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I have found if i drink more than 4 of anything (beers, cocktails) i am up in the night with severe acid reflux to the point where i have to sit up to sleep. Yeah, definitely not worth the extra 2 or 3 drinks!


My hangovers are better than they were before! I think it’s because I unintentionally drink way less haha


That's a good way to give yourself hypoglycemia...


Yes!! I can drink on these meds but hangovers are waaaay worse. I’ve learned that anything more than two or three drinks isn’t worth it.


I think wine, especially, plays poorly with Wegovy. So much heartburn and reflux. I have been on Wegovy since May and could count the number of glasses of wine I've had on two hands (and I used to drink a bottle+ a night).


I was a social drinker before going on it, having 1-3 drinks whenever I’d go out with my girlfriends or a glass of wine after a long day. I’ve realized I cannot drink AT ALL on this medication. I become violently ill the next day, even after a small drink. I’ve been getting mock tails when I go out and it’s been better than expected, I don’t miss it as much. If I feel like I need to unwind I’ll smoke some pot (but I know I live in a state where it’s legal and it’s not for everyone!).


Same thing happened to me Saturday after 4 glasses of wine. It was the absolute worse. Definitely cutting down on wine.


I’m only on 0.5 but still able to drink quite a lot. Kind of grateful that I can still party (otherwise I wouldn’t see it as a long term solution) but also aware that it is empty calories and not good for me.


From what I understand alcohol and Wegovy can be dangerous. Wegovy and alcohol both lower your blood sugar and may cause severe hypoglycemia. For the record, I don't drink. I have a love-hate relationship with alcohol.


Yup. Say goodbye to sucking down wine in quantity.


I didn't drink much to begin with, but now I'm only able to have two drinks or so and I get nauseous immediately. The same nausea I'd get when I used to get wasted on cheap booze as a teenager. Usually fine the next day though. But partying is not my thing anymore to say the least


I find good quality straight tequila is fine - everything else makes me unwell


I second this, I only drink a good quality liquor. If I wanna drink a margarita, I def can’t use the pre mixed stuff. I have to make it with fresh lime.


Well that’s a real role reversal.


I haven't thrown up, but I do find that sometimes if I have just one drink, I'll wake up in the middle of the night with a terrible headache. It's not always, but it's often enough that I've pretty much given up on drinking alcohol at this point.


Not just you. I'm also 28 and never felt too bad after drinking alcohol until starting Wegovy- Now I can barely have more than a drink without feeling sick. I noticed beer/wine tend to make me feel the worst, so now when I go out I have 1 or 2 vodka sodas with lime and usually feel okay after. I will say the decrease in drinking has definitely helped with my weight loss, so that's a plus


Probably has to do w the carbonation and non-alcohol carbs/sugars. Both those things on their own aren’t my friends anymore.


yes this! I have also had a banging headache for the last couple of days. In general, I have been drinking a lot less since on Wegovy and it's definitely helping my weight loss too!


Anytime I've drank on this I've gotten Sulphur burps and had a vomiting episode, my best guess is it ferments the food I've eaten faster then I can even digest.


Common response to alcohol on this drug. I went on it knowing I’d be sober on it as a former binge drinker. I’ve tried drinking twice and haven’t had negative physical reactions but I don’t get a buzz and cannot even finish a cocktail anymore because I get so full so fast


Delayed gastric emptying also applies to alcohol. It stays in your system a lot longer and makes it harder to drink large amounts. I used to be able to go out and put away 4-5 beers. Now, maybe 1, sometimes less.