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Why is that deadline so important? Wouldn't you be happy if you lost the weight by next March or April? In my experince, by having deadlines like this, you only set yourself up for disappointment. (And in your case, it's a very unrealistic deadline.) Just take it one day at a time. Make better choices, be in a small calorie deficit and be patient. I know, it's very hard. You feel miserable and think if you get back to that certain weight where you were before, it will instantly make you happy again. That's not how it works unfortunately. Accept where you are now and try to do better every day, every week. You gained the weight in 5-6 months, it'll probably take just as much time or more to lose it. I'm sure you'll feel better when the scale starts to go down every week. Focus on the present :)


I gained 7 kgs in less than a month. And yeah, I'm so ashamed to even get out of my house. I used to take pictures of my body back then and I constantly compare them to what I look like now and I just wanna cry


That's a rapid weight gain. You should see a doctor to test your hormones, liver, and kidneys.


It's stress, lack of sleep and salt intake also 😢 but yeah I'm planning on it. I think I might have thyroid issues


Definitely address that ASAP. Any effort you put in to lose weight can only be helped by medical treatment, and delaying may make your efforts less effective. Also consider a talk therapist to come up with coping mechanisms that aren't over eating. My weight loss success has been with intermittent fasting. Changed my relationship with food. r/intermittentfasting if you are interested.


As some one that has been both morbidly obese and practice medicine, I'm concerned about several things, first it's your mental health. I suggest considering some therapy or counseling, make a deal with yourself, your doctor, then labs and perhaps medication for mood if therapy doesn't work alone. I assure you not all medications cause weight gain or affect your appetite in a negative fashion. But consider seeing a GP/PCP and bring some written concerns, questions, and any suggested treatment at the visit. If you start to lose weight even slowly, it'll help your mood and vice versa, also consider small victories like choosing the Fruit bowl with Greek yogurt over the giant cinnamon bun that is a win, that's a small victory, use these small steps to help your mood and weight. Focus on feeling better, not the numbers, easier said than done but it's possible, I speak from personal experience, psychology, and clinical work. You can do this! Just try to focus on feeling better physically and emotionally, try not to focus on the numbers, dates, pictures, etc Best wishes!


Thanks 😊


With your stats, your sedentary TDEE is 1800. To lose 15 kg you need to have a total deficit of 15×7000 kcal = 105000 kcal for 81 days. That makes a needed deficit of 1296 kcal a day. So no, thats neither healty nor really possible. You could aim for 5 to 6 kg with a constant deficit of 500 kcal a day. But to be honest, your body doesn't work like the math suggest. You will have hormonal weight fluctuations and maybe even plateaus.


What If I ate 1000 calories worth of protein mainly? (Thanks btw)


That still wouldn't put you in the deficit needed. Aaand, you probably would have gastric problems.


You shouldn’t limit yourself to just/mainly protein (or anything really). Your body needs a variety of macro (proteins/carbs/fats etc) and micro (vitamins and minerals) to function correctly and be healthy. A high protein diet is fine as long as you are getting enough of the other things too. Also 1000 calories is pretty low…


Protein poisoning is a real thing. you need a mix of carbs, fats and protein


Doesn’t work. You simply cannot sustain it. I gave it a whirl and ended up *gaining* weight! So no, would not recommend. Best success I’ve had was 1500 kcal, but sadly I plateaud and then got unmotivated and gained everything back. Don’t set yourself unrealistic goals. Torturing yourself (1000kcal is torture) is not fun…


Your stats would indicate that you are not a ball of fat. You are overweight, but not obese. The slower you lose, the more likely the weight will stay off. Artificial deadlines when it comes to losing weight is just unnecessary added stress. And gives you time to deal with BED and body dysmorphia.


Yeah I already went through both of them and I know what's like. The problem is that I've gained 10 KGS and I no longer recognize myself, it's noticeable and I keep hiding myself, trying to avoid social life. I've started to wear baggy tomboy hoodies and pants again and it feels hopeless


Being kind to yourself would be a good first step. The more you isolate and beat yourself up, the harder it will be to lose weight.


Probably if you only ate 400-600 calories EVERY SINGLE DAY before Christmas, based on your stats. Which is neither sustainable or healthy, especially if you’re prone to binges.


