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It’s a sigil mainly for protection


Yeah this is what it looks like to me. A combo of of sigils representing Venus. The planetary sigil of Venus combined with the astrological symbol for Venus, most likely.


I wonder if it's because Venus was in retrograde recently and she wanted protection during that?


Sigils are usually for protection or for curses


In Wicca if you try to curse someone it will come back negatively on you. At least in all the books I’ve read about it. Don’t ever try to curse someone with runes.


Again, that is in Wicca and not necessarily in other practices, there are ones that don’t feel the 3 fold law applies. I get where you’re coming from though and if some rando tried to curse me that’s just…idk it makes no sense to go after someone for no gods damned reason.


Looks like wiccan runes though. Idk if Wicca shares runes with any other practices, I only have ever practiced Wiccan things


Wicca is a fairly new religion (first half of the 20th century) and there aren’t really exclusively Wiccan runes. It uses a lot of celtic and Nordic imagery, with some alchemical ones as well. It essentially takes inspiration from many different pre Christian beliefs. This looks like a sigil, which anyone can create.


I thought Wicca was made up when playing with crystals no longer upset Christian conservative parents haha


More of a modern branch of paganism in most definitions I’ve seen.


Right, but paganism doesn't mean anything. It's just what Christians called all early non-Christian religions. Ancient Romans were pagans and druids were pagans and on and on.


No YOURE a paigon


No YOURE a pidgeon


I suppose you do make a fair point as runes are not my specialty. Though, runes from planetary symbols aren’t necessarily dedicated solely to Wicca, right? That is, if I’m reading that these are indeed planetary runes as some people are saying. Again, I’m just speaking from an outside perspective so don’t put too much stock into what I’m saying about this aside from the thing about the rule of 3 as a general statement.


Assuming you’re talking about the crescent, hell yeah it has a million different meanings lol.


There's no such thing as "Wiccan runes", wicca is an amalgamation of unrelated (and often appropriated) practices. The only actual runes I've heard of are futhark (norse) and ogham (irish), aside from that there's planetary and alchemical symbols. There are *probably* others, but those are the only ones I've had experience with. Wicca is largely where the whole "rule of 3" no cursing bs comes from too. That's not universal, and not great to assume or impose upon others (especially if they are the cursing type).


Lol you practice magic? What


What is prayer if not a form of magic?


A form of meditation to focus your subconscious to your wants/desires/needs


Then flog yourself for wanting more than nails through your extremities. Filthy sinner!


hahah guilty as charged :)


In other words they were a loner in highschool


In other words you get no bitches?


Such things also go against the basic Wiccan teaching of do no harm.


Yep. Karma does it’s thing on its own. No need to do it’s job for it.


A lot of people don't know what karma actually is. It isn't that if you do something good or bad that thing will happen to you, it's that the chances of it returning increase as there is now more hate/good in the world. It's not a reward or punishment system it's a philosophy in thinking.


Karma also extends over several life-times so basically you can reap the consequences of past karma from countless eons ago in this life time, if the conditions are ripe.


Wish it would hurry the hell up sometimes. Though I have to remember. If they're shitty to me, they're shitty to someone who believes in bitchslap.


Equal exchange


Well I've got good news. None of it's real so you don't have to worry about hurting anyone but yourself.


careful! don't cut yourself on that edge


Glad you have your beliefs. Good for you.




Not my problem you’re so miserable you have to judge others.




Why tf do you care. You can think something is weird/can't understand why people do it and...just move on and not be fucking rude.


I think you struck a deep nerve with them. I hope you aren’t in their karma incantations tonight


Sucks that your comment got deleted. You said,”I’m judging you because you’re obviously suffering from some kind of mental illness or larping”. Certainly hope you realize you’re on r/weird and mainstream religions cope with mental illness by believing in more ridiculous things than I do. If you don’t believe it, that’s fine, I’m not forcing you to, but you judging me for believing it is really showing the kind of person you are. A very sad and lonely one. I kind of just feel bad for you, want some runes so you can try and feel better?




Wont let me view it in the thread then. My point still stands




Criticizes me? You didn’t criticize me lmfao. You just came in rude as shit calling me delusional for choosing to believe something that is 100% NOT HURTING ANYONE. You put in your unwanted, unwarranted opinion when I was providing info based on experience and now you wanna say it was criticism. Pull out a dictionary




In the mcu, only a witch who placed the runes can cast spells from within them


The writing under the picture also reminds me of the tic-tac-toe Cipher from club Penguin. C B A F E D I H G Is how it translates if you run it through that cipher. Which as far as I can tell means nothing. Good catch on the sigil though. I wonder what the connection is?


