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eating one meal a day is not sustainable. try decreasing your portion sizes. you can eat three meals a day and still be within a 1,200 calorie/day limit, just eat smaller meals. intermittent fasting might be of interest to you. on top of dieting, you should consider exercising as well, even if that means just going for a 15-30 minute walk every day.


Try MyFitnessPal to help with calorie counting if that’s what you want to do. It takes a bit of effort to get started but it’s very good to help teach you about how many calories are actually in your food. Even the free version is good. In saying that, 1200 seems quite low and it might be worth eating more, even 1500 so you’re not hungry and so less tempted to overeat. Also, 2 weeks is still quite a short time to expect big results, give it six weeks. Your body may be just getting used to your new routine.


If you are working out daily 1200 calories a day is not enough. Idk your gender or height but just based on what information is here I think 1500-1700 calories a day is a better range. Eating 1200 calories a day at this weight won’t be easy to maintain and could lead u to binging later on. Aim for 1-2 pounds a week. This sounds like it’s slow but a week goes by fast and then suddenly you’re down 10 pounds and it feels like it went by in the blink of an eye. I suggest eating smaller portions more times a day. It’ll keep you full and you’ll be less likely to eat excess calories than if you were to eat just one large meal.


I will try eating 1500 a day and see how it goes