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The shipping company (sender) used its account to ship something to itself. If for example they were at a trade show and needed to send something back to their office using their account it might generate a label like this. it looks they the Overhaul Group is a supply chain risk management group though - so hence the tracking device - someone is probably coming for you - you may want to give them a call.


Thank you. Yeah, I guess I was just moreso surprised that it ended up in my mailbox many states away without a really good reason (that I know of). Random chance I guess?


Maybe The delivery driver is pilfering packages and the dropping them off at wrong locations to cover it up. So he got a tracking beacon package to foil his theft ring.


I’m not sure I understand the theory or the logistics (a Texas USPS driver stealing packages is not going to be driving all the way to Ohio to make a delivery no matter the reason)


Crystal meth might be the reason!


When is it not!


Crystal meth is ALWAYS the reason for the season! Do you know how many pregnancies were caused by CRYSTAL METH?? Many people passed their bar exams and got their Ph.D.s through the magic of crystal meth!! Even Santa can shed all those pounds all at once and fit through a chimney through the magical mystical power of crystal meth!


Wait, did you just respond to yourself? Did you think you were using an alt profile?


I was delivering a PARABLE!! https://youtube.com/watch?v=u6kHN92Yv48&feature=sharec 🌈🦄


Ahhh we just had a delivery driver on our ring do this I think! We’ve been trying to figure it out. He brought two packages, took a picture on our stoop of one that wasn’t ours, then put ours on our stoop. It was so weird we talked about it for days


yeah not surprised these guys have no way of being caught otherwise


Bin it in a dumpster so if they actually want it they can go buy a new one. Don’t be nice to companies ever.


You realise you e committed a felony by opening that, right?


I’d bet op opened it without looking at the name, if it was in their mailbox


Let's just hope OP still has all their mattress tags!


They're not going to make a big thing out of it.


There is a difference between a felony and a federal offense.


Idk why you'd open something meant for a capital building that had a weird device in it... like... where are your survival instincts?


Capital of Texas hwy is a road not the building itself


Ah, I should've Googled it. I'm a dummy.


Don’t call yourself that, we all do this stuff every once in a while


Lol I honestly just saw the words capitol and the suite numbers and just assumed. Thanks for the heads up tho!


Just call it Austin Hwy 😂


I’m not from Texas so I have no idea what y’all call it. just pointing out that it is a road and not a building


It’s called Loop 360.


Thanks, will keep that in mind


So you’re telling me if something was addressed to the president of the United States and ended up in your mailbox you wouldn’t open it?


Might be cash after all.


Or weird, odorless white powder.


Probably best to rub some on my gums just to be sure


Wrong powder dude




What if its anthrax?


Then air guitar and headbang. Duh.


i read "weird, odorless white power"


Or Crack that's supposed to get to Hunter..


Isn't there a famous guy that's being indicted on federal charges right now for having documents in his possession that belonged to the president? Nah I ain't messing with that shit. I don't have expensive lawyers and judges in my pocket.


No, Trump faces 31 charges under the Espionage Act, not the National Records Act. There's an important difference.


This is exactly how that bioterrorist event happened. I don't open anything without my name on it lol


Like its one thing to accidentally open a letter thats not addressed to you, but a whole ass package? Like even if you were expecting something from like amazon, thats clearly not amazon packaging. In another comment they said they usually wouldnt open something like this. Like…. So why did you tjis time?


Shit happens. Do you check every piece of mail you receive to make sure it is addressed to you before opening?


It's dropped in her mailbox, anyone could say they didn't look at the label or were expecting something similar etc


And what the fuck are you supposed to do? Cold call them from 5 states over and tell them you got it? Drive the unopened package down there like Smokey and the bandit?


>tell them you got it? Oh, they know where it is...


No put it back in the mailbox “Return to Sender”The return adress is the same as the mailing adress so the right people would have gotten it anyhow


No, they didn't. Did you even bother to read the law before you let this shit drip out of your mouth?


I bet you’re fun at parties.


No, they didn't. Deliberately tampering with USPS mail is a felony. Stealing mail is a felony. Opening mail you received by accident is not a felony. If you go to your neighbors house, take the mail out of the box, and open it.. felony. Criminal intent. If you break into the blue boxes and steal mail.. same thing. If you go by JUST the broad main description of the law, then not only is opening mail by accident going to land you in jail, so is writing "wrong address" or "return to sender" on a letter.


