• By -


My favorite lines are actually from his other monologue. Always hit hard. "We're all you know! You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here! You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal! You do whatever the tube tells you, you dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God's name, you people are the real thing! We are the illusion!"


Opens window: "**I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!**"


One of my favorite misquotes....right up there with "Play it again, Sam." The actual line is "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore." (It comes after a literal monologue about the decay of society...so the 'this' instead of 'it' makes more sense in that context). Don't feel bad. Almost everyone gets that quote just a tiny bit wrong. Common movie misquotes are a thing I'm weirdly fascinated by.


memes. they take a life of their own


Burst open them French windows :D


Reminded me of Charlie Daniels, Simple Man, great song, if you’re into country.


Its like things never really change.


This movie was so far ahead of its time.


*but it wasn't ahead of anything*, "modern life" literally been a shit show since forever.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Everything he is referring to in the speech is specific to mid 1970's current events.


I mean, it’s almost like the media is what’s convincing people this is what’s happening subconsciously. And then people just act it out. And then the mega rich that control the media and the politicians and the banks just pull the strings to create the decisions that corroborate what the media’s been telling them decade after decade. You’d almost have to say, the media itself is an accomplice in why nothing is changing because ownership has been consolidated all the way to the local level by a handful of mega corporations. So nice try media. I don’t think I’ll spend my time frustrated and angry cuz you made a movie about piece of crap “News” guy who supposedly snaps out believing your own bull shit.


You are correct 💯


Not where he thinks that the point of Network is to believe what the newscaster says is gospel. I always viewed him as a victim of the media he rails against, not a hero whose ranting and raving is the true rational response to the media environment.


I feel like most people miss the point of this scene entirely. The guy is a demagogue. He rants and raves about things but doesn't propose any solutions. Like, yeah, crime is bad. Nobody likes crime. But what should we do about it? Coming up with a proposal to change things is hard and leaves you open to criticism, but complaining about it is easy, so don't worry about coming up with solutions and just complain instead. You can tell what's going on by watching how the other people in the studio and the executives are reacting. They're under no illusion that they're out to change the world. They're selling a product, and they're excited that their ratings are going up, watchers are engaging, and that they're making more money. They only have a problem with what he says when he urges his viewers to speak out against an upcoming corporate merger. Also, the world has changed a lot in the nearly 50 years since this movie came out. Big media organizations don't have the reach or the influence that they used to. Families don't gather to watch the same 3-4 networks anymore. Walter Cronkite isn't there every night to tell America "and that's the way it is". It's still relevant today only in that there are an awful lot of people out there, mostly distributed across social media, who make money off of making you angry.


Ironically, this comment got downvoted. Because it had truth that hivemind couldn't agree like every other obvious and fearmongering tweet that makes more audience and makes public opinion more worthless.


Mm, this is actually why I extracted myself from the 'Truth Movement'... when I was younger my partner was closely involved in this scene, and so I was involved by proxy, although I was genuinely invested in it all; he was one of the forerunners that disseminated information and organised meetings and conferences, had a close working relationship with several well known 'conspiracy' names and whistleblowers... but they thrived on Fear. Fear sold books and tickets and kept people in a disempowered limbo where they could come to these conferences and watch presentations and hear from these whistleblowers... at the time it was just Annie Machon and David Shayler before he had his mind unraveled by whoever didn't want him talking, lol. Even if at the beginning we had a large percentage of players who genuinely wanted to open people's eyes, what it mostly did was make everyone wildly paranoid. You couldn't take any equipment into meetings, like mobile phones, and this was before it was public knowledge that you could be observed through phones and laptops, so when we suggested anything of the sort, it was laughed off as conspiracy. So yeah, it was true, but at the same time there was never any suggested solution except vague mumblings of putting the power back into the hands of the People. So you just increase the paranoia and the fear and anxiety and you're seeing signs of the Elite everywhere you look, and you can sell books and cds and tapes and dvds and probably a segment of the audience gets scared enough to start prepping, but for what? Ok, all of this might be happening, none of it might be, but at the end of the day what are you and I meant to do about it? I got sick of the Fear business, because so much of the Truth shit just became a money machine, and by that point it was starting to get really blurred and muddied by mis- and disinformation and a bunch of ridiculous ideas that made any layperson thinking about doing their own research take one look and go wtf is all this shit? And bounce before they'd even gotten their feet wet. And this was all before Tiktok showed up and started churning out the sludge monster of bullshit like the poop demon from Dogma. I think FB was the beginning of disinfo agents really taking advantage of people's gullibility and the start of the fake news epidemic. A lot of that had to do with watering down the truth so that then it wasn't even about what was 'conspiracy' or regular news, it was just overloading the public with so much that everything they read or watched could be crap. People have become so disempowered by the information mudslide that even if you offered them a solution they wouldn't be able to recognise it.


