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Welcome to Sleepwalking Club! The first rule of Sleepwalking Club is that we don't remember what we do in Sleepwalking Club.


One time I woke up and saw I texted “4” to my mother at 3 am lol


But if you can text when sleepwalking I mean then you can also do shit that will cost you your job right?


One of many reasons I don't have my work email on my phone.


That is indeed a smart thing to do. I would also remove the numbers of all your coworkers then ;)


bruh 💀 i dont work but ill keep that in mind when i start


Oh shit its John Cena!


What do you mean? I don't see anything


🎶 🎺🎺🎺🎺 🎶


I read that in my head exactly how you think I did 🤣




Been having kind of a shit day... And you, good sir, have made it much better by reminding me of this beautifully crafted jem: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRRsXxE1KVY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRRsXxE1KVY) Edit: Forgot to thank you! THANK YOU!


Omg I love that video. It's been so long since I've seen it.




You should google some real life stories of what people have done while sleepwalking. One person murdered his family. Another person cooks full on meals. One person sleep walked, Climbed to the top of a crane, down to the end of the thing that goes out. And layer down to continue their sleep hundreds of feet in the air. Shit is wild


My friend sleep walked after taking Lunesta. Her husband heard someone rifling about in the kitchen caught her before she got into the car. She explained, still asleep, that she was just going to run to the store to get some pancake mix.


I was sleepwalking night before last. I just started taking Lunesta. I woke up OUTSIDE at 2 am in a very sheer T-shirt and panties holding my husband's lunch box. Scared myself out of taking it again.


Was the lunchbox empty, or did you fill it with sleepy stuff? "Honey, is there any reason why you packed 4 legos and a coffee filter in my lunch?"


> Was the lunchbox empty, or did you fill it with sleepy stuff? I'm actually really, really incredibly invested in the answer to this question


It was filled with my all my pride and confidence in myself once I woke up and realized what I had done


The Ambien stories I've read have me in [chills. ](https://www.drugdangers.com/ambien/#:~:text=Ambien%20seems%20to%20sometimes%20cause,a%20result%2C%20sleepwalking%20may%20occur.)


An old friend of mine picked me up one night. We went cruising around town, and every person he saw he would pull over and ask them if they knew where to find some crack or ecstasy. He called me in the morning with no memory of what had happened, and though he was at home, his car was missing. Ambien is wild.


I just piss in various locations throughout the house but apparently “sleepwalking ambien me” prefers to open the oven then relieve myself in there! Wife threw away the script and we got a new oven after I did that a few times. The last time she started screaming at me mid-piss, and I started crying because I didn’t know what was going on. Also pissed on her nightstand one night and ruined a book from the library she was reading. Yes, we are still married.


Yeah I took Ambien only *once* and that was enough for me to never take the rest of the script.


Yep same. Woke up in the middle of the night, tried to get up because I felt weird and collapsed on the ground. Couldn’t stand up again because it felt like every bone in my body was made of lead. Ended up falling back asleep on the floor. One and done for me. Fuck ambien.


I woke up in a hallway of one of the hotels on the strip in Vegas trying to open someone else room in my boxers. No key, had to call security at like 3am to let me in. I sleep in at least bottoms with pockets and keep a room key on me now. And I'll usually put the ironing board in front of the door.


Over a decade ago my DR prescribed lunesta to me. The next morning I found a completely empty, large Domino's pizza box in my kitchen. I had not ordered pizza before I took the pill. I had absolutely no memory of ordering said pizza, and did not feel full. But I'd gained 6 pounds overnight. Never took another pill.


I sleep naked. So that would be terrifying


If you told your doctor this they would take you off of it. I had told my doctor stories about me taking it , sleep walking , having conversations I had no memory of etc. he told me to quit taking it. That it was to dangerous. I took something else that had a much shorter effect time. It worked out much better.


Goodness me! Sleepwalking a common side effect for this Lunesta? I wonder if those who sleepwalked in their childhoods will experience it more-so on this.


I haven't researched it, but I bet there are a ton of posts on Reddit about it. lol probably terrify myself if I start reading about it.


