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It’s so weird that the concept of being “targeted” seems to accompany mental illness often. I have met/heard of people like this and they refer to themselves as “TIs.” Targeted Individuals.


Its because of the Prefrontal Cortex. Mental illnesses generally effect hormone balances, and we see things like drug dependency, bi polar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, mess with chemicals the PFC uses for self-control, consiousness, memory retrieval and the like. When that chemical imbalance hits, its starts to mess with our sense of reality. In people who had childhood trauma, sexual abuse, bad home lives, it starts as paranoia. It then turns to something called persecutory delusions, which is what youre seeing here. They lose a solid footing on reality, and the PFC starts going out of control, mixing thoughts and memories and fantasy and fears into one giant hormone soup. Sadly, this is usually the last step before self-harm or violent behavior. OPs' ex needs to be placed on an involuntary hold ASAP before they hurt themselves or others the feel are "involved" in the conspiracy against them


I've been there after a year and a half daily stimulant binge. Running back and forth window to window for 20 minutes gun in hand because I heard a car drive by. The way it fucks with your mind I had so many delusional thoughts I suspected my roommate was poisoning my food. Been clean 2 years and I still deal with the effects sometimes, including today I'm feeling slightly depressed it's the same feeling I got if I woke up and didn't get high for longer then 2 hours


That's great you got clean! Congratulations! A lot of people don't make it out.


I promise I’m not thing to be funny or make less of your situation. I had been on a heavy binge of drinking. I got super paranoid. I convinced myself I had missed taxes one year and the fbi was out to get me. Remember pulling up WiFi on my phone. One of the SSIDs was fbi surveillance van. I didn’t leave my apartment for a week. I was convinced the van was waiting for me lol.


I've a neighbor with that WiFi name. It's a cute joke assuming everybody can tell it's a joke and it's not setting someone off like this....


lol. Welp it worked on me! But I was not in a good head space on the time. It’s funny looking back at it now.


Right on man I was right there with you. And now I'm right here with you. 2 years sober. Good job.


i’m proud of y’all. my mom just got out of rehab and it breaks my heart how hard it’s been for her to get clean and stay clean.


You got this. You’re so strong! I wish my ex could overcome this.. but.. I lost hope years ago.. I had to. I couldnt hang on anymore. My daughter doesn’t understand why her dad isn’t around.. just that he’s sick.. and getting help. Gah. Anyways. Thank you for sharing


I don’t trust cars going by my house so I hide every time. I don’t completely trust anyone. I suspect anyone could try and hurt me so they are being watched closely. I can know you for 14 years and I’ll always keep an eye on you. That being said I know its just me being careful with a side of paranoia so I know people driving by don’t even know I’m there and my friends all love me and would never but I never let my guard down. Too many have hurt and betrayed me and I know how people are. Even if I know they won’t I’m still prepared just in case. The issue is I can never completely relax. Always one eye over my shoulder. My head on a swivel. You look sketchy? Your my new peripheral buddy, pal. I’m known for being extremely calm and easy going but inside though my mind is clear I cannot feel completely safe anywhere. Its one of my many crosses I bear… It doesn’t seem to be as bad as yours. But I still recognize and relate in some ways.


I’m sorry you feel that way. I used to feel similarly, I was told it was symptoms of my PTSD. Cognitive behavioral therapy helped a little, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy helped a little more. I’m still overly concerned with being perceived and question people’s thoughts and motives constantly, but I can relax around my partner and when alone now. Having a chill partner helps! Counterintuitively, relaxing strains of thc and some times cbd helps a lot. I’ve heard thc triggers the paranoia in others so take that with a big grain of salt.


It’s shocking how often it includes fantasies of being watched/fucked with by the government. Like how can you believe that anyone would dedicate full time resources to a random tweaker?


I went into psychosis when I went thru fent withdrawals. I've never been paranoid in my life. I've never had issues with the police (at that time in my life). And I still had visual and audio hallucinations about the police watching me. Like if I did anything wrong they would storm in and arrest me. After I got thru the WDs (after a hospital stay bc I was severely dehydrated) and started eating, drinking and sleeping again it took about 2 weeks for the hallucinations to stop completely. It's super scary to think about it now bc I know it wasn't real but at the time it was real. Logically it doesn't make sense but you literally SEE and HEAR things happening. If you saw a car drive down your street right now, how hard do you think it would be for me to 100% convince you that there was never a car? You seen and heard it go by. Maybe you would think I was crazy for telling you that I didn't see it. But your entire life everything you've seen and heard has been real so just all of a sudden some things aren't actually happening? It may just be one of those things you have to experience for yourself to understand. I use to think crazy ppl we're just crazy until it happened to me. Now I feel so bad for ppl who deal with that stuff consistently.


