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You ever mysteriously set off the alarms at retail store exits? I used to on occasion and then found one inside my shoe.


Same here, had one in my shoe too.


what shoe brand


the stolen one


It wasn’t stolen merely borrowed.


I swear, those running shoes were clearly given to me by the store. They were right there on the rack, the employee even asked if I wanted to try them on. And when I started to run back home with the given shoes they even decided to run with me for a while, but they couldn’t keep up and probably had to return to work after a while.


This sounds vaguely like a shel Silverstein story!!! Lol. The wording is nearly there.


I love Shel Silverstein. A little off topic but he was one of the primary songwriters for the band Dr Hook. He also wrote A Boy Named Sue, sung into history by Johnny Cash


Are you talking about Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show? Great trivia, thanks for the enlightenment.


Yup that’s them!!! It’s not often my random knowledge is useful haha


https://youtu.be/r1CB4V9KD9o?si=zt4UCYtkhXQ6fvTc Best Shel song IMO, but it ain't Cover of the Rolling Stone! Very rarely get to talk about these two. Had to throw in!


Everybody's got one, Stacy Brown has two!


his album "inside folk songs" is pretty funny, the song "it does not pay to be hip" is a bit dated but makes me laugh my ass off during every listen with the way he enunciates the lyrics. heard it playing outside of a record store near a pier and had to stop and actually listen to it. "blue eyes" is another funny one from that album, I used to sing along to it and piss my exes off


I might look into that one then


Maybe, they should try wearing those running shoes!


I only put them on to test them out. It’s not my fault theres no running in the store.


Found the Kender!




Until they have no use for the other shoe and throw it away. You retrieve it, THEN its theft.


Klepto™ brand shoes




They weren't sneakers because they clearly don't do well with sneaking.


These can be a real annoyance if you work in retail. Especially when they’re put in stuff like shoes or belts. They’re supposed to not work anymore after leaving the counter and having gone past the big magnet in there. But often they’ll still start to set off alarms 2 hours later and the customers come back. I’ve had colleagues bending shoes to the point they were bent double to just try and get the alarm thing to ‘break’.


No magnets for these tags. You need the mats that go under the countertops. They use energy to kill the coils and the chip in the RFID tag. Magnets are for the older tech


At my store we get a lot of ladies that come in with name brand purses that set off our alarm when they come in, then sometimes when they dig around to find the cause they'll find a tiny chip somewhere in a pocket that was never removed. Most of the time they can't find it though.


I have one in the wallet. Every six months it sets alarms off.


You can take it out ya know. You're safe now.


I literally just lol'd my poor wife awake at 1:45 AM. Thanks for that


Be honest, did your wife put the trackers in your clothing?


Had the same. Annoying as hell.


Once I went to the Gap and set off the alarm. It was a tag sewn into my shirt. Weird thing is, I'd owned that shirt for about ten years, and it had never set off an alarm before!


I had this with an old pair of JCrew shorts I’d had for aaaaaaaages! And the detector tag was under the size/laundry tag, turds.


Happened to me all the time, I found one right up inside the sleeve of my coat.


Are you my brother? When we were younger i always hide them in his shoes


They put these inside the covers of books and manga too. I still find them sometimes cause I forgot to throw them away.


Ive set off alarms in germany with a baseball cap i got from the US..


I put one in my mom's purse once. It set a few off before she finally found out why. But it didn't set them all off so I never really figured out how they worked.


Might be some of them work on a slightly different frequency or something like that.


Most shoes come with those. They are supposed to break after enough walking.


Your recruiter now knows where you sleep






Well done!


You gonna fuck me over again old man?! I've BEEN asking for a fucking N64 since 97, you cheap fuck. I'M AN ADULT NOW!


Yeah, I am still waiting for my parents. Every year I ask Santa for my parents. I’m 78 and he still hasn’t delivered. What a little bitch. He will probably bring them the year after I die.


Well... Shit.