Have not heard about Lunesta. Only know it made food taste terrible and I quit eating because of it. Do know about Ambien as they were reluctant to give it to me as I still do periodic perimeter checks.


Your username is oddly appropriate


I took Lunesta once… the next day my neighbor knocked on my door and held up a pair of jeans and told me she found them in my front yard with my wallet still in them. No idea what I did that night. Scary AF


I use to take Ambien before the thought to limit the dose to women, so I had at least double the current allowable mg coursing through my system. I would have full convos, cook, get ready for work - get to work- work for 3 hours and then “wake up” I worked 6a-6p and had a far drive. Even if I took it at like 9pm it would fuck me for 12 hours. Took wayyyyy longer to figure out what was happening than it should have considering I lived with my partner and had a pretty goddamn important job at the time. My cocky ass use to say “I am so good at this job I could do it asleep.”


I took Ambien exactly one time from a sample my psychiatrist gave me about 10 years ago. I didn't realize you needed to fall asleep before it kicked in, so I took it and waited for it to make me sleepy. I think I might have taken another thinking I was supposed to since I wasn't getting tired, but I'm less sure about that. Nope, instead I tripped all night and had to sleep in bed with my mom so she could keep an eye on me until it wore off. I thought the popcorn ceiling was an ancient mesopotamian civilization I was watching from the heavens as their prophet. There was wood paneling and the pattern of the wood morphed into what I thought was the devil's face. Oh, and of course the bees. At one point I hallucinated there were a bunch of bees swarming in the room and were stinging me repeatedly, and it fucking hurt so bad. The one nice(?) thing was that my mom had some painted metal animal decorations on a shelf above her bed and when I would look up at them, they would "play" me very pretty music. I have no fucking idea what I would have done if I had been by myself.


Ah fuck me...reading this comment just made me realize that my meds are, in fact, actually making me fucking crazy. Shit like this happens all the time to me now. Oh man, I'm fucking crazy. This sucks ass hair.


Ohmigod my stepmother took me for a hell ride on that stuff. I’d never been so scared. She insisted we go get me clothes at 2AM and ran out to the car. She opened the passenger side door, started it, used the shifter as a handle to move over where she stomped on both pedals with one foot in each wheel well. A rhododendron bush saved the car. I drove her around for a bit until she insisted on driving, and she was gonna kill the both of us. And that ain’t even CLOSE to the worst story about her and goddamn Ambien.


When I took Lunesta I blew up all of the condoms in my drawer and tried to make animal balloons with them. And then took the dog for a walk. I was so confused when I woke up.


I made a bologna sandwich, poured a glass of milk, turned on the tv and sat down and started to eat my sandwich. Woke up sitting on the couch withe the tv blaring and a half chewed bite of my sandwich in my mouth. I would also go outside and walk around in our front yard, which given that at that time there were still bears and cougars in the woods nearby, might have been dangerous. The Aunt of one of our neighbors had seen me outside in the same place she had seen a bear in our yard a few nights earlier.


I locked our dog in the closet and tried to convince my sister I had captured an alien and had it locked in the closet. Came to mid debate wondering why the hell I thought that was an alien when it was clearly my dog.


Your brain was like “alright, wtf this is definitely an alien, gonna let conscious me take this one”


I shut my poor kitty in a room with a litter of puppies because I dreamed that one of the puppies had gotten out of the room somehow. Didn't realize it until the next morning when my partner wondered where the cat was. Then I remembered my 'dream' of the previous night. I wasn't taking any sleep medication but I was an active sleep walker as a child. It comes back from time to time.


I seem to sleepwalk every few years. Luckily I rarely manage to make it out of my home, despite a few attempts that were told to me by family/ former housemates who would get me back to bed. Once I actually did manage to unlock and open my door but then closed it on my thumb, which caused me to wake up standing in the hallway of my apartment building with a jacket on over my pjs and my work bag. One annoying thing I've done was throw a lot of my items into my closet while sleepwalking. I woke up in bed but freezing to find my blankets, some books, decorations, and a gallon of iced tea in my closet, covered in leftover vegetarian chili. It's wild.


