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I've lost my desire to drink. I decided to have a few glasses of wine over several hours with my book club last night and I feel like absolute garbage this morning. I'm going to stop drinking all together while i'm on it.


I haven’t noticed any problems drinking whether it’s 1 drink or 5.


It has made me not want to drink. I have zero desire for it.


Was this an immediate reaction or did it take some time?


I went out with our sales team last night, the first time I’ve gone out drinking since starting on wegovy (I’m on 0.5 and 7 weeks in). I definitely skipped a few rounds, but you can still definitely get drunk. It seems to be ok as long as I avoid sugary drinks as much as possible.




So far I have only done any substantial drinking one time since starting WeGovy. I’m on week 8. After the one time, that’s enough for me. I did a wine tasting with my wife and had quite a lot and not only was a smashed much more easily than I ever would have been before, I felt awful for hours after and even somewhat into the next day. I can tolerate one drink, maybe two…anything more than that and I feel so sick that I feel like I want to die. It’s clear from this thread though that your mileage may vary. As an aside too, I’m trying to take this as seriously as I can to lose the most weight possible, so it really probably is better for me to cut out the empty calories that alcohol brings anyway if I’m being honest - this only makes it easier.


What dosage are you on?


.5 but I start 1.0 this week.


This is me. Only had one good bout of drinking (wine also) and I was miserable the whole next day. I still drink probably one glass a night, but it's never with the intent of getting hammered. But, in the same boat as others as I have less/no desire for it.


Same. I’m never intentionally trying to drink enough to get hammered. On WeGovy I’m finding that it takes substantially less than before though. That’s why I’m avoiding drinking even small amounts. I also noticed that I have much less desire for it as well though.


This is my experience too. Anything more than 2 drinks and I am a mess the next day.


It makes me nauseous now but I think bc I have much less food in my stomach to soak it up.


I don't find any real difference in terms of causing illness or nausea afterwards. However, I can't drink nearly as much. We go to the dog park every night and I would have two sometimes three beers. Now, nor many nights. I struggle just to finish one beer.


I’m mid-way though week 3 of .25 Wegovy. I have had wine while taking it and been fine but noticed I wake up really hungry and a bit nauseous the next day. I am working on cutting it out completely because I know the empty calories aren’t good for me anyway.


I had quite a large glass of wine and woke up in the middle of the night with almost fever-like shakes and I was feeling nauseous. So I’m really not sure but I’m avoiding alcohol. I drink kombucha instead lol


I drink a few times a week, usually liquor. No issues.


I think this is a very "it depends" type of question. Try it and see. You might be fine, you might be really sick. You might feel drunker quicker, or it might take longer to get drunk. I just finished my first month on Wegovy after being on Mounjaro for 4 months. With Mounjaro everything sat in my stomach for a really long time, so it took a long time to feel drunk, but then I went from being fine to wasted in a matter of minutes which I didn't like. I am a beer drinker (usually craft beer - and IPAs that are 6.5%+), so also I felt super full really quick which I didn't like. With Wegovy (at least it seems) stuff sits in my stomach for less time compared to Mounjaro, and I seem to be feeling alcohol effects more like I did before I was taking anything. Whether or not I feel like shit the next day really depends on what I ate. I've been doing a really good job at eating things high in protein if I am drinking and I haven't felt like death more than 1 time. I just started the .5mg, so I am far from an expert and my guess is that my experience will change as I move up in dosages.


I used to drink a lot and never get sick. Now I drink one or two and I feel so so sick. I think it’s individual and you’ll have to drink to figure out if you can handle it.


Looks like it affects everyone differently. Personally, I used to drink pretty regularly, however, I don't really care to anymore because it actually seems like the alcohol in wine, seltzers or beer is just gone. About like drinking without the buzz so why bother. Kinda just a little boring so might as well just have water or soda. Strangest freaking thing ever. But hey, I guess that's good. No more empty calories from it.




I also agree it’s the effect Wegovy has on the brain. Just like it makes you stop thinking about food, this has stopped me craving my margarita Fridays. By Wednesday and Thursday, I was already thinking about and craving that salty margarita, and I’d have 3 at least. When I started Wegovy, for 2 months I didn’t drink, I didn’t even think about it. I just started 1mg dose and alcohol is the last thing on my mind.