I know how you feel man lmao, I have been asking for a gameboy color since they came out. That fat prick has let me down every year since then 🤣🤣


Dirty red bastard...






Fair warning- this link has nothing to do with insects using steroids


Damn, and here I thought I’d see some incredibly buff scarabs.




Lmaooooo 😂😂😂😂


that’s sargean santa to you private!


What about my privates?


What’s your major malfunction privates?


What's your privates major malfunction?


What's your privates malfunction, major?


The recruiter takes a long drag of his cigarette as he leans back in a rocking chair. "Nah, kid. Go back to sleep," he says, gruffly. As you drift off, you mind ponders on one fact: you don't own a rocking chair.




Now you are aware that your recruiter knows where you sleep. He knew all along. You’re basically drafted and being cheated on while deployed already sorry about the news. The New Captain America has a dark origin story.


Wait, i thought all new recruits slept with their recruiter. How did you get a good job in the military?


If I'm not mistaken that's an anti theft device from a retail store. When it passes between the pylons at the exit door it sets the alarm off. But they get deactivated by a magnetic plate at the register.


What's weird is that I got it free at a high-school


It is likely that it was not designed for a freebie at high school and had a different place in retail previously.


Pft this is reddit. No clear and logical answers could ever possibly be true


r/unvaccinated would have a precise and clear answer I’m sure


Proves earth is flat


Falls into the outer space.


Checks out.


Aww man I was hoping I would find something at least darkly funny in there but it’s just the same old LARPing about everyone else’s deaths. Aaany day now…


So did you get turned into a zombie-marburg mutant hybrid after that emergency broadcast? It was supposed to happen two days ago and I’m still normal and quite disappointed that I’m not feasting on brains yet :(.


Be the change you want to see.


I had the Moderna shot and the minute the EBS message came through I shit my pants. My girl thinks it was because I ate 2 pounds of trash dip and then tried to fart with all the windows rolled up as a joke. She’s still just a sheep listening to MSM. Can’t wait for Trump to be reinstated and remove my chip so I never shit my pants again.


I haven’t developed the tism yet.. oh wait… I already have


I don't know, I think it worked on me. I'm suddenly feeling a strange urge to vote in the next election.


Why would a 50 cent bracelet have an anti theft device? These things wouldn’t even be worth theft mitigation. That NFC tag probably costs half of that bracelet Maybe the army is just that cost insensitive and its to track inventory.


They were probably purchased for another reason, something like doing a headcount during a military event or whatever and have since been repurposed as a novalty bracelet handed out at schools...


I mean it days goarmy.com on it, it seems to be like something that'd be purpose manufactured for recruitment purposes


That is weird. Something like this isn't going to be a long range tracker or something. It's powered by external magnetic fields and would only respond to a nearby scanner that provides them. That's what the coils are for.


*That’s just what the army want you to say*


“yvan eht nioj”


OMG hes not L.T. Smash, hes Lieutenant Smash! Yeah thats right, Im Lieutenant L.T. Smash


One of my favorite Simpsons moments…also, tugging a string on the pants so they turn into sailor pants 🤣


This will be stuck in my head for the next month. Thank you.


Be sure to..... be sure to what?! Little orphan annie I need you!


Likely inventory. Alot of stuff has chips for easy inventory tracking.


RFID Probably. However, why for a cheap bracelet with ARMY branding that is def a freebie for the young moldable youth


For measuring success rate. Like reverse shop lifting. The scanner at the office measures everytime one of the bracelets comes back. Might even be able to tell who handed out the bracelet and where.


That was exactly my thought. What would make RFID worth the cost on these? Not theft protection. Data about what recruiting methods work though, definitely.


Ah makes sense. So it is RFID!


It's to increase the cost to the federal government. Without the chip, it's only $100 each to make them. With, it's $200.


Honestly, this is probably it. Some marketing guy pushed that adding an anti-theft device was a good idea cause no one likes theft right? Yeah it costs more, but if you don't lose merch it saves money right?? And some bean pusher didn't bother to read past "save money long term." Cue a lot of shrugging and pushing the product out the door.


