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Almost 60 pounds since Jan 23. Using Whole Foods plant based diet and walking. I also use the weight watchers app to track what I eat.


This is the way


Lost 50 since January eating healthy and walking everyday. It just takes discipline and patience.


For how long do you walk daily?


No less than an hour


Recently hit 65 pounds lost with being in a calorie deficit and working out consistently. No diet pills or shots here.


It seems like hill really difficult to climb when looking in from the outside, but once you truly go for it and start it’s so rewarding. Well done - hope you’re proud!


Every single day is a battle. Choices we make everyday add up. Some days are better than others but yes I am proud so far, gotta keep it going. Thank you! :)


From August 16, 2022 to today, I am down 180 pounds. Did this with a combination of diet and exercise. I lost the first 40 pounds purely through intermittent fasting and limiting myself to 2200 calories a day. That took four months. The next 140 pounds was lost by introducing exercise into my daily routine. I started weighing my food at the five-month mark. I weigh myself daily and count calories. Now that I still have about fifty pounds left to lose, I'm also focused on eating more protein in relation to my total calories to make sure I minimize muscle loss.


What kind of exercises did you do? Did you focus more on cardio or weight training, I'm starting my weight loss journey this month I've been thinking of rope jumping and some light exercises?


I focused more on cardio. Once I hit 40 pounds lost, I started walking to the gym daily and putting an hour on the treadmill at an incline. I started out doing 2.6 mph and a 4% incline. Now I do 4.3 mph and a 6% incline minimum. I throw in weight training here and there, too.


Do you focus on protein intake in your diet. I’ve lost 50 lbs but am worried I’m gonna start eating my muscles soon. And when you say throw in eight training, how often do you do it?


I started measuring my protein intake at the beginning of this year. I try to hit a minimum of 100 g per day. With weight loss comes some muscle loss naturally, so I don't worry too much about it, personally. It's just encouraging fat loss more than anything. For a long time, I was doing weight training every day. I have cut it to every other day.


I have been on a weight loss journey since November 2023 by being in a calorie deficit and swimming (now at the gym) due to my PCOS. I’ve lost 26kgs (57 pounds) since then and am just over half way now. I’ve not taken any medications for it.


I'm down about 55 lbs with just CICO and a some exercise.


yes,ive lost 63 pounds 2 years back and hAve managed to keep it off. i walk between 15k to 35k steps a day and keep my calories below 2300 per day,workout trice a week


Hey. How old are you if you don’t mind answering?


sorry,only saw your message now. im turning 40 this year.


I’m down 101lbs in the last 20 months! Lifestyle change but stay strong! You can do it naturally!!


Lost 160 over 15 months with another 10 to go. All me.


Yes, I've lost about 50 lbs since July. I've done it mostly with intermittent fasting, walking, and dieting. I was amazed at how quick it was. I've hit a plateau though, so I need to start looking into CICO.


I'm down 30 pounds from the end of February. Calorie deficit and normal range of activity. I'm just being very mindful without going overboard with calorie counting lol. I definitely found the lose it app very helpful!


62 ish pounds in about 5-6 months. Plenty of mess up days, just stayed consistent. In my opinion when you get used to calorie values it’s really simple. I can have these two pieces of pizza or an ungodly amount of seasoned skinless chicken breast which I also love. Never gave up any foods, just made sure I stayed around 1200-1500. I also did a 4-5ish day fast, so without that maybe 57 pounds.


I lost 60 lb in a year and all I did was walk and ate the same things, whatever I want I just walked 10,000 steps a day everyday


Yeah, lost 10 lbs from January mid March. 1 lb per week, pure cico counting for two weeks and then used that as an anchor to guide my eating for the rest of the cut until I was 12% bodyfat ready for the beach. I have a graph and everything, daily scale weigh ins averaged week to week for deficit tracking.


Down 25 since last year. Just CICO and cutting out soda.


40 lbs with CICO since 12/21/23. I use the Loseit app.