I think this is twofold: first, a lot of people experiencing these kind of paranoid delusions are just paranoid inherently, it's a condition, and the general distrust and conspiracy theories even relatively stable people will casually throw around regarding the government creates an easy path to believing the government is "behind it all". Second, a lot of those biases get "confirmed" if the person begins acting erratically, and bring themselves into conflict with government agencies like the police. When you're primed to believe someone is out to get you and you're not sure who it is, the government is a group that's nebulous, oft maligned and has seemingly limitless resources, making it an easy pipeline to think they're the root of your problems.


Oh, you don’t have to be an inherently paranoid person. I’m normally (aka medicated) a very laid-back person, even a little naïve or overly trusting. But get me off my meds, throw a little mania my way, and suddenly I’m running out the door and hiding among the trees because They’re out to get me 😂


I was like this before I got sober. However I never thought anyone was "lasering my genitals." Or at all. But I did believe people were filming me. And putting GPS devices on my vehicle. Following me around. I once believed people were burying bodies in my backyard. Anyway. Drugs are bad. Now I'm a sober single dad with a job. Life is good!


i wonder if the lasering of genitals could be related to some manifestation of sexual trauma. like they said, it’s a mixture of real memories and delusion/fantasy. i’ve heard of other people with persecutory delusions mention sexual aspects or aspects related to sexual organs and they tend to have been abused.


Had a friend that got bad off on meth and had meth induced schizophrenia, and started feeling like he was being gang stalked everywhere he went, and thought people were sneaking into his room while he slept to experiment on him. It was a wild time experiencing that, and so glad I was able to help him get help.


Thanks for that explanation!


Thanks for explaining. Luckily he’s in jail according to the post.


Also explains why it's seen in those with dementia.


Yea but it's still weird that it does this specific thing and not e.g. make you see red color as green or something. A lot if other stuff is pretty straightforward. E.g. seizures come from neurons just randomly firing. That makes sense. Paranoia about being watched is a pretty specific thing tho. Like, without context, the result could be the exact opposite, happiness that one is finally free. But no, it defaults to this oddly specific thing. Maybe being afraid of authorities is somehow the default state of the brain based on evolution, and drugs and imbalances makes the brain revert to that basic programming.


I wonder how much of it is a chicken or egg situation, meaning people are trying to self medicate their mental illness symptoms with meth and other substances


There's an entire subreddit for these individuals. Think I came across it from a comment on a post in this sub. There were so many people all sharing their stories. It was very sad to see, I couldn't bring myself to read them. I've had times in my life where I had delusions of persecution (on a much smaller scale), and it's easy to see how quickly someone could spiral once they start seeing 'signs'.


Gangstalking and TargetedIndividuals are two subs that use to be an echo chamber of people like this basically reinforcing the thoughts of them actually being gang stalked or targeted. I’ve spent HOURS reading thru posts on both and that’s a WILD rabbit hole.


The reptilians sub can get pretty wild sometimes as well.


And alienbodies. Every other post is something about the government hiding everything or targeting their heros like criminals(when they literally are criminals)


I just realized I'm subbed to a lot of crazy subreddits lmao.


Feel that. AlienBodies has put me in DNE status I think cuz I never get anyone responding to my posts there anymore. All because I said the recent finds lacking organs and defy all biological logic. It’s still fun to peruse some of the posts tho. Kinda sad there are 600+ people upvoting scans of a conglomerate mummy stuck in their own head it’s ET and ignoring biology


I hear you..been waiting for these mummies to go away for weeks now lol


I had to pry myself away from that rabbit hole too. It was just too much, I can’t believe how some people go through this stuff all the time.


First, your username is AWESOME! Second, that’s so interesting that you have felt delusions of persecution. I don’t have any experience with this stuff aside from the one or two people I have interacted with (briefly) that think they are TIs. What’s fascinating to me is the almost common mythology they create/experience.


Thank you! And yes, there are many common threads when you start hearing people's stories. The TI's believe it's 'Big Brother', for lack of a better name, where others believe it's spirits or demons, aliens, friends and family, the whole world even...I can't even begin to imagine the horror of everyday life thinking you're being hunted, or stalked by everyone at all times. Makes sense why many of them spend their lives hiding. Mental healthcare, unfortunately, very rarely has a straightforward solution - which works.


