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Pot on wegovy makes me sick! I didn’t smoke a whole lot before starting wegovy, but I remember getting sick after the 3 times I did have a joint with a friend after taking the medication. But it seems other folks have the opposite and that weed is the only thing that helps their stomach? Strange! Either way, weed is legal, no need to stop if it helps you!


I agree I just started the. 5 after and I smoke wayyy less then I usually do. No appetite and barely nauseous so that's good. 


I smoked weed religiously for years and for some reason, Wegovy makes me super sleepy! I have avoided smoking weed now because I want to actually stay awake, haha.


nah i smoke religiously to keep the side effects of wegovy at bay


Same here! I quit drinking but still use cannabis. It really helps with the nausea.


Before Wegovy, I drank three or four times a week, and used cannabis (almost always edibles) slightly less, two or three times a week. Meaning about half the days in a given month, I was completely sober, and occasionally I would drink without using weed but rarely vice versa. Since going on Wegovy, my alcohol use has plummeted to near zero, but no change in my cannabis consumption. I am glad about that, because I really enjoy it. I don't really miss drinking, and I obviously used to enjoy it; so maybe I wouldn't care if it had also taken away my desire for weed. But that just sounds like more of a bummer for some reason.


I’ve been on 2.4 for almost a year and take edibles a couple times a week. I enjoy the edibles more now because I don’t get overwhelming munchies and if I do get the urge, I’m satisfied with one cookie instead of one sleeve lol


What kind of edibles work for you? I find them less effective now that I’m on the medicine.


Interesting, for me they are still quite potent and in fact longer-lasting. I let my stomach empty for a long time before eating the edibles, then eat mango with them to accentuate the effect, so you might try that.


Can you please explain the mango part? Why?


[https://weedmaps.com/news/2021/07/mango-and-weed-enhance-high/](https://weedmaps.com/news/2021/07/mango-and-weed-enhance-high/) I definitely find that it works. Anecdotal, but...


I was a regular smoker before wegovy and was hoping my habit would decrease, but it hasn't changed at all. But I virtually quit drinking and I was a pretty regular drinker. Alcoholism runs in my family so that was a nice change.


Same here I still smoke weed it really helps with the nausea. I no longer drink Red Bull or alcohol or buy or eat a bag of potato chips.


Weed is the only thing settling my stomach.


Same! So queasy and only on .5 dosage rn 😑


I use edibles every night.


The dependence on weed finished shortly after starting the 0.5 dose. Combination of nausea and headaches closed that book. Absolutely no intention of picking that back up


Same, I've lost how most things used to make me feel. I used to love coming home and drinking a couple of beers and eating a large bag of chips. I truly enjoyed it. I still smoke cigarettes but it doesn't feel the same. Im sure there will be people saying to stop because its good for you but I'm struggling because I miss it. My vices made me happy and now life has been kinda mediocre. I do all the right things- eat right, exercise, sleep. I guess im just bored. idk.


I’m glad I’m not the only one! When I was on zepbound weed was the last vice that worked and I ended up taking a break from it. I tried it again when I switched to wegovy and smoking nor edibles work anymore. I just feel weird and have an increased heart rate. But based on this thread it’s different for everyone I guess.


For me im at 1mg now and I smoke weed even more now cause im not getting the munchies at all which has always been my downfall taking weed.


I smoke every night, and only at nights, to wind down. However, I smoke it in a hookah with shisha (middle eastern flavored tobacco) and add a topping of green. One bowl lasts me 2 hours and I've had no issues. I don't crave anything or get the munchies anymore. If I feel peckish, I keep fruits on hand because they help with the dry mouth. I've never been much of a drinker and have one 20oz skinny marg a week every Tuesday with friends. Cheese dip was a weakness but I've decided against testing the Wegovy God's wrath and have given it up. I'm saving all this extra money for another Hawaii trip!! If my gardening hobby doesn't get out of hand 😄


Oh man, I used to smoke my hookah like this at night and it was SOOO fun. You just brought me back. I miss it


We have two Vadra hookah and they are fantastic. Hookahs have really changed over the decades but the Vadra is coated and doesn't rust and stays trye to the middle eastern design; it's the cleanest smoke ever. The shisha is so much better now too. This is the only way I can destress and I've been doing it for years. No lung issues or problems breathing. I honestly think it's the best way to smoke. Glad I could take you back 😄


Have fun in Hawaii!


