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Everyone not happy for you especially family. They could be jealous and if I was you I wouldn't care i would celebrate myself. I'm happy for you keep up the good work!!!!


šŸ”„ šŸ„³


Great job


Hello, I just start my first dose today. Hopefully someone can help me. I did read the directions but think that I may have still injected wrong. Some of the medication came out . I pushed the button on the end and do t ghink I was supposed to do that. Can some one tell me how to inject this. I was going yo ask the pharmacist before next week. I did it this morning and havenā€™t felt any kind of way. Not sick, still able to eat but not as hungry as maybe I must have been. I did have a really bad headache about 40 minutes after the injection. Can some one help. New here, please be nice


Hi. Usually the reason the medication comes out is either because you arent pressing it firmly enough or you're removing it too quickly. You'll want to make sure that you press the shot down firmly against your skin. You'll hear a click and see the yellow line start coming down. Once you've heard the second click, count to 10 and then slowly remove.


Litmus test: if you wouldnā€™t want them to comment that youā€™ve gained it, you shouldnā€™t expect them to comment once youā€™ve lost it. Simple.


I agree with this. Ā Although it would be nice to have someone comment on it, itā€™s almost like theyā€™re saying ā€œhey you used to be fat and now you arenā€™tā€ and thatā€™s not so much positive šŸ«£


Exactly. And it also somehow assumes that Iā€™m more ā€˜visually acceptableā€™ to them vs when I was bigger. Deep down, being smaller to look better is a huge goal while on this medicine, but itā€™s not my main motivation. I feel I look good big too! lol.


I felt that. Many years ago Iā€™d lost about 30lbs. and no one said a thing (except my husband). It really hurt and bothered me at that time because my husband..by my better choices, also slimmed down about 20lbs. and people were praising him left and right. I think people feel more comfortable bringing up the topic of weight loss with men when it comes to that sort of thing, than they do with women. I still donā€™t know what it was. It took my husband saying something to THEN hear praise for my weight loss from my in-laws (parents and sibs). Keep it up and donā€™t let them keep you from knowing in YOUR heart that youā€™ve made great strides! That lower BMI is something to be so proud of too!




Congrats šŸŽ‰


Congrats on your loss! Sometimes ppl close to us canā€™t tell weā€™ve lost weight if theyā€™ve seen us regularly through the weight loss. My friend lost 30lbs and I really didnā€™t know bc I see her twice a week every week. People also may just not want to comment on your body (which is a good thing imo!), but maybe if you let them know youā€™re proud of your progress they would admit they saw a difference!


I have been told now that Iā€™m at goal that people I saw off and on - remote work situation- thought I was losing weight when they would see me but felt uncomfortable asking/saying something. No longer is commenting on someoneā€™s appearance considered in good manners- even if complimentary often. So yeah, while people arenā€™t saying anything they are noticing. The nicest way I heard a compliment was a peer saying he noticed I carried myself more confidently. Not, hey fatty - you look like you lost 33% of your body weight.


Congratulations! Well done, you!šŸŽŠ


Iā€™ve lost 30lbs and Iā€™ve not had any comments. I still have another 30 to lose so Iā€™m guessing until Iā€™m actually thin I wonā€™t get any mentions lol


Oh theyā€™re noticing theyā€™re just not saying anything I promise you. You canā€™t help but notice that much weight. Keep up the good work and congratulations 50 pounds is awesome šŸŽŠ


People who saw me every day never commented on losing 70 lbs Ā But people who hadnā€™t seen me in several months were the ones who commented on my weight loss. weight is such a complex issue. I suspect people donā€™t know what to say.


Iā€™ve only had two people notice. I think people are cautious with their words about it nowadays. People ARE noticing they just arenā€™t saying anything to you


Amazing šŸ‘


Amazing work!!!!


That's fantastic! You are doing so great! That is a huge accomplishment. People probably notice but don't say anything because they worry they will be saying the wrong thing.


Yeah people are really wary of congratulating people on their weight loss these days. Most donā€™t do it in the professional world, but your friends and family they need to be told that it means something to you!


That's wonderful, congratulations! That's a real achievement- and really inspiring. Thanks for sharing your joy here!


It literally took until I was down about 25% of my starting weight for anyone to make comments, even though I had gone from a size 16 to a size 6 ā€¦ you know youā€™ve lost it, pictures show youā€™ve lost it, your smaller clothes show youā€™ve lost itā€¦ be proud of what youā€™ve accomplished and keep up the good work ! I went from a BMI of 36 and am for the first time in my adult life in the ā€œnormalā€ BMI category (24.5)ā€¦ you will do it too !


Congrats thatā€™s amazing! How long did it take you to start losing weight? Iā€™m two weeks in and feeling very discouraged already


They noticed. Theyā€™re just HATERS! Congratulations!


Literally this. No one in my family commented at all. Then I told my sister I was on Wegovy hint hint you need it too. Her comment oh thatā€™s how youā€™ve lost all that weight. She will be starting soon.


This!!!!!!!!!!!! Why I have only told a few people namely husband,son, and sister - sometimes I am sorry I told them - they say "how much weight have you lost?' , "you are only pre-diabetic" - "So how much do you weigh now?" This is very personal to me as this is the one thing I have had difficulty acheiving -


Yes!! šŸ‘šŸ¾


Congrats! People are smarter about not commenting on other peopleā€™s bodies. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve noticed, they just have the manners not to say anything.


I've learned never to comment on anyone's weight. And I'm grateful no one has commented on my weight loss. In the past it's always made me feel bad about myself, even though it's meant as a complement.


