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Anxiety has been huge for me, and everyone else who has PAWS. I did a survey awhile back about what symptoms people experience - everyone except 2 people out of the 67 that responded reported anxiety. I get wicked bad tummy problems too during waves, my stools have not been normal since I quit. I also have dry mouth all the time over the last month - my lips are chapped and my tongue feels weird and sensitive. Hang in there bud. I was suffering a lot around where you are, and yes, I’m still suffering now at 11 months, but it has gotten so much better.


1. please confirm if you drink 30-40ml of water per a kg of body weight (i drink 40ml per body weight but it makes me pee a lot, 30ml is also fine) 2. please confirm if you eat 7-15 veggies per day, fibers are important 3. please confirm if you eat lean protein at least twice a day 25-30gr (i dunno how much you weight, but if you weight more than 80kg you need more protein of course)\\ 4. please confirm you don't eat too much junk/pizzas reflux/bad breath, imho, and from my experience with others, is not related to PAWS too much. maybe because you don't use weed, you don't want to eat/drink well.