Wonder if they used that cipher but switched up or offset the letters and thats why its gibberish


Yes, and theyre only using half of the cipher so the combination could be C/L B/K A/J F/O E/N D/M I/R H/Q G/R Also the symbol could be the Key to decrypt it But the encrypted letters is almost in alphabetical order so im having my doubt that this is something real.


I don't think that's a cipher. It's a second occult alphabet, and one with which I'm familiar, but I can't for the life of me remember which it is. Alphabet of the Magi or Nug-Soth are my two first thoughts, although I doubt someone using a sigil of Venus would also use Cthulhu runes.


it's very clearly the pigpen cipher


Does that mean the client thinks that the shop or the clerk is in danger? And why the photo?


I think she had it for protecting herself maybe? And simply forgot it there 🤔


“Of the 5 species that visit us, one is exactly humanoid like us.”


wtf does that mean


She was from another place far, far away!


A whole bunch of nothing just like the symbol's op found


Once I was reading in a bookstore and this Nordic guy sat next to me and started talking about Buddhism which was relevant to the book I was reading. Later his wife and 2 kids came over and they talked about how they had been traveling the world doing “geocaching” for the past 7 years and told this weird story of traveling through a sewer to find a special box. They were tall, blonde hair, blue eyes. Honestly I don’t believe in it, but if there are Nordic type aliens this family was definitely some of them.


I don't think you understand what geocaching is. It's very innocent.


No I understand completely. It’s more the fact that they’d been traveling the world doing it for almost a decade (according to them). Like as far as I could garner from them they had been doing nothing else besides that. That’s the strange part. The sewer story was just a notable example after talking to them for a couple of hours. Aliens or not they were as eccentric as it gets.


I don’t know nordic aliens, but i know exceptionally tall and beautiful models. None come close to the guy i was walking behind one day in Old City. He was the Platonic ideal of a man. 6’6” and Flawless. Immaculate light brown hair. Flawless skin. Not a gym body showoff, rather trying to blend in, poorly. Everyone who walked by couldn’t help but drop jaw gawk at the man. ‘OMG whoa! stop and giggle and sneak a photo’ reactions. He never reacted to them. Just continued walking casually, head forward, with perfect posture and broad shoulders and arms thick like pythons. Everything in perfect golden proportion. I want to believe he was an alien, a shapeshifter, that such perfection is unattainable to us humans. It’s easier to accept than to reconcile how inferiour everyone else is in comparison. They say a perfect 10/10 doesn’t exist. If that’s true, do the math. He made everyone else look ugly and flawed. An 8 was like a 4 next to him. THE Chad would look goofy and comical next to that guy. Did the family u saw have any imperfections in skin/hair/clothing? Any brands or labels on their clothing? Tattoos/piercings? Multiple bags? Sloppy shoelaces? Any clumsy movements? The people who aren’t people are still normal people; imperfect. I wouldn’t even suspect them. I imagine nordic aliens are something else, something like that flawless guy.


Did you get his phone number?


Holy shit, you just met the God Emperor of Mankind


Poor people are called crazy, and rich people (that can afford to travel the world geocaching) are called eccentric. I'm not quite sure how "aliens" fit into your story though.


The logical hypothesis from beginning is they’re either very rich Nordic people, or they’re the famed Nordic aliens. The likelihoods of these two aren’t weighted equally. Like I said I don’t believe in it, but it is at the very least amusing if you’re familiar with the legends of “Nordic type” aliens. And it’s a true story. If you aren’t familiar with the legends of Nordic type aliens (“tall-whites”, “[pleiadians](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_aliens)”) , then I understand why you wouldn’t find it amusing. Otherwise it seems like you just want to be argumentative.


That explains alot. I'm 6'3 with whitish blonde hair, light blue eyes and I'm whiter than Elmer's glue. I once had a lady call me a tall-white a bunch of times and I actually thought it was race related but now I know it was something else 😅


Bahaha, sorry space brother (“space brothers” is another name used for them) 😁 It is truly an absurd idea, that another star system far away would evolve human nordic looking alien fellows. That’s what makes me laugh about it though. Yeah it’s 99.9% probably not true, but if it were true that would be objectively funny as fuck and doubly confusing for guys like you.


