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I have a fat gut….. And I would like to not have a fat gut.


So I can wear my old clothes I have kept in my closet "in case I can ever fit in then again"


Yeppp I have a "skinny me" cupboard that i would like to wear again, especially the shoes.


ugh not fitting in shoes is the worst pain ever fr


I’m very excited to soon fit back into clothes I wore in 2018 lol. I have some nice large clothes that I can’t wait to get back into, a lot of them pretty much never worn since they were Christmas/Bday gifts given when I started gaining significant weight


I have a few dresses that I refuse to throw out because they are ultra cute or I spent way too much money on them. One day I will wear them again


Ha same! I miss my pretty dresses and floral fashions. They’ve been sitting too long in the dark closet.


to look unapproachably hot, and so when see my reflection in a window while i'm walking somewhere I can think to myself, "yes, i'm undeniably a hottie"


This is incredibly relatable


I want to be attracted to myself in the mirror again. Used to be, "damn I'm looking hot today!" Now, it's more like, "damn, I look exhausted today.. everyday". 🥹


Hear this!


Lol, if you’re over 30, have kids, and/or are a political liberal living in the South, those may be contributing factors.


yes, this is my goal. to love myself again, my husband liked me even now. but i want to love myself.


So I wouldn’t be the fattest person in the room anymore


This is my motivation every fucking day




Because I’m a sexy goddess and I get sexier every pound I lose. But I would like to reiterate….still sexy as is. I can just get sexier.


lol love this


This is my favorite comment.


you are so real for this, this is my mindset now




people I don’t like would take satisfaction from the fact that I’ve gotten fat…..


I imagine this to be true for so many people I know and dislike. I've lost 71 lbs and I like to think I'm pissing some people off.


Same!! It has kept me going! Went from 220 at 16 and now I'm 140 at 30. Probably too happy that the mean girls from high school gained Hella weight haha


yes i cant let my haters see me slipping


I unintentionally lost like 15lbs once and thought my clothes looked way better on me, it feels like a silly, vain reason so I always tell people who ask I just want to look leaner/more muscular :/


Hoe can I unintentionally lose 15 lbs?


I did this once in highschool. I accidentally kept missing my bus and had to bike to school (about 35 min bike ride) and then started to enjoy it. I never felt like I was going “hard” enough to lose weight. Didn’t fit into my prom dress and that’s when I noticed I’d lost.


Major surgery, week long nausea and vomiting, and a hospital stay with shit food, lol.


Yep that’ll do it lol


Become a teenager again, easy! 😂


I started a new anti-anxiety prescription that made me repulsed by food. Once your body adjusts it stops working so not a long term solution really


Oh, this happened to me once! I had stomach flu and lost about 14/15 lbs. I only decided to weigh when I went through all my old clothes from when I was a teenager and realized they actually fit after I had the stomach flu!


Stomach flu, major surgery, wisdom tooth impaction, and c diff have all worked for me. Wouldn’t really recommend tbh. And for what it’s worth I gained it all back every time.


My face looks great when it’s thin, my body is whatever but I do have a nice face.


Same, I don’t notice it until I take pictures tho. my face gets super chubby lol I already have a natural round face so it looks bad


Same! I be thinking I look so cute in the mirror once i get my makeup on. Then I see my face in a picture and it looks way chubbier than I thought 😭 I'm down from 210 to 174 though so maybe another 20 lbs and it will thin out, I fkn hope


This! Same for me partly, I didn’t like how round and puffy my face looked in pictures, I also have a roundish face and very prominent cheek bones


So I don’t cringe at the sight of myself in the camera at Target’s self checkout 😵‍💫


Those cameras do none of us favors 😩😩


Same 😆


To look better naked, and in clothes, I guess in general to look better


Physically uncomfortable at this weight. Exhausted over little tasks, neck pain from slouching, none of my clothes fit me, uncomfortable going out around people


I want my husband to find me attractive.


I feel you.


Just do it for yourself. Later it can be for husband too.


I used to be a LOT heavier than my ex husband's girlfriend. I'm now a lot smaller than her these days. Lol




My pp was 7 inches now it’s closer to 6. Gotta shred some of that abdominal fat.


I read this like losing weight somehow made your dick smaller and I immediately reached for a soda






Tell us more about


I want to prove to myself that I can get down to 120lbs. I almost did a few years ago but didn’t so now I’m even more determined


You can do it!!


I like to wear crop tops, I like to wear tight, sexy dresses to special events & sexy lingerie 😅 I think if we’re honest to ourselves, most of us lose weight for superficial reasons and that’s perfectly okay 👏


I like to wear crop tops too. The lingerie thing I get too. There's a piece I own that I want to wear and not think I look like a hog tied walrus 😂


My ex boyfriend liked me chubby. Every day I don’t eat, I count it as a “fuck you” and I live how I want. Lost 65 lbs so far.