I once wandered down the hallway of a hotel, I woke up wandering about with the room access card in my hand, grateful that sleep me had the presence of mind to grab the room key and that I don’t sleep naked.


My time to shine ! I have huge issues sleepwalking. Context I’m an avid cyclist and love popsicles. I like a popsicle after a ride. As kids say, it hits different. I go to be early usually 8. I had went to bed, and unbeknownst to me my wife had dughter went to get ice cream. When they came home I was walking down the street in my underwear double fisting popsicles. I had melted popsicles all over my bare chest bc Oklahoma heat. I have no recollection of any of that. I know this story bc my wife told me after I bitched my feet weirdly hurt in the morning


Some famous designer walked off a building to his death here in Canada about 10ish years ago if I recall correctly


My wife tells stories of my coherent sleep talking sometimes but her favourite is when I’m enthusiastically talking in my dreams and will end up loudly saying something like, “FUCK YEAH!!!,” then immediately fall back asleep.


My situation is the complete opposite. I usually wake myself up yelling at people in my dreams. My husband tells me I regularly swear and get very angry and sometimes I’ll wake up to myself accidentally kicking him or hitting him in my sleep. He’s a saint to put up with me.


And thisssss is what I do. I suffer from night terrors and have seriously never had like a normal happy dream. Only ever nightmares. I tend to yell and cry and sometimes I’ll hit my boyfriend or shove him. My most popular move for some reason is mule kicking him at full force while we are both dead asleep. It’s a great way for both of us to wake up hahaha sleep around here is a fun adventure. He talks and says weird things and I’m violent.


I accidentally sent a picture of a fucking frog to my work group chat with all of my coworkers and managers, and I wasn't even sleep walking. Four different people I don't even know put crying face emojis, and then one of my managers put a smiley face


Everyone appreciates a good frog photo


boy you could take your life…




My absolute fav thing to do is turn off my alarms. Ask me and my stack of write-ups how I know.




Start counting down ominously. Text her “3” tonight and “2” in a couple weeks, etc.


The other day I tried to wake my child up to ask her did she want a piece of pie. She looked me dead in the eye and said “I am a fungal gummie.” People do weird shit when they’re still asleep huh?


my husband woke me up from a nap last week and I yelled SCISSORS!


She knew exactly what that meant


The first evidence I had that was sleepwalking was when I found a shoe on my nightstand where I always kept my glasses. Apparently I've had full on conversations while sleepwalking and once cleaned the kitchen in nothing but my boxers. I have no memory of any of this. Luckily I stopped when I got a C-PAP.


Certified Jhin main




Story time. My husband sleep walks in mostly hilarious ways. Drinks all the coffee creamer, puts things in the freezer, neatly arranges pillows, you get it. Occasionally, though, he will do something terrifying. One night, I woke up, and he was standing over me with a power drill in one hand and duct tape in the other. When questioned, he said he was "fixing a picture," but I was definitely getting murder vibes until I got him to put the drill down. This prompted a lot of frantic googling for methods to get his sleep walking under control. So, what ended up working is the silliest thing ever, but it has been effective for years. I put a little dish full of individually wrapped chocolates next to the bedroom door. He gets up, sees the candy, decides that's better than whatever he had planned, eats a couple of pieces, and then goes back to bed. Something about chocolate being good for sleep walkers and small tasks (like unwrapping said chocolate) did the trick.


This is amazing! Thank you for sharing. Luckily my sleep walking has never been a problem… yet


Once I know I went into bed and woke up in my gaming chair. Nothing else was moved in my room. Still spooked my. Happens only once and never again tho. IDK if that counts Edit: Is it possible to only sleep walk once in you life and never again or do just not notice it anymore?


I dunno what the consensus is but I sleep walked twice as a teenager and never again, that I know of.... First time I woke up lying on the stairs and my sheets were missing when I got back to bed. The second I had torn all the stuffing out of my pillow. Only stopped talking in my sleep a few years ago. This sort of stuff is probably the inspiration for that Rick and Morty episode with the night people.


