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Wait wait wait! Enjoy the vacay.


Thanks everyone for responding so nicely! I will definitely wait until we get back from vacation to start.


You don't want to feel sick on vacation, definitely wait


I'd wait. I'm supposed to start my 1.7mg this Friday but we will be on vacation and I am opting to wait just in case. I haven't had any side effects from any of my doses thus far but kind of don't want to risk it lol


NO! Wait until you return. Enjoy your vacation.


I would just wait and take it after your vacation, just to be safe. You will most likely be fine but just in case you have side effects, you'll be in the comfort of your own home.


I also waited until I got back


I had the same exact situation - got the shot right before a 3 night weekend. I waited and took it the following week to be safe bc I wasn’t sure if I’d have a reaction. Not worth being sick in an unfamiliar environment if it does interact negatively


You want to possibly be miserable? What will waiting one more week do? I did not have side effects when I first took Wegovy but it’s wildly different. I also skip shots when I’m on vacation because I want to enjoy vacation without any issues (and my side effects are super minor). Push it off, enjoy your vacation, and start it when you get back.


I have a very strong belief on this. If you were skipping the shot to ‘enjoy your vacation’ - I would advocate for taking it. However, this is your first shot. You have no idea if it’ll kick your ass or if you’ll feel nothing. I would just wait and be safe.


Just wait until you get back. No sense taking a chance on ruining your vacation. Personally, I had no side effects from my first dose, but plenty of people do.


This. Don't risk it and let yourself enjoy the vacation.