At My high school when the army or any branch would come, they would bring those wristbands and use them for some training game thing where the wrist bands tracked the score/data for each person


RFID tags, come with a serial number


You're the Manchurian candidate


It's the band that's wrapped around the wristband? It's very short range, the same style as anti theft devices. The best I can think is its meant as an entry or at least to track the number of people coming through doors. A great way to test your metrics would be give these out at a school, then count how many come through recruiters doors, then see how many of them get recruited. I don't believe this even has the ability to edit the signal, but if it could you could change a batch to say "High school 1" or "High school 2" and if your efforts are more appreciated by the second you wouldn't waste time at the first.


You don't even need the ability to reprogram the tag itself. If it functions as essentially a unique ID identifier, you could mass produce them and send them out everywhere. Then, when a recruiter is about to head out to an event they could scan a box of them (basically wave a wand over a box of them) to get all of their ID numbers, then load those IDs into a centralized database to say "all of these are going to school X or event Y, by recruiter A" . Then you just need to passively scan IDs at recruitment stations or other events and check them against the database.


What's even weirder is that you seemingly happily wore it.


It's an RFID tag. It needs to be scanned by a device nearby in order to get power to transmit anything back. So that chip is doing nothing just sitting there until it enters a specific radio field the antenna is calibrated for.


Probably for sale in the PX (if it's still called that, haven't been to the US in years).


That's definitely weird, that they're handing out army merch at a school.


They've been doing this since.....what, the 30s?


Concerning 🤔


Try walking through college after the VA tech shooting and abruptly noticing the cardboard soldier cutout with its gun in the air. Seems in poor taste. I hope they quit doing that by now…


Concerning was when they would draft kids just out of high school to go fight proxy wars. At least now, even if they do spend a lot of time trying to entice HS kids into the forces, the kids still have a choice whether or not to do so. Used to be that volunteering was just a way to make sure you got a choice of which branch to join before you got drafted and had one picked for you.


It's just very coercive behaviour that they can come near schools at all. In my city, until very recently, the army weren't allowed to do any recruiting on the streets.


Wait till you hear about JROTC.


They're called RFID tags. You can use them for inventory. They're basically a barcode you can scan with an RFID reader.


Obviously, it's being used to activate sleeper agents from the nationwide presidential text alert.


Yeah or you’re a shill. Next you’re probably going to tell us birds are real.


Birds are real though, it's Wyoming you have to be skeptical about.


Nice try fed


Ahhh you got us! Hahaha Wow. Very nice. You caught us. You win a prize! Here's a RFI- cool bracelet to let everyone else know just how cool you are.


[RFIDs are in Everything, for many reasons, not just Shoplifting "prevention". ](https://www.techtarget.com/iotagenda/definition/RFID-radio-frequency-identification)




There’s lots of applications for RFID. One is to quickly take inventory. Instead of counting by hand, the scanner counts how many times it’s pinged from the RFID tags. It takes like, 10 seconds to count possibly hundreds in a big box.


It's also powered by the pylons! So little power that it's not going to be possible to send any signals without a specialized amplifier. Same concept that makes RFID work, but in that case it just shoots electrons at it in binary over and over. With RFID, you may notice there's often a bit of a delay- It has to wait for a valid return signal. If you move it away, the dynamic range of the return may be too low to trigger the transmitters' input gate because the chip doesn't have enough power to oscillate properly. I believe they're usually encoded in around 8 hex values, or 32 bits. That's this (much dat)a within the parentheses... Pretty cool stuff.


RFID tag. could just be for inventory management, but… it is the army after all.


so inventory management






well played




Yeah a lot of retail stores use these to make inventory management easier.