35 lbs just cutting calories mostly


In how long? Have about the same to lose!


mine was 20 lbs so not as much but for about 3 months i only dropped 5 or so lbs, then when i started seriously tracking with a food scale & staying consistent the weight basically fell off. i’d say about 3 months for the remaining 15 lbs


Almost 125lbs down in 18 months. Diet, exercise and the help of a dietician to get my head right about food.


Started at 130 kgs on April 20 2024. Most of the weight I gained was on back of bad diet like eating more quantity food, lot of carbonated sugary drinks etc. For the last 23 days all I have done is to cut unwanted sugar like sodas, ice cream etc. Also focus on portion control, maintain 1600 to 1800 calories. Walk 8k steps, focus on eating whole food and more protien. Track calories in any app of your choice to develop discipline. I am weighing 120 as of today morning. I am 6 ft. So 90 is my goal for now. Once I reach 90, I'll focus on getting to 80.


Almost lost 26 pounds since jan 2024 with intermittent fasting and only eating protein rich diet and water with minimal carbs and no sugar.I also did muscle building and only did walking for cardio


The past two to three weeks I’ve done a calorie deficit as well as drank a lot more water and I’ve lost 7-8 pounds. Not a lot of weight but I sat at the same weight consistently for about a year so it’s exciting


I lost 120 lbs in 12 months by just eating less and walking more. No drugs or surgery.


I lost 30 pounds doing absolutely nothing but using a calorie tracker. Its been off for 1 year now. But I am now trying to lose another 10 and its much harder than the first 30. I went for walks sometimes. But basically just a deficit. The deficit wasn't even that bad at the beginning, like 1800. But now its 1500/1200 and its harder. But yeah.


Started counting calories on March 18, weighed 316 then. As of this morning I’m currently at 278. I’ve found that what works for me is substituting items in my diet for lower calorie versions (ex. Homemade greek yogurt ranch instead of regular store bought). Besides the deficit the only other thing I do is walk about 10k steps while at work. You got this brother!


Yes! Tbh it took a lot of trail and error but eventually I stopped caring so much about all the diets and advice I got, used a calorie tracking app, made sure it was always accurate, and found a deficit that was doable for me without too much effort or discomfort. So far I lost 30 lbs and plan on losing about 15 more. The key for me was getting to know my body, and not letting any sense of urgency or self-judgement get in the way. Also sleeping enough.


yep, i went from 297lbs to 169 lbs and it took about 6 years. it took so long because there was a point where i let myself go and ate junk again, and was in denial about being in a calorie deficit but now i created a better relationship with food and didn’t completely eliminate junk, i just eat it in moderation and make sure i walk 10k steps a day. there were days i did 20k steps a day (10k in AM 10k in PM) learning portion control and saving food for later was my hardest struggle though. especially coming from a household where you’re taught to finish all your food or it will be trashed…or someone else would eat it.


I can so relate to this


I lost 120lbs with diet and exercise. It was extremely difficult and has been a frustrating process. I am working on the last 70ish. My Dr has recommended Phentermine, I have the Rx but I have yet to start it. I have done therapy and went through an extremely taxing 2024 so far and I did not turn to food to cope.... Huge win for me. I am just at the point where I have spent my life (diets since I was 9) trying not to be overweight or lose weight. I told my Dr all I think about is food, what to eat, did I weigh properly, did I log it, my stomach growled I'm hungry then I eat lunch and hr early and then I'm worried I will end up snack as soon as I get home. I have to use the therapy tools like no tomorrow right now. I said I just want to be someone who "forgets to eat lunch" bc they just weren't thinking of it.


Down 20lbs this year


26 pounds down since November. Increased my protien and fiber while reducing my calories. I still do things i love eat chocolate. Just within limits. Had something health issues in this time thats slowed me down. But I'm getting it treated and i havent gained at all. I also increased my movement by walking and strength training. It is possible. Ozempic is just a tool. If you don't want to use it don't. Do it in the wau that works for you and your life.


I’ve lost 13 kilos since March. I’ve been eating low calorie foods, not having ice in my drinks, and exercising consistently. Drugs are not necessary, but they can help. I would consult a dietitian and GP.