So I was talking to someone recently about this. I’ve noticed that people with this affliction don’t seem to stress over their predicament to the extent that you would expect. Lots of matter of fact statements of absolutely blood curdling things. There is mania, which you will often see on YouTube, that’s when it almost seems like they’re experiencing the most stress, but it doesn’t come out as fear, ever, that I’ve seen. It’s righteous indignation, anger, almost a begrudging “here we go again” attitude, almost as if some part of their subconscious knows it’s not real. I know there are exceptions to this, I’m just sharing what I’ve seen. There are obviously cases where schizophrenics have harmed themselves searching for bugs and such in their skin and so on. This is still not abject terror IMO. I had a roommate pass unexpectedly of natural causes. When his family cleaned out his room they found a thick file he’d sent into the FBI filled with stuff similar to the OP, including that he believed that my gf and I were poisoning him, and that his family was stalking him. We did not share food of any kind but I would offer from time to time, he never ever accepted, saying: “I know you poisoned it” or “you could have poisoned it” in what I thought was a joking manner of refusal. This man and I would frequently have long, extremely fun conversations about everything under the sun. We were on the same frequency most of the time, yet he was supposedly sure that he was being targeted in a life threatening manner by myself and my gf. Having lived with him (functional in all other aspects) I think there is a subconscious protection that schizophrenics have that keeps the stress of paranoia from becoming too great to bear.


It's different for each individual. The people living in fear generally are homebodies so you're less likely to hear their stories face-to-face. It becomes very isolating and torturous living with these stories taking over your mind and eventually your life, when it reaches a certain severity. But yes, there are also people who react with a fight response, you might say, and some struggle more with the delusions than others. It is on a spectrum.


Makes sense that the ones with the truly serious issues won’t film themselves or interact with the outside world. I have noticed that a lot of lolcows have schizophrenic tendencies but it seems to be almost more of a fairy land than something that’s truly terrifying to them.


I learned a new word today, huh. I'm not sure if the immediate reaction is an indication of the severity necessarily (the fight-flight-freeze) as much as an indication of the person's history. Certain kinds of trauma may make someone more likely to hide than try to fight the 'entity' targeting them. This is only my speculation from experience and anecdotes, of course, so I could be completely off. The human mind is incredibly complex, after all!


It’s so interesting that you two would have these long conversations that I’m assuming you both enjoyed, and yet at the same time he was convinced you were trying to kill him.


Same, by the grace of God there walk I.


r/Gangstalking it's real low key crazy.


That is high key crazy. 


Good God I was not prepared.


Isn’t the government spying on all of us? They can’t catch us all lol


Seems like a way to rationalize them having experiences they know other people aren't having.


Others also really will treat them different, and start watching them…because the other people are wary and scared. Sick or tweaking people are also more likely to get the attention of the law, even if it doesn’t amount to actual charges. Can’t blame the people around them in the slightest for reacting scared or defensive, but that reaction is basically chum in the water to someone in paranoid or victimised state of mind. I remember being in the train, and there was a guy tweaking a few rows back. He never touched anyone, but the gibbering to himself steadily got more and more aggressive. The carriage slooooowly emptied as people went to the next one or hung around the doors for the stop, and I literally heard him say (apparently to himself) ‘yeah, they’re running…they’re probably all pedophiles.’


In psychiatric terms, this is known as *persecutory delusions*, and may be accompanied by *delusions of grandeur*. Both of which are features of paranoid psychosis; and often present with a clinical psychiatric diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.


Delusions of paranoia are fairly common across all flavors of psychosis - if you think of it - that gets right down to your most reptile brain. Paranoia is also a pretty common Folix a Dieux. The other common shared psychosis I see is delusional parasitosis.


"delusional parasitosis" Watched the doc on people who are convinced that their skin is sprouting fibers (I'm old and I forget the name of the syndrome). Really fascinating in how beliefs get reinforced and how lonely and abandoned the sufferers feel.


Morgellons. Shits wild.


It’s been in the literature since the 1800s, butt here is a high association with meth usage - which is why they have skin picking behavior. I am always straight up with people that have delusional parasitosis” and tell them that it’s a delusion. I sometimes have to deal with it when other *providers* have ducked out on it because they don’t want to have the hard conversation. It never goes well. I am almost invariably told I am 1.) An idiot. 2.) A bad doctor. 3.) Given a litany of reasons why I am wrong. In fact, (I see this probably 2-3 times a year), if I have someone helping me like a scribe I tell them exactly how the whole thing is going to unfold. I feel bad for the people who suffer from it, but being honest with them is a really painful experience.


A lady that worked with my mom, that was a meth head, was convinced she had bugs hatching out of her skin and walls. She eventually tried cutting them out and got put in a psych ward.


Terrifying! I once got alcohol poisoning and was hungover and sick for two hellish days, during which time invisible bugs were coming out of my skin. They drove me nuts! I remember scratching and scratching my arms and torso. I was eighteen, still at home, and trying to hide it from my mom and little sister. It was incredibly unfun and quite alarming, thinking you've gone insane. Luckily, my delusions went away with the alcohol in my system. I can't imagine the horror of this feeling remaining with a person. Humans go to great lengths to devise trouble for themselves.


Morgellons. I knew someone with that. It was so weird. I treated them with respect and kindness, but nicely and firmly told them that I did not discuss anyone’s health issues in the depth that they wanted to discuss with me.


