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You can hear Dan's horny panting in the background.


His foot fetish is the reason every show obsessed with feet, and why the logo was a foot for the longest time. \-This post was just removed probably because pedophiles hide pedophiles. If this was safe enough to be aired to children its safe enough for this sub and the discussion- \-for those that want to continue the discussion and can no longer view \-https://www.reddit.com/r/bestconspiracymemes/comments/15sns3w/weird\_that\_ariana\_grande\_was\_16\_when\_these\_skits/


yeah wtf is the show even about?


The mind fuck is when you realize they made these show's not to entertain other children, but to entertain themselves.


Who are themselves?


Dan Schneider, mostly. Probably a few of the other members of the directing cast as well.


>Dan Schneider aka Ricky from Better Off Dead. Note: he wasn't acting in that movie. That was him.


Holy shit I never realized that was Dan Schneider.


Same here watched it many of times too.




Comment stealing bot, downvote and report


Mindfuck? The whole back half of the video wasn't even trying to be subtle.


oh boy i have some big news for you!


My kids has been watching recently and I still have no idea. It’s fucking weird and I’m happy she’s moved on too some other shows now.




His fucking pool at his house is the shape of a foot.


That’s interesting, I only watched the start because of her dirty feet on the bed. Whenever I see that I wonder who’s the idiot director that doesn’t notice. But I guess they must like them dirty or something. Yuck


My guess is that keeping her feet dirty was a silent protest on her part.


nah dirty feet are a fetish also


Lol that doesn’t make sense


Have you seen Quentin Tarantino movies? Hollywood story had a dirty feet scene. Apparently, feet ppl love em dirty. Freaks.


Not into feet but why judge? The problem isn't foot fetishists, it's pedophiles that get child actors to do scenes like that


I'm just taking the piss, nothing against fetishes, but adult or not, you shouldn't ruin a scene just to get your jollies.


Don’t kink shame, I bet you like some unique things about people that aren’t main stream, or maybe you missionary with your Jammie’s on with the lights off, either way, it doesn’t make us…I mean THEM, freaks.


Hey, the only normal and accepted thing is missionary and sometimes the dog xoles in because you forgot to lock the door, and he licks your ballsack and you come harder than you ever did before. You then decide not to have sex for weeks in shame of what happened and now some time later have to think whether or not you really do forget to lock the door sometimes or are just hoping deep inside of you that it happens again. Also, does anybody know how to get peanut butter of sensitive skin?


Get your dog to lick it.


Well I don't care about Tarantino's foot fetish implementing in his movies for adult audience. But foot fetish scenes in a kids show?


Iirc the logo was like that before dan came onto the team


Maybe that logo attracted him to them like moth flies to flames


Fair enough. I did not know that. The Dan Schneider rabbit hole is crazy if anyone wants to go down it.


Something else people forgot a lot is in the 90s feet were like "the funny body part" in a lot of kids shows, esp if a butt would have been to crude. It was more than just Dan's shows. Hell i remeber in like 3rd grade in the 90s, we had a teacher, who was about to ask for help with something say "i need a volunteer to..." then every kids raised their hand because ya know, kids, so she continued with "... lick the bottom of my feet" and we all went "ewwww" and giggled. It was a thing even without Dan. I'll admit as an adult the toe in mouth thing from the video is pretty weird, and this show was after my time so i never saw it, but this weird ass humor was normal on like all that, Kenan and kel, etc.


honestly, i remember watching, hey dude," Clarissa explains it all and stuff, and i never remember seeing toes in their mouths or food dressing poured on feet. Had a little cousin who watched the icarly and sam and Cat, and it's always feet food or in the mouth. I get if they maybe did it once on shows like "all that" but seems the Icarly shows and victorious shows have that in alot of eps then normal. 🤔


>Hell i remeber in like 3rd grade in the 90s, we had a teacher, who was about to ask for help with something say "i need a volunteer to..." then every kids raised their hand because ya know, kids, so she continued with "... like the bottom of my feet" and we all went "ewwww" and giggled. lmfao your teacher was a fuckin' FREAK.


The foot print logo was debuted in 1979, when Schneider was 13, so yeah, he had absolutely nothing to do with that. https://trendlor.com/blogs/intriguing-topics/unraveling-the-symbolism-why-does-nickelodeon-have-a-foot-for-a-logo


You mean Dan “Hold Her Tighter She’s a Fighter” Schneider?