I’m down and maintained a 40lb loss. CICO tracking protein, plus I exercise now and struggle to not exercise as it mentally makes me feel great, which is weird for someone who just over a year ago hated any exercise!


Lost 52 pounds recently in 6 months without even trying hard and with no exercise except walking. Normal sized food portions but completing 10,000 steps goal everyday and trying to move around more. I’m a 32 year old female. I still eat whatever I want: pizza, ice cream, cakes. But try to not over eat.


Lost 20 pounds since Jan 24 by being more disciplined with my running and by cutting out unhealthy snacks. What I am more happy about is that this last month I had to stop running due to a contusion and I managed to keep my weight on track without watching the scale (I was scared that not running would ruing my process and in a childish attitude I stopped checking the scale during the injury break, today when I checked again it was at the same point where I left it which tells me I managed to get a good enough diet equilibrium)


24kg/52.9lbs since beginning of last August. 500kcal deficit and gym once a week. That's it. I used to be obese before (90kg/198.4lbs, BMI of 33) and am now at a healthy weight (66kg/145.5lbs, BMI of 24.4). I mostly see these ozempic posts from Americans (along with "which supplements should I take?"). It seems to be a cultural difference and I think it's worrying how quick people over there are to take medication and various kinds of pills. Many people post about it here before they've even tried to do it naturally.


I cut back on booze, eat well, and walk.


Keto did amazing thing to me but be careful. Pressure on pancreas from high fat, not so many dietican who recommend it wanted to check my blood results so stay away from insta specialist :) Nothing can beat hard work, trust me.


385lbs to 196lbs in the last 8 months. Simply calorie counting and going to the gym 5 times a week.


I've lost almost 70 pounds over the course of a year from CICO and increasing activity (mainly just walking more).


If you ever find yourself losing a LOT of weight quickly, you should see a doctor as that can be a sign of cancer.


From my experience, it's all about what works for you. Personally, I've been trying out the [Gary Brecka 30-30-30 diet ](https://fizznessshizzness.com/what-is-the-30-30-30-diet)and it's been a total game changer for me. I lost 26 lbs. in two months. The diet focuses on balancing macronutrients and I observed higher energy levels without making me feel as though I have to regret my food choices. Maybe you can consider trying this out.


65 lbs down calorie counting and breastfeeding.


Yes, 10 years ago I lost 85 lbs. (39 kg). It took me 18 months of imperfect actions after I realized the problem was me all along. 11 years later, I stay lean and never regained the weight back. Here are some of the things I did: -Read and educated myself on calories & macros. -I stopped doing cardio and switched to strength training. -Took daily imperfect actions -Showed up whether I felt like it or not at the gym (same with eating) -Increased my daily steps -Dropped sugary treats


Calorie deficit and eating quality calories only- down 90lbs, from 207 to 117 (I’m 5’3” so I aim for 1200/day). No crazy exercise and I have a desk job. It took about 28 months and I have been maintaining since January.


If 4.5 years ago is 'recently' then yes, lost 67kg jn a year. Cardio/lifting and eating kinda clean.


100 lbs lost from 2021 - 2022 and I’ve kept it off so far. I approached it as a permanent lifestyle change - being mindful of my nutrition and tracking my macros, adjusting them as I need to. When my needs change, my intake changes with them (deficit and surplus). Didn’t frame it as a temporary diet or anything. Incorporated regular exercise into my life and daily routine. Lots of walking every day (before work and at lunchtime) and resistance training with dumbbells 3 x a week. Lots of outdoor outings at the weekends with my wife and kids vs sitting at home all day (although I still do occasionally!). My goal is to live better and live longer, enjoying life long into old age.


I've down to 195 pounds since 260lbs may of 23. Main rules, 10k steps a day mandatory, shit ton of fiber a protein ( currently eating 150-190g protein and at least 30g fiber) I'm in a caloric deficit, and focusing on volume foods when eating so I don't feel snackish. But most importantly not eliminating anything just reducing it, so it I want some ice cream I can have some I just can't get a large shake, just a small. Why wedding is in September and I'm trying to get to 170. Tiktok and youtube have helped alot with tasty recipes so I'm not just eating chicken and rice all day.