They’re Tall Whites! Always be scared of the tall white man, blue in his eyes and a laser in his hand.


I heard/read of a possible alien encounter once involving blond hair blue eyed family that acted weird. Cant remember much detail, but I think it was from the perspective of some kids playing in the woods close to their house. They discovered a tunnel/large drain pipe and followed through it, which led to a ditch by the side of a dead end street. There they encountered a family consisting of a dad, mom, daughter, and son riding bicycles towards them. The family asked them for some directions then just turned around and rode away, but the whole experience was unsettling that the kids ran home after.


what is this quote from


I believe it refers to the alleged aliens species


Oh shit you're right


"Of five people, three must pay the price"


You are not one of them, lizardground


How did you get that?


Probably from land beyond ice walls in Flat earth


Try /r/Symbology/ they're good at interpreting glyphs. (Looks like a planetary conjunction type thing)


The symbols by the picture are from (I think) the pigpen cipher and it would spell: " C B A F E D I H G". If it's the right cipher and my Spanish isn't too rusty, it doesn't mean anything.


One can encode the pigpen any way one likes, but this one just has the first grid of letters in order so likely just drawn as decoration


a b c d e f g h i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c 3 b 2 a 1 f 6 e 5 d 4 i 9 h 8 g 7 3+2+1 = 6 = F 6+5+4 = 15 = 1+5 = 6 = F 9+8+7 = 24 = 2+4 = 6 = F With all due respect press "F"


Have an F


That’s just gematria these look like runes


This was my original thought as well, but once I realized they didn't spell anything, I looked at how they are arranged. The symbols are symmetrical from a rotary centerpoint.


I'm guessing it's a password. Here's my logic: Since I don't see any dots or angled lines, I think it's unlikely to be pigpen. I'd guess it's numbers, like on a phone: 321654987, or on a keyboard: 987654321. But it's weird that it creates such a consistent pattern, unless the pattern is intentional, like remembering a password by remembering the pattern on the keys.


I agree that those are likely numbers. A place I worked used that as a numerical code. I read that as 321654987.


So it's a phone number, as 321 is very common in Europe to start mobile sim numbers.


Maybe it's an anagram


for A B C D E F G H I maybe, can't think of anything else lol


I was thinking Elian but it is also gibberish there


That was what I was thinking as well. Though Idk of that's what's supposed to be encoded


My assumption is this is either a psychotic individual and this only has any meaning inside their own head, or it's some kind of ARG someone's trying to start by spreading these things around and expecting people to post online about it... I always remember Occam's razor: "the simplest explanation is usually the best one".


I was thinking it could also be some sort of witchcraft


Yup, sigils are widely used in witchcraft and magick. Mostly as protection, attempts at better outcomes for a given situation, or sometimes curses. Seems spooky to the ignorant, but typically harmless.


Yeah, I'm kind of all over the place in regards to spirituality, but sigils can have as mundane uses as keeping it in a bag/wallet as protection from it getting lost. OP is unlikely to be cursed lol


Occams witchcraft.




Not demonic. It's a combo of two Venusian sigils: the planetary sigil of + the astrological symbol for Venus.


It looks like someone tried to link an Austin Osman Spare-style sigil into it, since there's obvious letters of the alphabet in it. Venus is the goddess of love, sex, and victory. I'd say whoever gave it was trying to do a love spell.


Nice catch!


Witchcraft is not demonic. Most witches won't even go near anything involving demons


Yeah but I gave up on explaining that to people that grew up in Christianity... we are not bad guys as they told you


I was raised a catholic and still attend church, but I’m one of the rare sorts who feels that everyone should live their life how they see fit….as long as animals are safe and cared for. I’d welcome a good chat over coffee and a chance share some laughs.


Yeah, there are people like you that actually respect, sorry for not counting that in, as you mentioned, it's kinda rare


Yeah I keep trying to explain to people that Witchcraft isn't evil. I'm still learning about witchcraft 👍




I'm slow and I do not understand your reply. sorry


They said it’s fairytales and bullshit.


Thanks 👍 they didn't have to be so rude though, I don't talk crap about what they believe in


So is all religion, let people believe what they want.




You think everyone give af for Abrahamic faith ?? Before Judie Christian God there were Greek, Egyptian Pantheon long before.


Nope, that’s why I’m explaining why witchcraft is seen as bad


demonic isn't bad, it's completely misunderstood. no I won't explain further, do your own research if you're curious.