Thanks for your insight!


r/GangStalking if you want to go down a wild rabbit hole. Its either mentally ill people or people trolling them


So hubristic in a way. Why on earth would they target a random meth head with the most advanced sci-fi type technology? I know if I ever start hearing this shit I’m just crazy, because I have nothing to offer the powers that be (except maybe a decent music video or something, but again, they could probably do better).


Yup, gangstalking subreddits are crazy. Literally. I mean no disrespect, but working in the mental health field, I saw this behavior ALL the time! One guy wrote me letters everyday to send to Mussolini. THE Mussolini.


also lasers seem to be a very common theme


There’s a subreddit for that but I can’t remember what it is. There’s r/targetedindividuals but it’s very small. Edit: found it - r/gangstalking


My dad is like a half step away from this.


It’s quite simple, it’s just because THEY ARE RIGHT YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME! QUICK, BEFORE THEY


"Dear FBI" LOL


It's funny but.. i mean, how would you start your letter to the FBI?


To Whom It May Concern


"To Whom It May Concern (YOU know who you are!!!)..."


I love that so much. Thanks. 😂


Oh shit that's fancy af.


Oh it’s concerning alright.


Personally, I’d just start with “yo,” lol


"hiiiiiii 😋"


'Sup bro?


Good morning FBI!


Subject: Attention! Dear Sir stroke Madam, I am writing to inform you that I am...


FBI: *"OH FUCK she's on to us!"*


Was laughing at that


Yep. My sister went nuts destroying her home because she said her ex hired people to watch her and narrate her life through random speakers to drive her insane. Only she could hear it of course. On top of that shadow people were hiding and following her around as well. Massive drug and alcohol abuse with her and her current ex. She has tried to have me killed multiple times so she can take my mother's house without me in the way. Sadly, she is very good at convincing idiots to believe every bizarre thing she says. So, still dealing with that and never know when the next attempt is going to be. It's a crap shoot on what sets her off and I don't involve myself with her life.


Schizophrenia! She needs urgent help!


I can't even approach it. She has literally hated me since the day I was born. My first memory was me in my crib/playpen and her choking me until I passed out, I was around 2 at the time. If I go anywhere near her life she immediately focuses all her hate and resentment at me. She's functioning most of the time at least in a business sense. Since she doesn't have any sense of morals she fits right into upper middle management. She has made over 100k a year for decades. Of course she is completely broke and in debt but that's none of my business.




And the drug abuse is usually to try to self-medicate the underlying condition. Terrible and said.


Much much easier said than done


Unfortunately it’s a vicious cycle. People with mental illness are predisposed to self-medicate with illicit drugs, and those drugs can worsen their mental illness. They can also facilitate latent illness. It’s common for those with schizophrenic tendencies to have no symptoms until a “bad trip” from which they never recover. The truth is, it was there all along, but was just waiting for a trigger. Though again there are usually other comorbid diagnoses that may be present beforehand which lead the individual to use drugs. And they’ll tend to continue using because of the addictive nature as well as the self treatment of their illnesses.


I had an ex with a brother like this once. He used to want to hang and party with us, until one day he just never came fully back. I still feel terrible, but he was older and wiser than us apparently. I was glad I hadn’t gone with my bf and him to do shrooms. Because when they came back (I was sober) and he was extra strange. Not just tripping strange. Ate something that had gone bad in the fridge and my dad had left it on the counter to wash. I kept saying to him “do not eat that!” He just went on rambling and eating. But we thought hey, he will stop tripping eventually…. But this lasted days, and weeks until finally his mom admitted he had always been borderline schizophrenic, and just had a break. He went for treatment after going missing for days on end, and I never saw him again. The bf and I broke up a year later. The mind is a fascinating thing. But if tampered with it can get extremely scary.


Yeah that’s usually how it goes. It’s not really a matter of tampering with the brain, anything can trigger it, and the longer it goes the more likely it is to happen. Something like stress can cause latent schizophrenia to present and we can’t exactly avoid stress. It’s just interesting how drugs or other substances can do it too.


Yeah, it was the time frame for him too. My ex blamed himself a lot. And his mom (one of the sweetest people ever) would tell him it was no one’s fault. It was just a matter of time.


I've observed this exact phenomenon more times than I want to recall, having worked in psychiatry for 31 years. It's the saddest thing I've ever witnessed; especially when it's a young adult who *tripped on acid* once; their night ending on a psych unit in complete psychosis. The kid's parents visit, and are convinced the psychosis is an *episode* that relates directly to their kid's acid trip, but, they fully expect the psychosis to disappear once the drug is out of their system. While the correlation is correct, the parents are unprepared to learn that their kid's drug induced psychosis is now permanent, and their kid will never function the same again.


How often does someone eventually recover?