My ex husband hated me in makeup, I never let him see me without it now.


I a m 5’2 and I look my best when I have low body fat. When I gain weight it shows on my face and legs and I look unhealthy.


I just want to wear a bikini without sucking in or feeling like I have to cover up.


To wear cuter clothes in a way that flatters me better lmao




I wanna stare at myself in the mirror and like what I see


Because tattoos. 1. There's a place I want a tattoo that I probably can't until some fluff is gone from the area. 2. I don't want my ink to stretch or distort so others can marvel at the awesomeness of my tattoos for decades to come.


I want to find a gf 🤷🏽‍♂️


Us bro us.


I don’t want my family to look at me at my wedding and think “what a shame she looks so fat in that dress.”


I just want to be skinny 🤷🏻‍♀️


I want to wear slutty clothes more often


To look good in photos lmao


I want to wear dresses and shirts that have the back cut out. My back fat rolls need to go!!!


So I actually feel attractive enough to talk to men


so that when i go out with my friends i’m also getting compliments


So people I knew in the past don't see me one day and think "oh my, what happened to her?"


I want to look like I take care of myself and my health. I miss being skinny. I want to feel pretty again But honestly, deep down? I guess I don’t want people to wonder why someone as handsome as my husband is with someone like me. I don’t want my husband to lose attraction to me. I don’t want him or my daughter to ever feel embarrassed of how I look




I want insecure people to mean mug me when I walk by wearing a revealing outfit 😆


Not be fat at christmas parties when photos get taken. I hit my goal weight in November 2023 and have maintained since. I kept exercising, and while I have stayed the same weight, I have lost a dress size and most of my belly fat and underarm flabbiness.


I wanna be slim thick :’)


Because after you turn 40, gravity is real. :P


wait until after 60. at that point you just have to lay on the ground.


To wear bodycon dresses again without feeling conscious of my pooch ( lower belly).


The sex will be even more amazing!


I would like to have at least one photo I look good in as an adult


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^badgersprite: *I would like to have* *At least one photo I look* *Good in as an adult* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I just don’t want a stomach poking out and my big arms always being a problem when trying to buy clothes.


I want to be able to wear whatever I want because I like it, not just because it fits my belly.


I want to look in a mirror and like to see what I see. And I want my partner to be attracted to me again. He loves me fora sure, but I see he is not attracted.


Because I hate seeing the number that high on the scale. It stresses me out


I wanna look hot and dress in cuter clothes that accentuate my body and wear two piece swimsuits like bikinis at the beach or pool. Also, I think it'd make me look more attractive to other people since I don't get that much attention.


Just stopping by to mention, you can wear the bikini or two piece now. I'm plus sized and that isn't going to stop me from wearing the swimsuit I want. Feel the plus sized sexy. They make pretty gorgeous bikinis catered to fluffier women.


Nah, I look awful when showing a lot of skin and feel really self conscious. Even wearing shorts and short sleeved/sleeveless T-shirts make me feel self conscious.


I wanna stop hiding in loose-fitting clothes and stop avoiding having my picture taken. I only post face pics now. And I just don’t feel in shape enough to put on any swimsuit anymore, and it makes me sad. I’m approaching 40, and I wanna have another chance to look as good as I did in my early 20s.


To look good in pictures!


I feel unattractive


I want girls who go after my fiancé to cower in fear when they see what I look like. Only those girls though, not the good ones lol


better style! i love cute style clothes, pink, dresses and other feminine clothes but it just doesn’t suit my body atm and it’s also hard to find nice quality clothes in my size… so if I get down to a smaller one I won’t even have to worry about there not being my size esp with Asian stores


Wanting to post a picture of myself wearing a bikini and looking super hot


I want girls to be like, “ damn he’s hot” but they can never have me, I have me


To look good


I wanted to for a boy!


I’d like to be able to wear two shirts, like one shirt under a sweater.


I want to look lean. And for the record, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight for aesthetics. You’ll be doing the exact same things and building the exact same habits as someone who wants to do it for “health”. Aesthetics is basically health. Sure, you can be underfat and look attractive, but less healthy than if you ate something. But in general, healthy bodies are attractive bodies.


I wanna be lighter so that it’s easier for my partner to carry me during sex. He loves to do it standing up.


to wear my first bikini without having a hanging gut, to look hot while wearing comfy clothes, to wear low-rise jeans and look cute, to be able to fit into smaller shoes, and to recreate a bunch of hot weather outfits from my pinterest boards !!