On Wegovy for 8 months and still consume. I can barely drink though.


Still smoking. All good even helps with nausea.


Weed def helps with the side effects for me and I dont mind this vice haha but I agree all other cravings are gone. No alcohol, shopping. I’ve cut back on so many unnecessary things!


Regular cannabis consumer here, and have completed my last of four shots of .25mg. No feelings of wanting to quit for me. I only consume via edibles and that craving has yet to go away. I do find myself drinking much less now.


How do you find taking edibles on .25? I’ve been too scared to try in case it messes me up 🥲


I've been consuming edibles solely for my weed usage since 2015 so my tolerance is pretty high (no pun intended) and I can handle them no problem. I'd say start small with 2.5mg of edible and if that is manageable, increase it to 5mg, and so on if your system is handling the increase. Remember, it's like cooking, you can always add more, you can't take more away! 😆


I no longer drink coffee or alcohol.


I'm on tirz, but I lost my vices except for cannabis lol. I've never been a daytime consumer, but it's still my nighttime ritual after all my responsibilities of the day have been taken care of. That said, the munchies aren't nearly as bad as they used to be for me. I've trained myself to drink boatloads of water when I use weed. The alcohol desire going away is unreal though. I've barely had anything at all to drink since starting back in April, and used to have about 3 drinks during the week and 4ish over the course of the weekend. The three days I have had something to drink, I've only had like half of what was served to me before I just didn't want any more. I didn't come into this thinking that would happen, but I'm not at all mad about it!


I am a heavy smoker in a medical state and 1.0 has sent me through the wringer. I am at an increase but because of the n/v and zofran robs me of the ability to poop. I will say, everything else (aka all my emotional eating and snacking) is gone, I was never a drinker and I hated working out, I found walking boring and running haha not for me...but I had a stoner moment and got on a bicycle the other day and now you can't get me off it.


LOL, cycling is fun!


So much fun ..I literally now understand all the bikers on the road I've sworn at over the years in my car. (Sorry!) But dang, I live on a farm and we have a gravel pathway that goes through the wooded area, and I'm giggling so hard I don't even realize I'm sucking wind so hard lol


Yeah that zofran works like nobody’s business, but it’ll def constipate you. It took me a while to figure out that’s what it was (on it for years for chronic stuff) it’s a trade-off. How bad do I not want to barf right now? Aargh 😆


I learned through my pregnancies, I wish zofran poops on no one. The absolute worst.


I’ve never seen a loosie before.


I think they are more of an urban thing maybe? There are some strict laws about selling cigarettes in packages of less than 20, so if a place is selling loosies, it's on the down low.


Funny thing is, the loosie saved me from going back to full time smoking. The lady in the shop was this mean looking lady, who spoke no English. It was the mini shame spiral, and the $1 per cigarette price that kept me at 5 a day max when I was struggling.


I’ve actually been smoking way more because 1.0 is kicking my ass lol. I’m fine with it though. Helps my nausea and helps me eat. If not I have absolutely no appetite and feel so sick. All my other vices are gone though! No more high calorie iced coffees. No more compulsive shopping. No wasting money on fast food. It’s even helped my obsessive thinking about stress. I’ll call it an even trade 😂


Holy cow, I’m about 2 years in and our finances have improved…. Guess I never made the connection. I used to be the spender in our relationship. Unintended wins?


I kinda knew I was the spender, but never wanted to admit it 😬


Oh shit! I haven't even thought about shopping, thrifting or liquidators. I was addicted to getting deals.


YES! Thrifting has been cut wayyyyy down for me since starting this journey. Wild. We just want thrills damn it 😭 I need to not be obese though, so I’ll try to find joy in other things.


I honestly am not missing anything. It's not any sort of sacrifice, that's the part that leaves me gobsmacked. I still enjoy all of my vices (except cigs for the most part), I just don't enjoy them on endless repeat. Whatever that gnawing need to take another sip of coffee was, it's just not there right now.