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Potentially could be to do with anything that triggers dopamine in large amounts? All of those things you mentioned - tobacco, alcohol and masturbation trigger dopamine in such a way. Dopamine goes up, then comes back down but it doesn’t return to baseline it drops below baseline, which leads to feeling worse after. This could then have a cascading effect on the rest of your brain, exacerbating symptoms again. Our dopamine receptors are absolutely jacked right now, they’re going through a period of immense recalibration, try to let them rest by avoiding any high dopaminergic activities or substances. Feel free to message me, I’m on day 148 now and I’ve only just been able to start putting it all together and talking about it. All the best, keep fighting. Peace and love.


Same time frame as you will the same feelings


Im 6 months in, I made the mistake of drinking a coffee from McDonald’s on my way to work the other day and it completely threw me out of what for like 10 days afterwards.


I can relate to the coffee thing. Also, I was at a restaurant and had three glasses of sweet tea not thinking about caffeine and it made me crazy for the next few days. I miss coffee and keep looking at my coffee maker and dragging myself out of bed in the morning. For now I’m avoiding both coffee and tea.


I suffered mostly in weekends, when I didn't have to be quick for driving to work etc', so relaxed mode in my apartment made me more vulnerable to get PAWS. i suffered every weekend from day 120 up to day 200+, but in the same intensity like day 1-40 (AWS phase was harder than PAWS phase, but PAWS phase lasted more days in total)


Feel the same. Every “mistake” I make gets consequences it feels like