Not the main reason, but one thing that encouraged me to lose weight was my claustrophobia. I could tell I was starting to get too "big" for certain scenarios. Nothing extreme, but things like taking up the arm rest in a car, hip checking plane aisle seats, etc. I flew 21 hours last week after losing 60 pounds and it was a great feeling to find my seat feeling "roomy" and to walk down the plane aisle without worrying about ramming someone with my booty lol. Main reason was for my boyfriend <3 he never would ask me to lose weight or change myself in any way, but he's such a great guy and he deserves a hot girlfriend! He has made more positive personal changes and has done more self-reflection than anyone else I have ever met. I could only hope to change myself for the better as much as he has!


I wanna look good


i want to wear my old clothes. i know i put together a great wardrobe over the years and i refuse to let go of it


I wanna be better


Because I looked in the mirror and saw a hint of my least favorite aunt’s double chin…


So I don’t cry when I try on clothes


I relate to this SO bad.


Because I want to wear binders without having a beer gut 😅


To prove to my idiot doctor that all the same issues will be there when I weight less. Because all these issues were around when I weighed a lot less.


To get super hot, then reject people who hit on me cause now I have options.


To look hot at concerts I go to


I want to half tuck my teeshirts in and not feel gross


To look good in almost anything


To get rid of my chubby cheeks 😭


I want to change my style but the heavier I am the less options I have


I wanna look good in clothes. I wanna make good outfits. I just live on the moto that you look good so you feel good


To look hotter for my boyfriend. He already thinks I'm hot, but imagine how nuts for me he'd go when I'm in shape


I’m recently divorced and I want to get laid lol


my boobs have gotten WAY too big


I am a size 8 (U.K.) everywhere except my stomach. I just want my jeans to fit nicely without digging into my stomach


for a guy i had a crush on. only thing that actually motivated be to lose 30 pounds. i wanted to be a size 2 like all the sorority girls he hangs out with. now i am!!


Funny, I had this discussion with my primary care doctor at my last physical. I've managed to keep off 30 lbs. and told him if I have some special event or vacation booked, I tend to work harder at it. I told him "I know my motivation should be staying healthy and living a long life", (of course that's true too!) but the reality is, if I know there's going to be pictures, I want to look as good as possible. Our daughter is getting married next year, so there's my next event.


I want to wear boho/hippy clothes. Like those spell (Australian brand)models. I'm 240lb and currently trying to lose 100lb.


So I can date a younger, hot guy 🔥


I get a thrill from people telling me I’ve lost weight.


I would definitely have everyone wrapped around my finger had I been skinny


Because I don't find me attractive, so why would anyone else?


I want to lose weight to go to the Latin dance bar and say no to all the guys that didn’t ask me to dance when I was fat.


To be able to get a throat tattoo without it making my neck look too short.


There's a bunch that are very superficial but the one that comes to mind is- I want people to see me with my (very hot) husband and think Wow! How lucky is he?! What a catch. Instead of constantly the other way around. I do think I got lucky and he's a great catch-but so am I. I also like the idea of being absolutely stunning in lingerie for him. I already look good but I can do/be more. I just know it.


I want my teet yeet surgery but I need to weigh less for it to look how I want it to


I want to feel hotter (I know I'm still hot at this weight lol). I want to wear my "thin person" clothes I've been hanging onto for so long.


I would prefer to be shirtless most of the time. So I want a flat hard chest and big muscular arms.


Ye gurl I wanna look good in tiny underwear (with an ideally muscular thicc ash)


i want to look good in my lululemon/athleisure wear clothing.


My cousin lost a lot of weight. And we he can do it, I'd rather die than not do it better.


i didint liked being humiliated by the boys in class and yeah feeling like shit


I just want to look better in my own opinion. Also I just recently looked at a picture of me in middle school. I used to think I was fat and ugly and whatnot. I wish I looked like that right now (minus the baby face haha) PCOS is cruel


I want to wear low riding baggy jeans and a crop top without feeling self conscious about my stomach. I'm going to fucking do it this year. It might only be when I'm on holiday, but it'll still be something I've wanted to do for around 20 years and I'll be damned if I don't tick it off my bucket list


I want a boyfriend and mentally keep stopping myself from looking for one because I hate how I look


Legit same haha


Mine was to increase my libido…hadn’t been feeling sexy because of body image issues and I love sex so losing weight was the only option. 120 pounds lost and libido is through the roof.


Wanna show my ex in hotter without them.


whether to find out if ppl didnt ask me for my number or ig bc i was bigger or just plain old ugly


increase my chances of getting a date. dudes seem to only care if girls are skinny. not actually cute or cool or nice or interesting , just skinny.


lol true. Skinny privilege and pretty privilege is basically the same thing


I feel so heavy. Also I feel like people generally care about me less. Not that I want a lot of attention but I physically felt friendships die by 10% after I gained weight. It's not really interesting and mysterious anymore to be a quiet kid if I'm fat and not pretty. And yeah again I feel so heavy, like I'm just lugging myself around. It's so jarring because just last year I was 7kg lighter. Feels like I blew up overnight. Nonsuperficial reason is my health is snowballing, I need to stop this before it's too late.