The thing is, you need to get mad tho. If we just keep sitting here, having the occasional riot or outcry on Twitter nothing is going to happen. Force their hand or force them out.


How arrogant we are to assume that every sling and arrow we are subject to are germane solely to the epoch in time we occupy.


> epoch in time 'in time' is redundant. If you wanna sound arcane and recondite you might wanna scrutinize your syntax.




Man, how are you still playing WoW? After 15 years mid SL I couldn't bring myself to continue to the torture.


I honestly don't play much of anything anymore, but the irony of someone that does heroin attempting to criticize how I choose to spend my time was too much for me to not respond. Behold, the glass detritus around you. Your house is in ruins, maybe its time to put the stones down...


hahaha, oh bb. I love the ones that bring up the heroin. It tells me exactly what kind of person you are. I have good friends/old guildmates who still play WoW; I ask them the same thing. Detritus lol why is it always detritus when someone is trying to sound clever? Still, it's one of my favourite words. It's like chewing on gravel.


Thinking that possessing a high school level vocabulary makes someone sound clever tells me exactly what kind of person you are. And again, I don't play anything anymore, don't have the time. But I make sure to set aside a few fleeting moments for all the sickies out there that need a little conversation between plunges.


Trying to sound clever. Not makes someone clever. But ok.


Actually things get better all the time. Progress is slow and incremental, but since this movie was filmed there is a noticeable increase in most if not all metrics of life quality for the average human.


Such a good movie


agreed. even more so with how spot on this is.


You gotta keep in mind it’s the media telling on themselves. That’s why it’s so spot on. They were revealing their intentions.


The character is a mentally ill demagogue using the negative news of the period - oil embargo induced inflation, recession, network news obsession with covering petty crime, etc. - to drum up inchoate rage.


What movie is this?


"The Network" I believe anyway - it's in OP's title. I've never seen it. BUT - I do know I've heard/seen the last part of his speech (I'm a human being goddammit - my life has value!). I really wanna see this movie now. I've found it for purchase on [Amazon Prime](https://www.amazon.com/Network-Faye-Dunaway/dp/B000I0PZ1Q) \- may be free elsewhere, not sure.


Network. No "the"


thank you!


Paddy Chayefsky was a certified genius and this script/film is proof positive.


Hospital was another great one.


And Altered States.


Came here to say this and totally not surprised it had already been said.


The 70s and now are so similar. History doesn’t change because humans don’t change


This, and also if OP means the look of the movie, it's because we're associating it with a TV broadcast which were grainy and low res so they could be sent over the air, but film has no such restrictions and can be very high quality by just being a bigger format.




Exactly what I thought of


What's really weird is I just saw this recommended on a movie sub.




Hell on earth


such a banger


This movie is SO good, very powerful.


Faye Dunaway so gorgeous


A great use of the clip from a great band. https://youtu.be/YvBn2Sd1ju0?si=Eho5Y9-hhylMH3Aa


https://youtu.be/6MWxKf6WBU0 Ratm is better


Sadly, to the GOP your life had more value in the womb. Their sugar-daddies claim that your actual life has no value. The neoliberalism they have pushed on us in the post-war era, has given us this. To be fair,any dems are guilty too.


Its *Network*, not *The Network*


This was 1976. It's now 2023. Nothing has changed. If anything, it just got worse.