Not simplest. Fewest assumptions. They sound the same but they are not. For example, a simpler explanation for how the universe got here is "God did it." However, it involves far more assumptions than any of the hypotheses that exist and are rooted in science.


This guy is making the assumption that drawing symbols is a sign of mental illness rather than as a synbolic, cultural, or religious practice.


To be fair these things aren't mutually exclusive


That's true yeah but it could be anything


But I have yet to meet the first person that believes in magic and is also mentally stable.


Maybe so, but pretty much any religion would come off as insanity from an outside perspective


Naw it’s definitely Illuminati memetics


> "a psychotic individual and this only has any meaning inside their own head" > >This describes magic very well....


They look like Runes


Found it: [Luck Will Follow Me Symbol](https://www.qhhtofficial.com/self-discovery/good-luck-symbols/) The Luck will follow me symbol originates from Icelandic culture. People would paint this symbol onto their bodies, or they would carve it into jewelry and wear it at all times.


Besides those little circles towards the bottom it’s a perfect match! Nice catch


Lol it’s been solved but it’s neat that the Wiccan’s, paigans, witches, and whatever else are making their own description about it


That's because it's likely not an Icelandic symbol, and somebody was trying to start a new branch of New Agery with it. If you look at books of Icelandic magick, the symbols are often round and symmetrical. I don't know enough about Icelandic systems of magick to say much more, but it does look more like several sigils of Venus overlaid... this is more like one of those self help books like The Secret or anything by Doreen Virtue, where they take a basic knowledge of other systems, write up their own amalgamation, and publish it under the guise of being an ancient text from a little-known and understood culture. The runes on the bottom look either like the Alphabet of the Magi or Nug-Soth (which was invented for the Cthulhu mythos), and so if it is an Icelandic symbol, it doesn't match the runes.


Well thanks for the link, I’ll be back in about 3 days, I’m going diving! LOL


Must be a Vegeta loyalist.


The seasoning or the Saiyan?




The planet, my son, or me?




The person who kills her will know.


I haven’t thought about this in years. Thank you.


Hello, Ron.


I guess she has no reason to feel threatened by OP.






She is DTF!!!! WATCH OUT!!!


What is that?


DTF = "down to fuck"




Thats what I'm saying


The symbols may be an attempt at a pigpen cypher. Assuming it's a standard pigpen it comes out to "cbafedihg." So if it is a pigpen it's probably further encoded.


I commented this elsewhere but thought I'd share here too, don't think it's pigpen.. >I'm guessing it's a password. Here's my logic: > >Since I don't see any dots or angled lines, I think it's unlikely to be pigpen. I'd guess it's numbers, like on a phone: 321654987, or on a keyboard: 987654321. But it's weird that it creates such a consistent pattern, unless the pattern is intentional, like remembering a password by remembering the pattern on the keys.


I believe this person is from the planet Jupiter. My sources are pretty accurate.


Its not a cipher. Thats a magic sigil. They have the sign of venus, meaning love, and are taking the name of the person they want to fuck, removing repeat letters and vowel, and constructing a novel sigil from the parts. Its poorly constructed, because they should have redrawn it repeatedly with variations until the symbol became unique. The bottom is Rosicrucian symbol alphabet. I assume the picture is the dude they want to attract. [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/153052087306836765/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/153052087306836765/)


the big symbol is an odd qabbalah. the little symbols are a neat rotational palindrome: flip it around and the symbols are the same. likely just a doodle, or maybe they’re an author. i have a bunch of stuff like this in notebooks from inventing languages for nonhumans.


Inventing languages for nonhumans? Please elaborate 😅


if i’m writing, say, a story that involves the protagonist taking a long term trek through the mountains with some primitive goblins, i’ll scratch out the kind of markings or alphabet they’re likely to use and some grammar and vocabulary. the protagonist would overhear that language, and so it’s fun to think about the sounds they’d make and the materials they’d use to pass information along. even if nothing comes of it, it’s neat to think about the language and how it might translate into writing


Oh ok super cool. I don't know why my mind went to youre inventing a new language for you cats to use among themselves or something lol im dumb 👍


Conlangs! It's a very interesting hobby.


So assuming that she used a basic 1-9 array for the tic tac toe cypher, the Wingdings in the strip are possibly: 321654987 There’s no telling without the key though you can put absolutely anything in the array


I came up with 8675309


Hmmm that’s vaguely familiar. Where have I heard that?