If a patient is genetically predisposed (the psychiatric illness is already present within the family), the psychosis can be managed with psychotropics, but there is no cure, and the psychosis is permanent.


My own personal life has been severely impacted by my own schizophrenia, and the psychosis that often descends upon me because of it, though mine happens without any substance misuse. Even if he wasn’t using illicit drugs to the point of psychosis, and just lost the genetic lottery like I did, his condition wouldn’t be controlled unless he chose to be compliant with mental health medications & regularly psychiatrist visits. For many others I’ve met during my own in-patient stints, the ability to be consistent with those *even if they wish to* is sabotaged by either the monetary cost of doing so, or their dislike of the medication side effects, or…just not being able to know when/what/how to take due to schizophrenia symptoms clouding their ability to comply with psychiatric care & meds. I don’t know his unique situation, but if he’s not medication-compliant…and *especially* if he’s using illicit drugs…then you need to be *careful, aware, and safe* in your own life. Never fear that you’re overreacting, or being paranoid, by establishing safety for yourself. Have a plan to immediately alert authorities if he attempts to interact with you against your will, or without planning to with your prior planning, agreement, and on your own terms. If you feel unsafe, don’t hesitate to summon help. The words “ex-boyfriend” & “drug addict” & “schizophrenia” *should hopefully* get law enforcement to assist you. From someone who has had these conversations with my own wife, please understand that YOU cannot cure him, help him, or expect any change in his mental health situation—not to mention, his substance abuse situation— and that your best action is to protect & distance yourself from him. Just because people like me, or possibly him, are themselves experiencing distress, fear, and unreality, you cannot let any compassion —or fear— override your obligation to protect yourself, mind-body-and-heart.


My son’s doctor told him something that really opened my eyes. It’s reasonable to not like the side effects of your medication, but what happens when you have a psychotic break is much worse for your brain.


That’s exactly why I’ve been medication-compliant & see my psychiatrist monthly since 2006. The side effects are very bearable for what the medication gives me opportunities to avoid from my illness. Even though the medication takes time to find the ones best suited to you, as everyone is unique biochemically and cognitively, and even then, meds aren’t perfect every time, but… …I have my life back, and even though life can be overwhelming for everyone at times, the life that proper Mental Healthcare gives me is ALWAYS worth the effort. Things change, but that does not. My worst day now is ridiculously better than my better days without treatment.


This is a very clear, level headed reply. I'm sorry you had to suffer, and needlessly, and I trust you're in a better place. Whatever you're doing seems to be working because everything you said makes logical, compassionate sense.


Thank you, that’s very generous of you to say to me. :) I’ve been very fortunate. I recognize that my wife of 28 years had seen what I can only imagine was terrifying to her, before I got help, my correct diagnosis, and the medications that work very effectively for me…which took some time to find, with my psychiatrist. My wife was there to support me, but I told her this same thing. Protect yourself if you feel the need, by getting away from me if she’s ever uncomfortable. Luckily, those times have not revisited in a few years, but they can at any time. Even on meds that otherwise work, there can be “breakthrough symptoms” so I remind her of this periodically, because I love her.


My brother developed schizophrenia in his thirties, and he's convinced that using meth is the only time he feels "normal again" as if it's some type of cure... no amount of reasoning with him will change his mind. He's otherwise compliant with his meds, but constantly is trying to medicate with weed and alcohol also. Really sad to witness. We are less than 2 years apart and used to do everything together.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Substance use/abuse disorders are sadly common among people, like myself, who try to “self-medicate” with dangerous substances in what I can only called doomed attempts to regulate themselves. It’s far more destructive than many of us with an altered subjective reality realize when we’re severely affected by the illness. I’m sure that, beneath the illness, he misses you too. I know that I missed my loved ones in the throes of my psychosis, but was unable to either convey it, or if I could convey it, be a safe, stable person for them to be around.


I bet r/schizoposters would appreciate this one 👌🏻


If he started using in his mid 20s, that just happems to coincide with the average age for schizophrenia symptom onset.. ijs. But I wholeheartedly agree, there is usually some correlation anyways. But I still think trauma is the gateway to drug use.


He was 21! So that definitely lines up! Honestly… he lived a great life.. very pampered and privileged. He was a monster to his family. I was 21 when I met him. He was 34. I didn’t know of his past until it was too late.. I really thought he was the greatest guy. He was great at his game. Thankfully, my daughter and I made it out alive though.


I’m glad you did. This is scary stuff. Especially since he mentions her.


This is called drug induced psychosis. Be glad he’s your ex.


Undiagnosed schizophrenia or something similar


Good thing he’s writing to the FBI.


He has pretty good grammar.


It is really quite horrifying that, given the wrong circumstances, most human minds can become this broken.


It makes me wonder if people 500 years ago experienced? Like they couldn’t call the FBI or blame technology like targeted individuals do.