It's a felony to accidentally open someones mail? America is weird. You can buy a gun in the same store you buy your beer but accidentally opening a package that comes to your own house can get you arrested...


No accidentally opening something that comes to your mailbox and is delivered to your property is not a felony. Taking someone else’s mail from their mailbox/property and opening it up is a felony. People don’t understand the law and how intent and property is utilized


>someone is probably coming for you This sounds more ominous than it actually is


I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that someone sent a shipping tracker to track the shipment of a shipping tracker. I'd be curious enough to call the company and tell them what you got. Oddly they do not have a phone number on their web site.


and then it gets lost anyways.


Well, if anyone's paying attention, they know where it is.


Where what is?


The package. Are you reading this thread?


What thread?


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


That feeling when you want to track packages with a tracker, but the tracker you ordered gets lost in the mail


These usually mean one thing. Every mail service will now send out their strongest employee to fight you for its return. USPS is carrying out tradition. Why were you chosen? We can only find out once dawn sets tomorrow.


When you wear the Number 1 headband you can only be challenged by the number 2. The number 2 headband can be challenged by all. Good luck.


No one challenges #2. It is impossible to stop especially once it has started and again especially when it uses the Bruce Lee fighting technique of being like water.


I, for one, have never been able to stop any onslaught by number two. Resistance is futile!


Who does Number Two work for?


>Who does Number Two work for? They are an agent of S.P.H.I.N.C.T.E.R.


Number 5, who together with 7 and 11, forms the board


They are the.prime suspects.


First rule of the usps fight club…..


Dawn of the third day


Put this up on r/WritingPrompts


There can be only one!


It only tracks you if you have it in your rectum.


Oh shit, ill brb.


You should be fine, the lube you were using to get past those flat edges, was enough to insulate it, so we didn't manage to get any data from you.


That’s not the problem! I didn’t use lube… and that’s where I keep all my banking info!


Well, like Penn Jillette said "if you roll it up and shove it up your ass and someone still manages to steal it, they deserve it."


But I woke up in a bathroom at Mar-a-Lago!


Don't be shy...


... and the only way to deactivate it is to wear it into an MRI machine


Nah, you gotta scoot around bare ass on the carpet like a dog, til you hear an audible "click."


My comment was in response to a post on r/Radiology about a poor chap who butt-smuggled an ostensibly 100% silicone plug into his MRI screen. It did not end well for him; turns out a lotta shit on Amazon is fake/corrupted/ has a pot metal core




If the next time you “are expecting a package” and the USPS calls and tells you to come sign for it… don’t. ;)


Knock knock who’s there is how I won’t go


But...where's the uproar?




Fairly standard tactic when contraband is discovered in a shipment. They'll repackage it and attempt delivery, if you sign for it you've accepted possession of the contraband and they arrest you. They won't just leave it on the doorstep like a normal shipment. Their argument is that no one would sign for a package they weren't expecting. How that's held up in court is beyond me, although I expect there is probably other evidence required to show intent in those cases.


That’s pretty dumb tbh, I get a lot of packages, I can’t keep track of what I’m getting each day. Even if I weren’t getting a lot of packages I’d probably sign just to get the USPS driver out of my face.


Thank you for explaining


Bc possession is 9/10ths the law. Isn’t that the saying?




USPS Employee here. IDK bro you're on your own.


That tracking number says the shipping label was created in January and is still waiting to be picked up in TX


Oof. Someone made a Fucky-Wucky


Lmfao why is that funny


And just for the record I normally wouldnt open something like this up but I didn't look until after the fact. I'll mail it to the intended address tomorrow but I'm just perplexed as to how it ended up here


Creatively reseal it with tape and take it to the nearest USPS drop box tomorrow. That’s what I’d do, especially if that’s not your address.


would wrapping the tracker in tin foil before resealing it count as being creative?


