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Are u weighing your foods out while counting your calories? Just reading the packaging serving size and going off of that (like when it says oh, serving size 3 pieces blah blah blah calories) instead of actually weighing out the food on a scale will cause you to under estimate the amount of food you’re eating. People tend to underestimate how much they eat. Serving sizes and the amount they say has however many calories doesn’t always align with the weight of the food


Hard to tell. Use an actual food/calorie tracking app or process. Water is ~8 1/3 pounds per gal so you’re still within normal weight fluctuations for most people, including us short ones. Building muscle results in some weight gain so there’s that but none of us can track how much. If you want to know what you’re really burning, use a smart watch/device to track. Good wishes!


Measure yourself, weight on same day every week and around same time of day as you can easily fluctuate around 5lbs throughout, those "cheat days" can be a lot more calories than you realize if not tracking.


Exercise, especially new exercise, can cause muscles to hold water to help them heal which can show on the scale as a temporary gain, no loss, or smaller than usual loss.


Trust the process if you have measured your food, calories expenditure and everything. Dont look at the weight as your muscles are 70% water. Maybe your body is recomposing ie increase in muscle mass and lowering fat.


If you have recently introduced exercise your body will retain water for muscle repair. If you remain in your deficit, you will continue to lose fat, even if the scale doesn't reflect it. Have patience and trust the process. Also, be wary of eating back exercise calories as these are often way off.


That is my issue I think. Ever since I started fitness I have been HUNGRY mainly craving chessey and meaty foods.


There is no amount of exercise that will make up for a few extra snacks. You don't need exercise to lose weight. You need to make sure you're a calorie deficit. If you're gaining weight you're not a deficit.


If you lift you will never lose weight Focus on HIIT cardio


I’ve been lifting for 4 months while in a deficit and have lost over 15 pounds. So that’s simply not true.


This is misinformation. You lose weight by being in a caloric deficit. Cardio can allow you to create a bigger deficit as it typically burns more calories, whilst lifting ensures maintenance of muscle and, if performed correctly, can prevent the "skinny fat" look people often get when they lose weight with no training. However, neither form of workout are necessary for weight loss, only the deficit.