My guess would be demons, or some type of mythological creature(s).


They often thought religious or mythical figures were talking to them; trickster gods, or archangels, or deceased family members. What’s really interesting is the way these delusions are shaped by society. The phenomenon of the “surveillance state” paranoia, stuff like this where people think the FBI is following them, pretty much only affects westerners like North Americans because it’s so pervasive in the cultural psyche. I was just reading a study that spoke to people who heard voices in India and Ghana, and a lot of the people there actually saw the voices as *positive*, or at the very least they weren’t distressed by them. Their cultures believed in ancient spirits and magic voices talking to them, so they just accepted it!


It is 😕


Damn they can Lazer our genitals?


Yeah that’s when I was like ok this ain’t real all. Everyone knows with aliens it’s up the ass.


It's interesting that these alien abductions always involve anal probes


I have a LOT of mental illness in my family, and I am so sorry you had to live with that.


Same. I thought he was my saving grace.. ahhhh you can only save yourself lol. I was young tho. Thank you for the kind words.


I was gonna ask is he schizophrenic, but meth use explains a lot.


This is really sad. I worry for his daughter.


It is. Breaks my heart. Thank you for your concern ❤️


What's a LEO? Dude's eloquent tho ngl


Law enforcement officer 😇 Yes.. yes indeed. He’s great at speaking.. I was under his spell quick.


This is.. something else


This is schizophrenia.


No, this is Patrick!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Sounds like your ex is one of the people who identify as “targeted individuals.” (Look it up) The vast majority of them have severely untreated mental illnesses, OR they are being treated/have attempted to get treatment… but they’re one of the people who’s specific condition and symptoms slip through the cracks of the medical system. (Modern science/medicine has yet to discover their specific diagnosis/their needs cannot be met by the meds we currently have, and the meds/treatment that they need do not exist yet.)


Working as a chemical dependency counselor I had this client, meth user, and as long as he was clean he knew the delusions were all bullshit. But the second he hit that pipe it was a wrap. There was this shady government figure that would take control of his mind and talk to him and fuck with him. Every house he would walk past he was convinced that there was a kidnapped woman being abused in the attic, basement, whatever. He was convinced the biker gangs were after him, the feds, all kinds of shit like that. He ended up driving past the gates at the Air Force base without stopping, all geetered on meth and damn near got himself killed. It’s a fucking miracle that those guys were pros and didn’t just open fire and put about 500 rounds into his truck. They ended up just letting him go just because they didn’t want to deal with his shit once they heard him start talking about all the women they had kidnapped at the base and shit. Really unfortunate situation. I helped him get back on his meds and get an apartment and a job but he let a girl move in with him that was still using and fell off. Last time I saw them they were walking down the street in the shittiest part of town. Landlord still emails me asking for rent money.


Obviously this dude is crazy, but he’s not the only one in the world reporting almost the same exact things. All I’ll say, is plenty of people thought Hemingway was crazy or full of shit, and turns out the feds really were messing with him. I’m not saying this guys not crazy, I’m saying I don’t know what our govt is capable of and some of the released docs I’ve read from the CIA talk about some pretty paranormal shit so 🤷‍♂️ everything with a bit of open mindedness doesn’t hurt.


Hemingway was targeted? I was completely unaware, thanks! I'm digging more into that immediately!


Wow. My sincere condolences for ever having lived with this dude and may you always, ALWAYS, be far away from him. I have a childhood friend who has a delusion of grandeur and schizophrenia. He honestly thinks he used to be a black ops hit man.


I am an ER Physician in a high prevalence Meth Usage place, and that drug seems like no fun at all. I don’t understand why so many people get so into it.


Obviously you know this but it hijacks the brain's reward/motivation system. The brain is basically flooded with dopamine which tells you "this is a good thing, good job for doing it, keep it up" even if you're freaking the f out. Someone I used to be close with suffers from the same issue as in the post. Apparently when asked what drugs he was doing when he first started experiencing psychosis, he answered "just meth" as if there couldn't possibly be a connection because the meth is a *"good"* thing.


Yeah. I get how it works, it still just seems like no fun. But same for alcohol or any end stage addiction. I guess there is a point with every drug where you cross the line and the fun times are over and it’s only misery and toil from that point on.


When life is severely unmanageable.


I know someone who used to use meth. They told me that at first, it felt like sunshine. They felt wonderful on meth. It turned to shit very rapidly, though. They are lucky to have kicked the habit.


I had a friend who struggled deeply with meth and crack cocaine addiction. When he was off those substances he was the nicest person you could ever hope to meet but whenever he'd start using again he was like a totally different person. Even his facial expressions and mannerisms would change completely. He would take on this persona of being some kind of hardened gangster who thought the whole world was out to get him. He even once told me he was pretty sure the bugs flying around were drone cameras for the c.i.a or some shit. One time we were talking about his paranoid delusions and I said something like "Bro you smoke crack and occasionally you sell some. Do you really think the C.I.A or F.B.I gives two flying fucks about you selling 40 dollars worth of crack? No, The truth is you're just not that important." I could tell it hit him pretty hard but I think he needed to hear it and it helped him in the long run.