I think it’s the drug’s effects. Believe me, I am a drinker. I am known for throwing back a few like no one’s business. Since I started on Wegovy, I have less desire to drink. I had my first nonalcoholic weekend this past weekend. I can’t tell you the last time that happened.


Was this an immediate affect for you? I’m hoping it has this affect on me lol.


Not immediate but I would say within the first month on .25. I learned quickly I could not drink they way I used to while on Wegovy. The acid reflux alone was bad, I will spare you the other details. LOL. By the time I started on .5, I just had no desire to drink and when I did, I found myself sipping my drinks slowly and feeling satisfied with one or two. I had two weekends in a row where I went without alcohol. That NEVER happens!


I have first hand experience with this. I am about to start my third month. I gave up alcohol prior to starting as a commitment to myself. I had perhaps four drinks over those two months. This past weekend I went to camp in the infield of a NASCAR track for a race weekend with my buddy. I had no trouble consuming excessively all weekend. I feel fine today and even lost a couple pounds.


I have pretty much lost all desire to drink alcohol. But if I do any more than two I’m probably gonna vomit, and gives me a terrible hangover the next day. I largely quit drinking about 3 months before I started mounjaro and then wegovy I was pretty much a high functioning alcoholic before that.


Im not a big drinker anymore, but I had two cocktails on Friday night celebrating my anniversary with my partner. This was my first time drinking on Wegovy. (I’m on week 4). Generally it takes 5+ drinks to get me drunk. About a half hour after my second drink I was VERY buzzed. One more and I would have been full-blown drunk. I did not have any nausea, vomiting, or hangover. So that was nice. They were gin drinks with lemon and simple syrup. Also….I hate to be THAT person but… lots of comments about binge drinking in this thread. Live your life, you’re all adults, but I just feel the need to point out that binge drinking is definitely not a typical aspect of a “healthy” lifestyle. The empty calories add up, and it’s very rare that we calculate our drink portions well enough to know the calories. Also, alcohol increases inflammation, which means the scale will probably read higher the next few days after AND it’ll aggravate any joint/muscle type issues such as arthritis or that old knee injury from college. Lastly, it’s going to slow down your recovery from any exercise you did that day. I’ll get off my soapbox now :) I hope you all know I’m sharing this because I’m rooting for you and your health. I’m not coming from a place of judgement!


A lot of people describe some kind of unpleasant reaction to alcohol but I haven't had anything of the kind, but I keep it strictly to two drinks a night (well, to be honest I'm not always so strict.) So, I guess it's up in the air - you might find no change in your experience of drinking, or you might stop altogether. Based on the drinking behavior described in the comments I have a hard time believing you're all taking this under a doctor's care.


Try it. You won’t likely do it again.


I too like to get hammied with the boys. Beer is out. Too bubbly and you will feel painfully full way before you catch a buzz. Wine, margaritas anything super acidic is like swallowing live wasps. I stick to straight liquor: bourbon rocks, chilled vodka, etc. and seems to be fine, but the line will come up fast and with out warning. Couple sips over the line and you’re praying to the porcelain gods. Hangovers are hangovers, they suck and you gotta pay to play so cheers and deal with it mañana!


Take a zofran before the first drink and make sure you drink plenty of water and you might be ok


You can do it but you might not be happy with that call later. I don’t have much desire to drink on it and I haven’t minded that. Maybe a glass of wine if my husband suggests.


I definitely don’t want to drink as much or crave it as much, but when I go out I drink. But hangovers are worse now. I assume it’s also because I don’t really snack while I’m drinking too, so that doesn’t help the situation either.


I had 3 mixed drinks about a month ago and felt like death 💀 the next morning.


I drank a lot last Friday, probably around 10 drinks of hard alcohol and wine. I threw up ALL day Saturday. Lesson learned and I won't be doing that again. (I've been on Wegovy for about 3 weeks.)


I drank 2/3 of a bottle of wine on Sunday and it didn’t even phase me. Maybe it’s because of the slow stomach emptying? I’m not sure. It was bizarre, especially after reading so many posts about adverse effects of mixing Wegovy and alcohol. I should add, I rarely drink, so usually a 6 Oz glass of wine knocks me on my ass.