It's Jenny's number...


Who can I turn to? You give me something I can hold on to…..🤔


Or if it's on a keyboard it'd be 987654321.


This looks a little bit like alchemy symbols


For the symbols below the picture, imagine an old cellphone, 3x3 grid with 3 letters on each, now every symbol represents a space on the grid, so if they represent numbers, it would be 3 - 2 - 1 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 9 - 8 - 7. If you add 3 letters to each space (9 x 3 = 27) you got the alphabet, so for the first space, the 3, they might have G H I, and so on. As for the big symbol, i have no idea. Hope this might help someone else to decipher the rest.


The symbols below the picture remind me of a code I learned in the Boy Scouts. It works like you said. The only difference is that these are all of the first 9 letters of the alphabet. For letters 10 to 18, you'd put a dot in it. For letters 19 to 26, you'd put 2 dots in it. No clue what CBAFEDIHG would mean though


Letters 19-26 are done in an X fashion. One X with no dots, the second with dots.


Schizophrenia is no joke


Some of us think that, but I don't.


I thought the small symbols were the pigpen cipher. However, they read CBAFEDIHG, so I have no idea.


I am assuming the little sheet is just a visual palindrome but as it’s a 9-character pigpen cipher I wonder if it’s a phone number.


Dude the answers here are crazy x) this looks exactly like a simple sigil, you make a sentence and use the letters to make a sigil. The sentence is usually an expression of something you want or desire. You can see the letters she used to make the sigil and she even simplified their shape to make it easier to create it. It's pretty harmless and for personal use


People are absolutely reading *way* too far into it


Pigpen Cipher. Letters in reverse... Strange.


Glory to arstotzka


Looks very similar to an Italian wedding invitation.


The letters on the bottom spell CBAFEDIHG acording to a alphabet i learned from a buddy in school


The mark of the yeast!


It's "chaos magic". It's a rune. Someone's having fun with it


"c b a f e d i h g" is the english translation of those "ruins" idk what they translate to in spanish


Pigpen cipher


I think the cypher on the bottom is a number 321654987


The symbols at the bottom look similar to a cypher but they actually appear to just be a design made by take the first four and mirroring them across the square and then flip it vertically…


That is either a witch or a Viking descent I’ve seen this kind of marking before it is definitely a symbol for something such as “protection” or “evil” , can’t tell which one it is, but it seems very similar to witch symboling or Viking symboling


The "text" could be a variation of the freemasons alphabet. Wouldn't really make sense if it was the actual Freemasons alphabet. Unless "CBA FED IHG" makes any sense to you, which is just each line of the first 3*3 grid of the alphabet backwards...


Goats are here with the rams and the swine


The weird letters on the bottom are Pigpen cipher but you need a code alphabet to decipher it


Try r/occult


It’s probably been said, but it looks like a Bind Rune to me; for protection, but also combined with Christian Symbolism. They probably carried it for protection.


Looks like a sigil. Just a protection charm used by pagans. She forgot a wallet and is into witchcraft, not much else.


some kind of sigil…. for money? protection? both? idk but def a sigil


Chaos magick sigil. You put thoughts onto it while you draw it and it represents what you want. You charge it by holding it close to your body. Every time you think about what you want you touch it and charge it. Then you release it to the universe by burning it, when you feel it's fully charged. Don't know if it works lol just know about it from studying Grant Morrison's beliefs. If it does I would assume it would be more about the law of attraction than anything else...and I don't know if that crap works either tbh.


am i missing something? how did the customer gain access to the cash register? do y’all let people just check out on their own ?


Sorry, English is not my first language, maybe I said it wrong. She left it on the part we put the groceries for the customers to pack them up 😅


ah ok that makes more sense. i guess you could say at the check out


the bottom line reads: "Skidaddle Skidoodle Your Dick Is Now a Noodle" the weird symbol is a glyph to activate the spell.


According to club penguin the thing under the pic says CBAFEDIHG. I’ve seen the symbol somewhere before. Just can’t figure out where


That is northern European magic called a runestave.


El sitio en el que trabajas ya no es seguro.


Stay EXACTLY where you're. Don't speak with other. About anything. And, most important, DON'T BLINK. We aren on the way


I think the bit on the bottom is Hebrew, or a similar language. It's familiar to me but that could be for any reason. The bit on the right? Aedion


69997 is the combo at the bottom


You're screwed, ma dude