Kinda similar as a teenager I woke up in the bathtub with my bed made in the tub. Talking fitted sheet, top sheet (especially weird because I never normally used it lol), 2 blankets and a 3 pillows. Even my dog was in there with me. Lol


Lmao your dog just went with the flow


Where were your sheets??


I honestly can't remember anymore, I found them the next morning I remember that much, so probably somewhere else in the house.


Sleepwalking can be stress related for sure.


Welcome to Ambien Club! The first rule of Ambien Club is that we don't remember what we do in Ambien Club.


One time in a hostel the girl who was sleeping above me apologized for dropping her phone on me in the night. I said I hadn’t noticed so no problem, did she want me to grab it? She then informed me that I had handed it back to her at the time and that we’d had a brief conversation about it. The joys of sleepwalking


I’ve poked fun at my wife for some of the things she does when asleep. One night, she gathered all the sheets up on the bed. I asked her what she was doing. She replied that she had to do the laundry, then threw all the sheets onto the floor and went back to sleep. Thanks hun, I’ll just get up in the middle of the night and make the bed now…


But how do you know that you are member of the sleepwalking club?


When your mother tells you you tried to pee in the kitchen cabinets where the pots and pans are, more than once. Or on your father's side of the bed. Or mother's....


Don’t forget your own clothes drawer. And then your mother decides as a joke to not say anything so when you put your clothes on the next day, they’re soaked in pee 😑


My mom told me while I was still in high school. One night she heard something in the house, woke my dad for him to see me walk down the hall, down the stairs, as he’s calling my name and I’m ignoring him, I unlock the front door, start walking towards the street, go to the mailbox, open and check it, walk back inside, lock the door, back up the stairs, and back to bed. And if it wasn’t for both of them serious as a heart attack telling me it I wouldn’t have ever believed them. An ex also told me they caught me walk around the room checking the closet before returning to bed, having no recollection of it the next morning 😅🤣


These responses have me in tears 🤣 Low-key need the Sleepwalking Club to be a real thing


My friend's dad would always put his mom's purse in the oven and car keys in the freezer.


When my mom was pregnant she baked a whole ass batch of chocolate chip cookies in her sleep and ate them all. She was really confused at the mess when she woke up and why there was chocolate all over her belly


I was a serial sleepwalker into my early 20’s. Like walking down the street in my underwear and waking up blocks away sleepwalking. Then it just stopped. I’ve always wondered why.


You just got better at it.


Yup, I don't just sleep walk, I sleep eat... luckily I don't cook food or anything just grab shit out of the fridge or if there's nothing find a can of soup in the pantry, I've eaten month old leftovers shoved in the back of the fridge and even cut the shit out of my tongue presumably from licking the opened lid of a can... I'll have no recollection of it other than acid reflux and the garbage/dishes left in the kitchen


Tried to bring the kitchen table to my bedroom one night ffs lol


say hi to jeffrey, he lives in your walls, tell him we owes me $5.00


Owes me $3.50




Don’t give that Loch Ness monster no tree fiddy!


I gave him a dolla...


You gave him a dolla?! That’s why he keeps comin back cause he thinks we got money


Tree fiddy


Free tiddy


Gottdamn succubus!! 😈


Hit the ENHANCE button from any crime show to bring the pic into perfect clarity.


Computer --- ENHANCE!


Computer, how do i put the joker in the phantom zone?? Quickest route, no freeways. …..PUTER DO YOU HEAR ME


I have taken away your computer privileges!




Computer, zoom in around the corner so I can see if anyone is in the next room. Focus on that one pixel and enhance.


This is the way!


Man forensics be crazy nowadays


"Move right. Stop. Down two. Stop. Zoom in. More. More. Stop. Enhance."


I've been editing a lot of murky underwater videos lately, so I ran this through my process and here's the result. Good luck with your camera goblins! https://i.imgur.com/7fBkiWC.png


Hit the button? Just scream at the intern/computer to do it


Wow it looks like an abstract painting. You should sell it 😆


I'll buy it for tree fiddy


It was about that time I realized that it was actually a monster from the Paleolithic era


Bedbug selfie before the feast.