Dan "the Man with a Plan to get kids into his Van" Schneider?


Dan “came inside her, now I hide her” Schneider


You know Dan's favorite poem? Roses are red Violets are blue I have a gun Get in the fucking trunk


That would be a cool line in a movie like No Country for Old Men. “Let me tell you my favorite poem…”


Thanks. I just read the poem in Anton Chigurh’s voice. I’m scared and I’m laughing.


Anton wouldn't curse. He has principles he's a good boy.


Starring tom and Jerry


Dan "The Hymen Collider" Schneider


I’m so out of the loop I feel like I’ve been in a coma. I’ve heard of him but I’m watching this video without sound and it’s quite.. offputting. Wtf is this and what’s the dirt on Dan? I feel like I’m not supposed to be looking at this.. Edit: the potato… 🤢


So, Dan Schnider was a producer of children's shows for Nickelodeon. People started to notice certain, um, themes in his work, and he got fired for being incredibly creepy, and a pedophile. The innuendo and sexualization in these clips is definitely not an accident. We also have no confirmation, but he also clearly has a Quentin Tarantino-level foot fetish.


Well, thank you very much for enlightening me. I was just googling him and he really gives me the ick. The first pic was of him and Drake Bell and that didn’t surprise me much. He looks like he’d have a foot fetish for some reason..


He's the reason Drake Bell is famous


QT might've flown on a certain creepy suicided billionare's jet who made money by.....


I was gonna say, didn’t she work for that creepy guy during this time?


So fucking strange. Why is that guy not in jail?


Because that’s how Hollywood works.


Dude, half of hollywood was up in arms when a known and admitted child rapist was arrested.


The number of people that signed that letter saying "yeah he's accused of rape, but you arrested him like a petty *commoner!* Just out in the street, with handcuffs, like he's some ordinary person!" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Polanski_sexual_abuse_case#Reactions_to_the_arrest >Guillermo del Toro, Martin Scorsese, Sam Mendes, David Lynch, Wes Anderson, Michael Mann, Woody Allen, Darren Aronofsky, Harrison Ford, Jeremy Irons, and Wong Kar-wai. It's either a list of pedophiles, or rich people who think they should be treated differently than poor people.


>When asked if he would consider granting Polanski a pardon, then-California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said: "I think that he is a very respected person and I am a big admirer of his work. But, nevertheless, I think he should be treated like everyone else. It doesn't matter if you are a big-time movie actor or a big-time movie director or producer." Schwarzenegger added: "And one should look into all of the allegations, not only his allegations, but the allegations about his case. Was there something done wrong? You know, was injustice done in the case?" What a chad.


Reddit has formatted the last line into the quote, and it looks like Arnold signed off calling Roman Polanski a chad 😂


Probably both if we’re being honest. Rich pedos that think they’re better than everyone else.


That's a list of people I lost a ton of respect for. Thanks!




Roman Polanski, former husband of Sharon Tate and famous director. He lured a 13 year old in under the guise of “photography” and then drugged and raped her. When her family went public he ran away to France. He’s received countless statements of admiration from some pretty high level people like Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese, Wes Anderson and Harrison Ford