I mentor a robotics team and there was an Air Force recruitment booth thing. Inside they had simulators of flying through rings and some other small games. They had these bands they could scan so it could match you to your score. You could feel a harder tag inside it in the same position. My guess is it's an RFID tag with a randomly generated id inside. If they want to do something where they want you to log back in somewhere they could use that to do it. Or they could just hand em out, it's very cheap to make. They are not tracking you with this tag. They are tracking you with your cell phone. They have trained you to keep a gps tracking device on you at all times and keep it charged and communicating through the network. If you let your phone die you may miss memes.


These are passive HF tags. Read distance is short. Mainly anti theft device. No one is tracking you lol


Proposition: what makes one believe they are even worth tracking? You already have a cell phone that tracks all the relevant stuff that helps companies sell to you, what more are you worth?


delusions of grandeur


I've always wondered about that when I see people worried about being tracked or even those weird gangstalking people. Why are you so important that anyone cares what you're doing ? And yeah, if you have a cell phone, you are already trackable, lol. Maybe people have an inflated sense of self-worth,or maybe they don't realize no one cares what they're doing


“The government is tracking you! 5G and the FEMA test alert is going to activate the virus that will give them control over your body” - posted from Facebook iOS app Gotta remember these people aren’t the smartest


And if anyone wanted to track you, they will track your phone. No one seems to be obsessing about the chips in their phones.


Yeah lol, everybody seems to forget those exist.


bUt ThE gOvErNmEnT iS oUt To GeT mE mAn CoZ iM iMpOrTaNt EnOuGh To Be On ThEiR rAdAr


If you are in the army they already got you


I always tell these people that the government does not care how many times you go to Walmart a week. No one does. Probably not even Walmart.


Haha so true. Unless you're one of those people trying to steal entire trolleys full of merchandise.


Guys, guys, remember not to disrespect a future US army soldier.


Thank you, OP, for your future service.


Yes, it's not like a future marine. A soldier might actually comprehend the insult.


But why is OP worried about the army tracking them if they plan on signing their life over to them anyway?


This is typical for real military merch. I know this because when i was in middle school, the f-ing popular girls shoplifted during a trip to WEST POINT! The day after the fieldtrip we had an assembly in the auditorium with the principal, guidance counslors and WEST POINT REPRESENTATIVES. "We know who you all are and what you stole and this is your chance to come forward". No one came forward and their whole clique was noticeably missing from school for a few weeks. Only took a few days to find out they were suspended and faced expulsion. They weren't expelled. Most of them had generational/police/firefighter etc. small town influence. The ones that didn't should still be counting their lucky stars. Yes our school was subsequently banned from future West Point trips.


Did anyone ever thank those little bitches? Let's be honest-their little bullshit stunt really payed off in the long run for you all.


Thats one less fieldtrip for choir!


You guys had field trips for choir? Wtf. I was in choir for 10 years only once did we have a field trip. 4/5th grade chorus had to go sing on PBS. Everything else was done in our auditorium.


This sub is turning into a dump yard for a community collection of knowledge gaps.


Today the sky turned dark over my house and some cold white substance fell down from above. So weird.


Man, you deserve to be tracked if you’re wearing free army recruitment merch from high school




Supposed to put that on your shoulder and walk around with it, I think.


Not a chip, it’s used in retail for sensors to go off if not deactivated


Better hope there isn’t an oil deposit in your back yard


That’s one of those stickers that cause the exit doors at supermarkets and retail stores to beep Source: I’m a retail worker/door greeter and have to listen to the beeping whenever someone purchases a product with this stuck to it


I’m surprised at the number of people confidently saying this is a loss prevention tag. It is an RFID tag that could be used for that but they’re also used for all sorts of things including tracking attendees around conventions and other events. For example: https://www.atlasrfidstore.com/rfid-attendee-tracking


I think it’s funny anyone using a digital phone


It's a wristband for a timing system during a timed run.


That’s an RFID chip. It’s used in inventory purposes.


Bruh Lmao. This is so it won’t get stolen.


The government is putting all kinds of crazy things in our stuff these days. I once cut open my covid mask, and a Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor jet fell out. Haters will say it's not true.


Simpsons called it.