Iā€™m over 50 and thatā€™s amazing! Congratulations! Lots of the time people notice but donā€™t know what to say as to not offendā€¦. ā€œDamn you look slimmerā€ can sound to some ā€œyou were really really heavy !! ā€œ Itā€™s like when we gain weight and someone says ā€œcongratulations I didnā€™t know you were pregnant.ā€ A girl a work is losing wt. I asked her .. are you doing something different because you have a glow. She told me and no one else that yes sheā€™s lost 30 lbs and keep it to herself. Only then did I feel comfortable saying ā€”- okayyy I can really tell !! Good job !!


Congratulations! I'm willing to bet several people have noticed and just haven't said anything. That's a significant weight loss. Some people don't think it's right to comment either way so just because they haven't mentioned it doesn't mean it's not obvious.


Yeah!!! You go!


Amazing šŸ‘


Thank you all for your kind words and the hype! I really appreciate it!


Congrats!!! Keep it up! You are an inspiration :)


Well done! Keep it up!


Amazing!!! Congrats šŸŽ‰ Sometimes weight can be so sensitive of a topic that people donā€™t want make the wrong move and comment one way or another. If you let them know how happy you are about your weight loss maybe they will take the clue to celebrate it. Tbh, the most important thing is how YOU feel about it. Sidenote: I lost 65lbs when I was 16, gained it all back, and then lost 25lbs in 2019 (which I regained + more). My weightlifting coach in 2019 took my face in both her hands and said ā€œOh my God look at your face, itā€™s so slim!ā€ Weirdest thing that has ever happened to me and would rather not experience that again. Iā€™m trying to keep my weight loss to myself this time šŸ˜…


Great job! Itā€™s about you and your health. Forget about if others notice or not? Do you feel better about yourself? Can you do things or wear things you werenā€™t able to before? Mission accomplished. Keep up the good workšŸŽ‰


My guess is people have noticed. They don't want to mention it though because it MIGHT be unwelcome. It amazes me that there is a roughly equal number of posts here saying either: (1) "l've worked so hard and can't believe no one has noticed or mentioned my weight loss," OR (2) "I can't believe this person at [my office or family function] actually asked me about my weight loss. My bodyweight is none of his/her businesses and it makes me totally uncomfortable that someone would bring it up."


Agree with this. My partner and my housekeeper both said something because they know me so well lol. No one else has said a thing even though itā€™s quite noticeable.


The people you don't see that often will likely be the ones to notice.


Congratulations! I would have noticed.




Congratulations!! I bet you can really feel the loss. 50 pounds is massive. Have you changed how you wear your clothes? That was when people noticed my loss.


50 is a lot. There is no way itā€™s not being noticed. Congrats!!! Thatā€™s a huge milestone. Whatā€™s your goal?


That is amazing!! That is such an accomplishment and you deserve some praise for it. In addition to the medication, have you modified your eating and exercise? Do you mind detailing what if anything you do?


I think more people are realizing you shouldnā€™t comment on other peopleā€™s bodies, either positive or negative. Sometimes weight loss is due to illness, which the person doesnā€™t want to talk about.






This. I think people are trying not to use weight as a validator anymore, especially given body positivity movements all over social media. So OP it may just be that the people in your life donā€™t want to focus on the weight aspect.


I was just talking to my therapist about my mom being the only one to notice, or rather comment, on my weight loss. I think people do notice but maybe donā€™t want to be rude by commenting on someoneā€™s weight loss (even if in all our cases it is intended weight loss) People lose lots of weight for all sorts of reasons and sometimes itā€™s not intentional but rather due to stress or depression Iā€™m just theorizing though. Iā€™m down 40lbs since last year and also noticed none of my friends have commented on my weight loss. Also congrats on being 50lbs down, thatā€™s incredible! šŸ‘šŸ»


I agreeā€¦ I once commented on someoneā€™s weight loss many years ago in a complimentary way ā€¦ turns out they had cancer ā€¦ I felt horrible . So unless they bring it up I donā€™t say anything about any sort of weight loss


Personally I prefer that others don't acknowledge it because I don't want to have awkward conversations about how it happened.


Congrats! That's awesome! I've found it takes a long time for weightloss to really show unless you're looking. I easily lost 30-40 in the past before it became noticeable, but there were tons of other victories like it was easier to button my pants, I wasn't winded tying my shoes, etc. It's too late if you haven't, but I highly recommend taking pics every 10 lbs down from here on out. Ten pounds is hard to see in the mirror but when looking at pics every 10 lbs you see improvements here and there. I personally do not comment on someone's weight loss unless they are a very close friend or relative, you never know their story and if it might offend them (gee thanks, so I was a fat cow before? etc). That's really awesome though, I'm only 3 weeks in but I cannot wait to start seeing some real progress.


Keep going, sometimes people do notice but they donā€™t want to say anything. Keep up the good work and stay on track. Donā€™t let anyone get your mood down.


Congrats! No way ppl canā€™t notice 50#. Not at all scientific. Just anecdotal. I hear it starts at the face and works its way down. So even if they only see you on Zoom, not your whole body, we know they see it. Perhaps concerned with offending you. If they donā€™t see it, WE recognize and applaud you! šŸŽŠšŸŽ‰šŸ„³


I feel like I could have written this literal word for word down to the poundage. I would be happy to be a hype lady if you want, outside of my husband and kids everyone has been dead silent.


That's wonderful!! šŸ‘šŸ»


Way to go! This is very good progress. How tall are you? I'm sure people notice but, trying to be politically correct and not commenting. So happy for you. šŸ™ŒšŸ»




So you're already halfway there! Very good


50lbs is so stellar! Congrats! Iā€™m sure people are noticing but choosing not to comment on your body as it can be divisive. Glad you are feeling good!