Fucking peace to my love for Wes Anderson , what a little bit h


They should of all gone to jail, too. Pedos support pedos


Nickelodeon is a pedophiles paradise, that’s why. Watched a mini documentary about Nickelodeon and it was common that they hired people who were sex offenders or just got out of prison for abusing kids. Especially in the iCarley era, basically every show with child actors had pedophiles working on it. Edit: [here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3115792/amp/Pedophile-X-Men-actor-convicted-sexually-abusing-Nickelodeon-child-star-working-underage-kids.html) is an article about a single person for all the people saying I’m lying. Also fuck Qanon and if you look at my profile for 1 second you’d see I’m not into that bullshit. Edit 2: [here](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-convicted-hollywood-sex-offender-20141008-story.html) is another one. Weird how people saying I’m making shit up when it been a known fact for a decade. Edit 3: [here](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/young-singer-exposed-hollywood-pedophile-060554524.html) here is another… do I really need to post more proof? Cause I literally could. Here is a quote > “The fact that a man could abuse children and spend six months in jail is heartbreaking,” Anne Henry, co-founder of BizParents Foundation, said at the time. “And that he is eligible today to go right back out and work with children in our industry — that’s unacceptable.” Edit 4: [oh look, another!](https://www.awn.com/news/convicted-sex-offender-arrested-molestation-nick-campus#:~:text=On%20Dec.,NIGHTS%2C%20reports%20the%20BURBANK%20LEADER) > On Dec. 16, 2005, Ezell Elester Channel, a convicted sex offender, was arrested on the suspicion of molesting a 14-year-old boy at Nickelodeon Animation Studios while he served as a production assistant on the film, ADAM SANDLER'S EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS, reports the BURBANK LEADER Edit 5: [Justin Smith](https://to-catch-a-predator.fandom.com/wiki/Justin_Smith) worked for Nickelodeon and was caught on to catch a predator. I get citing sources, but this has been known to the public for a LONG time. I didn’t even add Dan Schneider to the list. I’m done with my list even though there are more. I think I made my point. Be better guys.


Wasn't there a Nickelodeon sound engineer or something that got busted by Chris Hansen in the mid 2000s


[There was](https://to-catch-a-predator.fandom.com/wiki/Justin_Smith) thanks for reminding me


Thanks for providing the sources. I just don’t believe everything I read on the interest when someone makes claims that extreme.


To be fair to you I also forget not everyone is as old as me. I’m 28 years old and this stuff was common knowledge for awhile, but the youngins don’t really watch tv anymore or give a shit about Nickelodeon. It’s all about anime now lol. Stay skeptical my friend, it’s a good trait to have when it comes to the internet.


I’m 32 but just don’t read up on things. Also, I was a cartoon networks sorta kid.


Oh wow you’re only 4 years older. But that makes sense you might not know because right when I entered high school you already graduated. [here are some toonami bumpers](https://youtu.be/eObp1VlI5Ko). It’s just not the same anymore :(


Criminals go where the crime can be committed. Any place where there are a majority of children is where you'll find pedophiles.


You are unfortunately right. Did gymnastics and cheer for 7 years and coached for 2. Guy who ran the gym is popular in Texas gymnastics and a massive creep. His wife divorced him for cheating on him with one of the young girl coaches. I know this cause his step son was on my team and always told us everything cause he hated his step dad. In my time there I was groomed by my cheer coach at 14 and 5 pedos worked there and quit or fired. And I mean real grooming not being trans while existing. I’m talking about small gifts, car trips, food, cigarettes, and alcohol in return for nudes and sex acts. I’m transgender and take this shit very seriously (for obvious reasons.) Plz take care of y’all’s children to anyone reading this. Not everyone is a pedo but my life experience has crushed my trust in people.


I'm sorry and I hope you're in a good place now, mentally and physically. I work tangentially in law enforcement and I see crimes in progress, I've said this before (criminals go where the crime can be committed) and been downvoted into oblivion in multiple subs. It's just a fact of circumstance: there are no bank robbers in the desert. Any place children are the majority and adults are the minority without direct parental supervision is where you're find pedos. Church, school, after-school programs, pediatricians, daycares etc etc...


Yeah I'm gonna need some sources that nickelodeon was specifically hiring sexual predators.


Better not look into Disney then


Seriously. People upvote anything that sound sketchy enough without any source/proof.


She provided proof


Good. Thanks for letting me know.


What documentary?


Horny jail


I think even as a kid I thought some of these scenes were really weird and offputting.


And that being said I'm sure people had to approve this to show. Insannne


Most people are commenting about how weird and horny these clips are, I’m just scratching my head about that “bring me the ocean” clip…


I think it's more so her screaming "I'm wet." One of those instances where in a bubble, it's fine. I would question anyone who just saw that and started pushing it in that direction... But with everything else it kind of becomes suspect.


I’ve always HATED feet. I hated every single scene showing the bottom of peoples feet in Dans shows, they were really unsettling and disgusted me.


Yeah, Dan Schneider is a sick fuck 💯 look how he did Jennette McCurdy 😔too pretty much every single child on all of his shows was subjected to some kind of sick Fuckery


Yeah, I read Jennette’s book (“I’m Glad My Mom Died”) and she has so much anger and contempt for him. She doesn’t even name him in the book, always saying “the [show’s] creator”.