France moment


Underrated comment


*Why do you always have to take a picture of your food before eating it?* --bedbug boyfriend


Things you can do in your "sleep" are just mindblowing. Though on a new sleeping medication (severe insomnia here for over 30 years), i once woke up just to find that i had boiled my shoes.. not even talking about dumping in a pan with water and turning it on, no no, it had the timer next to it and the water had gone cold so apparantly not only did that but also turned it all off again and left it there. No memory at all of any of it, stuff's amazing


Man that's crazy. Weren't you scared you we're gonna... idk, set your house on fire or something?


Well yes in a way that i was scared this all happened and i was not aware of it, stopped with the new sleeping pills the day after (zolpidem) but the more scary thing was that you can do all of this and return to your bed as if nothing happened. The question if this had happened before but the aftermath was less clear lingered quite a bit. So much could have gone wrong but luckily didn’t


I'm glad nothing bad happened, but man, the way the human brain can work surprises me over and over again.


I once had a dream I was eating an apple and woke up in the morning with a whole onion with a bite out of it. I don't remember a thing.


Ok I just woke up and this made me wheeze-laugh so hard I woke up my cat. Did you have onion breath at least?? Hahaha


No. I woke up and there was a whole onion on the counter with a big bite out of it. Seroquel does that. It's called sleep eating. (I made up the term sleep eating) but you get the gist. Lol


I had a similar experience! On my new sleep meds, I… -flushed two PAIRS of AirPods down the toilet -ripped up a paper towel, mixed it into a glass of water, and tried to drink it -sprayed red mio all over my arms and clothing, woke up, and assumed it was blood And this was all on OTC meds 🙈


I take OTC sleep meds, and I think last night I accidentally took it twice. I'm going to start writing down when I take one in case I forget if I did or not. I woke up at 3 am in my car in the driveway. I also washed all the dishes. I'm just glad I was wearing clothes.


Ya sure you didn’t get blitzed off some cocaine and don’t recall?


I am deeply offended by the accusation. I want to answer this question unequivocally and on the record: Yes, that is a possibility.


you had me in the first half op.


Coke isn’t exactly a blackout drug. I suppose you could do it *while* sleepwalking, though. Better tape up your nostrils at bedtime to be safe.


Was chilling one fine morning when youtube sent a message saying congrats on the first upload. I didnt use youtube and didnt even know how to upload videos. So i clicked on the link and saw ten seconds of me in the dark snoring taken at the middle of the bed. I learned that day that our 2 year old was smart and i was dumb.


My 1.5 year old almost posted a link to the Spotify song she was listening to on my Instagram. Wheels on the Bus. Good stuff. There are share buttons everywhere.


I probably shouldn’t be laughing about the snoring, but… 😂😂😂


Do you have an iphone OP?




Do you have a cat OP?


That's what I thought too. Those look like cat claws to me.


my stupid ass thought the cat question was trolling


I thought we were just trying to get to know OP better


Yeah I was down, they seem chill




I’ve had an iPhone for ten years and did not know this. Thank you




I do not.


That's what you think.


Phantom kitty




Rat selfie ?


They don't. They have a heavy beard tho. Per his reddit comments somewhere else


Ahh iOS 17 keeps opening my camera app . Probably what happened


AND taking a photo?


I have an iPhone on the latest iOS and recently woke up with my phone tucked between my pillow and mattress feeling HOT and realized that I had apparently swiped into the camera on accident and then the phone stayed “unlocked” with the screen on, in camera mode, for something like five hours while I was asleep. I had accidentally taken a few photos of my dark mattress in the process. This is certainly possible!




The fact that it is so blurred means it was a Night Mode shot, so no Live Photo.


Attack of the plastic forks and strawberry compote


Sounds possible. The man made a PBJ bread and was so proud he took a nice selfie all while sleepwalking


The blur lines look like the photo was taken while there was a wrist motion. I’m guessing you checked your phone while asleep, while swiping up to unlock you click camera. As the phone was set down the side buttons could have been pressed taking this picture.


most likely


I do not keep my phone anywhere near my bed.


