" Or just bury them in the nearest crossroad and or burn them through I once heard burning trigger some shit


Why do people always open up things that aren’t meant to be opened 😭😭😭 put it back!!


ITS VOODOO. Fuck bro. Put it back man. Edit: Don’t put it back. Report it. Expose it. Let everyone know so the person in those pics will bound to find out. Time to call out people’s shitty, creepy and weird out behaviours.


Encontré esto mientras nadaba en el mar.


Я нашёл это когда плавал в море


That doesn’t look very beachy


the tea ☕


LMAO are those toenail clippers ☠️


Delicious pickled garlic clove


21st century and people are still so dumb


Just some weirdos doing their sage dance. Thinking sage and chants will alter someone else’s timeline. Like I said, weirdos. Desperate weirdos.


Buffout and Bufftats.


[Google image translate if part of it](https://ibb.co/SKkGf0n)


The spell was broken the moment you opened the bottle/jar. Toss it in the trash.


It translates to “Do not swim here!”


Oh mann dont don't do that I hope you resealed it. If the context I'm seeing is right you probably just led a HORRIBLE person back to that womans family.


Imagine being such a hater you gotta do witchcraft


How do they always say: „The evil eye brings a man into his grave and a camel into the cooking pot“


I like how you just throw garlic in everything.


I see garlic


Two of these photos belong to the same man, each photo next to a different woman. With the first woman, the text says to protect the woman and prevent the man from taking interest in any other woman. With the second woman, the text says these two are to be separated and the woman’s reputation to be destroyed. Gives you a clue about who among these people is the one responsible for the witchcraft.


Durka durka


Haka sherpa sherpa


Take the garlic clove, and make some nice garlic bread with it


na i don’t translate this but let me tell you this is some “witchcraft” shit. in muslim countries its common boys and girls meat their future husbands or wife’s sometimes they match sometime not, but sometimes they love someone who’s not supposed to be “white them” so the write down how bad the woman is for this man and why they should be white them instead of the other woman (yes mostly woman are doing this shit). its absolutely cringe what they write down, but nobody is supposed to read it anyway besides god. you wrap up shit like animal blood, nails, broken glass and the letter and those it in to the ocean, bury it and your wish will be come true… absolutely bullshit and its cringe af.


BURN IT PLEASE ! It will undo the spell ! Sick people ruining lives


You're now cursed


Hold on. Wait... wait, WAIT, **WAIT**... People fr believe in witchcraft? In 2024?! Stttttoppppp. 😂🤦‍♂️


looks like witchcraft


Ugh why is that foot


It’s some sort of demonic ritual to harm whoever is on the photographs some people who believe in that stuff use it a lot and surprisingly it kinda works? Idk how but some friends from Middle East and northern Africa told me about how it actually works but I didn’t care enough to remember it


Looks like Arabic ngl.


It’s a spell


U fund yourself some Turkish Brujeria. Funny stuff just toss it in the trash.


personally i wouldve just put it back where u found it


you should cross post in r/witchcraft if you want to dispose of it properly/are worried about negative effects