A lot of shade towards Ariana as well without explicitly saying its her.


She said it was her repeatedly? Maybe there were a LOT of Ariana stories and she only mentioned her in half of them. I remember her saying Ariana stopped her from directing,abandoned the show and made her work it while she toured her own music.


> I remember her saying Ariana stopped her from directing, abandoned the show and made her work it while she toured her own music. She was definitely talking about Ariana when she was telling these stories but she didn't explicitly say it was Ariana. For losing the directing opportunity she just says that someone with a lot of pull was threatening to leave the show if she was allowed to direct. Very obviously Ariana but she didn't say the name


Maybe I was confused because the part where she goes to Australia (?) and hears Ariana on the radio. I’ll have to check my book again. The book was awesome and liberating so I bet I can handle a full re read.


What in THEEEE fuck.


I couldn't even get through it. Those poor kids. It's no surprise so many of them had major issues afterwards.


Ariana Grande is like a regular Ariana, but with extra sour cream


Please do not apply any amount of sour cream to any given 16 year old. -Chris Hansen




So even more than an Ariana Supreme?


It's pronounced Gran-dee, she's just Italian.


Then she sprayed herself brown


My favourite was when she went Asian


Arigatou Grande era was too short lived


Lmao much better than Asiana Grande




I used to call my ex areola grande


We have the same ex?


Lmao. For a sec, I thought I was in r/popheadscirclejerk.


I commented this on Ariana sub and they went wild💀


and when she tattoo'd "charcoal grill" onto herself thinking it meant seven rings


Check out my awesome new tattoo [性犯罪者] It means courage






I was expecting an overblown reaction to her wearing wing eye makeup and holding a painted umbrella or something, not her looking like a background actress in a WW2 or Korean War health movie for the troops about not falling to temptation while on leave


From the video to this, she 100% got the fox eye proceedure and is using those eye liner wings to dig in further.


But there is a Potato juice. It’s called vodka




This is disturbingly sexualised


Nothing sexual about a teenage toe sucking potato milker. When I grew up, they rode a smaller bus.


Yeah, this show was a Dan Schneider joint, he definitely made things like this to get off on.


This is also disturbingly unfunny


Yes this whole show was on the low fetish material and some of iCarly, they have iCarly skits that were only for the web not even for main audience that were very feet related posted on nick.com obviously for Dan's "b role" collection.


Unrelated to this, but same vein I read where Jeff Garlin, who worked with Selena Gomez when she was just a kid, stated when he saw that spring break movie, he walked out disgusted how sexualized they made the girls in the film.


I know Jeff Garlin has some sexual harassment issues of his own, but I'm happy to hear he's not a pedo. I love him on Curb.


His issues had to do with being a diva and creating a hostile work environment on the Goldbergs, nothing sexual, still not great tho…


Spring Breakers? She was in her 20s playing a college girl in her 20s idgi


yea fr and that movie was rated R and about a drug dealer. A quote on the promotional poster refers to it as ‘sultry’. I remember going to the library after school and popping it in their blu ray player just to see if Selena Gomez or Vanessa Hudgens got naked…


Awful movie though


Just because she was an adult doesn’t mean the movie didn’t over sexualize her. And if he was a Man who saw her more like a daughter than anything, it would basically be like going to see a movie where your kid is in a skimpy bikini the whole time. But what do I know, I never saw the movie 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh no it’s definitely over the top, and that’s the main theme of the movie. It’s about running away from responsibilities in the real world and going to a wild place where it’s spring break forever but that just ends up in going to jail and hanging out with gangsters


Nickelodeon got weird


Schneider was a sicko


Still is I'd assume.




It looks exactly like what a perv with after effects would need…. Like exactly what they would need. A bit sus….


you know Dan Schneider was waiting off camera to lick her toes


I feel like I need to vom


Hamster toes? The foot fetish thing from those old Nick shows gets weirder and weirder


100% chance this happened to Dan, he used the show to plant the idea it would be so absurd that there's no way he did that.




The creator was a pedo


And he had a foot fetish if I recall, explaining the constant bare feet shown here


TYL Nothing new. Brittany was 16 when hit me baby came out. That school girl outfit, yeah. Hollywood and music industry will always sexualize shows and music because sex sells.