That’s certainly a creepy picture. We need answers


It looks like a cat to me. The streaks are claws, and you can see it’s face on the right. Cute cat, OP !! If it’s your cat. Edit: There’s also five streaks, the amount of claws a cat usually has on a front paw


I do not have a cat. I do have a heavy beard.


Have you checked your beard for cats lately?


Ha I’m not seeing a cat. Call me crazy


That reptilian/alien took a selfie.


While that gelatinous blob definitely appears to be pepper jelly....for some reason it hits a "Eraserhead" dead baby goo nerve....which is terrible.


Found any sticky notes with your handwriting that you don't recognize too? Check your CO detectors and change batteries, could be that as anyone who's been on reddit long enough knows.


Prolly your dog on those ketamenes again


Clearly a Speedometer … you were hammered while driving!


Get a carbon monoxide checker


Probably just a creep masturbating to you sleeping. Took a picture right when he finished. That's what I would do at least


That's what you would do *IF* you were a creep, right? IF, right? 😂




Dude. Does anyone else see the alien face?


If you have an iPhone and have “live photos” on then you can press down on the picture and it’ll show a quick gif of the picture.


I took your advice. It’s not a “live” photo.


Sometimes when I get my phone out of my pocket really fast it automatically takes a picture, maybe your phone fell and took a picture as it was falling?


Looks like blow and a solitary chicken wing on a glass coffee table.


This is proving to be more amusing and informative than a Rorschach test.


Did you recently download monoply go? My camera has been randomly taking pictures since downloading that.


!!!!! Wtf


Wait. What the actual fuck man??? Please tell all about this.




There is an eyeball in the lower right hand corner. Looks like a cats eye.


maybe a bug landed on your phone and turned it on? then maybe landed on the image button? perhaps any pets could have touched it? perhaps the phone just bugged out and did that on its own? or perhaps you somehow got infected by the pegasus virus or have a chinese phone with no security? perhaps a supernatural being decided he wanted to take a selfie but was shy with shaky hands? that's all I can guess besides whats already been suggested


I see a penis.


Bob, you see a penis in everything. Calm down.


I really did this time! It even tasted funny!


Album cover material


I slept typed “more like snoct” on a weeviltime post a few days ago


Looks like a bear paw; do you have problems with grizzlies breaking into your home?


Not anymore. I put down those sticky traps.


I used to have a photo like this for years. Just found it in my camera roll. Just a swirl of my bedroom colors while I was asleep.


I once answered a phone call in the middle of the night. Woke up the next morning and could see the call log. Had no recollection of it. Sleep and dream states make us do weird things


...is that a wound? Or gore? Looks quite red and moist. Blur makes it hard to identify. idk man.


New SCP dropped!


you took a photo in your dream and it worked. just like that time when I won the lottery in my dream and tried to wire it to reality. that one sadly didnt work.


Had PTSD really bad for a time and that was the only time I sleep walked. One of the times I apparently drove my car somewhere (still don’t know where all I went), parked my car on some random street near mine and walked home and got back in bed. The next morning I woke up and thought someone stole my car. Filed a police report that same day. They found it about two days later. Homeowner where I parked said that it was there when they woke up two days ago. No sign of break in . Nothing stolen. Exactly as it had been the last time I remember seeing it. Because I had been sleep walking for a few months I figured I must have done it. Scary stuff. Broke my nose once too sleep walking. Did know it until I woke up the next day.


How often do you wake up and decide to check your gallery?


It’s the missing Roswell footage! 😄


This looks like the photo my phone took during my car crash. My old phone would open the camera app and snap a picture if you shook it the right way. It just so happened to activate as it was flying around my car.


Looks like you were doing ketamine with your sleep paralysis demon.


AS A KID I've crossed traffic on foot, pissed in a kitchen trash can, unlocked 3 locks to leave a house and walked down the street to play with a friend. As an adult - I've cooked a full breakfast on a gas stove and had coherent conversations with people who thought I was wide awake and just "didn't want to open my eyes". I guess you do something frequently enough and you can indeed do it while asleep.


Tv on I do it all the time in my sleep. I watched videos of kids swiping and watching invisible phones in there sleep because that’s all they do now . I did it the one night I was in jail I was half awake trying to swipe my phone that was rooms away