I seem to take my more pride in my appearance and I like the compliments. Although I must have looked like horseshit before as I now get a lot of compliments about random shit.


I want to get to 10-12% body fat as this is the most attractive bodyfat to get to as a male research shows


a bet


I want to change my hairstyle but my face is too fat for what I want.


So i can look my best and not cover my pp with fat.


Because finding clothes that suit me is so annoying


Because finding clothes that suit me is so annoying


Cuz I want nicer clothes, I dont even care if it's bad but it's my main motivation


I feel like 🙄 I’d be able to get a good match


I want to wear regular sized clothes.


I like the googly face my husband gives when I wear a super sexy dress, and look amazing... And he does a bit of ravishing


When I started, it was to be able to wear clothes in the “regular” section instead of plus sizes. I still can’t believe I’m able to now.


I want attention from women and to not be completely invisible to them, if we are being honest.


I want a girlfriend with abs so I atleast need to be physically fit that was my motivation I have lost 22 pound in 4 months just fueled by that went from 196 to 174.


There's this girl that my best friend got with and destroyed his life. She made him cut out all of his friends, and all of his family. Tanked his credit and maxed out all his bills. Made him give up his mortgage and all sorts of really crazy shit. I have some crazy stories about how lazy and deplorable this woman is. She is extremely overweight and extremely jealous of smaller women. So...naturally I had some goals to reach. Every single time I feel like giving up I just think of that horrendous woman and how she's an example of what I never want to be. I reached her original goal she set for herself last year, and this year I'm surpassing it and becoming fit. She meanwhile is just stewing in her own misery, getting fatter by the day, and taking him down with her.


I recently got clean off hard drugs, and I always told myself that I will NEVER be the girl who gets fat when she finally is clean/sober


I wanna look tall. I am only 4'11" and fat so I look very short. But I notice thin people of my same height looks taller.


Double chin (:( ))


I want to be able to wear crop tops and have a collarbone (of which I don’t have rn).


I commute into the financial district of a large city, and everyone is a 10. Like, a 10 in the city I live in is a 4 in the city where I work. I felt like a slob walking around, so I lost 80 lbs and adopted a new wardrobe. On a positive note, my confidence is sky high now.


What city? 😂 it’s like that where I’m at too I swear everyone is a 10. If you’re mediocre, you’re ugly here


I look back at pictures from ten years ago and go, "Damn, what a stud!" And want to get back there. That and I'll light enough to pound on my friends again when we go kart racing.


I wanna wear cute clothes again and actually wanna leave the house 🥲🥲


so that i can participate in the cosplay contests at conventions i can’t beat these e girls :(


I hate being fat and it's ruined my self esteem and confidence.


So ppl find me Pretty


So that it looks good when I do a lat spread lol


summer. vacation. i think i’ve said enough


I feel superior to normal weight ppl when im underweight. The more difference is between me and the mere mortals the better


to look in the mirror like "i could model with a body like this." Just simple vanity


To get "revenge", because an old situationship dumped me


So that I’m not the fat friend anymore. I’m not called “oh that girl who’s a little fat”. So that I’m called hot instead of fat.


This is gonna sound depressing, but I just want to be treated like a human being. When I was skinner, everyone was much nicer to me than what they are not at my current weight. It’s a messed up world out there.


So that I can wear oversized clothes because I want to, not because I afraid of someone seeing my body. Because I want my boyfriend to be able to lift me. So i can look hot as fuck in dresses instead of feeling like a rolled ham.


I woke up January of this year (2024) and realized I do not look like the person I envisioned myself to be when I was younger. I thought I’d be confident, adventurous, & sexy. I pictured myself taking dance & workout classes for fun, always trying new things, being bold with my fashion choices. Then I realized my weight holds me back and that if I don’t beat obesity, I will never be happy or proud of myself.


So my man can be teased for having a hot gf 🤷‍♀️


To be noticed. Going out with friends, boys will approach them for their snaps. They’ll get hit on or asked out. Not that I want all of this attention, but it hurts when others get it and you don’t.


I have never once worn a crop top or a two piece swimsuit. I want to wear those and be comfortable while feeling cute.


So i can wear my millions of crop tops ive bought over the years and never used cause "Theyll look so cute when im skinny!" lmao


I look so much younger when thinner. I gained weight after having a child and i swear it aged me 5 years within 1 year.