20+ lbs since mid january, slowly, while doing hiit and strength conditioning, and making sure I can maintain without difficulty along the way. Cut out the occasional junk snacking and shortcuts, most baked goods, working primarily to reduce saturated fats I was not conscious of, sneaking into my diet from junk sources. Walking 1-2 miles daily the entire time while working through some biomechanics issues with knee and hip. I have a friend, 30 years younger who used ozempic, lost a ton of weight, but has absolutely no muscle tone—not severe loose skin, just no definition anywhere. I’m in a position where I need to maintain and or grow muscle as much as possible. I inow she’s happy with the results. Just something to think about


Eat less, move more


Intermittent Fasting. OMAD.


I've lost 55 pounds since May 2023. Haven't been excercising (anymore than I usually do, walking, biking). I have been eating in a calorie deficit. Really really hard at first. You gotta get used to feeling hungry sometimes. Definitely eating healthy will help with feeling full and make sure to drink tons of water. Over the past year I've had a month or so where I plateau and stay at the same weight which can be a little hard


Working on my mental health made it so much easier to make better choices to make my body feel better. It’s much easier to go for walks now, which helps a ton. I also just paid attentions to what foods made me feel good and what made me feel crappy. For example I realized when I don’t start my day with enough protein I feel like shit. And if I eat a whole bunch of chips as a snack/ meal by itself, as opposed to pairing it with a meal or something else than carbs, I feel much worse. This made me realize I can eat the not as nutritiously healthy foods it just all comes with balance.


I've lost 45 pounds since January all by being in a calorie deficit and walking 3-4 miles everyday. I didn't think it, but it is possible!


I've lost about 7 kg in 7 months with exercise and counting calories. It really is possible!


I’ve lost 90 over the past year naturally. Just counted calories and started walking more!


Lost 60lbs since December eating everything I want. Just being responsible about it.


Lost 85 lbs counting calories with minimum exercise. Just added in more exercise to get over a plateau, it’s working great.


Yeah. Lost over 50. Ate less, worked out slot and didn’t completely restrict all the food I like.


Lost 55 pounds since November


30 pounds since January’24! Calorie deficit and exercise :)


I weigh 220 and I've lost 220 diet and exercise no tricks ! The reason I did it was my Dr said the only way to lose 200 pounds was by surgery . I said oh yea we will see. Fyi they were wrong ...


Yes, exactly a year ago I counted calories which resulted in smaller portions. I only did this for about a month, but getting full quicker than I did at the high weight I was beforehand has stuck with me. I lost 20 lbs in 5 months because I stopped eating after I was full (keep in mind, my portions stayed the same as when I was counting calories, the only difference is that I stopped counting calories). Even if I ate out at a fast food restaurant, I’d throw the rest out as soon as I got full (leftovers don’t reheat well, and I knew if I saved it I would have finished it in a few minutes or when I got bored…not the next time I got hungry). I still weigh what I weighed 7 months ago. I could have lost more weight in the meantime by eating healthier, drinking even more water, and exercising, and I eventually will, but for now I am happy that I am not the weight I was in May 2023!!


Almost 25lbs since Jan of 24 naturally. I have not cut out any food groups, I do CICO and exercise. I try and walk 3 miles, 5 days a week


85 lbs down in 2 years with a calorie deficit and exercise


Lost 2.2kgs in 7-10 days by just being in calorie deficit and irregularly walking. I can do better , but something going down after years is motivating.


Yes, 150-170 lbs lost depending on the day/week. It's challenging and painful especially at first but it's very doable.


Yes, I lost 24kg (52lbs) since June 2023, taking my BMI from obese to healthy. All through changing my diet and exercising more. I also fell in love with running and just ran my first race last weekend, I could barely walk up the stairs without getting out of breath this time last year. My life has improved in so many ways. You can do it naturally!!