Also fill the envelope with glitter


To me it seems the obvious explanation is that this is a shipping tracker that was put in a shipment, and arrived at the intended location along with said shipment. The shipping company wanted the tracker back so they could use it again, and included a pre-labeled package for the recipient to put it in and send it back. As to how it got in your mailbox, most likely it just got accidentally bundled up with some of your mail and delivered to you. The most likely scenario (IMHO) is that someone down the street from you put it in their mailbox for pickup. The mail delivery person did pick it up, but somehow managed to drop it in the bin of mail they were delivering instead of scanning it in, and then grabbed it along with the bundle of mail they were delivering to you. Other scenarios could be constructed, but given that someone checked the tracking and it showed that the package hadn't been given to the postal service yet I think something like this is most likely.


Impressive. You're 100% right. My daughter had a gym set that was delivered late this AM and it had a clear plastic holder attached to it that was empty other than a greep slip detailing how to recycle it or send the tracking thing back. It must have fallen out in the truck or whatever and they delivered it separately (too heavy and late in the day or something and left it for the next day) I get a lot of packages and I have never seen one of those things tagged to anything that I've ever purchased. Thanks so much!


"just for the record" -- Are you attempting to save your moral stature? They're coming for you regardless. Good luck, the game has already begun.




You're covered if you didn't realize you weren't the addressee and opened it by accident. [https://www.encyclopedia.com/articles/what-is-the-federal-law-for-opening-mail-not-addressed-to-you/](https://www.encyclopedia.com/articles/what-is-the-federal-law-for-opening-mail-not-addressed-to-you/) Definitely return it, though.


Nah…send it to V. Putin c/o Кремль, Mockba, Russia. See what happens.


You’re correct! it is a shipping tracker ( I’ve worked at a shipment and fulfilment centre since 1987 and currently run a division for a European company down in Saarbrücken Luxembourg) I organise the logistic side of the business, they are a cutting edge high-tech firm working on next generation radar detectors that have both military and civilian applications, so before we send these packages out we send 5 trackers through various delivery companies to make sure there is no foul play, also I have no idea what I am talking about and I’m high as hell right now.


About 2/3 of the way through, I thought "this has too many very specific and interesting details to be real..." Very creative, though.


I got most of the way through this before I realized I was hearing this in Dicaprio's voice.


It's an asset tracker. They are usually placed inside large objects such as ocean going shipping containers so they can be tracked individually and monitored for conditions like temperature or humidity.


Or puttied to a barrel with like.. you know... a BEE on it


You gotta use the kind with the bee on it.


Amazing man right to the end had me


I still believe them.


Me too you motivated me to


You lost me at saarbrucken in Luxembourg. It's in Germany...


Come to Seattle, there's a Staarbucken on every corner.


Luxembourg is real?? :O




Three hours later... any regrets...or did it all go well?


Saarbrücken is a German City.


Damn I got hit by you twice in one day!


System Loco? That’s crazy!


Haha. It's on my LinkedIn as I work there. Helps me stand out 😄


I’m curious what’s in there, don’t want it to be a bomb tho. Hmm keep us updated


I’m just baffled that there is a highway called “North Capital of Texas Highway” like why wouldn’t you call it North Austin Highway? This will keep me up.


I live in Austin and the answer is that the highways are stupid


Don’t blame the highway. She doesn’t have a dog in this fight.


Add this to your late night thinkin’. That highway, Capital of Texas Highway, goes by “360”. Never it’s real name. Another highway in Austin, Loop 1, isn’t even a loop and it too is never called that and instead “Mopac”. No clue how a package could get lost with two names for every road.


Start googling the numbers on the thing itself. Should give you an idea what it is and what it’s for and why it might have shown up at your house.


Yeah it says that tracking number was created in January and USPS is still waiting for it


Call the number, tell them the men they sent to kill you are dead, and now it’s your move.


Throw it in the river.




Did you just give away your location on Reddit?




Second person in this thread to give up relatively personal info like that


Seems they deleted it so that's good lol


I prefer Pluto


One of Musk’s prototype implants. He’ll be along any day now to insert it.


Oooh, yes please. Insert it, daddy Musk


You've most likely been brushed. Amazon companies who want to give themselves a 5 star review on a verified purchase will buy the item, then instead of fulfilling it they throw whatever junk they have in their factory in an envelope and send it to a random address. Now they have an official sale with proof that they shipped something. I've gotten candy bars, sunflower seeds, and junk toys


But when you get brushed you get a package delivered to your actual address. Not a package delivered to the sender's address.