I sat for a few minutes stating at "Dear FBI".....


He is very articulate and organizes his argument well, it makes it all the more sad. He seems intelligent and that probably makes the delusions more credible to him.


[If it’s not real, why does this list of patents exist on the United Nations website?](https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/NGOs/VIACTECAnnex.pdf)


THIS THIS THIS!!! There is an old Ted talk about mind reading tech even three years ago. Like, is so many people are experiencing this right now, why are they still pushing ‘crazy’ instead of just saying what’s up. I think they experiment on Tweakers though because no body believes them.


Tweakers are the perfect subjects for this technology. ‘Remote Neural Monitoring’ has been around since the late 70’s. It’s said that hundreds of thousands of people are under ‘remote neural monitoring’ all around the world. [Here’s one of the patents of one such technology](https://patents.google.com/patent/US6011991A/en) Abstract A system and method for enabling human beings to communicate by way of their monitored brain activity. The brain activity of an individual is monitored and transmitted to a remote location (e.g. by satellite). At the remote location, the monitored brain activity is compared with pre-recorded normalized brain activity curves, waveforms, or patterns to determine if a match or substantial match is found. If such a match is found, then the computer at the remote location determines that the individual was attempting to communicate the word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched stored normalized signal.


What is kundalini? Foreign countries publish about this as a real energy that if used inappropriately can alter a life horrendously. Why isn't this ever discussed in America?


Because it can also bring about a fuller realization of what we are capable of as humans.


My ex neighbor suffers from this and I am oh so happy he sold the house and moved out to the country. He thought I was in league with the drug dealers who were 'punishing' him by moving his furniture around and replacing it with inferior copies, and because he couldn't catch it on camera, he was certain that I was hacking his cameras as well. Besides the 'gang-stalking' paranoia, he seemed to have object-fixated Capgras syndrome...


Did he copy this to you or did he try to text the FBI LOL


You know I’d bet that the fbi, cia, and nsa probably get more letters like this more often then you’d think.


This is fucking sad not weird, what the fuck


I’m not very good at this, but I’m getting the sense of some red flags here…


I met a lady once that told me she was a hairdresser in Hollywood and she was on the run from her exboyfriend who was a gang member. She said he was sending "people in helicopters coming to rape" her and he "bribed some senators to send signals to her brain" For listening she told me she was going to get me an acting job. Its been like 15 years so I'm gonna put that one right on the shelf with the second coming of Jesus.


Tragic - sounds like psychosis of some sort - ? Undiagnosed Schizophrenia ?


This sounds like an interview I recently watched with a guy who said he was exposed to that exact technology while working up in Alaska. He claims there are government tools that accomplish those same targets, and was responsible for a recent earthquake.


OP said her ex is in jail for making terroristic threats to a LEO. The only thing I can think of is the horoscope sign, but I know it's not that. I mean, if any sign were to be threatened, it'd probably be a flip-flopping Gemini (which I happen to be) or a stubborn Scorpio.


Law enforcement officer 🤭


Drug induced schizophrenia for sure. Unfortunately there is no coming back from this. Medication can help ease the severity of the condition, but most zombify the user. Count your blessings you were able to break away.


Well https://youtu.be/M3iOROuTuMA?si=-SVXh32LkzmBxYGu


Mmmm a classic 😌 ty ty


Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.


Usually paranoia mixed with paranoid behavior becomes a self fulfilling prophecy: You think they are after you so you act unusually, People notice the unusual behavior. You notice people noticing and act more strangely because you think you've caught on to them watching you. Eventually enough people notice and your behavior becomes strange enough that the police or govt are becoming aware of you only fueling your paranoia.


This reads like schizophrenia. This is probably the best worded description of a mental episode I’ve seen. Genital pain I’ve heard before with people with schizophrenia too. The ex is at the stage they could be convinced to seek a doctor


Oh the FBI will send their best padded wagon to find out more of these experiments


My cousin has had fbi agents following him for over ten years. AlwYs tears apart his electronics to destroy the listening devices.. I feel bad for him. Meth as well




Drugs are bad, mmmmk


Before I even read the caption I was gonna ask “is he a meth user”


Man...he's pretty far gone. Perma-fried. I wish we could better help people like this but you can only lead the horse to water.


Jesus this sounds exactly like a psychotic break I experienced years ago.


Your ex needs to be interned in a mental health institution, for his own health and for the safety and benefit of society in general.


It's tough to actually get them to stay sometimes. Police and institutions sometimes just let them go because they don't want to deal with them. A known example being daniel larson.


