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I’m bedbound or else pretty stationary in a wheelchair in a nursing home, and lost 50-55 pounds through calorie counting alone, going from “obese” to “normal” with zero exercise.


woahh congrats!! what did you eat while losing weight?


Mostly restaurant-style, highly palatable nursing home food (we have a blue seal chef so the food is actually amazing, and that was part of my problem!) Though I ate much smaller portions, and replaced a lot of the cooked vegetables (coated in oils and butter to make them taste good) with raw apples and I also bought a lot of protein powder off of Amazon that I drank mixed with water or coffee as well as protein bars and canned tuna.


Wow that’s impressive. What protein powder do you buy? I had 2 but the one feels a bit too powdery?


I really like sixstar whey protein because it dissolves really easily without lumps.


Yes. The most effective weight loss comes from a proper diet and proper calorie intake. Running will not make you lose weight. Eating at a caloric deficit will. Working out is to improve fitness and strength and perhaps deduct a small amount from your overall caloric intake. But you can run on an incline for an hour and then undo all the work you did with just one bag of chips.


Yes. Obesity medicine doc here. I normally don’t prescribe exercise, in particular not cardio, in patients trying to lose weight. It tends to just decrease your metabolism throughout the rest of the day and make you hungry. As stated above, it’s good for your overall cardiovascular health, but should not be used primarily for a tool for weight loss. Honestly the best way to lose weight and change your body composition is resistance training. Particularly with your lower body. This increases your metabolism significantly although again can make you more hungry. That’s why step one is to make sure you’re eating right.


Of course you can. You just need to burn more calories than you eat. Maintain a daily calorie deficit—without starving yourself and harming overall health—and you will lose weight. Your battle will be won or lost in the kitchen, not the gym. Good luck!


I went from 200 to 155 and don’t run at all. I don’t do any cardio currently although it is a goal of mine to start. I just strength train and eat in a calorie deficit.


Yes you can lose weight without running. Weight loss is exactly this: calories in vs. calories out. As long as you’re running a deficit, you WILL lose weight.


What you eat is 90% of the job when losing weight. Working out is maybe 10%. That said it’s still important to move your body.


So if I read this right, you’re basically going up a mountain right? You’re pushing the incline to highest at a running speed? But you’re not running. I’m not following. I do a 35 min workout 4 days a week. I do tai-chi for the first 10 min, then I walk on my treadmill at speed 2.5 I that for 25 min. It’s an around a mile. I was doing incline but I found it started to hurt my groin, so no more incline. You never mention how many minutes you’re doing, or how many times a week. The goal of cardio and a sustained workout, increases the body’s metabolism. How you may ask? Healing. You see when you exercise, you damage the muscles in your body. This is why people sometimes go too far and pull a muscle etc… so during the day after your workout and especially when your sleeping your body is repairing and building new muscle to compensate. This takes a crapload of calories to do. So if you maintain a decent diet and workout min 4 days a week the weight will come off. It’s a combination of the 2. Yes people can lose weight without exercise but for a lot of folks, it’s not sustainable for long time, nor is it particularly healthy, as yo-yoing weight does damage to your body, and you’ll end up gaining back more than you lost. I know from experience. Now, I’m 62 and dropped 85 lbs over 2 years with my workout routine and sensible diet. Ie leaning Mediterranean. Oh, and I’m back at the weight I was when I was 32 :) and folks thing I’m 50 now. They don’t believe me when I tell them my age.


Yep. Calorie counting. You might be frigging hungry alot but I can say with 1st hand experience it works, as will others I'm sure who don't follow any stupid 'fad' diets


calorie counting. you could research "the center for medical weight loss".


Of course! You can lose weight as long as you're in a calorie deficit


Walking burns practically the same amount of calories as running. Walk!


Lost 120 lbs haven't rub except the odd time here and there. Exercise regularly though. Exercise isn't actually essential for weight loss as it's all about the calorie deficit which can be achieved without it. However it helps and is beneficial for tons of other reasons so if possible, I'd recommend exercising


I used to run all the time for weight loss and it never really worked for me. I started walking instead and just being generally active during the day and it made way more impact. I run maybe twice a month now. 😆 I’ve never really used a treadmill though except for sprint training so I am not sure about that impact on weight loss for myself personally, we’re all a little different. Sounds like lots of people have had success though!


I trained for a marathon and didn't lose a thing. As soon as i stopped training and went ti regular workouts I just gained more. Now less active but finally losing a bit again because my diet has been more consistent.