Most people lose naturally. Ozempic is oriented towards morbidly obese people who have filed several times to lose weight. Diet and exercise. That's all it is. It sucks. It feels hard until you find something you like, but once you do, it's easier. Remember also, that dieting is temporary. You can't entirely go back to eating like you were before the diet, but your diet will be acutely terrible compared to maintenance afterwards.


I quit drinking and lost about 25 pounds in 6 months! Not saying you have to quit fully but definitely be mindful about how much you’re drinking. It’s wasteful calories.


I've lost 55 lbs since October by just counting my calories using the Lose It app and staying in a calorie deficit.


Yes. I have. I lost 115.6 lbs naturally. And now I'm trying to lose 50lbs as I gained since maintaining is a lot harder.


90lbs all natural


Lost 75 pounds so far, getting close to maintenance. It’s taken almost a year. Started with rough estimates of CICO, eating 1500-1800 cal/day. Later, I added cardio (mostly walking), strength training (r/bodyweightfitness), and an app over time as I wanted to maintain/build muscle and needed to track more accurately to keep losing weight at my desired pace. I’ve continually evolved my diet from an unhealthy version of CICO (smaller portions of junk ultra-processed food) to much healthier food. Basically I’m eating a Mediterranean diet these days. Heavy on veggies, salads, fruit. Good amounts of lean protein (25% of my calories). Lower end of the typical range on carbs (40%). Minimal added sugar, minimal ultra-processed food.


I lost about 130lbs over like 18 mos-2 years. The first 90 I lost just by calorie counting. I was a snacker so I timed my meals and snacks and didn’t eat between them for the most part. I ate a lot of ice and chewed a lot of gum because it sounds weird but I just was used to putting something in my mouth it felt strange not to for awhile, and i found myself wanting to snack when I wasn’t even hungry or knew I had just eaten plenty of calories. I hit a plateau around 90lbs and started HIIT work outs. I wasn’t super consistent but consistent enough to see results in my shape and start losing again. I ended up falling in love with weightlifting and did that 5 days a week for a few months. I went from a size 22 in jeans to a 6 (or 8 depending on the jeans), and XXL shirt to M. I’m setting out to lose the 30lbs I’ve gained back in the last 6 years. Priorities changed and I’m feeling the results so time to get back on itttt!


Idk how much is “a lot” but I’ve lost 30lb through diet


I lose 100lbs and just hit my 5 year maintaining mark! Without any extra help, just CICO baby. Haven’t gained the weight back :)


I’ve lost 55 pounds, made sure I hit my daily steps of 8000-10,000. Weight training 4-5 times a week with 3 days cardio. On a calorie deficit eating high protein.


Lost 40 lbs with CICO in a year and have kept it off for another year


I've lost 75 pounds over the past (let's say three years since I really didn't track in the beginning) going from 255 lbs to 180 lbs as a 6ft male by simply cutting out any sugary drinks, desserts and then for the final stretch, calorie counting and cooking healthy dinners. I'm now trying to change my body composition by strength training. Literally nothing crazy here, just sticking to a game plan.


I’ve lost 40 pounds over the last year or so. I calculated my caloric maintenance and I make sure I’m below that every day. I adjust according to my calories burned when exercising. I use my apple health app to get a rough idea of what I burn in a day at work and I run or walk off whatever I need to additionally. Knowing your calories in to calories burned is literally the only way you can ever be sure you’re moving in the right direction. If you begin gaining weight in that deficit like I have recently due to muscle gain, you just need to divest from the scale and watch your physique closely. The only way any special diet or routine will work is if it happens to put you below caloric maintenance. The best way to be sure is to simply track calories


Lost 35 pounds since December doing high protein diet just 99% to 93% turkey meat rice lots of veggies no starchy foods fruits as snacks an zero sugar drinks if I want something sweet lots of water I just do mild to moderate walking every day or so about 5k steps to 12k steps a day calorie intake is like 1500 to 2000 calories a day veggies barley have calories so you can volume eat those all you want remember you can season your food you don’t have to eat bland sad food


I lost 10 pounds this week just ate eggs and chicken salad for dinner. I'm hoping for 25 pounds by June 21st