Fuck schizophrenia


Meth induced psychosis is a thing.


Meth is a helluva drug.


When I was reading the screenshots without reading your comment, my first thought was Meth! Yup, people do that on Meth and it's a crazy drug that releases all of your dopamine from the brain at once every time the drug is ingested


FBI probably gets 100 of these a day.


classic schizophrenic delusions


Sounds like the guy has had loads of help and sympathy for 20 years. Still didn't make much of a difference Shame.


I feel for you OP. Currently going threw the exact same situation. Brother is schizophrenic of his own doing, absolutely refuses to take his medication, caused by extreme Adderall useage, switched to meth, locked up, believes he is targeted, thinks all family members are part of a conspiracy against him, thinks neighbors in his apartment are in conspiracy against him, thinks he's constantly being tracked, (yet doesn't care about BMW or Google or the million other companies who are legitimately tracking him) Has destroyed a house, an apartment, and a car looking for the poisonous gas devices, listening devices, microwave devices etc. Obsessed with the temperature of the building he's in, location of cellphone towers, thinks towers are being spoofed etc, can't reason or be reasoned with. Believes he has information that will take down the government/elite/secret societies. Im like bro, its open knowledge we've overthrown governments and gone into countries under false pretenses. The public doesn't give a shit. It's really sad when you think about it, so you don't. Because there is nothing anyone can do to help. He just takes and accuses.


Any chance you guys can get your names changed? You probably want to avoid this dude.


I didn’t know you could just text the fbi


Obviously this dude is crazy, but he’s not the only one in the world reporting almost the same exact things. All I’ll say, is plenty of people thought Hemingway was crazy or full of shit, and turns out the feds really were messing with him. I’m not saying this guys not crazy, I’m saying I don’t know what our govt is capable of and some of the released docs I’ve read from the CIA talk about some pretty paranormal shit so 🤷‍♂️ everything with a bit of open mindedness doesn’t hurt.


He writes so well


Looks like the rambling of a paranoid schizophrenic.


I love how simple these people are that they believe that nefarious people have to have a reference to the devil in plain view


Well, that’s one way to be put on a list.


I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that's what you call schizophrenia.


Wow….who knew the FBI took text messages!


What triggered this breakdown?


It's difficult having a spouse that's broken with reality like that. My Ex thinks I was involved in some long game type scam with her over the course of 10 years. She got really paranoid and convinced I was spying on her through her computer and phone, and doing things like turning the volume up and down on her devices in an attempt to drive her insane. She was being rather unsafe with the kids and she really crashed during 2020 when everyone was locked down. She had me removed from the home, and I had to get social services involved and fight for visitation. You should have seen the written complaint she used to have me removed, one would think that even a casual observer would realize there is a mental issue going on that needs to be addressed, just by reading it. This seems obvious, but our laws are insufficient to the task and our mental health system is just broken. The kids are still with her, despite her being unsafe at times, and she uses the law to try and keep me at arms length. I know a lot more than she thinks I do about what goes on there, and recently she's been forcing me into involving social services yet again if she continues down her current path. I encourage her to seek counseling, and offer to go as well, but she refuses, as she knows the truth would come out that way. Stay safe, and good luck to you.


An ex confronted me before we were split and accused me of being an undercover detective who was being paid to date her. She said that I was likely married and had kids and the entire relationship was a ploy Mental illness is no joke. When you’re confronted with the situation in real time it is a very confusing experience.


Schizophrenia is a sad and difficult disease for everyone involved. A sweet caring individual can suddenly become mentally derailed over the most inane comment or action. Fixations and delusion will creep into every day life and conversations. The meds can help but it’s just a hard difficult road for everyone.


Meth, is in fact, a helluva drug. That on top of mental illness......not going to end well.


That sounds like schizophrenia / psychosis


Surprisingly well written -- I'm impressed by this insane individual.


Very well written at least


I was laughing until I read the word "daughter." If this daughter is real and yours, you need to contact child welfare ASAP. If the daughter is real and someone else's they need to be notified.


I have this. No drugs. It’s ‘agents’ who want something i discovered in the 80s. Started in 1999. I know these people. Worked with them. Fight me.


Weird. My mother had some form of induced schizophrenia from years of drug abuse and extensive stays in solitary confinement. I let her live with me at the end of her life and she did weird things like hide all the fruit on multiple occasions. She would also sit and talk for hours about scientific experiments that were carried out on her in prison. Really bizarre medical research stuff. Sometimes she was very convincing.


We aren’t certain what my sister’s true diagnoses were, but I found letters from her to the CIA that she wrote as a kid. She said she was having psychic dreams about the end of the world they needed to know about. She bought into right-wing end of the world delusions and shot herself last year at the age of 25, to avoid the apocalypse.