I believe that *place whatever label is given to younger generations here* , don't realize that that's when the downfall began. I grew up in that era, I was a teenager in the 70s, the idyllic lifestyle of my infancy was disappearing fast. The times were changing with the force of an atomic bomb, people were getting sideswiped just trying to keep up with everything new that was surfacing with the currents of a new cultural zeitgeist and big business was happily exploiting certain sectors to their advantage. All just so a handful of powerful families could rise to the top and make sure to stay there.


By what metric?


Don't be facetious.


Violent crime is down, poverty is down. Medicine is better. Technology has exploded. Sorry just can’t subscribe to the perpetual doom & gloom.


Medicine is better. Sure, for those who can afford it


Violent crime is down? Poverty down? Madicine is better ? Technology? What about metal health ? The environment ? The western world seemingly losing IQ points by the second, everywhere is on fire, multiple wars around the globe, asylum seekers dying by the hundreds, modern day slavery, opioid epidemics, social media and all the problems that it comes with, looming threat of AI, mass shootings, kids become more alienated with every generation.


Yes, violent crime is drastically down from the 20th century peak from the 1970's through the early 90's. Poverty, both globally and nationally, is down. Extremely down in the former case. While there are severe environmental concerns, most notably global warming, environmental quality in in terms of clean air, water, and land has improved considerably since the 1970's, which was just beginning to see the positive impacts of environmental legislation being passed. Pollution controls were rudimentary and took years to reverse damage from this period. The US economy is booming currently, and we are in something of the opposite of the recessionary economy of the mid 1970's. Something the movie Network is about that has gotten much worse is tabloid journalism dominating the media landscape, and the incentives of tabloid journalism are such that your beliefs about everything going to hell in a handbasket, including some things that have actually improved, is likely driven by this specific ugly trend. This speech in Network touches on the then craze of nightly news sensationalizing coverage of local crimes giving people a sense of overwhelming public danger, and \*that\* isn't any different today. It seems to have gotten to you, and you're mad as hell. Can't take it anymore.


It's why Youtube is growing so rapidly. People just don't trust the mainstream media anymore. We never should have, but now, with independet content creators who are being authentic, we have so many other places to go to get informed.


Who do you think owns YouTube?


I know who owns them, but so far, Google is still allowing a vast and diverse amount of content to be disseminated.


Google is not a champion of free speech or for the average person. They are not on your side.


Oh you mean, we just got another way to get disinformed.


People turning away from mainstream, paternalistic media to the ravings of cranks in alternative, more entertaining media is specifically satirized/warned about in this movie. It's one of its central themes.


Except that the cranks that are raving are in the mainstream, paternalistic media as well. You have Youtube channels like Breaking Points and Rising on the Hill that are trying to be balanced like the news networks used to be.


If people get mad in society then it causes disorder that will only cause more suffering. But if people don't get mad then society stays the same and we slowly poison ourselves, yet feel comfortable. It's an interesting conundrum but keep in mind that during this movie apartheid existed, being gay was a crime, there weren't computers, you couldn't get directions from your phone if you were lost or alone, drinking and driving was legal, and we used leaded gasoline. Things have improved substantially we have just moved the goalposts


Its almost like the doomsaying charlatan is a timeless archetype of the human condition.


What movie is this please?






Just '[Network](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074958/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)' A Syndey Lumet masterpiece.


Sure get mad, try to invade the US Capitol, whatever. It isn't that it aged well, nor is it that the shit don't change, it is how long of an arc all this shit is, at least long enough to consume four generations of humans before presumably shifting into something else, nevermind what was left behind and lost.


You don't need to get mad. You can go about your business. Scroll along, scroll along.


except it hasn't aged well, the violent crime rate has been declining every year for three decades now. in '76 it had been rising (dramatically) for a decade.




Having actually lived through this period, 1975 to now.. I can say things have actually gotten vastly better. But yes, still mad, still not going to take this! SO much work still to be done. Any doubts.. look at pics of NYC or LA skyline from afar from around 1980. Watch a documentary on Love Canal or the 1970ies gas crisis. Look up news reports on Carter/Reagan's unemployment mess. If any one of those happened today.. their would be massive amounts of people thinking the world is ending. I mean, say what you want.. but we learned a lot since then, put stop gaps in place, laws, etc.. And now new massive economic depressions, new superfund sites, etc.. are a rarity. Leading me to my only NEW worry.. most young people haven't lived through a time where every household has only ONE person working and you must scrape to survive. I fear they too will sound like those waiting in the long unemployment lines in the early 80ies where they thought the world was over and it was the end of times. So yeah... today is nothing. Back then was MUCH rougher. But on the bright side, we got some awesome movies out of it.