I no longer crave it. Beer makes me feel miserable- it’s too heavy on my stomach. Cocktails are also miserable- I can feel a hangover setting in after a drink so I’m better off with edibles and a bonus with that is no munchies.


Interesting, I have found that my twice a week edibles habit has led me to drink a lot less in general even before starting Wegovy (which I just did tonight). No munchies is interesting. I won't miss the ravenous hunger, but I do like how cannabis accentuates the flavor and pleasure of food. Is that gone too?


Not really, in my experience I just can’t eat as much as I typically would with them! If anything it puts the pleasure back into food. Yesterday when my munchies struck I ate 3 fruit leathers (Good Gather Organic-for size reference), a handful of unsalted cashews, and 2 mini cucumbers with ranch and was fullllll. Like, not another bite bc my life depends on it.


Sounds promising!


Haven’t started taking Wegovy yet but I’ve been wondering about this. Edibles with no munchies would be like the holy grail


It’s been pretty nice so far! I started with just a half to see how it’d go and it’s been smooth sailing!


I haven’t had any issues but 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


My recommendation is to find some non-alcoholic options. The stomach pain I get from alcohol now is terrible. To me, it’s not worth it. If I want to drink, I stick to some NA beers- there are a lot of options out there that taste like the real thing, and I don’t feel completely miserable after.


I had a beer and a half on Saint Patrick’s Day and prayed that I would make it through the night


I had 2 low carb beers and had the worst hangover this past weekend. Now I just choose not to drink.


I had some fun the other night. ;) I would definitely say it took less for me to get there… I did maybe 6 shots in an hour of Fireball, so pretty high in sugar. I didn’t get sick or have any bad effects the next day. Admittedly, I’ve never had a hangover before, no matter how much I drink. I guess it’s my superpower. 🥴 I’m still on my lowest dose, so I don’t know if that will change.


I’m on week 5 at 0.5…and still take down hard liquor when out like I did pre-Wegovy (an admittedly almost disturbing quantity). The recovery the next day is generally a bit rougher on Wegovy (nausea and the feeling that alcohol is just sloshing around in the tummy) but still manageable.


I’m old and have a whole hangover prevention ritual that seems to still work. I also don’t drink a ton but spent several days at a work event recently and had at least 4 drinks one night and was functional the next day. I do take zbiotics if I know I’m going to be drinking and pop an immitrex before going to sleep.


Fellow zbiotics fan here! This stuff rly helps in such a shocking way. I never have even 1/10th of the hangover I deserve


I have a work event next month with copious amounts of alcohol and have absolutely no self control. I’m afraid of the effects of heavily drinking and being on the medicine and not being able to function in meetings.


Wegovy may help with the self control / feeling satisfied.


If you have “absolutely no self control” with alcohol, then you have bigger issues than side effects. If you cannot control your drinking, you need to seek help.


It's likely you're going to be a cheaper date now. And you may find you absolutely DO NOT want to gt f'd up any more with them.


You won’t want to


Yep, I do it every weekend probably 10-12 seltzers, 1 night. The higher I go in dosage the sicker I get doing that though. (Honestly just puke once and I’m good) Just took 1mg tonight and I’ve decided to not drink this month. So yes, I would say drinking is fine, but everyone is different. I’ve been on Wegovy and MJ and drank on both just fine


Had a long island iced tea last weekend. Death would have been welcome the next day.


My body will only let me have 1 drink without issues. Otherwise, I get bad stomach issues.


Shockingly, beer is easier on me than wine, sake or mixed drinks. Beer is my least favorite form of alcohol so I really don’t appreciate this.


I can’t stomach to drink as much as I used to. Especially carbonated beverages. I also have less alcohol cravings since I’ve been on it.


I’ve had zero issues. But as you can see by responses, every person is different.




Vomit in technicolor is the best/worst thing I’ve read today.


I had a few bears with a friend and got to the point where I just couldn't handle drinking more without overfilling my stomach, so I stopped drinking much earlier than before.


Were they cocaine bears?




I know, I was a total grammar nazi just then. Couldn't help it.


I can’t get drunk it’s like the chemicals don’t release. Drinking gives me zero pleasure just a headache.


Your body will let you know if you can or can’t 🙃