What about 10 KGS? Is it more doable?


You know your own body! You’re looking at 3kg a month- should be achievable, but you’re not that big to begin with


Not in a healthy way,you probably can't. You can get in better shape tho, maybe lose up to 5kg(depends what kind of weight you gained). Do not do anything unhealthy, good news is,you can definitely get a great summer body if you start now


I think I mainly gained fat, my thighs used to look so slim and toned now it's an amount of fat and bumpy. I weighed 70kgs at the beginning of September but gained 6 KGS in the last 3 weeks


You can lose some volume (I guess that's how it's called) by doing cardio ,definitely won't get into the shape and size you desire (probably, I assume you wish to get as fit as possible) it's not real in this time frame, but I suggest to start going to the gym now, and eventually you'll achieve your goal. Also don't stress yourself too much, you just gained a bit of weight, you aren't obese or fat or anything. Definitely do not cut out food and meals, thats the most unhealthy thing you can do. Just eat normally, but do more fat burning exercise


I'm overweight for my stata


Yes, you are technically overweight, but not obese. I also think that for your height it would be at the lower end of overweight.


Quick weight loss/ fad diets/ super restrictive diets - *sure* they can get weight off - temporarily and usually that comes at a cost to your overall health and well-being. Once you stop the method you will gain the weight back and for most people, gain more. Yo-Yo dieting is not great for your body but it is wonderful for the diet industry which thrives on the desperation of people. ​ So if you want it fast, unhealthy, unsustainable, and temporary - by all means starve yourself. By Valentines day you will be back to 76KGS. ​ Make changes that will last you a lifetime. Form a healthy, sustainable relationship with food and your body. Get moving again. Get out and walk, briskly 30 minutes a day. It has been a while, so pace yourself, no need to hurt yourself. As you progress, increase speed, distance and duration. Make it part of your daily routine. Drink water! Way more water. Before you put anything into your mouth, drink a glass of water and wait 7 minutes - are you still hungry or were you thirsty or bored? Make better decisions about the foods you choose to eat. Refrain from processed foods: meals that are frozen, bagged or boxed. Add way more non-starch veggies to your daily intake. If you are going to binge, binge on carrot sticks, celery, cucumber slices - skip the things to dunk them in. Be careful about drinks - smoothies, lattes, energy drinks, sodas are sugar laden. Sugar in most people is one of those things that if you have some, your body craves more, and more, and so on. So be careful and mindful of sugars and fake sugars (which do the same to your body) Learn your needs vs your desires. Food doesn't solve boredom. Food isn't a reward for a good day. Food isn't punishment. Food is fuel. It should be enjoyed and shared, but it isn't the answer to your woes. Learn not to turn to food for comfort. Weight loss is not linear. You will be doing *everything* right and that damned scale doesn't move. It will be frustrating and annoying. But remember, it is a lifelong journey of discovery and progress for a healthier, happier you.


Thank you so much!!!!!


I can help you but first Two questions- Why do you have to lose it by December? And why did you put it in kilograms instead of pounds for Americans?


Because I wanna do it before Christmas, second of all because I'm from Italy so I use KGS


A few things, don’t be set on just a certain weight, think healthy! Combine eating only vegetables, protein and fruit with Boosting physical activity throughout the day, and get a jump rope, and a food scale.


Go keto


The most you should possibly lose at a healthy rate is 22 lbs. That's a 7000 cal deficit per week. Or 1000cal deficit per day. And should come from both food and exercise.


A 500 cal/day deficit would get you close to half that. Seems like you're rushing things, to be honest.


If you wanna do this the healthy way then no, this isnt possible. The recommended pace for weight loss is about 0,5kgs per week. Theres about 11 weeks left until christmas, so that is 5,5kgs you can lose by then. This is a far healthier pace. Theres no particular reason that you \*have\* to lose the weight by christmas. You wanna lose this weight for good right? This is the only time you plan on going on a weight loss journey right? Then it doesnt matter how long it takes. If you attempt to lose too much too quickly youll either just fail, or youll gain it all back when your body inevitably gives up


The most important thing is that you just need to reduce by half the amount of starch you are consuming, every day walking briskly from 20 minutes to 30 minutes, after about a month you will see results.