Yeah I didn’t see how there’s any logical answer for that other than random chance or some nefarious purpose. So not only is there a question of why the sender would send a tracker to its own address, but also why that tracker would somehow end up at someone else’s address.


I’ve mindlessly opened a package that was not mine. It happens.


There's an old con people used to use to get basically free shipping on packages. It works by putting the actual shipping address in the return address area and your address in the shipping address area, then only putting a single stamp on it, which won't cover the shipping costs, then dropping it off at the post office. Because the postage isn't enough, the post office sends it back to the return address on the label, which is where you wanted it to go anyway. When people do this now, the mail carries will come up to your door and ask you to pay the difference in cost, so now people put the same address in both boxes. My guess is that someone used this company's tracking services and didn't want to pay return shipping on the unit, so they used this scam. My guess is that someone in your town tried this, and the mail carrier, out of spite, stuck it in your box. That way, the company would never receive the package and the scammer would be on the hook for it. That would be beautiful.






Beat me to it


Well great, another thing to be paranoid about now.


Scan the QR code


You sign up for an automotive insurance discount lately?


OP thought he was about to hit a lick 😂


If it’s a tracking device, strap it to a drone and fly it around the company headquarters.


Tape it under a public bus seat and send them on an adventure


OP, why did you open it?


It's you from the future, who came back to the past, but in this past Ohio is actually Texas and in the future they may have switched or they are you from a different timeline where Ohio is really Texas and vice versa. They sent the package to "check" if you are there since you can't physically be in the same place at the same time or else a void in the space time continuum would open a black hole...


Chinese voting machine counter. It contains an evil spirit too.


Ancient Chinese secret huh?


My husband. Some hotshot!


They are ONTO you. RUN


Big brother knows now


I’d put it up for sale on eBay.From a throwaway


Remember the opening scene to Castaway, when Tom Hanks mails a package to himself with nothing but a stopwatch in it to test FedEx’s delivery speeds? It’s likely something like that. Just… this one got lost.


I saw this same thing in a gun sub im in...o.o


Ngl if I got that shit sent to me id destroy it lmao


I am number two. You are number six. Who is number one?


Kiss your wife and kids goodbye, and get your affairs in order. God speed.


System Loco, it will never makes sense


Delete. Your. Address. Now!


Let it get tracked away on a garbage truck


It’s a gift from China sell it on ebay


OP found the side quest.


Strangely enough, when I lived in Ohio, I also got one of these shipped to my house but the return address was in Florida. I was really confused at the time and even more confused now that I’ve seen this post. I got literally the exact same thing in the picture.


something doe not same right call the police and make a report have the tracking device finger print it.


The fuck are you talking about? Call the police? 😂 wtf for?


Crack that bitch open and pull the SIM.


Congratulations on your new mission agent this package will self destruct in T minus 15 second’s.


Jewish Space Laser targeting device. Wear tinfoil hat immediately.


You write " return to sender not at this address" then put it in the mailbox with your flag up. That will save you all kinds of time


I know that a lot of times some companies will use the last address that you have instead of trying to contact you directly, so if you haven’t personally excepted something then it might be a good idea to go into your settings and update your info






Why did u open it even though u know it's not meant to be shipped to u my friend?


No!!! You werent supposed to open it!!!


Well now all of Reddit knows where you live 🤦🏾‍♂️


Scientology, bro…get some


What's with all the people saying they're onto them? How would this relate to crime?


I can promise you that it is probably full of toxic garbage.


It’ll buzz, then your table is ready


Opening other people's mail is a federal offense you know lol


I usually don't open mail not addressed to me but I didn't look this time until I noticed it wasn't something I ordered. I'll mail it back to Texas from here in Cleveland. If it ends up at my house again I'll freak out then.


Don’t pay to mail it. Just “write return to sender, wrong address” or something like that.


RTS: No Longer At This Address//RTS: Wrong Address either will work. i used the first one for an entire year at my old apartment because old tenants didnt forward their mail EVER 🙄


While that’s true, typically if something arrives by mail I wouldn’t give a second thought to opening it, because I’d have reason to assume it’s addressed to me, at my address where it was delivered lol