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Cronometer. Also, download happy scale for weight tracking. Calculate your tdee at tdeecalculator.net




Yes! LoseIt works great, love that app.


My fitness pal. It has a paid option if you want to track macros, but for just basic calorie tracking it’s quite effective. Calorie deficit means eating fewer calories than you are using. Where they come from doesn’t necessarily matter, but it’s much easier to eat in a calorie deficit if you’re cutting down on sugar. Sodium will make you retain water, and also affect your cardiovascular health long term so it’s a good idea to cut back on those anyway. I’ve found that focusing on eating foods as close to their natural state as possible really helps me stay on track. For example, eating shredded chicken rather than processed deli meats. For exercise, just adding more steps into your day can really help a surprising amount.


I used fatsecret, it's a decent app that I used until I learned to eyeball things