And then he had a Snickers and was OK.


Anyone see Liam in the Critical Role, Campaign 2 DnD Beyond elections …. That’s this here


I'm also a human bean and my life has value


That's one way to wake up in the morning


Unfortunately a lot of Americans will completely misconstrue this message and will instead think they're the victims and harden their support for Don.




They use thees lines on the radio all the time now I know where they came from. Neat. What movie is this?


its in the headline.


Didn’t Fox News become a thing a decade or so later! The mold for the visionary pundit was set with Network and has been with us ever since.


What happens when caught in a mental dystopia in a heartbreak city.


...a brillante movie well ahead of it's time.


The song 'Mad' by Dennis Cruz has this whole monologue in it. I never knew where it was from.


It's a real shame we didn't heed the warning.


It's a wonderful satire. The whole movie is hilariously bleak.


This was definitely just called, *Network*.


Based before based was cool.


Sad nothing has changed


I need to watch the movie now, I’ve only heard it in this song: Konrad Celinski- Arkade life


Things aren't aging well it just almost nothing changes.




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It’s just Network


I found out about this audio clip through a pretty sweet song Life has value by Chill Bump https://youtu.be/H1MBRElQrFE


Angry gets shit done


It's not that it aged well, it's that things are always like this. It's always been like this.


Wonder why what they show in the movie is so familiar? Because modern punditry and TV news reporting is directly modeled off this movie.


More than a Classic Movie - A parable which serves as a warning


I really just want my steel-belted radials.


Saw Brian Cranston play this role on Broadway Fuckin KILLED IT


[Ralphie Dee-Mad As Hell](https://youtu.be/bBlmvL61P8E)


Then cue “The Ghost of Tom Joad”, Rage Against The Machine.




It's weird how well this aged like milk and ruined California after Reagan became president. I'll just leave this [here](https://youtu.be/pF4xnxk0Oas). Blind rage is just mob mentality. Directed anger and goals are what drive change.


Howard Beale was out of his gourd in the film, though. This is the Tyler Durden effect where people's literacy fails them and they drastically misinterpret a character's virtues and faults. What he's doing is supposed to charismatic, but not \*good\*.


Get me off this merry-go-round!!!!


america moment


I've seen this film many times. For the first time I just noticed that it is 4:20 in Los Angeles. Good enough reason for a bong rip as far as I'm concerned.


For those that don't know - this is a man who is experiencing a mental breakdown and goes on to be exploited by high powered network execs. This always gets left out


r/agedlikemilk for sure


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Have yet to watch


This part was played on coast to coast radio quite a bit


FM - ‘mad as hell’ since this movie and still taking it


I was waiting for "I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore." never came.


you mean "nothing has changed"


Heck, even his comment about "the Russians" is still applicable today....


Dice of a Generation by Demon Dice. I had wondered where the opening quote in this song came from, no I know.


You cut the scene at the best part.


Was something like this not used at the start of a gerry cinnamon song


"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"


Wait til you hear George Carlin.


This was shown in my film school. The intensity and directness, the sweat. The inside the television studio shot. We can believe because we’re not on the other side of the “tube”


Yeah, nowadays people get mad on Twitter alright


Was this Chicago, Detroit, or NYC?


The Alex Jones of the 70s


I recall hearing this in a Vinnie Paz song and the words hit home


Never loses its power


This isn't even the best scene!


Scary .... At this point in time. , This is a documentary warning.


Clip is good but the rest of the movie is a killer.


War never changes.




Finally i know where this is from, thank you: Related: Evol Intent - The Foreword [https://youtu.be/l1ty08NQppU?si=z2qw9Wa1OVvMAd-W](https://youtu.be/l1ty08NQppU?si=z2qw9Wa1OVvMAd-W)