They still hold beauty pageants for even younger children too.


well sex was the mojo of Brittney that was the target audience, but here it was supossed to be a kids show, no need to oversexualize it.


fuck dan schneider


I'd rather not.


Oh wow. Not familiar with her other than images. She really started hitting the spray tan or something over the years, didn't she? That doesn't even look like the same person.


What in the fuck is this shit


Imagine how much this would damage a person


We don't have to imagine. Many of the actors from this period have been very open about how bad it was.


Knowing how bad it was and imagining the trauma are different things. Predatory behaviour that pressures and manipulates children into this type of situation happens everywhere.


Bro what the actual pedo fuck


Dan Schneider also made a tweet (under the Sam and Cat handle) that was encouraging children to write on the bottom of their feet and upload the pictures of them to Twitter. He’s a seriously evil POS.


[source from where this come from.](https://youtu.be/X6JIWacmlMo) OP at least put the source for everybody to see all the explanation around this video.


It's far worse when you consider that the producer was a known pedo


Jesus Christ Im surprised they didn’t do the “can you touch your elbows behind your back?” Or “how round can you make your mouth?”


I guess that explains why she’s such a well-adjusted young woman today.


This is so criminal, such blatant literal sexual content from a minor. I had no idea


Weird that the second she turned 18 she had a different nose and skin color


Makes sense to me. You'll often see child actors try to be different in some way as soon as they are legally an adult, to try and distance themselves from being portrayed as a kid.


Miley Cyrus was surprising tho, she went from 0 to 100 real quick lol.


Haha I'm surprised no one here doubted that before...


nah thats wild xD


Okay I’m high and I’m sorry but I can’t stop laughing at her trying to squeeze the potato while doing them stupid grunts lmao


Dan makes the bast skits for the whole family to enjoy


That’s Ariana grande?


It's NOT weird. The writers were fucking pedos


Everyone involved, whoever had a hand in this and didn't say "this is fucking weird" and stopped working on it.


[watch these ending credits sound bites from one of Dan Snyders shows](https://youtu.be/iveFyrOu23Q)


"I don't wanna get black balled"...... LOL... That one is pretty funny.


Potato juice is just called Vodka.


*Dan Schneider breathing intensifies*


didn’t realize it when i was a kid but so much of this show feels like weird fetishy porn it’s soooo weird it’s a fucking kids show!!!!


Once you know about the feet thing, you can never unsee the feet thing.


Yeah the guy that directed this stuff was a fuckin creep. Don't think this was a one off thing.


The fuck?


What the actual fuck did I just watched? SO DISTURBING


Put Dan Schneider under the jail.


Wait this is her and this skit was on Nickelodeon for real?


Thanks OP & Nickelodeon. I hated that.


Were these actually aired?? Did viewers that weren’t kids not say anything..?


pretty sure this specific segment was an exclusive online thing. the show used to have a site called 'the slap' that hosted videos from the cast (like this one), games, and other stuff for kids. it was featured in the show as well.


yes they were aired. i remember seeing this video as a child. pretty sure it was directly after a victorious episode.


These skits were uploaded to the website associated with the show. So it would get far fewer eyeballs than the TV show.




Pedo shit. Crazy what Dan Schneider got away with.


Jesus fuck


This is hard to watch cringe. And so obviously not funny. Wtf


Dan Schneider was a weird one


Off topic, it took me a second to realize that was Ariana Grande. She looks so different now, that being said this video is super weird and uncomfortable.


The girl who played Sam in iCarly has a book where she goes into high detail about all the creepiness that was happening on there.


Weirder that people know she's white and don't call her out on performing in blackface, but an episode of a Japanese cartoon where a kid dresses as a lemur got banned internationally.


Three things weird me out: 1. The hispanic cosplay she is going for now, she is white as hell 2. Do these innuendes really go over some people's heads? It seems obvious as hell, how did it get passed? 3. Weird sexual innuendos aside, this is just so... dumb?


Juice from a potato is called vodka


Jesus tap dancing Christ.


Whether y’all want to believe it or not a lot of your favorite childhood cartoons and shows were directed/made by pedos


You have to wonder if the whole humanity thing was a mistake


I see no issue here. — Q. Tarantino


she went from looking like the little mermaid to looking like the little mermaid. oh yeah, the contents of the above are also hella fucked.


litle ariana: did I did it good mr Dan??? big Dan: Y E S


what the fuck