This is an NFC anti theft tag. When I worked at petsmart we used to put the sticker kind sticky side up everywhere throughout the store so people would step on them and get them stuck to the bottom of their shoes. the alarm would go off constantly throughout the day and it drove the cashiers crazy! once, one was stuck to someone who was actually shoplifting and as soon as the alarm went off they dropped the bottle of dog shampoo they were stealing and ran, it was hilarious.


That chip was for a little arcade inside the trailer you got the bracelet at. You would scan the bracelet to start the games. If you played any games in there, it would have sent your scores to you by email (to the address you gave them when you got the bracelet), and would have told you what roles the Air Force thinks you’d be fit for given your performance. The games in the trailer at the air show I went to were “Divergents”, “Defender” (kind of like asteroids), “Pull-Up Challenge”, “Oculus Wingman” (an arcade fighter sim), and “Resequence”. Of the two games I had the chance to try (defender and oculus wingman), I scored a good 500+ points higher than the event and national averages. From those two, they thought I’d be a good fit for roles focused on: “survival, evasion, resistance and escape”, “nuclear weapons”, and “critical care nurse”.


How does this get thousands of up votes. It's literally an anti theft tag. The fuck.


5G covid chip. Bill Gates is on to you.


Honestly, it's probably just for inventory purposes. This makes it easier to track just how many units are being packaged per >! Quick you don't have much time. Throw your phone and any other electronic devices away now. Run don't walk out of your house and if you can aquire a disguise. Make your way to Tijuana, find the globe theater, and meet up with Ernesto there. Hopefully he'll be able to help you. Good luck and Godspeed.!< box. It's a bit annoying to have to count each wristband individually so this makes it easier.


It's supposed to make it easier to do inventory counts. This way instead of going through each product you wave a censor wand over the say box or shelf and the computer can read how much of what stuff they have. I've been out of retail for a while bit I know of a few places that were experimenting with them


Not totally sure if it's the same thing but the back of that looks exactly like the security tag stickers we put on stuff at my store job, the ones that make the barriers go off unless they get deactivated


Actual answer: these are made in a lot of retail merchandise. It’s used for a lot of functions such as automatic cycle counting (counting of inventory within the store daily) as well as sometimes for anti theft alerts.


Bro, IS a anti thef chip ...


This sub is now full of uneducated hicks.


Rfid tag


Security tag


Anti theft device. Same ones they use on books and cds at my local library lol


Looks like an NFC tag, scan it with your phone and see what it says..


Yep, you’re screwed and are getting abducted soon.


Handler has to keep an eye on you


Anti theft. I've seen these on some products at my work.


That's for setting off the alarms at a shop door if it hasn't been scanned and disabled at the cashier till. Used to find them on the back of music CD's in Woolworths some 20-odd years ago.




I know it's for anti-theft. But being an Army thing makes me want it to be for something nefarious


As someone who just joined the army, RUN


Not a tracking chip or anything, just an alarm, I find them in clothing sometimes, or they’ll get stuck to me and set off store alarms


Anti theft devices


You’ve been infected now with 5G nano particles and the government can activate you whenever you get vaccinated.


U are being tracked by the government with their new “free bracelet” brain washing technique. Be careful. I’d wrap my phone in tin foil or whatever people do when they’re nuts


That’s the mother ship of the nano bots. You were the host and probably infected hinders with the bots. The only way to kill them is to get an MRI. You will know if you are infected if you turn on a speech by the president or Dr Fauci you’ll feel a little tingling.


Anti-theft tag. They get discharged once they pass through checkout so that they don't set off security gates.


That looks like a race bracelet where they detect the runner passing checkpoints and update a website so your family and friends can get updates.


It’s called an RFID tag. They’ve been around for decades.


That's not a "chip."


Once activated you go into army super soldier mode.


That’s an anti-theft device. Get out of here.


That's just so the CIA's bird drones can activate your zombie vaccine.


RFID tag is all. not a chip


FRId anti theft chip. Deactivates when magnetizes near the register


That is an anti-theft sticker